Gynecologic Malignancies

Oct 17, 2016 by in ONCOLOGY Comments Off on Gynecologic Malignancies

Gynecologic Malignancies Arno J. Mundt Loren K. Mell Catheryn Yashar Introduction Gynecologic cancers arise from organs throughout the female reproductive tract, including the ovaries, uterus, cervix, vagina and vulva. Gynecologic…

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Cancers of the Gastrointestinal Tract

Oct 17, 2016 by in ONCOLOGY Comments Off on Cancers of the Gastrointestinal Tract

Cancers of the Gastrointestinal Tract Matthew D. Callister Jonathan B. Ashman Introduction Radiotherapy in combination with chemotherapy has a significant role in the treatment of cancers of the anus, rectum,…

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Radiation Therapy Using High-Energy Electron Beams

Oct 17, 2016 by in ONCOLOGY Comments Off on Radiation Therapy Using High-Energy Electron Beams

Radiation Therapy Using High-Energy Electron Beams Bruce J. Gerbi Introduction High-energy electrons have been commonly available in radiation therapy for the treatment of cancer since the early 1950s and their…

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Treatment Plan Evaluation

Oct 17, 2016 by in ONCOLOGY Comments Off on Treatment Plan Evaluation

Treatment Plan Evaluation Andrew Jackson Gerald J. Kutcher Introduction Interest in understanding and developing methods of plan evaluation has burgeoned over the past two decades. This has been driven in…

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Tolerance of Normal Tissue to Therapeutic Radiation

Oct 17, 2016 by in ONCOLOGY Comments Off on Tolerance of Normal Tissue to Therapeutic Radiation

Tolerance of Normal Tissue to Therapeutic Radiation Bahman Emami Eric Kielhorn Introduction Radiation therapy is an integral part of the treatment of patients inflicted with cancer. It is estimated that…

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High Dose-Rate Brachytherapy Treatment Planning

Oct 17, 2016 by in ONCOLOGY Comments Off on High Dose-Rate Brachytherapy Treatment Planning

High Dose-Rate Brachytherapy Treatment Planning Bruce R. Thomadsen General Considerations of High Dose-Rate Brachytherapy Treatments High dose-rate (HDR) brachytherapy forms a special method of delivering brachytherapy where the treatment session…

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Proton Beam Therapy

Oct 17, 2016 by in ONCOLOGY Comments Off on Proton Beam Therapy

Proton Beam Therapy Hanne M. Kooy Judy A. Adams Introduction Proton beam radiotherapy further advances a central aim of radiation therapy: significant reduction in healthy tissue dose and, as a…

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Low-Dose-Rate Brachytherapy

Oct 17, 2016 by in ONCOLOGY Comments Off on Low-Dose-Rate Brachytherapy

Low-Dose-Rate Brachytherapy Glenn P. Glasgow Brachytherapy still prospers! The prior (2nd edition) chapter focused on historical and basic concepts and developments between 1997 and 2005. This revision, best viewed as…

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Cranial Radiosurgery

Oct 17, 2016 by in ONCOLOGY Comments Off on Cranial Radiosurgery

Cranial Radiosurgery Frank J. Bova Development In the mid-twentieth century, the advent of Cobalt teletherapy units, and subsequently linear accelerators, helped radiation therapy play an increasingly important role in cancer…

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Stereotactic Body Radiation Therapy

Oct 17, 2016 by in ONCOLOGY Comments Off on Stereotactic Body Radiation Therapy

Stereotactic Body Radiation Therapy William G. Rule Sheena Jain Thomas P. Boike Introduction Stereotactic body radiation therapy (SBRT) involves the precise delivery of ablative doses of focused radiation utilizing unique…

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