Premature Pubarche

Sep 7, 2017 by in ENDOCRINOLOGY Comments Off on Premature Pubarche

Fig. 5.1 Adrenal steroid biosynthesis The mechanism of adrenarche onset remains unknown, although the implication of leptin, IGF1, and ACTH has been conjectured. In addition, MC-2 receptor, CYP19, IGF1, and…

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Premature Ovarian Failure in Adolescence and Young Adults: From Diagnosis to Therapy and Follow-up for Fertility Preservation

Sep 7, 2017 by in ENDOCRINOLOGY Comments Off on Premature Ovarian Failure in Adolescence and Young Adults: From Diagnosis to Therapy and Follow-up for Fertility Preservation

Primary POF Genetic aberrations X-linked (monosomy, trisomy, deletions, translocations, fragile X) Autosomal dominant (FSH receptor gene polymorphism, inhibin B mutation, etc.) Enzyme deficiency Metabolic Autoimmune disease Secondary POF Surgical Bilateral…

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Emergency Contraception

Sep 7, 2017 by in ENDOCRINOLOGY Comments Off on Emergency Contraception

  Odds ratio [95 % CI] P value Cycle day of intercoursea 4.4 [2.3–8.2] P < 0.0001 Further UPIa 4.6 [2.2–9.0] P < 0.0002 BMI Obese vs. normal 3.6 [1.96–6.53]…

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The Long-Term Cardiovascular Risks Associated with Amenorrhea

Sep 7, 2017 by in ENDOCRINOLOGY Comments Off on The Long-Term Cardiovascular Risks Associated with Amenorrhea

© International Society of Gynecological Endocrinology 2017Charles Sultan and Andrea R. Genazzani (eds.)Frontiers in Gynecological EndocrinologyISGE Series10.1007/978-3-319-41433-1_10 10. The Long-Term Cardiovascular Risks Associated with Amenorrhea Tommaso Simoncini1  , Andrea Giannini1 and Andrea R. Genazzani1 (1) Division of Obstetrics and Gynecology,…

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