Exchange transfusion and haemapheresis

Aug 6, 2016 by in HEMATOLOGY Comments Off on Exchange transfusion and haemapheresis

  where Hn is the venous haematocrit of the recipient’s own red cells after n operations. The total PCV after n operations is calculated by:   The first term represents…

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Blood grouping techniques

Aug 6, 2016 by in HEMATOLOGY Comments Off on Blood grouping techniques

The most reliable results for the detection and identification of red cell antibodies are obtained by using a combination of tests. The particular combination of tests adopted in specialist blood…

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Immunology of leucocytes, platelets and plasma components

Aug 6, 2016 by in HEMATOLOGY Comments Off on Immunology of leucocytes, platelets and plasma components

Related posts: Plasma fractionation and fractionation products Red cell antibodies against self-antigens, bound antigens and induced antigens Blood grouping techniques Alternatives to allogeneic transfusion The transfusion of platelets, leucocytes, haematopoietic…

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Haemolytic transfusion reactions

Aug 6, 2016 by in HEMATOLOGY Comments Off on Haemolytic transfusion reactions

Mrs H was a regular plasmapheresis donor. On the day in question, after she had given blood and before her red cells were returned to her, she was asked to…

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Infectious agents transmitted by transfusion

Aug 6, 2016 by in HEMATOLOGY Comments Off on Infectious agents transmitted by transfusion

The need to develop sensitive and specific assays amenable to mass screening and automation has become apparent. However test manufacturers are increasingly reluctant to invest resources for screening if the…

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Some unfavourable effects of transfusion

Aug 6, 2016 by in HEMATOLOGY Comments Off on Some unfavourable effects of transfusion

The high fever that regularly follows transfusion of some multiparous women and patients who have received many transfusions is often associated with serum leucocyte antibodies; mild febrile reactions, observed after…

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Other red cell antigens

Aug 6, 2016 by in HEMATOLOGY Comments Off on Other red cell antigens

Related posts: Plasma fractionation and fractionation products Red cell antibodies against self-antigens, bound antigens and induced antigens Blood grouping techniques Alternatives to allogeneic transfusion The transfusion of platelets, leucocytes, haematopoietic…

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