Ex VivoGene Therapy: Utilization of Genetic Vectors for the Generation of Genetically Modified Cell Products for Therapy

Sep 7, 2019 by in ONCOLOGY Comments Off on Ex VivoGene Therapy: Utilization of Genetic Vectors for the Generation of Genetically Modified Cell Products for Therapy

Keywords Adoptive immunotherapy, dendritic cells, electropermeabilization, gene delivery systems, gene editing, gene silencing, gene transfer, hematopoietic, lentiviral vectors, LTR, mesenchymal stem cells, mitochondrion gene therapy, pseudotyping, retroviral vectors, RNAi, RRE,…

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The Use of T Cell Costimulation to Enhance the Immunogenicity of Tumors

Sep 7, 2019 by in ONCOLOGY Comments Off on The Use of T Cell Costimulation to Enhance the Immunogenicity of Tumors

Keywords Cancer, vaccines, poxviruses, TRICOM, immunotherapy, intratumoral vaccination, immunostimulatory molecules, costimulatory molecules   In this chapter, we review the use of recombinant poxviral vectors containing transgenes for costimulatory molecules and…

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The FDA Review Process for Cancer Gene Therapy

Sep 7, 2019 by in ONCOLOGY Comments Off on The FDA Review Process for Cancer Gene Therapy

Keywords FDA, CBER, cancer gene therapy, regulatory review, CMC, pharmacology/toxicology, clinical, drug development   Introduction FDA’s Regulatory Responsibility and Gene Therapy Submissions In the United States, the U.S. Food and…

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Ethics in Translational Gene Transfer Research

Sep 7, 2019 by in ONCOLOGY Comments Off on Ethics in Translational Gene Transfer Research

Keywords Ethics, translational research, preclinical studies, trial design, subject enrollment   Ethics Beyond Research Regulation In this chapter, we address key ethical issues concerning the conduct of translational anticancer gene…

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Cytidine Deaminase in Myeloprotective Gene Therapy

Sep 7, 2019 by in ONCOLOGY Comments Off on Cytidine Deaminase in Myeloprotective Gene Therapy

Keywords Gene therapy, hematopoiesis, cytidine deaminase, doxycycline, miRNA, Ara-C   Background Transfer of Drug-Resistance Genes into Hematopoietic Stem Cells Given their ability to self-renewal, proliferate extensively, and differentiate into all…

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Therapeutic Efficacy and Systemic Antitumor T Cell Immunity Induced by RheoSwitch-Regulated IL-12 Expression after Intratumoral Injection of Adenovirus Vector or Vector-Transduced Dendritic Cells

Sep 7, 2019 by in ONCOLOGY Comments Off on Therapeutic Efficacy and Systemic Antitumor T Cell Immunity Induced by RheoSwitch-Regulated IL-12 Expression after Intratumoral Injection of Adenovirus Vector or Vector-Transduced Dendritic Cells

Keywords IL-12, adenovirus, RheoSwitch®, activator ligand, dendritic cells, controlled expression, intratumoral, immunotherapy   Introduction Tumors grow aggressively, are invasive, and may spread to distant metastatic sites, not only because of…

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Clinical Trials Using LV-P140K-MGMT for Gliomas

Sep 7, 2019 by in ONCOLOGY Comments Off on Clinical Trials Using LV-P140K-MGMT for Gliomas

Keywords Gene therapy, drug resistance, glioblastoma, chemoprotection, in vivo selection, MGMT, hematopoietic stem cell, temozolomide   Introduction Gene therapy was initially developed as an ideal treatment for defective single-gene diseases…

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