Issues in Nutrition and Hydration

Aug 25, 2016 by in ONCOLOGY Comments Off on Issues in Nutrition and Hydration

Issues in Nutrition and Hydration Elizabeth Kvale Christine S. Ritchie The issues surrounding artificial nutrition and hydration (ANH) pose challenges for clinicians, patients, families, and society. Legal precedent and ethical…

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Hematologic Support of the Cancer Patient

Aug 25, 2016 by in ONCOLOGY Comments Off on Hematologic Support of the Cancer Patient

Hematologic Support of the Cancer Patient Lee S. Schwartzberg INTRODUCTION The bone marrow, site of origin for blood cells, is the organ most at risk for collateral damage from the…

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Palliative Care: Ethics and the Law

Aug 25, 2016 by in ONCOLOGY Comments Off on Palliative Care: Ethics and the Law

Palliative Care: Ethics and the Law Ryan R. Nash This material is also covered with modification and greater depth in Nash RR, Nelson LJ. UNIPAC 6: Ethical and Legal Dimensions…

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Staff Stress and Burnout

Aug 25, 2016 by in ONCOLOGY Comments Off on Staff Stress and Burnout

Staff Stress and Burnout Alvin L. Reaves III Hunter Groninger INTRODUCTION In this ever-changing world of health-care reform, limited resources, and reduced reimbursement, as well as increased demands for quality…

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Bereavement Care

Aug 25, 2016 by in ONCOLOGY Comments Off on Bereavement Care

Bereavement Care Justin Banerdt Paul R. Duberstein Holly G. Prigerson BEREAVEMENT Bereavement refers to the situation of being deprived of someone or something, typically referring to the loss through death…

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Aug 25, 2016 by in ONCOLOGY Comments Off on Spirituality

Spirituality Christina M. Puchalski Palliative care is a specialty based in the whole person care model. Thus, care of the patient and family includes addressing psychosocial and spiritual needs as…

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Management of Symptoms in the Actively Dying Patient

Aug 25, 2016 by in ONCOLOGY Comments Off on Management of Symptoms in the Actively Dying Patient

Management of Symptoms in the Actively Dying Patient Paul Rousseau Leigh Vaughan The obligation of physicians to relieve suffering is universal, particularly when death is imminent and the indignities of…

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Caregiving in the Home

Aug 25, 2016 by in ONCOLOGY Comments Off on Caregiving in the Home

Caregiving in the Home Betty Ferrell Jo Hanson CAREGIVING Background In the United States, caring for the patient in the home setting has undergone marked shifts over the last 30…

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Disorders of Sexuality and Reproduction

Aug 25, 2016 by in ONCOLOGY Comments Off on Disorders of Sexuality and Reproduction

Disorders of Sexuality and Reproduction Mary K. Hughes INTRODUCTION Palliative care applies to the entire course of cancer, from diagnosis to death, and enhances quality of life (1). Bruner and…

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