Radiation Therapy

Jun 26, 2017 by in ONCOLOGY Comments Off on Radiation Therapy

Trial Treatment n Median survival month) Overall survival (%) GITSG [9, 10] Chemoradiation 21 21 14 (5 years) Observation 22 10.9 4 (5 years) Chemoradiation(additional study) 30 18 46 (2…

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Guidelines for the Management of Pancreatic Cystic Neoplasms

Jun 26, 2017 by in ONCOLOGY Comments Off on Guidelines for the Management of Pancreatic Cystic Neoplasms

Fig. 12.1 Magnetic resonance cholangiopancreatogram showing multiple branch duct intraductal papillary mucinous neoplasms (BD-IPMNs) Fig. 12.2 Magnetic resonance cholangiopancreatogram demonstrating a mucinous cystic neoplasm (MCN) 12.2 Guidelines for the Management…

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PET and Other Functional Imaging

Jun 26, 2017 by in ONCOLOGY Comments Off on PET and Other Functional Imaging

Fig. 9.1 FDG PET/CT imaging of a patient with pancreatic adenocarcinoma. Primary tumor is located at uncinate process of the pancreas. Whole body projection image and PET/CT tomography reveal metastasis…

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Chemotherapy in the Management of Pancreatic Cancer

Jun 26, 2017 by in ONCOLOGY Comments Off on Chemotherapy in the Management of Pancreatic Cancer

Study/authorpublication year Launched date Study design N LAPDAC (%) Gem DI (%) Median (95% CI) survival, months ORR (%) PFS OS I. Gemcitabine vs. non-gemcitabine-containing regimens in advanced pancreatic cancer…

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Drain Management After Pancreatectomy

Jun 26, 2017 by in ONCOLOGY Comments Off on Drain Management After Pancreatectomy

Authors Year Study design Procedure Variable Sample size Morbiditya (%) Pancreatic fistulab (%) Re-drainage (%) Reoperation (%) Readmission (%) Mortality (%) Conlon et al. [11] 2001 RCT PD and DP…

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Enhanced Recovery Program After Pancreatectomy

Jun 26, 2017 by in ONCOLOGY Comments Off on Enhanced Recovery Program After Pancreatectomy

Fig. 35.1 ERAS elements [32] Major abdominal surgery induces an immune-inflammatory response, which is accompanied by the production of reactive oxygen species (ROS) at the site of injury causing direct…

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Late Metabolic Complications After Pancreatectomy

Jun 26, 2017 by in ONCOLOGY Comments Off on Late Metabolic Complications After Pancreatectomy

  T1DM T2DM Pancreatogenic DM Hormone levels  Insulin Low High Low/absent  Glucagon Normal/high Normal/high Low/absent  Pancreatic polypeptide Normal/low (late) High Low Insulin sensitivity  Peripheral Normal/high Low High  Hepatic Normal Normal/low…

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Delayed Gastric Emptying

Jun 26, 2017 by in ONCOLOGY Comments Off on Delayed Gastric Emptying

Author Lin Seiler Tran Seiler Year 1999 2000 2004 2005 Country Taiwan Switzerland Netherlands  Switzerland    Operation (PD/PPPD) 15/16 49/37 83/87 66/64 Operation time (minutes) PD 237 476 200 449 PPPD…

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