Rare Papillary Thyroid Carcinomas

Sep 1, 2019 by in ENDOCRINOLOGY Comments Off on Rare Papillary Thyroid Carcinomas

Fig. 2.1 Hobnail (micropapillary) variant of papillary thyroid carcinoma. This variant typically shows a variable combination of papillary (a), micropapillary (b) and follicular growth pattern (c). Both the papillae and…

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Rare Follicular Tumours

Sep 1, 2019 by in ENDOCRINOLOGY Comments Off on Rare Follicular Tumours

Fig. 3.1 Oncocytic (Hürthle cell, oxyphilic) tumour with clear cell features. Benign (a) and malignant oncocytic follicular tumours have abundant granular eosinophilic cytoplasm due to the accumulation of innumerable abnormal…

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Rare Familial Tumours

Sep 1, 2019 by in ENDOCRINOLOGY Comments Off on Rare Familial Tumours

Chromosomal location Gene Thyroid tumour/s Additional lesions 19p13.11 GRIM-19 (NDUFA13) Multifocal Hürthle cell (oncocytic) adenoma, PTC and/or FTC  19p13.2 TCO (unknown) Multifocal Hürthle cell (oncocytic) adenoma, PTC and/or FTC  1q21…

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Small Cell Tumours

Sep 1, 2019 by in ENDOCRINOLOGY Comments Off on Small Cell Tumours

Fig. 4.1 Poorly differentiated thyroid carcinoma (PDTC) . This case of PDTC discloses solid growth pattern, foci of necrosis and invasion of the capsule (a), as well as invasion of…

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Sep 1, 2019 by in ENDOCRINOLOGY Comments Off on Introduction

© Springer International Publishing AG 2018José Manuel Cameselle-Teijeiro, Catarina Eloy and Manuel Sobrinho-Simões (eds.)Rare Tumors of the Thyroid Glandhttps://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-61182-2_1 1. Introduction Manuel Sobrinho-Simões1, 2, 3, 4  , Catarina Eloy1, 2, 3  , Isabel Amendoeira1, 4  , Paula Soares1, 2, 3  , Javier Caneiro-Gómez5  , Miguel Melo1, 2,…

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Therapeutic Options

Sep 1, 2019 by in ENDOCRINOLOGY Comments Off on Therapeutic Options

© Springer International Publishing AG 2018José Manuel Cameselle-Teijeiro, Catarina Eloy and Manuel Sobrinho-Simões (eds.)Rare Tumors of the Thyroid Glandhttps://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-61182-2_7 7. Therapeutic Options Miguel Melo1, 2, 3  , José M. Cameselle-Teijeiro4, 5, 6  , Catarina Eloy1, 7  , Isabel Amendoeira1, 8  , Paula Soares1, 7  , Javier Caneiro-Gómez9   and…

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