Special Considerations in Older Surgical Patients

Jul 2, 2017 by in GERIATRICS Comments Off on Special Considerations in Older Surgical Patients

© Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2017Angela Georgia Catic (ed.)Ethical Considerations and Challenges in Geriatrics10.1007/978-3-319-44084-2_5 5. Special Considerations in Older Surgical Patients Lauren J. Gleason1   and Angela G. Catic2   (1) Department of Medicine, Section of Geriatrics and Palliative Medicine,…

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Feeding Issues in Advanced Dementia

Jul 2, 2017 by in GERIATRICS Comments Off on Feeding Issues in Advanced Dementia

Feeding issues occur in 90 % of individuals with advanced dementia and is typically the last activity of daily living (ADL) lost prior to death Enteral feeding in elders with…

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