Lymphocyte Receptor Pathways

Jan 28, 2017 by in ONCOLOGY Comments Off on Lymphocyte Receptor Pathways

(1) Institut Bergonié, Bordeaux, France   Abstract The two types of lymphocytes, B and T, which are, respectively, responsible for humoral and cell-mediated immunity, express membrane receptors in relation to…

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Ion Channel-Coupled Receptors

Jan 28, 2017 by in ONCOLOGY Comments Off on Ion Channel-Coupled Receptors

(1) Institut Bergonié, Bordeaux, France   Abstract Conduction of nerve impulse is a major signalling pathway in multicellular organisms and requires ion channels situated at the level of plasma membranes…

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Semaphorins and Adhesion Molecules

Jan 28, 2017 by in ONCOLOGY Comments Off on Semaphorins and Adhesion Molecules

(1) Institut Bergonié, Bordeaux, France   Abstract Semaphorins constitute a group of signalling proteins originally described in the central nervous system where they are involved in the growth of the…

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Notch Pathway

Jan 28, 2017 by in ONCOLOGY Comments Off on Notch Pathway

(1) Institut Bergonié, Bordeaux, France   Abstract The Notch pathway, as the Wnt–β-catenin pathway, is an important signalling pathway in vertebrate and invertebrate development. It is involved in embryogenesis and…

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Hedgehog Pathway

Jan 28, 2017 by in ONCOLOGY Comments Off on Hedgehog Pathway

(1) Institut Bergonié, Bordeaux, France   Abstract The Hedgehog pathway is an important signalling pathway for the development of vertebrates and invertebrates. It is involved in embryogenesis and morphogenesis and…

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Cytokines Pathway

Jan 28, 2017 by in ONCOLOGY Comments Off on Cytokines Pathway

(1) Institut Bergonié, Bordeaux, France   Abstract An important group of signalling molecules operate through a pathway which is slightly different from that described in Chap. 1: their receptors do…

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Wnt Pathway

Jan 28, 2017 by in ONCOLOGY Comments Off on Wnt Pathway

(1) Institut Bergonié, Bordeaux, France   Abstract The term Wnt was forged by contraction of Win gless-type mouse mammary tumour virus int egration site after the discovery on a viral…

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TGFβ Pathway

Jan 28, 2017 by in ONCOLOGY Comments Off on TGFβ Pathway

(1) Institut Bergonié, Bordeaux, France   Abstract Transforming growth factor beta (TGFβ) is the lead of a large family of factors studied in this chapter, which comprise several stricto sensu…

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