Megaloblastic Anemias:Disorders of Impaired Dna Synthesis

Megaloblastic Anemias:Disorders of Impaired Dna Synthesis

Ralph Carmel


The story of megaloblastic anemia, its causes, and how they were decoded is a wonderfully instructive chapter of medicine. Clinical observations set the stage for a series of insightful clinical investigations that converted a dreaded “pernicious” condition into one that is now easily treated.

A puzzling illness with anemia, debilitation, languor, and, finally, torpor and death was described by Addison1 in 1849. Although possibly similar cases were reported earlier and Addison believed the anemia to be related to adrenal dysfunction, this is generally taken as the first description of pernicious anemia. Neuropathy was noted by Osler and Gardner in 1877, and Lichtheim associated it with myelopathy 10 years later. In 1880, Ehrlich identified megaloblasts and proposed them as the precursors of the “giant blood corpuscles” described in the peripheral blood by Hayem.

The clinical breakthrough occurred in 1926 when Minot and Murphy,2 using the then new technique of reticulocyte assessment, showed that the manifestations could be reversed and held in abeyance by eating prodigious amounts of liver; for this, they shared the Nobel Prize. Three years later, Castle,3 building on earlier descriptions of achylia gastrica, demonstrated that gastric juice contains an “intrinsic factor” (IF) that combines with an “extrinsic factor” in meat and allows it to be absorbed. Several decades later, the extrinsic factor, vitamin B12, was synthesized,4, 5 and its structure was demonstrated by Hodgkin,6 who was awarded a Nobel Prize for her crystallographic work.

Studies by Wills,7 who treated macrocytic anemia with yeast, and by many others defined the need for folate, which was isolated and characterized by 1948.8 The ability of nutritional folate deficiency to cause megaloblastic anemia was proven in a notable selfexperiment by Herbert.9 The stories of these and other discoveries are available in several highly readable books and articles.10, 11, 12, 13

Cure is so simple now that the once deadly diseases are considered domesticated. That gratifying development has been so successful that the potential for clinical neglect has emerged,14, 15, 16 even as major metabolic and molecular advances continue. The definitions of insufficiency have expanded,17 and accurate and accessible biochemical tools have facilitated exploration of potential impact on public health. This has not been free of controversy.


The hematologic consequences are identical in folate and cobalamin deficiency. So are many nonhematologic manifestations, with the notable exception of neurologic dysfunction. Some clinical variations reflect the ways in which the two deficiencies arise. Folate deficiency typically evolves rapidly, and it is often
associated with broad malnutrition and with alcohol abuse. In contrast, the evolution of cobalamin deficiency is usually measured in years, and it tends to be a purer deficiency state because malabsorption is often restricted to cobalamin alone.

Megaloblastic Anemia in Cobalamin and Folate Deficiency


Deficiency of folate compromises the methylation of deoxyuridylate to deoxythymidylate (Fig. 36.2, reaction 2), and deficiency of cobalamin does so indirectly. However, impaired de novo thymidylate synthesis only partially explains megaloblastic anemia. Observations in nonanemic patients with cobalamin deficiency93, 94, 95, 96 and animal models97 show that thymidylate synthase impairment alone need not lead to anemia. Other steps contribute.98 The excess uracil from deoxyuridylate is misincorporated into DNA in place of thymine and active excision repair produces many single-strand breaks.99 When excisions coincide at opposing DNA strand sites, double-stranded breaks result, which may explain the nuclear defects of megaloblastic anemia. The end result appears to be an arrest at various stages of interphase in hematopoietic precursors.100 Even so, the details are incomplete and megaloblastic anemia is not restricted to cobalamin or folate deficiency.


Megaloblastic anemia is a panmyelosis, even though its name suggests a disorder limited to red cells and erythroid hyperplasia is a prominent feature. Indeed, the immature appearance of megaloblastic nuclei and the occasionally intense myeloid proliferation in the marrow have led to a misdiagnosis of leukemia in rare cases. The morphologic hallmark is nuclear-cytoplasmic dissociation, which is best appreciated in precursor cells in the bone marrow aspirate (Fig. 36.5). Megaloblastic nuclei are larger than normoblastic nuclei, and their chromatin appears abnormally dispersed due to its retarded condensation. Random chromosomal abnormalities are seen, including centromere spreading,101 but nonrandom changes may also occur.102, 103 Cytoplasmic maturation appears unremarkable.

Giant band cells and metamyelocytes with large and often misshapen nuclei are typical. Neutrophils with characteristic hypersegmented nuclei (Fig. 36.6) appear in the blood early in the course,9, 104 but they do not arise directly from the giant metamyelocytes.98 The mechanism of hypersegmentation and why it persists in the blood for more than a week after therapy105 are unknown. As megaloblastic anemia worsens, neutropenia and thrombocytopenia develop. These can be severe in advanced cases but are uncommon when anemia is mild.45 Platelets are often functionally impaired,106 although megakaryocytes do not show definable morphologic changes. The same may apply to lymphocytes.107

FIGURE 36.5. Normal and megaloblastic precursor cells in the bone marrow. A: Pronormoblast. B: Megaloblastic equivalent of cell in plate A. C: Late normoblast. D: Megaloblastic equivalent of cell in plate C. (From Lee RG, Foerster J, Lukens J, et al., eds. Wintrobe’s clinical hematology, 10th ed. Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 1999:913, with permission.)

Erythroid macrocytosis (Fig. 36.6) is an early change. Individual macrocytes appear first, as detectable by hemoglobin and cell size measurements confined to reticulocytes,108 followed by a gradual rise in overall mean corpuscular hemoglobin (MCH) and then mean corpuscular volume (MCV) that eventually crosses the line into abnormality (>97 fl) before the hemoglobin levels fall.9 In cobalamin deficiency, with its slow progression, macrocytosis precedes anemia by months.14, 15 Macro-ovalocytes are especially characteristic of megaloblastic anemia but are not specific.109 Early megaloblastic changes in the bone marrow precede the macrocytosis but are easily missed. Eventually, poikilocytosis becomes more pronounced with teardrop cells. Nucleated red cells, Howell-Jolly bodies, and even Cabot rings appear in the blood in severe megaloblastosis.

As anemia progresses, iron and transferrin receptor levels, sideroblast counts, and the ferritin content of erythroid precursors and macrophages increase.45, 110, 111 Erythropoietin levels correlate with the severity of anemia but can vary widely.112

Megaloblastic anemia is the chief exemplar of ineffective hematopoiesis in all three hematopoietic cell lines; bone marrow hyperplasia is intense but reticulocytosis does not occur.45, 98, 100 Precursor cells are arrested at various stages in interphase but continue to mature. As megaloblastosis advances, most precursors die within the hypercellular bone marrow and are phagocytosed. Whether early cell death is primarily apoptotic or not is controversial and may depend on the model studied.100, 113, 114 Advanced megaloblastic anemia has a poorly understood component of intravascular hemolysis also; survival of normal red cells transfused into cobalamin-deficient patients is short.115 Serum glutathione, an antioxidant, appears to be the most significant metabolic predictor of anemia in cobalamin deficiency.116 Abnormalities of red cell membrane proteins, including spectrin, have also been described.117

The evolution of hematologic changes has been detailed elsewhere45 and its laboratory characteristics are detailed further in the section “Hematologic Assessment.” With progressive anemia also come fatigue, hypervolemia, and cardiovascular symptoms, as well as the pallor combined with hyperbilirubinemia that gives a classic lemon yellow skin color, and even retinal hemorrhages and, on occasion, pseudotumor cerebri.

Neurologic Dysfunction

Cobalamin Deficiency

Clinical Features

The frequency of neurologic involvement in cobalamin deficiency is presumed lower than the frequency of anemia but is undefined (perhaps because it is not as explicit and quantifiable as anemia and because of patient selection biases). Often regarded as a late development, neurologic changes can precede anemia instead.124, 125, 126 Interestingly, the extents of neurologic and hematologic expressions of cobalamin deficiency tend to vary inversely in patients,116, 126 and the predilection tends to recur when deficiency relapses.126, 127, 128 Although genetic influences on clinical expression seem plausible, methyleneTHF reductase polymorphisms that increase folate availability for thymidylate synthase over methionine synthase did not predispose to neurologic manifestations in pernicious anemia.129

Neuromyelopathy is the most common neurologic feature of cobalamin deficiency,120, 126, 130, 131 but it is not specific to it; copper deficiency, for example, produces similar findings,132 as well as macrocytosis.133 Sensory changes in cobalamin deficiency include position sense disturbance and dysesthesia; pyramidal tract signs include spasticity and a Babinski reflex; neuropathy is exemplified by loss of tendon reflexes; and gait disturbances are common signs of advanced involvement. Manifestations tend to be symmetrical. Neuropathy, which is usually sensory but can be sensorimotor,134 can be hard to differentiate clinically from posterior column involvement.126, 130, 135, 136

The earliest manifestations are loss of vibratory sense in the feet and numbness, tingling, and loss of fine sensation. Others include loss of proprioception and, depending on the balance between myelopathy and neuropathy, hyperactive or diminished deep tendon reflexes. Involvement ascends up the legs, and, eventually, hands are affected as well. Muscle weakness and tenderness have been described sometimes. Ataxia, spasticity, gait disturbances, positive Babinski reflex, impotence, and bladder137 and bowel dysfunction appear in advanced cases.

Cerebral symptoms, notably cognitive and emotional changes, can be severe in some cases124, 126 or so mild as to be recognized
only in retrospect after treatment. MRI reveals focal and diffuse changes in the brain138 (Fig. 36.8). Tensor diffusion imaging also shows white matter changes in adjacent areas that seem normal on MRI.139 Nevertheless, despite low cobalamin levels in 10% to 20% of patients with chronic dementias,95, 140 the low levels usually reflect only subclinical cobalamin deficiency (SCCD) and appear unrelated to chronic dementias, which rarely improve with cobalamin therapy.141 In very young children, however, some cobalamin deficiencies can cause developmental delay, lethargy, cerebral atrophy, and seizures.142

FIGURE 36.8. Magnetic resonance imaging (T2 weighted) of the brain in a woman with pernicious anemia and cognitive dysfunction. Large confluent and focal areas of increased signal intensities are seen, predominating around the ventricles. The changes improved after therapy. (From Stojsavljevic N, Levic Z, Drulovic J, et al. A 44-month clinical-brain MRI follow-up in a patient with B12 deficiency. Neurology 1997;49:878-881, with permission.)

Autonomic dysfunction is sometimes demonstrable with deficiency.118, 143, 144, 145 Other neurologic manifestations include visual changes, optic neuritis, which predominates in men, and disturbances of smell or taste.126, 146 Classic motor dysfunction is rare, other than that caused by spasticity and proprioceptive loss, but abnormal central motor conduction times have been described.134 At early or late stages, MRI (Figs. 36.7 and 36.8) and functional electrophysiologic tests, such as electroencephalography, evoked potentials, and nerve conduction, show abnormalities.134, 138, 147, 148, 149, 150, 151

Unlike anemia, neurologic dysfunction does not always reverse after cobalamin therapy. Residual deficits persist in 6% of patients;126 they are not always predictable but tend to accompany more extensive involvement and longer duration before treatment begins.45, 130 Mistaken folate therapy has also been tied to the risk of neurologic irreversibility in patients with clinical cobalamin deficiency. The delayed cobalamin treatment when the anemia responds to folate presumably allows neurologic abnormalities to appear, progress, and, in occasional reports,152 perhaps even accelerate. The events are more ambiguous than assumed. Hematologic improvement after folate is usually neither complete nor long lived in pernicious anemia,152, 153 and transient neurologic responses to folate may occur too.153 Nevertheless, the anecdotal reports of clinical acceleration cannot be completely dismissed and cannot be studied prospectively in pernicious anemia. Folate should never be given alone to cobalamin-deficient patients, even those whose deficiency is subclinical and lacks convincing evidence for adverse effects.154

Folate Deficiency

Neurologic defects occur in only occasional adults with folate deficiency155, 156, 157 and are rarely as severe as in cobalamin deficiency. Although myelopathy has been reported,158 it is exceptional. Mild mental changes, such as forgetfulness and irritability,9 and mild neuropathy have been better accepted. A causative association with depression is controversial.159, 160 Attributions of any neurologic changes to folate deficiency, which often occurs in a setting of malnutrition, require high standards of proof, including consideration of alternative explanations such as alcohol abuse.

In sharp contrast, however, children with inborn errors of folate metabolism often have severe myelopathy and brain dysfunction, including seizures and mental retardation.142, 161, 162 The explanations for the neurologic differences between folate and cobalamin deficiency or between acquired and hereditary folate disorders are unknown.

Other Manifestations

Miscellaneous Clinical Findings

Atrophy of tongue papillae is common with cobalamin deficiency and sometimes gives rise to a beefy red tongue that may or may not cause symptoms.45, 163 Aphthous stomatitis and oral soreness can be prominent in some patients, including some without anemia. However, glossitis occurs with folate deficiency and other deficiencies also. The glossitis of cobalamin deficiency does not respond to folate.164 Mucosal changes occur elsewhere too, including megaloblastic changes in buccal epithelium, cervical cells, and intestinal villi;45, 165, 166 the latter apparently caused temporary malabsorption of cobalamin and other nutrients.167, 168 Other reversible but unexplained clinical changes in pernicious anemia include: impaired osteoblastic activity,169 although reports of bone density changes and risk of fractures have been inconsistent; darkening of nails and skin and change of hair color in severely deficient non-Caucasians;170, 171, 172 and sometimes marked weight loss.173

Miscellaneous Laboratory Abnormalities

Platelet function is sometimes impaired,106 but neutrophil dysfunction has been variable. Hemoglobin A2 levels rise slightly.174 Occasional patients with sickle cell trait have shown striking changes in hemoglobin S and F levels when folate-deficient.175 Cobalamin deficiency also affects some nonhematologic serum analytes: bone alkaline phosphatase is often decreased169 and immunoglobulin levels sometimes decline.176 An adolescent with severe megaloblastic anemia had reduced ADAMTS13 activity.177

Subclinical Deficiency and Indirect Consequences of Altered Vitamin Status

Automated metabolic tests have simplified identification of asymptomatic, nonanemic vitamin deficiency. The high frequency of these early subclinical states has opened them to scrutiny as possible public health issues, with varying outcomes. The uncertainties apply especially to cobalamin, because SCCD is widespread, dominates epidemiologic surveys, and is often confused with clinical deficiency, yet has unclear health implications and, therefore, unknown need for intervention.17, 178, 179

Subclinical Cobalamin Deficiency

Many patients and healthy people—especially, but not exclusively, the elderly—have low cobalamin levels but are asymptomatic and have normal blood counts. These low serum levels were thought artifactual until sensitive deoxyuridine suppression tests
showed in 1985 that most of them reflected mild biochemical insufficiency that responded to cobalamin and, equally important, rarely involved IF-related malabsorption.94, 95, 96, 180 None of the subjects had cobalamin-related anemia although bone marrow cells displayed reversible metabolic defects. Similarly, none had clinical neurologic findings although some,96, 141, 181 but not all,182 displayed mild, reversible electrophysiologic changes.

Widespread methylmalonic acid (MMA) and homocysteine testing183, 184, 185 next showed that asymptomatic nonanemic SCCD was much more common than clinical deficiency.17, 186, 187, 188 Thus, a survey of community-dwelling elderly subjects found that 12% had biochemical insufficiency188 but only 2% of them had IF antibody-positive pernicious anemia189 and, by extrapolation, 1% to 2% more may have had undetected antibody-negative disease. Readers must be aware that epidemiologic data apply to SCCD alone because too few subjects have clinical deficiency.190 Moreover, falsely low cobalamin levels (i.e., with normal MMA and homocysteine) also outnumber clinical deficiency in surveys.191 Nevertheless, the mild metabolic abnormalities in some asymptomatic subjects with low-normal cobalamin levels led many laboratories to raise the cutpoint for “suspicious” cobalamin levels from 200 to 300 or 350 ng/L to capture more cases.186 The change is open to criticism because nearly 70% of cases added thereby have normal MMA and homocysteine levels and are not cobalamin-deficient. The influx of suspected SCCD expanded the concept of cobalamin deficiency at the cost of overdiagnosis based on often nonspecific biochemical findings whose need for therapy was unclear.17, 179, 190, 192, 193

Assumptions that SCCD, especially when unaccompanied by malabsorption, progresses inevitably to clinical deficiency are untested.179, 190 Asymptomatic persons without malabsorption have been free of symptoms and anemia for 10 years despite persistently low cobalamin levels,194 and metabolic monitoring over 1 to 4 years showed infrequent progression of mildly elevated MMA levels.192 Only a small minority of people with SCCD have early pernicious anemia,189 whose progression to clinical deficiency is very predictable. Most persons with SCCD have no identifiable cause for it,17, 178 and the likelihood of progression in the 30% to 40% who have food-cobalamin malabsorption appears limited.195



Clinical Deficiency

Subclinical Deficiency

Biochemical abnormalities

Often severe

Usually mild

Clinical abnormalities

Megaloblastic anemia is present in >75% of cases

Anemia is absenta

Neurologic or cognitive changes are present in >50% of cases

Neurologic changes are absenta

Electrophysiologic (neurologic) abnormalities are usually present

Mild electrophysiologic changes are sometimes present

Cobalamin absorption status

IF-related malabsorption causes >90% of casesb

IF-related malabsorption is usually absentb

FBCM is uncommon

FBCM is present in <50% of cases

Normal absorption is uncommon (e.g., veganism)

Most persons have normal absorption

Diagnostic criteria

Almost always one or more clinical abnormalities

No clinical signs of cobalamin deficiency

At least one abnormal biochemical finding

Ideally, at least two abnormal biochemical findings should be demonstrated

Likelihood of progression of deficiency

Very high because of the usual presence of IF-related malabsorption

Unknown, but probably small

Any progression to symptoms (i.e., clinical deficiency) is likely to be very slow

Need for cobalamin therapy

Urgent in all cases


Medical implications

Clinical deficiency indicates that medical management is needed

None known, but if SCCD is found during medical evaluation it must be evaluated medically

Public health implications

None known

Unclear at presentc

FBCM, food-bound cobalamin malabsorption; IF, intrinsic factor; SCCD, subclinical cobalamin deficiency.

a Any anemia or neurologic findings found in a patient with suspected SCCD must have a cobalamin-unrelated cause (otherwise it is clinical deficiency and cannot be considered SCCD).

b IF-related malabsorption refers to absence of IF (which defines pernicious anemia) or inability of IF to promote intestinal absorption (e.g., intestinal disease). If such malabsorption is present, SCCD is likely to progress to clinical expression.

c Active research into potential public health issues requiring preventive interventions is ongoing but still inconclusive. High-dose cobalamin, folic acid, and pyridoxine may slow progression of cognitive decline in some elderly persons, but it is unknown whether SCCD is a factor.

SCCD is compared and contrasted with clinical cobalamin deficiency in Table 36.2.

Subclinical Folate Deficiency

Subclinical folate deficiency is less explicitly defined than SCCD for several reasons: folate status fluctuates more readily than cobalamin status because folate turnover is rapid;35 folate deficiency tends to be accompanied by other deficiencies; and attention is often diverted from the deficiency to its hyperhomocysteinemia. The latter, and growing pharmacogenetic and gene-nutrient data, suggest that subclinical variations of folate status below the level of deficiency may subtly influence many health issues, which are discussed next.

Vitamins and Public Health Risks

Subclinical Cobalamin Deficiency and Cognition

Many epidemiologic associations with SCCD have been pursued but clinical trials have been infrequent. Cognitive decline in the elderly has undergone the most active study because neurologic manifestations are frequent in clinical deficiency. The most consistent associations for cognitive dysfunction have been with homocysteine status, with variable links to folate and, to often lesser extent, cobalamin status. As reviewed elsewhere,179, 196, 197 early clinical trials were inadequate or inconclusive.198, 199, 200, 201, 202 However, two long-term randomized clinical trials in Europe, where dietary fortification is not mandatory, reported reduced progression of brain atrophy and cognitive decline. One found that 0.8 mg of folic acid daily was effective.203 The second demonstrated that three vitamins (0.8 mg folic acid, 500 µg cobalamin,
and 25 mg pyridoxine) slowed brain atrophy by 30%204 and reduced cognitive decline.205 Its important features were that the subjects were mildly cognitively impaired at baseline (which predicts likely progression, but avoids the irreversibility of dementia), the responders were hyperhomocysteinemic, and it is not clear which of the three vitamins was the beneficial one.


Extrapolation from inborn errors of homocysteine metabolism suggested that severe hyperhomocysteinemia may predispose to thrombotic manifestations.212 Extensive epidemiologic data associated even mild hyperhomocysteinemia with increased risks for coronary, cerebral, and peripheral vascular complications, although the associations were less firm in prospective, rigorously designed studies than in retrospective ones.213, 214 Genetic polymorphisms, primarily of methyleneTHF reductase, contribute to 9% of homocysteine level variation,215 but even in the absence of vitamin deficiency folate, cobalamin, and vitamin B6 often reverse the hyperhomocysteinemia. Indeed, folic acid fortification reduced the frequency of hyperhomocysteinemia from 20% to 32% to 5% to 14% in the elderly.216 Nevertheless, the outcomes of large interventional vitamin trials on coronary and cerebrovascular disease prevention have been disappointing.217 Indeed, some trials even suggested adverse effects.218, 219, 220, 221, 222

Laboratory Evaluation

Laboratory evaluation must have two separate targets: documenting hematologic, metabolic, and clinical chemistry changes that identify cobalamin or folate deficiency, and documenting the underlying condition or disease that caused the deficiency.

Hematologic Assessment

The mechanisms of megaloblastosis were discussed in the section “Hematopathology.” The classic blood count findings in cobalamin or folate deficiency are anemia, a high MCV and MCH, and, in more advanced cases, thrombocytopenia and neutropenia. Patients are often identifiable at an early stage in which they have MCV and MCH elevation alone, which precedes anemia by months in cobalamin deficiency15 but only by a few weeks in the more rapidly developing folate deficiency.9 At first, the MCV and MCH may simply be higher than the patient’s baseline, without being explicitly abnormal (e.g., an MCV of 90 fl replacing one of 85 fl). An early anisocytosis as new macrocytes begin to emerge can be detected by measuring the MCV or hemoglobin content of reticulocytes108 or by an elevated red cell distribution width, which, however, is not invariable in early deficiency.223 Red cell counts decline before hemoglobin and packed cell volume levels.

Megaloblastic anemia is not the only cause of macrocytic anemia, however, or even the most common (Table 36.3). A hospital survey found 64% of MCV values >100 fl to be due to chemotherapy, antiretroviral therapy, or alcohol abuse.109 Cobalamin and folate deficiencies caused only 6% of the high MCV values but accounted for most MCV values above 110 fl.

Absolute reticulocyte counts typically fall slightly. The laboratory signs of ineffective erythropoiesis, serum lactate dehydrogenase and indirect bilirubin levels, are initially inapparent but rise as the hemoglobin approaches 10 g/dl.45 As anemia worsens, lactate dehydrogenase levels may reach thousands of units per liter as intravascular hemolysis is added to ineffective erythropoiesis. Other markers include rising serum transferrin receptor, iron, ferritin, nontransferrin-bound iron, and methemalbumin levels, as well as low serum haptoglobin levels. Platelet and neutrophil counts usually decline only as the anemia progresses. The pancytopenia can ultimately mimic aplastic anemia, which too is usually macrocytic (but does not display the bilirubin and lactate dehydrogenase elevations).

Most of the hematologic variability is dictated by the stage at which the patient is discovered.45 However, not every patient expresses the same degree of anemia for the degree of cobalamin deficiency. Many severely deficient patients have surprisingly mild anemia or even lack it.125 The reasons are usually unknown but some may be linked to the unexplained tendency for inverse association between anemia and neurologic dysfunction.124, 125 Another influence on hematologic expression is coexisting iron deficiency or thalassemia that produces normal or low MCV in approximately 7% of patients with pernicious anemia;224 these MCVs are above baseline for the patients and fall after vitamin therapy.225 Iron deficiency sometimes also blunts the erythroid megaloblastic changes themselves, both morphologically and by deoxyuridine suppression testing.226, 227 Iron studies in untreated megaloblastic anemia often do not reveal the coexisting iron deficiency.45 Because all marrow and blood indicators of iron status fall within 24 to 48 hours of vitamin therapy, sometimes transiently to low levels before rebounding, it is advisable to wait several days for the tests to stabilize and reveal the patient’s true iron status.

Hypersegmentation of neutrophil nuclei is a constant feature but is variably defined45 and may be unreliable in inexpert hands. The most serviceable criteria are finding one or more neutrophils with six or more nuclear lobes or showing that at least 4% to 5% of neutrophils have five lobes. Calculating lobe averages is considered the gold standard but comparison against published reference ranges is unreliable because interobserver variation is great. Hypersegmentation often precedes anemia,9, 104 but it is not found in subclinical deficiency.228 Hypersegmented neutrophils are not specific for cobalamin or folate deficiency; they are found in patients receiving chemotherapeutic drugs such as 5-fluorouracil or hydroxyurea, in some patients receiving steroid therapy for immune thrombocytopenic purpura,229 and in rare
patients with myelofibrosis or chronic myelogenous leukemia. It is unclear whether iron deficiency can cause hypersegmentation.230 Neutrophil segmentation is normally greater in blacks than in whites.228


Causes of Macrocytosis (MCV >97 fl)

Likelihood of Severe Macrocytosis (MCV >110 fl)

Megaloblastic anemia

Cobalamin or folate deficiency


Some metabolic disorders (e.g., thiamine-responsive anemia)


Cytotoxic drugs (e.g., hydroxyurea, 5-fluorouracil)


Some immunosuppressive drugs (e.g., azathioprine)



Without liver disease


With liver disease



Antiviral drugs


Anticonvulsant drugs


Disorders of red cell productionb

Aplastic anemia; pure red cell aplasia


Myelodysplastic syndromes


Myeloproliferative disease; leukemia


Sideroblastic anemia (hereditary or acquired)


Congenital dyserythropoietic anemia; Fanconi anemia;


Blackfan-Diamond anemia

Copper deficiency anemia



Hemolytic anemia


Nonhematologic diseaseb

Liver disease (alcohol unrelated)





Red cells are enlarged in the first 4 wk of life





Chronic lung disease; smoking




Multiple myeloma


Artifact of electronic cell sizingb

Cold agglutinins


Severe hyperglycemia




Stored blood


Warm antibody to red blood cells


aMacrocytosis can be diagnosed when an MCV is not yet >97 fl, if the MCV is higher than in the past. The second column estimates the likelihood of finding severe macrocytosis (>110 fl in adults).
b Macrocytosis is not accompanied by megaloblastic changes.

Laboratory Tests of Deficiency

Cobalamin and folate levels are measurable in serum and cells. The original microbiologic methods exploited the cobalamin or folate requirements of various micro-organisms, including differential sensitivities to specific forms of folate.45, 231, 232 Although rarely used today, microbiologic assays remain the gold standard. Radioisotope dilution competitive-binding assays for cobalamin and folate gave way to automated chemiluminescence-based competitive-binding assays a decade ago. Technical ease and demand have grown, but transparency, documentation, and validation of assay performance have diminished.233, 234 Long suspected of critical failures to identify low cobalamin levels, and sometimes producing results above 1,000 ng/L,234, 235 many automated assays have misidentified 22% to 35% of sera from untreated patients with pernicious anemia.236 The errors appear to involve failure to inactivate serum autoantibodies to IF, but at present the manufacturers’ corrections are awaited.

No single biochemical test is diagnostically definitive for either cobalamin or folate deficiency.190 In most clinical settings, the cobalamin test, when free of error, nevertheless suffices if the clinical picture is clear.193 Several metabolic tests are available to clarify the vitamin levels (Table 36.4), and can be clinically decisive in difficult cases. However, a clinical “picture” is unavailable in SCCD, and all tests lack sufficient specificity.190 Therefore, a panel evaluating cobalamin testing in epidemiologic research237 recommended that the diagnosis of SCCD should be based on finding at least two abnormalities, one metabolic (e.g., MMA or homocysteine) and one quantitating cobalamin content (e.g., serum cobalamin
or holo-TC II).190 Metabolic tests are essential in the diagnosis of inborn errors of metabolism, in which vitamin levels are often normal. Metabolites are also ideal for monitoring response of deficiency to therapy because their levels do not change unless the therapy was effective, whereas vitamin levels (serum cobalamin, holo-TC II, or folate) rise upon vitamin entry into the bloodstream regardless of efficacy. Metabolite improvement is also delayed for several days, allowing a post-therapy window of time for diagnostic reassessment if needed.


Test Finding in


Cobalamin Deficiency

Folate Deficiency

Sensitivity of Abnormal Test Resulta

Specificity of Abnormal Test Resulta

Serum cobalamin


N or Low

Very goodb


Serum folate

N or High


Very good


Red cell folate

N or Low




Serum methylmalonic acid



Very good


Serum 2-methylcitric acidc





Plasma homocysteine



Very good


Plasma cystathioninec





Serum holo-transcobalamin II



Presumably very good


Deoxyuridine suppression testc,d



Very good


N, normal result; Nd, not determined.

a The sensitivity and specificity estimates (very good, >90%; good, 80% to 90%; poor <70%) apply only to clinically expressed cobalamin deficiency. They do not apply to subclinical cobalamin deficiency, in which sensitivity and specificity tend to be lower than in clinical deficiency, are usually determined only against other biochemical tests, or are unknown.

b Automated chemiluminescence cobalamin assays, however, appear prone to falsely normal results when serum contains antibody to intrinsic factor.

c The test is available only in research laboratories.

d The discriminatory diagnostic power arises from including testing with vitamin additives in vitro.

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Oct 21, 2016 | Posted by in HEMATOLOGY | Comments Off on Megaloblastic Anemias:Disorders of Impaired Dna Synthesis

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