Lung Cancer

Oct 16, 2016 by in ONCOLOGY Comments Off on Lung Cancer

AJCC/UICC lymph node classification by Mountain and Dresler Laterality Localisation (for detailed description, see Chapet et al. 2005) Accessible by EBUS-FNA Mediastinoscopy Superior mediastinal nodes Highest mediastinal 1 R/L Upper…

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Pancreatic Cancer

Oct 16, 2016 by in ONCOLOGY Comments Off on Pancreatic Cancer

UICC subdivisions Description JPS Description Superior Sup. to head and body   Inferior Inf. to head and body   Anterior Ant. pancreaticoduodenal, pylorica, proximal mesenteric Group 1:13a,* 13b,* 17a,* 17b* Posterior surface…

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Head and Neck Cancer

Oct 16, 2016 by in ONCOLOGY Comments Off on Head and Neck Cancer

1. Diameter >1 cm (or in the case of the jugulodigastric nodes, >1.5 cm) 2. Smaller than 1 cm with spherical rather than ellipsoidal (or “kidney-bean”) shape 3. Contain inhomogeneities…

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Esophageal Cancer

Oct 16, 2016 by in ONCOLOGY Comments Off on Esophageal Cancer

Fig. 8.1 Classification of tumor depth for superficial esophageal cancer. Ep epithelium, lp lamina propria, mm muscularis mucosae, m mucosa, sm submucosa, mp muscularis propria, ad adventitia (from Ancona et…

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Anal Carcinoma

Oct 16, 2016 by in ONCOLOGY Comments Off on Anal Carcinoma

Fig 11.1 Axial MRI image demonstrating the proximal anal canal in a female 11.2 Pathology More than 80 % of anal SCCs contain one or more subtypes of human papilloma…

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Prostate Cancer

Oct 16, 2016 by in ONCOLOGY Comments Off on Prostate Cancer

Risk group Low Intermediate High NCCN T-stage cT1c + cT2a and cT2b – 2c and/or cT3 or PSA <10 ng/ml and >10–20 ng/ml and/or >20 ng/ml or Gleason sum <7 =7 8–10…

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Gastric Cancer

Oct 16, 2016 by in ONCOLOGY Comments Off on Gastric Cancer

Figs. 9.1 and 9.2 LN drainage: Compartment 1 (DI resection): 1. right cardial nodes; 2. left cardial nodes; 3. nodes along the lesser curvature; 4. nodes along the greater curvature;…

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