Esophageal Cancer Staging
Fig. 6.1 7th edition TNM classifications. T is classified as Tis: high-grade dysplasia; T1 cancer invades lamina propria, muscularis mucosae, or submucosa, T2 cancer invades muscularis propria, T3 cancer invades…
Fig. 6.1 7th edition TNM classifications. T is classified as Tis: high-grade dysplasia; T1 cancer invades lamina propria, muscularis mucosae, or submucosa, T2 cancer invades muscularis propria, T3 cancer invades…
ACG 2008 [6] AGA 2011 [3] ASGE 2012 [7, 8] BSG 2014 [9] Screening endoscopy White male, age >50 years, GERD symptoms White male, age >50 years, GERD, hiatal…
Fig. 4.1 Endoscopic image of short-segment Barrett’s esophagus without nodularity. Prague C1M2 Several types of columnar epithelium can be found in the biopsy samples of suspected BE including gastric-fundic type,…
Fig. 11.1 The American Joint Committee on Cancer (AJCC) divides the esophagus into four areas. The cervical esophagus extends from the lower border of the cricoid cartilage to the thoracic…
Fig. 7.1 Barium esophagogram of a patient with esophageal cancer shows abrupt narrowing of esophagus and focal areas of ulceration (arrow) with stricture Staging Clinical staging tools include esophagoscopy with…
Fig. 3.1 Structural layers of the esophagus. (a) H&E stain. The innermost layer (or tunica) is the mucosa. The mucosa is composed of an epithelial lining (squamous epithelium), the underlying…
Reference Year Path Arm N OS MS pCR RT Chemo [33] 1988–1991 SCC 100 % S CRT 45 41 3y 14 % 3y 19 % NS 11 m 10.5 m…
Study No. of patients Radiation dose (Gy) Chemotherapy 2-year survival (%) Araujo et al. [44] 28 50 None 22 31 50 5-FU, MMC, Bleo 38 Smith et al. [45] 62…
Fig. 2.1 Histological features of esophageal cancer prepared by formalin fixation and paraffin embedding reveal a well-differentiated squamous cell carcinoma with good histological detail In recent years, the use of…
Study Design N RR (%) PFS (months) OS (months) References Cisplatin-based combinations CF vs. C Phase II 88 35 vs. 19 TTP: 27 vs. 18 weeks 2 years: 18 vs….