Geriatric Medicine in North America
121 Geriatric Medicine in North America David B. Hogan Introduction In this chapter we examine the history and current state of geriatric medicine in Canada (2014 estimated population 35.5 million)…
121 Geriatric Medicine in North America David B. Hogan Introduction In this chapter we examine the history and current state of geriatric medicine in Canada (2014 estimated population 35.5 million)…
86 Breast Cancer Lodovico Balducci, Dawn Dolan, Christina Laronga Approximately 35% of breast cancers occur in women aged 70 and older, and this percentage is expected to increase with the…
88 Disorders of the Thyroid Maria Papaleontiou, Nazanene Helen Esfandiari As an individual ages, several morphologic and physiologic changes occur in the entire endocrine system, including the thyroid gland. These…
39 Chronic Cardiac Failure Neil D. Gillespie, Miles D. Witham, Allan D. Struthers Cardiac failure increases in prevalence and incidence with age. It is a disease of middle and old…
129 Managed Care for Older Americans Richard G. Stefanacci, Jill L. Cantelmo Managed care is thought by many to be the answer to the question of how to improve access…
101 Geriatric Pharmacotherapy and Polypharmacy Jennifer Greene Naples, Steven M. Handler, Robert L. Maher Jr., Kenneth E. Schmader, Joseph T. Hanlon Introduction Medications are the most frequently used and misused…
96 Disorders of Hearing Barbara Weinstein A guiding principle for the care of older adults is the delivery of person-centered care (PCC), with patient preferences elicited and incorporated into medical…