Neuromuscular Disorders*
65 Neuromuscular Disorders* Timothy J. Doherty, Michael W. Nicolle Aging is associated with substantial decline in neuromuscular performance.1 This is perhaps best exemplified by age-associated loss of muscle mass and…
Connective Tissues and Aging
19 Connective Tissues and Aging Nicholas A. Kefalides *, Zahra Ziaie, Edward J. Macarak Aging is a continuous process that constitutes a cycle studded with events that affect all systems…
Medical Care for Older Long-Term Care Residents in the United Kingdom
124 Medical Care for Older Long-Term Care Residents in the United Kingdom Finbarr C. Martin Introduction Care homes are a major part of the health care system in the United…
Geriatrics in Latin America
123 Geriatrics in Latin America Fernando Gomez, Carmen-Lucia Curcio Most older people live in less developed countries, and these countries will experience the most rapid aging compared with other countries….
Ethical Issues in Geriatric Medicine
115 Ethical Issues in Geriatric Medicine Søren Holm In one sense, there are no ethical issues or principles that are specific to geriatric medicine. Our moral status as persons do…
HIV and Aging
113 HIV and Aging Current Status and Evolving Perspectives Julian Falutz Introduction The HIV/AIDS epidemic continues to affect millions of people throughout the world more than 30 years after it…
Pressure Ulcers
107 Pressure Ulcers Bryan D. Struck Five centuries ago, French physician Ambroise Paré described one of the earliest pressure ulcers in the medical literature, noting that “the bedsore on the…
100 Rehabilitation Evidence-Based Physical and Occupational Therapy Techniques for Stroke and Parkinson Disease Geert Verheyden, Annick Van Gils, Alice Nieuwboer Introduction Rehabilitation services are typically provided by a group of…
Geriatric Oncology
92 Geriatric Oncology Margot A. Gosney Cancer is a major cause of death and morbidity in older adults. In England and Wales, more than 331,000 people were diagnosed with cancer…