Apoptosis Induction and Regulation

Jan 28, 2017 by in ONCOLOGY Comments Off on Apoptosis Induction and Regulation

(1) Institut Bergonié, Bordeaux, France   Abstract Apoptosis is one of the main modalities of cell death, so important that it has outshined all others that only begin to be…

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Cell Cycle Control

Jan 28, 2017 by in ONCOLOGY Comments Off on Cell Cycle Control

(1) Institut Bergonié, Bordeaux, France   Abstract Cell cycle consists of the sequential events occurring between the emergence of a new cell and that of the two daughter cells generated…

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Signalling by Oxygen and Nitric Oxide

Jan 28, 2017 by in ONCOLOGY Comments Off on Signalling by Oxygen and Nitric Oxide

(1) Institut Bergonié, Bordeaux, France   Abstract Oxygen is, first of all, the combustive agent required for life and the provider of energy required by all heterotrophic organisms, those which…

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Phosphatidylinositol 3-Kinase Pathway

Jan 28, 2017 by in ONCOLOGY Comments Off on Phosphatidylinositol 3-Kinase Pathway

(1) Institut Bergonié, Bordeaux, France   Abstract The phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3K) pathway is one of the signalling pathways activated following the interaction of a growth factor with a tyrosine kinase…

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Growth Factors and Tyrosine Kinase Receptors

Jan 28, 2017 by in ONCOLOGY Comments Off on Growth Factors and Tyrosine Kinase Receptors

(1) Institut Bergonié, Bordeaux, France   Abstract Signalling pathways originating from the interaction between growth factors (GF) and tyrosine kinase receptors (TKRs) are certainly the best known because of their…

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Toll-Like Receptors, Interleukin 1 and NFκB

Jan 28, 2017 by in ONCOLOGY Comments Off on Toll-Like Receptors, Interleukin 1 and NFκB

(1) Institut Bergonié, Bordeaux, France   Abstract Toll-like receptors (TLR) constitute a family of receptors involved in immune and inflammatory processes, which recognise molecules derived from infectious agents (bacteria, viruses)…

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G-Protein-Coupled Receptors

Jan 28, 2017 by in ONCOLOGY Comments Off on G-Protein-Coupled Receptors

(1) Institut Bergonié, Bordeaux, France   Abstract G-protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) constitute a huge family of membrane receptors to numerous hormones, neurotransmitters and diverse compounds. A large part of cardiovascular and…

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Nuclear Receptor Pathways

Jan 28, 2017 by in ONCOLOGY Comments Off on Nuclear Receptor Pathways

(1) Institut Bergonié, Bordeaux, France   Abstract Nuclear receptors constitute a special class of transcription factors that are activated by an extracellular signal. This signal is a hydrophobic substance, such…

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MAP Kinase Pathway

Jan 28, 2017 by in ONCOLOGY Comments Off on MAP Kinase Pathway

(1) Institut Bergonié, Bordeaux, France   Abstract The MAP kinase pathway (or, better, the MAP kinase pathways) is certainly one of the main proliferation pathways, the best known and the…

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Jan 28, 2017 by in ONCOLOGY Comments Off on Integrins

(1) Institut Bergonié, Bordeaux, France   Abstract Integrins constitute a family of heterodimeric transmembrane receptors, whose ligands are essentially the proteins of the extracellular matrix (collagens, laminins, fibronectin, etc.). They…

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