After completion of this chapter, the reader will be able to: 1. Diagram megakaryocytopoiesis, including megakaryocyte localization, growth factor control, endomitosis, and platelet shedding. 2. Describe the ultrastructure of resting platelets in the circulation, including the plasma membrane, tubules, microfibrils, and granules. 3. List the important platelet receptors and their ligands. 4. Recount platelet function, including adhesion, aggregation, and secretion. 5. Reproduce the biochemical pathways of platelet activation, including integrins, G proteins, the eicosanoid, and the diacylglycerol-inositol triphosphate pathway. Platelets are anucleate blood cells that circulate in amounts of 150 to 400 × 109/L, with mean counts slightly higher in women than in men.1 Platelets trigger primary hemostasis on exposure to endothelial, subendothelial, and plasma procoagulants in blood vessel injury. On a Wright-stained wedge-preparation blood film, platelets are distributed throughout the red blood cell monolayer at 7 to 21 per 100× field. They have an average diameter of 2.5 µm, corresponding to a mean platelet volume (MPV) of 8 to 10 fL in an isotonic suspension, as determined using laboratory profiling instruments.2 Their internal structure, although complex, is granular but scarcely visible using light microscopy. Platelets arise from unique bone marrow cells called megakaryocytes. Megakaryocytes are among the largest cells in the body and are polyploid, which means that they possess multiple chromosome copies within a single cell. On a Wright-stained bone marrow aspirate film, each megakaryocyte is 30 to 50 µm in diameter with a multilobulated nucleus and abundant granular cytoplasm. In healthy intact bone marrow tissue, megakaryocytes cluster in the extravascular compartment adjacent to the abluminal membrane (the surface opposite the lumen) of venous sinusoid endothelial cells (Figure 13-1).3 Myelocytic and erythrocytic precursor cells, which locate further from the endothelial cells, may cross the megakaryocyte cytoplasm to reach the sinusoid lumen, a faux phagocytosis known as emperopolesis.4 Megakaryocytes are also harvested from the lungs.5 In a normal Wright-stained bone marrow aspirate film, the microscopist may identify two to four megakaryocytes per 10× low-power field. Megakaryocyte maturation is marked by a mysterious form of mitosis that lacks telophase and cytokinesis (separation into daughter cells) and is called endomitosis. In endomitosis, DNA replication proceeds to the production of 8N, 16N, or 32N ploidy with duplicated sets of chromosomes, but no cell division.6 Some megakaryocyte nuclei replicate five times, reaching 128N; this level of ploidy is unusual, however, and may signal hematologic disease. Megakaryocytes employ their copious DNA to synthesize abundant cytoplasm, which differentiates into platelets. A single megakaryocyte may shed 2000 to 4000 platelets. In an average-size healthy human there are 108 megakaryocytes producing 1011 platelets per day. The key to endomitosis is the loss of spindle fiber orientation at the point of telophase, so that chromosomes do not proceed from equatorial plates to polar bodies, but rather duplicate in place. Cytokinesis is arrested, a cell-cycle adaptation found in no other normal human cell. The megakaryocyte-erythrocyte progenitor (see Figure 7-13) differentiates into the megakaryocyte lineage under the influence of the hormone thrombopoietin (TPO) and a series of cytokines (see Table 13-3). There are three megakaryocyte lineage-committed progenitor stages, defined by their culture colony characteristics. In order of differentiation, these are the least mature burst-forming unit (BFU-Meg), the colony-forming unit (CFU-Meg), and the most mature light-density CFU (LD-CFU-Meg).7 All three progenitor stages resemble small lymphocytes and cannot be distinguished by Wright-stained light microscopy. The BFU-Meg and CFU-Meg are diploid and participate in normal mitosis, maintaining a pool of megakaryocyte progenitors. Their proliferative (mitotic) properties are reflected in their ability to form colonies of hundreds (BFUs) or scores (CFUs) of progeny in culture (Figure 13-2). In contrast to the BFU-Meg and CFU-Meg, the LD-CFU-Meg has little proliferative capacity and produces few cells, but begins the progress through endomitosis to reach increased nuclear ploidy. In specialty laboratories, immunologic probes and flow cytometry are employed to identify megakaryocyte progenitors. Useful flow cytometric progenitor markers are the general stem cell marker CD34, HLA-DR, and platelet glycoprotein IIIa (GP IIb/IIIa, CD41).8 Platelet peroxidase, localized in the endoplasmic reticulum of progenitors and megakaryoblasts, also may be identified by cytochemical stain in transmission electron microscopy. Identical peroxidase activity is localized to the dense tubular system of mature platelets.9 Megakaryocyte progenitors leave the proliferative phase and enter terminal differentiation, a series of stages in which microscopists begin to recognize their unique Wright-stained morphology in bone marrow aspirate films (Figure 13-3) or hematoxylin and eosin–stained bone marrow biopsy sections (Table 13-1). TABLE 13-1 Features of the Three Terminal Megakaryocyte Differentiation Stages MK-I, Megakaryoblast; MK-II, promegakaryocyte; MK-III, megakaryocyte. Morphologists call the least differentiated megakaryocyte precursor the MK-I stage or megakaryoblast. Although they no longer look like small lymphocytes, megakaryoblasts cannot be reliably distinguished from myeloblasts or pronormoblasts using light microscopy (Figure 13-4). The morphologist may see plasma membrane blebs, blunt projections from the margin that resemble platelets. At this stage the megakaryocyte begins to develop most of its cytoplasmic ultrastructure, including procoagulant-laden α-granules, δ-granules (dense bodies), and the demarcation system (DMS).10 If there is a clinical need, immunologic probes or cytochemical markers are employed for definitive identification by flow cytometry (Table 13-2). In addition to the progenitor markers listed previously, the megakaryoblast may be identified using immunologic probes for the more differentiated membrane structures GP Ib, which is part of the GP Ib/IX/V von Willebrand factor (VWF) adhesion receptor (CD42); mpl, which is the TPO receptor site; or cytoplasmic VWF, detected by histochemical immunostaining rather than flow cytometry. CD36, which is GP IV, becomes visible in the developing MK-II stage, and fibrinogen may be detected by immunostaining in the fully developed megakaryocyte. TABLE 13-2 Immunologic Probe or Cytochemical Markers at Each Stage of Megakaryocyte and Platelet Maturation The megakaryocyte reaches its full ploidy level by the end of the MK-II stage. At the MK-III stage, the megakaryocyte is easily recognized at 10× magnification on the basis of its 30- to 50-µm diameter (Figures 13-5 and 13-6). The nucleus is intensely indented or lobulated, and the degree of lobulation is imprecisely proportional to ploidy. (When necessary, ploidy levels are measured using mepacrine, a nucleic acid dye, in megakaryocyte flow cytometry.11) The chromatin is variably condensed with light and dark patches. The cytoplasm is azurophilic (lavender), granular, and platelet-like, because of the spread of the DMS and α-granules. At full maturation, platelet shedding, or thrombocytopoiesis, proceeds. Figure 13-7 appears to show platelet shedding. One cannot find reliable evidence for platelet budding or shedding simply by examining megakaryocytes in situ, even in well-structured bone marrow biopsy preparations. In megakaryocyte cultures examined by transmission electron microscopy, the DMS dilates, longitudinal bundles of tubules form, cytoplasmic extensions called proplatelet processes develop, and transverse constrictions appear throughout the processes.12 The proplatelet processes pierce through or between sinusoid-lining endothelial cells, extend into the venous blood, and release platelets (Figure 13-8). Sometimes whole megakaryocytes escape the marrow in this fashion to lodge in other organs, such as the lungs. Morphologists presume that thrombopoiesis leaves behind naked megakaryocyte nuclei to be consumed by marrow macrophages, although these are rarely seen in bone marrow aspirate films. Their absence leads a few morphologists to speculate that the lung is the primary site of thrombopoiesis.13 TPO is a 70-kD molecule with 23% homology with erythropoietin.14 Messenger ribonucleic acid (RNA) for TPO has been found in the kidney, liver, stromal cells, and smooth muscle cells, though liver has the most copies. TPO circulates in plasma and is the ligand that binds a megakaryocyte and platelet membrane receptor protein, mpl, named for v-mpl, a viral oncogene associated with murine myeloproliferative leukemia. The concentration of TPO is inversely proportional to platelet and megakaryocyte mass, which implies that membrane binding and consequent disposal of TPO by platelets is the primary control mechanism.15 Investigators have used in vitro and in vivo experiments to show that TPO induces stem cells to differentiate into megakaryocyte progenitors in synergy with cytokines and that it further induces differentiation of megakaryocyte progenitors into megakaryocytes, induces the proliferation and maturation of megakaryocytes, and induces platelet release (Table 13-3).16,17 Recombinant TPO in several forms elevates the platelet count in healthy donors and in patients treated for a variety of neoplasms, including acute leukemia, and the commercial form NPlate (romiplostim, Amgen) is effective in raising the platelet count in immune thrombocytopenic purpura.18 TABLE 13-3 Hormones and Cytokines That Control Megakaryocytopoiesis Cell-derived stimulators of megakaryocytopoiesis include interleukin-3 (IL-3), IL-6, and IL-11. IL-3 seems to act in synergy with TPO to induce early differentiation of stem cells, whereas IL-6 and IL-11 act in the presence of TPO to enhance the later phenomena of endomitosis, megakaryocyte maturation, and platelet release. IL-11 has been synthesized and marketed by Genetics Institute as Neumega (oprelvekin) and used to stimulate platelet production in patients with chemotherapy-induced thrombocytopenia.19 Other cytokines and hormones that participate synergistically with TPO and the interleukins are stem cell factor, also called kit ligand or mast cell growth factor; granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor (GM-CSF); granulocyte colony-stimulating factor (G-CSF); and erythropoietin (EPO). The list continues to grow. Platelet factor 4 (PF4), β-thromboglobulin, neutrophil-activating peptide 2, IL-8, and other factors inhibit in vitro megakaryocyte growth, which indicates that they may have a role in the control of megakaryocytopoiesis in vivo. Internally, reduction in the transcription factors FOG, GATA-1, and NF-E2 diminish megakaryocytopoiesis at the progenitor, endomitosis, and terminal maturation phases.20 The proplatelet process sheds platelets, cells consisting of granular cytoplasm with a membrane but no nuclear material, into the venous sinus. Their diameter in the monolayer of a Wright-stained peripheral blood wedge film averages 2.5 µm. MPV, as measured in an isotonic suspension flowing through the detector cell of a clinical profiling instrument, ranges from 8 to 10 fL. A frequency distribution of platelet volume is log-normal, however, which indicates a subpopulation of large platelets (see Figure 39-14). Volume heterogeneity in normal healthy humans reflects variation in platelet release volume and is not a function of platelet age or vitality, as many authors have previously assumed.5 Reticulated platelets, sometimes known as stress platelets, appear in compensation for thrombocytopenia.21 Reticulated platelets are markedly larger than ordinary mature circulating platelets; their diameter in blood films exceeds 6 µm and their MPV reaches 12 to 14 fL.22 Like ordinary platelets, they round up in EDTA, but in citrated whole blood, reticulated platelets are cylindrical and beaded, resembling megakaryocyte proplatelet processes. Reticulated platelets carry free ribosomes and fragments of rough endoplasmic reticulum, analogous to red blood cell reticulocytes, which has triggered speculation that they arise from early and rapid proplatelet extension and release. Nucleic acid dyes such as thiazole orange bind the RNA of the endoplasmic reticulum. This property is exploited by profiling instruments to provide a quantitative evaluation of reticulated platelet production under stress, a measurement that may be more useful than the MPV.23 This measurement is confounded by platelet dense granules, which falsely raise the reticulated platelet count by taking up nucleic acid dyes. The platelet plasma membrane resembles any biologic membrane: a bilayer composed of proteins and lipids, as diagrammed in Figure 13-9. The predominant lipids are phospholipids, which form the basic structure, and cholesterol, which distributes asymmetrically throughout the phospholipids. The phospholipids form a bilayer with their polar heads oriented toward aqueous environments—toward the plasma externally and the cytoplasm internally. Their fatty acid chains, esterified to carbons 1 and 2 of the phospholipid triglyceride backbone, orient toward each other, perpendicular to the plane of the membrane, to form a hydrophobic barrier sandwiched within the hydrophilic layers.
Platelet Production, Structure, and Function
Megakaryocyte Progenitors
Terminal Megakaryocyte Differentiation
% Precursors
14-18 µm
15-40 µm
30-50 µm
Not visible
Deeply but variably condensed
Nucleus-to-cytoplasm ratio
3 : 1
1 : 2
1 : 4
Basophilic and granular
Eosinophilic and granular
Demarcation system
CD34; stem cell marker
Peroxidase by cytochemical stain in transmission electron microscopy (CD41) glycoprotein IIb/IIIa (fibrinogen receptor) by flow cytometry
CD36; glycoprotein IV
Thrombocytopoiesis (Platelet Shedding)
Hormones and Cytokines of Megakaryocytopoiesis
Differentiation to Progenitors
Differentiation to Megakaryocytes
Late Maturation
Clinical Use
Platelet Ultrastructure
Resting Platelet Plasma Membrane
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Platelet Production, Structure, and Function
