Transfusion testing
9 Transfusion testing As blood transfusion involves the transfer of either whole blood or specific blood products between patients, certain screening tests need to be conducted. It may also be…
9 Transfusion testing As blood transfusion involves the transfer of either whole blood or specific blood products between patients, certain screening tests need to be conducted. It may also be…
Test Test 1 result Test 2 result Full blood count (FBC) Platelets NORMAL NORMAL White cell markers White blood cell count (WBC) HIGH HIGH Neutrophils HIGH HIGH Lymphocytes NORMAL NORMAL…
Fig. 5.1 Simple thyroid cyst Fig. 5.2 Colloid cystic nodule Another pattern to recognize as a benign nodule is the “spongiform nodule” also described in the literature as honeycomb or…
Fig. 7.1 Benign macrofollicular cluster with uniform, evenly spaced nuclei Fig. 7.2 Benign macrofollicular clusters and pools of colloid from a benign thyroid nodule aspirate Fig. 7.3 Mixture of histiocytes…
Radionuclide Half-life Main emission Radiopharmaceutical Clinical use or relevance to thyroid nodules 123I 13 h Gamma [123I] NaI Scintigraphy and iodine uptake 124I 4 d Gamma and positron [124I] NaI…
Fig. 12.1 High suspicion thyroid nodule with hypoechoic appearance and microcalcifications Fig. 12.2 Intermediate suspicion thyroid nodule with hypoechoic appearance and smooth borders Fig. 12.3 Low suspicion thyroid nodule with…
Study (location, year) MNG SN Diagnostic method OR (CI) Events Population Events Population Abu-Eshy et al. (Saudi Arabia, 1995) 14 172 16 105 Surgery 0.49 (0.23–1.06) Belfiore et al. (Italy,…
Syndrome Gene Chromosomal location Inheritance Type of cancer Other features Isolated FMTC [151] RET 10q11.2 AD MTC MEN2A [151] RET 10q11.2 AD MTC Pheochromocytoma, hyperparathyroidism MEN2B [151] RET 10q11.2 AD…
Fig. 11.1 Incidentally discovered thyroid nodule of the right thyroid gland during carotid Doppler ultrasonography Older studies report that neck US detects incidentalomas with a prevalence of 10–30% [23–25]. However,…
Fig. 6.1 Needle placement into the solid portion of a partially cystic thyroid nodule during FNA Setup The setup for FNA includes preparation of the ultrasound probe for use. There…