CNS Leukemia

Jan 14, 2018 by in ONCOLOGY Comments Off on CNS Leukemia

  NCI risk (age/WBC) Favorable genetics Unfavorable characteristics Day 8 PB MRD (%) Day 29 marrow MRD (%) % of B-cell patients 5-year EFS (%) Low risk SR Yes None…

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Jan 14, 2018 by in ONCOLOGY Comments Off on Ependymoma

Fig. 9.1 Left cerebellopontine angle ependymoma (upper left), IVth ventricle ependymoma (upper right), spinal cord ependymoma (lower left), and right fronto-parietal ependymoma (lower right) EPN accounts for 6–10% of brain…

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Endocrine Sequelae of Central Nervous System Irradiation

Jan 14, 2018 by in ONCOLOGY Comments Off on Endocrine Sequelae of Central Nervous System Irradiation

Hormone Dose at which risk of dysfunction is increased Endocrine consequence Recommendations for screening and evaluation as clinically indicated GH ≥18 Gy • Growth hormone deficiency • Growth velocity • Poor linear growth…

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Image Guidance in Pediatric Brain Radiotherapy

Jan 14, 2018 by in ONCOLOGY Comments Off on Image Guidance in Pediatric Brain Radiotherapy

Fig. 24.1 (a) Electronic portal imaging device (EPID)-based imaging (b) compared to the digitally reconstructed radiograph (DRR) from the planning image set for whole brain treatment fields for a 15-year-old…

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Low-Grade Glioma

Jan 14, 2018 by in ONCOLOGY Comments Off on Low-Grade Glioma

Author Technology and dose prescription N Results Follow-up Debus et al. (Debus et al. 1999) Median 52.4 Gy/1.6–2.0 Gy Margin: 7 mm 10 5-year PFS: 90% 12–72 mos 5-year OS: 100%…

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Brainstem Tumors

Jan 14, 2018 by in ONCOLOGY Comments Off on Brainstem Tumors

Fig. 13.1 (a) A midbrain JPA in a 6-year-old boy who presented with a right VI nerve deficit and a right hemiparesis. (b) Macroscopic residual disease following initial surgery was…

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Optic Pathway Glioma

Jan 14, 2018 by in ONCOLOGY Comments Off on Optic Pathway Glioma

Fig. 11.1 Left optic nerve glioma (a) enhancing on contrast-enhanced T1-weighted magnetic resonance sequence and (b) hyperintense on a contrast-enhanced T2-weighted magnetic resonance sequence Fig. 11.2 Bulky extension of a…

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Proton Therapy for Pediatric Brain Tumors

Jan 14, 2018 by in ONCOLOGY Comments Off on Proton Therapy for Pediatric Brain Tumors

Fig. 26.1 (a, b) Isodose comparison of proton and photon craniospinal irradiation (CSI) with elimination of exit dose through the patient’s neck, chest, abdomen and pelvis. (c) Isodose distribution of…

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Pediatric Brain Metastases

Jan 14, 2018 by in ONCOLOGY Comments Off on Pediatric Brain Metastases

Fig. 22.1 (a) Contrast-enhanced CT scan with solitary ring-enhancing lesion (white arrow), (b) contrast-enhanced T1-weigted MRI with solitary ring-enhancing lesion with hypointense necrotic core (white arrow), (c) T2-weighted MRI and…

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