Pathogenesis and Pathology of Diabetic Neuropathy

Aug 8, 2016 by in ENDOCRINOLOGY Comments Off on Pathogenesis and Pathology of Diabetic Neuropathy

4  Pathogenesis and Pathology of Diabetic Neuropathy Histopathology    Diabetic Peripheral Neuropathy A.P. Mizisin and H.C. Powell The frequent occurrence of neurologic complications of diabetes has long been recognized and no doubt…

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Epidemiology of Diabetic Neuropathy

Aug 8, 2016 by in ENDOCRINOLOGY Comments Off on Epidemiology of Diabetic Neuropathy

3  Epidemiology of Diabetic Neuropathy J. E Shaw, P. Z. Zimmet, F. A. Gries, and D. Ziegler Introduction The epidemiology of a disease primarily describes the frequency with which it occurs,…

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Diabetes Mellitus: An Introduction

Aug 8, 2016 by in ENDOCRINOLOGY Comments Off on Diabetes Mellitus: An Introduction

1  Diabetes Mellitus: An Introduction F.A. Gries, J. Eckel, P. Rösen, and D. Ziegler The aim of this introduction is to provide a general understanding of diabetes mellitus and its impact…

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Socioeconomic Aspects

Aug 8, 2016 by in ENDOCRINOLOGY Comments Off on Socioeconomic Aspects

6  Socioeconomic Aspects W. Rathmann and J. Ward    Direct Costs of Diabetic Neuropathy A substantial proportion of the economic burden of diabetes is attributable to its complications, in particular, cardiovascular disease….

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Recommendations for Structured Care

Aug 8, 2016 by in ENDOCRINOLOGY Comments Off on Recommendations for Structured Care

7  Recommendations for Structured Care F.A. Gries, P.A. Low, and D. Ziegler Introduction Diabetic neuropathy (DN) is as frequent as microvascular complications of diabetes mellitus. It includes manifestations in the somatic…

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