Surgical Complications of Weight Loss Surgery

Jun 27, 2017 by in ENDOCRINOLOGY Comments Off on Surgical Complications of Weight Loss Surgery

Fig. 11.1 Cumulative mortality for those patients undergoing weight loss surgery is significantly lower than a control group—patients received the customary nonsurgical treatment, ranging from lifestyle intervention and behavior medication…

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The Health Burden of Obesity

Jun 27, 2017 by in ENDOCRINOLOGY Comments Off on The Health Burden of Obesity

Category Adults (20+ years) Youth (2–19 years) CDC, AAP, IOM, ES, IOTF Underweight BMI < 18.5 BMI < 5th percentile for age Normal weight BMI 18.5–24.9 BMI ≥ 5th to < 85th percentile Overweight…

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The Disease of Obesity

Jun 27, 2017 by in ENDOCRINOLOGY Comments Off on The Disease of Obesity

Changes in diet  Hypercaloric (energy dense)  High fat  High saturated fat  Increased portion size Less physical activity  Less manual/physical work  Increased use of cars Sleep: less sleep, poor quality Stress…

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Dietary and Lifestyle Strategies for Weight Loss

Jun 27, 2017 by in ENDOCRINOLOGY Comments Off on Dietary and Lifestyle Strategies for Weight Loss

© Springer Science+Business Media New York 2015Adrienne Youdim (ed.)The Clinician’s Guide to the Treatment of ObesityEndocrine Updates10.1007/978-1-4939-2146-1_4 4. Dietary and Lifestyle Strategies for Weight Loss Jennifer Arussi1   (1) Change My Eating, Inc., 861 North Vista…

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Perioperative Care of the Surgical Patient

Jun 27, 2017 by in ENDOCRINOLOGY Comments Off on Perioperative Care of the Surgical Patient

Complete blood count Fasting glucose (and hemoglobin A1C if diabetic) Basic metabolic panel including kidney function Liver function tests Lipid panel Urinary analysis Prothrombin time/INR TSH B12, iron studies, folate,…

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