DISEASES OF ABNORMAL PHOSPHATE METABOLISM Marc K. Drezner Phosphorus is one of the most abundant constituents of all tissues, and disturbances in phosphate homeostasis can affect almost any organ system….
DISEASES OF ABNORMAL PHOSPHATE METABOLISM Marc K. Drezner Phosphorus is one of the most abundant constituents of all tissues, and disturbances in phosphate homeostasis can affect almost any organ system….
ISCHEMIC NECROSIS Part of “CHAPTER 66 – RARE DISORDERS OF SKELETAL FORMATION AND HOMEOSTASIS“ Ischemic (avascular) necrosis is common92 (see Chap. 211). The condition has multiple causes: endocrine or metabolic…
ECTOPIC CALCIFICATION Part of “CHAPTER 66 – RARE DISORDERS OF SKELETAL FORMATION AND HOMEOSTASIS“ Many conditions are associated with extraskeletal deposition of calcium and phosphate.4 In some, the pathogenesis is…
IDIOPATHIC OSTEOLYSIS Part of “CHAPTER 66 – RARE DISORDERS OF SKELETAL FORMATION AND HOMEOSTASIS“ Unifocal or multifocal osteolytic lesions manifest in a variety of sporadic idiopathic or hereditary disorders.87 Acro-osteolysis…
IDIOPATHIC JUVENILE OSTEOPOROSIS Part of “CHAPTER 66 – RARE DISORDERS OF SKELETAL FORMATION AND HOMEOSTASIS“ Idiopathic juvenile osteoporosis is a poorly characterized, heterogeneous condition that almost certainly has a variety…
METAPHYSEAL AND SPONDYLOMETAPHYSEAL DYSPLASIAS Part of “CHAPTER 66 – RARE DISORDERS OF SKELETAL FORMATION AND HOMEOSTASIS“ Not all disorders in children that result in widened growth plates and metaphyseal irregularity…
FIBROGENESIS IMPERFECTA OSSIUM Part of “CHAPTER 66 – RARE DISORDERS OF SKELETAL FORMATION AND HOMEOSTASIS“ Fibrogenesis imperfecta ossium is a sporadic, idiopathic disorder in which pathologic changes seem to affect…
AXIAL OSTEOMALACIA Part of “CHAPTER 66 – RARE DISORDERS OF SKELETAL FORMATION AND HOMEOSTASIS“ Axial osteomalacia features defective bone mineralization despite normal serum levels of calcium and phosphate and increased…
HYPOPHOSPHATASIA Part of “CHAPTER 66 – RARE DISORDERS OF SKELETAL FORMATION AND HOMEOSTASIS“ Hypophosphatasia is an inborn error of metabolism characterized clinically by premature tooth loss and rickets or osteomalacia,…
OSTEOGENESIS IMPERFECTA Part of “CHAPTER 66 – RARE DISORDERS OF SKELETAL FORMATION AND HOMEOSTASIS“ Osteogenesis imperfecta (OI; brittle-bone disease) is characterized by osteopenia with recurrent fractures and deformity, dental disease,…