Diffuse Low-Grade Glioma Associated Stem Cells
Fig. 9.1 GASC features. The scheme depicts the protocol used to isolate GASC, the GASC features that have been analyzed and the assays used 9.3.1 GASC Are a Population of…
Fig. 9.1 GASC features. The scheme depicts the protocol used to isolate GASC, the GASC features that have been analyzed and the assays used 9.3.1 GASC Are a Population of…
Fig. 16.1 Illustrative case of pre- versus post-operative growth rates. Note that one can estimate the oncological gain of surgery: the re-evolution curve is translated by about 6 years. Note…
Fig. 23.1 The largest surgical serie of DLGG ever reported, by the French Glioma Network, which demonstrated with an experience of 1097 patients that both the postsurgical residual volume (upper)…
Fig. 35.1 Suspected DLGG of incidental discovery in a 50-years old lady on axial FLAIR-weighted MRI. No evolution was evidenced over three years of follow-up (left: June 2013, right: June…
Fig. 21.1 Three network types as described by Watts and Strogatz [20]. At the one end of the spectrum is the regular or ordered network. At the other end is…
This type of analysis can be used on different MR sequences or CT slices. Yet, portrayed texture from necrosis, which may be important to detect during LGG transformation, may be…
Fig. 12.1 (a) Example of a left parietal diffuse low-grade glioma. Brain tissue specimens were sampled inside the tumor (Tu) and from the neocortex infiltrated by sparse glioma cells (Cx)….
Diffuse astrocytic and oligodendroglial tumors ICD-O codes Diffuse astrocytoma, IDH-mutant 9400/3 Gemistocytic astrocytoma, IDH-mutant 9411/3 Diffuse astrocytoma, IDH-wildtype 9400/3 Diffuse astrocytoma, NOS 9400/3 Anaplastic astrocytoma, IDH-mutant 9401/3 Anaplastic astrocytoma, IDH-wildtype…
Fig. 34.1 Tumor overlap map overlaid on a standard Montreal National Institute (MNI) T1 for all 198 patients, presented according to the neurological convention (left to left and right to…
Fig. 22.1 Proposal of a hodotopical model of functional connectivity in the human brain, with incorporation of anatomical constraints. This networking model was elaborated on the basis of structural-functional correlations…