Treatment of Acute Massive Pulmonary Embolism
Fig. 1a Dilated right ventricle in the setting of acute massive PE Fig. 1b Dilated right ventricle with large right atrial thrombi Fig. 1c Dilated right ventricle with large right…
Fig. 1a Dilated right ventricle in the setting of acute massive PE Fig. 1b Dilated right ventricle with large right atrial thrombi Fig. 1c Dilated right ventricle with large right…
Fig. 1 VWF functions: After the platelets detect any defect in vascular wall, shear rate leads to the initial arrest and attachment of platelet at the site of injury. Shear-induced…
Absolute contraindications: *Active internal bleeding or DIC *Recent cerebrovascular event (including TIA) *Recent neurosurgery or intracranial trauma (<3 months) *Absolute contraindication to anticoagulation Relative contraindications: *Recent CPR, major surgery, obstetrical…
Fig. 1 Prevalence of carotid plaques in patients with unprovoked and secondary DVT and in the control subjects [8] Subsequently, three studies have provided further evidence in support of the…
Fig. 1 Planar perfusion scintigraphy in anterior-posterior projection showing a classic segmental wedge-shaped perfusion defect Only a few years after the introduction of perfusion scintigraphy supplemental ventilation scintigraphy was introduced…
Fig. 1 Panel A:schematic report of changes in DVT incidence in ICU after introduction of heparin prophylaxis. Panel B ICU patients with DVT have a longer duration of mechanical ventilation,…
Fig. 1 PRISMA flow diagram of systematic review evaluating the role of neuromuscular stimulation in venous disease 4 Physical Parameters Comparison between trials is hindered by variations in protocols and…
Compound Dosage Bemiparin 115 IU/Kg/od Dalteparin 200 IU/Kg/od Enoxaparin 100 IU/kg/bid or 150 IU/kg/od Nadroparina 90 IU/Kg/bid or 180 IU/kg/od Reviparin 100 IU/Kg/bid Tinzaparin 175 IU/Kg/od Although in clinical practice UFH has virtually been replaced by LMWHs, we…
Fig. 1 Cumulative incidence of recurrent VTE after the first episode of DVT and/or PE. The incidence of recurrent VTE after discontinuing anticoagulation is twice as high in patients with…
Drug Primary mode of action Metabolism and platelet inhibition Platelet inhibition Dosing Aspirin COX-1 inhibition Prodrug Irreversible Once daily Clopidogrel P2Y12 receptor antagonism Prodrug Irreversible Once daily Prasugrel P2Y12 receptor…