Surgery and Anesthesia in the Frail Older Patient
37 Surgery and Anesthesia in the Frail Older Patient Jugdeep Kaur Dhesi, Judith Partridge Introduction In recent years, there has been a growing recognition of the role for geriatric medicine…
37 Surgery and Anesthesia in the Frail Older Patient Jugdeep Kaur Dhesi, Judith Partridge Introduction In recent years, there has been a growing recognition of the role for geriatric medicine…
3 The Future of Old Age Caleb E. Finch, Edward L. Schneider Biogerontology, the field of biologic aging research, is the final biomedical research frontier. The sequencing of the human…
87 Adrenal and Pituitary Disorders Steven R. Peacey Disorders of the Adrenal Glands The need for normal adrenal functioning continues into old age. After decades of speculation, there is now…
77 The Small Bowel Saqib S. Ansari, Sulleman Moreea, Christopher A. Rodrigues Diseases of the small bowel can be divided into two categories for clinical purposes: (1) diffuse processes, such…
32 Productive Aging Jan E. Mutchler, Sae Hwang Han, Jeffrey A. Burr Introduction Far from being years of leisure and inactivity, later life is increasingly recognized as being characterized by…
27 Antiaging Medicine Ligia J. Dominguez, John E. Morley, Mario Barbagallo Attempts to reverse the aging process stretch back to the time when Adam and Eve were expelled from the…
25 Aging and the Skin Desmond J. Tobin, Emma C. Veysey, Andrew Y. Finlay Introduction The last 25 years has seen enormous growth in our knowledge of skin function, with…
68 Central Nervous System Infections Lisa Barrett, Kenneth Rockwood Infections in older adults are associated with significant morbidity and mortality worldwide, pneumonia and influenza ranking 13th in all cause mortality…
64 Parkinsonism and Other Movement Disorders Jolyon Meara Movement disorders in older adults can be broadly classified into the akinetic-rigid hypokinetic conditions, in which voluntary movement is reduced, and hyperkinetic…
62 Long-Term Stroke Care Anne Forster Stroke is an ancient disease, recognized since the time of Hippocrates, when the term apoplexy was used to describe someone being suddenly struck down….