Stem Cells Derived Insulin-Secreting Cells for Insulin-Dependent Diabetes Mellitus: Exploiting Laboratory Discoveries

Apr 14, 2017 by in ENDOCRINOLOGY Comments Off on Stem Cells Derived Insulin-Secreting Cells for Insulin-Dependent Diabetes Mellitus: Exploiting Laboratory Discoveries

Fig. 14.1 Stem cells as a promising tool addressing generation of beta-like cells/insulin-secreting cells as well as immunomodulation 14.5 Early Attempts for In Vitro Beta-Cell Differentiation Stimulation of beta-cell generation…

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Peripheral Signals and Food Intake Control

Apr 14, 2017 by in ENDOCRINOLOGY Comments Off on Peripheral Signals and Food Intake Control

Hellström PM (2013) Satiety signals and obesity. Curr Opin Gastroenterol 29:222–227PubMedCrossRef Hira T, Mochida T, Miyashita K et al (2009) GLP-1 secretion is enhanced directly in the ileum but indirectly…

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The Dual Burden of Obesity and Diabetes: Old Problems Die Hard

Apr 14, 2017 by in ENDOCRINOLOGY Comments Off on The Dual Burden of Obesity and Diabetes: Old Problems Die Hard

© Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2015Joel Faintuch and Salomão Faintuch (eds.)Obesity and Diabetes10.1007/978-3-319-13126-9_1 1. The Dual Burden of Obesity and Diabetes: Old Problems Die Hard Joel Faintuch1   and Salomão Faintuch2   (1) Gastroenterology Department, University of Sao Paulo,…

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