♦Irinotecan (eye-ree-no’-tee-kan) Camptosar, CPT-11 Pregnancy Category D Mechanism of Action A plant alkaloid that inhibits the topoisomerase I enzyme. This enzyme plays a critical role in DNA replication and transcription….
♦Irinotecan (eye-ree-no’-tee-kan) Camptosar, CPT-11 Pregnancy Category D Mechanism of Action A plant alkaloid that inhibits the topoisomerase I enzyme. This enzyme plays a critical role in DNA replication and transcription….
♦Interferon-gamma (in-ter-feer’-on) Actimmune Pregnancy Category C Mechanism of Action Exerts immunomodulatory properties by phagocyte-activating effects; acts as a lymphokine of the interleukin type; enhances oxidative metabolism of tissue macrophages, antibody-dependent…
♦Interferon-beta-1b (in-ter-feer’-on) Betaseron, rIFN-B Pregnancy Category C Mechanism of Action Not clearly understood; exerts antiviral and immunoregulatory biologic activities by binding to cell surface receptors. Indications To reduce the frequency…
♦Interferon-beta-1a (in-ter-feer’-on) Avonex Pregnancy Category C Mechanism of Action Not clearly understood; exerts biologic activities by binding to cell surface receptors. Indications To decrease physical disability and reduce the frequency…
♦Interferon-alfa-2b (in-ter-feer’-on) Intron-A, IFN-alpha 2 Pregnancy Category C Mechanism of Action Interferon exerts antitumor activities through antiviral replication, immunomodulatory, and antiproliferative biologic effects. Its direct antiproliferative properties may explain its…
♦Interferon-alfa-2a (in-ter-feer’-on) Roferon-A, rIFN-A Pregnancy Category C Mechanism of Action Not clearly understood; exerts antitumor activity through an-tiviral, antiproliferative, and immunomodulatory biologic effects. Indications ♦ Hairy cell leukemia and AIDS-related…
♦Ifosfamide (eye-fos’-fa-myde) Ifex Pregnancy Category D Mechanism of Action Ifosfamide is an alkylating agent that is cell cycle-nonspecific. It is an analogue of cyclophosphamide that acts by alkylating DNA and…
♦Idarubicin Hydrochloride (eye-da-roo’-bee-sin) Idamycin Pregnancy Category D Mechanism of Action Idarubicin is an intercalating analogue of daunorubicin, which inhibits nucleic acid synthesis and interacts with the enzyme topoisomerase. Indications Acute…
♦Hydroxyurea (hye-drox-ee-yoor-ee’-ya) Hydrea Pregnancy Category D Mechanism of Action Unknown. It is thought to cause an immediate inhibition of DNA synthesis without interfering with the synthesis of RNA or protein….
♦Goserelin Acetate (goe’-se-rel-in) Zoladex Pregnancy Category X Mechanism of Action This drug is an analogue for luteinizing hormone-releasing hormone and acts on the pituitary hormone to inhibit the secretion of…