Symptoms at End-of-Life of Head and Neck Cancer Patients

Jul 9, 2017 by in ONCOLOGY Comments Off on Symptoms at End-of-Life of Head and Neck Cancer Patients

© Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2017Jan B. Vermorken, Volker Budach, C. René Leemans, Jean-Pascal Machiels, Piero Nicolai and Brian O’Sullivan (eds.)Critical Issues in Head and Neck Oncology10.1007/978-3-319-42909-0_19 19. Symptoms at End-of-Life of Head and Neck Cancer Patients Dirk Schrijvers1   (1)…

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Quality of Life Issues

Jul 9, 2017 by in ONCOLOGY Comments Off on Quality of Life Issues

© Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2017Jan B. Vermorken, Volker Budach, C. René Leemans, Jean-Pascal Machiels, Piero Nicolai and Brian O’Sullivan (eds.)Critical Issues in Head and Neck Oncology10.1007/978-3-319-42909-0_18 18. Quality of Life Issues Susanne Singer1   (1) Division of Epidemiology and Health…

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Immunotherapeutic Approaches

Jul 9, 2017 by in ONCOLOGY Comments Off on Immunotherapeutic Approaches

Mechanism Specification 1. Reduced antigen processing and presentation Downregulation or mutation of HLA class molecules 2. Tumour-permissive cytokine profile Increase of immunosuppressive cytokines: TGF-β, IL-6 Decrease of stimulatory cytokines: IL-2,…

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Treatment in the Elderly

Jul 9, 2017 by in ONCOLOGY Comments Off on Treatment in the Elderly

Assessment of functioning Social assessment Definition: ability to live independently at home and in the community, physical performance (mobility, balance, fall risk) Definition: adequate social support to undergo treatment Measurement:…

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Salvage Surgery of Head and Neck Cancer

Jul 9, 2017 by in ONCOLOGY Comments Off on Salvage Surgery of Head and Neck Cancer

© Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2017Jan B. Vermorken, Volker Budach, C. René Leemans, Jean-Pascal Machiels, Piero Nicolai and Brian O’Sullivan (eds.)Critical Issues in Head and Neck Oncology10.1007/978-3-319-42909-0_12 12. Salvage Surgery of Head and Neck Cancer C. René Leemans1   (1) VU University…

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Treatment of Viral-Associated HNC (OPC and NPC)

Jul 9, 2017 by in ONCOLOGY Comments Off on Treatment of Viral-Associated HNC (OPC and NPC)

© Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2017Jan B. Vermorken, Volker Budach, C. René Leemans, Jean-Pascal Machiels, Piero Nicolai and Brian O’Sullivan (eds.)Critical Issues in Head and Neck Oncology10.1007/978-3-319-42909-0_10 10. Treatment of Viral-Associated HNC (OPC and NPC) Shao Hui Huang1, Melvin L. K. Chua2, Francesca Caparrotti2 and…

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The Changing Role of the Pathologist

Jul 9, 2017 by in ONCOLOGY Comments Off on The Changing Role of the Pathologist

Fig. 4.1 Detection of high-risk HPV using RNAscope. Multiple nuclear dot-like signals are present in the neoplastic cells whilst the stromal cells are unlabeled Table 4.1 The performance of RNAscope…

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