Individual from a family with a known deleterious BRCA1/BRCA2 mutation
Personal history of breast cancerd + one or more of the following:
Diagnosed at age ≤45 years
Two breast primariese when first breast cancer diagnosis occurred ≤ age 50 years
Diagnosed at age ≤50 years with ≥1 close blood relative with breast cancer at any age or with a limited family history
Diagnosed at age ≤60 years with a triple-negative breast cancer
Diagnosed at any age with ≥1 close blood relativef with breast cancer diagnosed ≤50 years
Diagnosed at any age with ≥2 close blood relativesf with breast cancer at any age
Diagnosed at any age with ≥1 close blood relative with epithelial ovarian cancer
Diagnosed at any age with ≥2 close blood relativesf with pancreatic cancer or aggressive prostate cancer (Gleason score ≥7) at any age
Close male blood relativef with breast cancer
For an individual of ethnicity associated with higher mutation frequency (e.g., Ashkenazi Jewish), no additional family history may be required.g
Personal history of epithelial ovarianh cancer
Personal history of male breast cancer
Personal history of pancreatic cancer or aggressive prostate cancer (Gleason score ≥7) at any age with ≥2 close blood relativesf with breast and/or ovarianh and/or pancreatic or aggressive prostate cancer (Gleason score ≥7) at any age
Family history only (significant limitations of interpreting test results for an unaffected individual should be discussed):
First- or second-degree blood relative meeting any of the above criteria
Third-degree blood relative with breast cancerd and/or ovarianh cancer with ≥2 close blood relativesf with breast cancer (as least one with breast cancer ≤50 years) and/or ovarianh cancer
Clinical judgment should be used to determine if the patient has reasonable likelihood of a mutation, considering the unaffected patient’s current age and the age of the female unaffected relatives who link the patient with the affected relatives
Testing of unaffected individuals should only be considered when an appropriate affected family member is unavailable for testing
HBOC testing criteria met, then see follow-up (HBOC-2)
HBOC testing criteria not met, then cancer screening as per NCCN screening guidelines
The process of identifying and referring those needing further genetics assessment varies widely. Many practices will rely on physicians and other health-care providers to recognize and refer these individuals for further risk assessment [2]. The success of this strategy, however, relies on multiple factors – the strongest of which is patient inquiry about their need for genetic testing for cancer [3, 4]. Other programs implement a “pen and paper” family history questionnaire that is reviewed by a trained staff member to identify and refer for genetic counseling. Still others use a more complex approach, where a patient inputs his or her personal and family history into a computerized software program, and the software identifies those needing genetic counseling [5–7]. This software output must be reviewed systematically so as no woman identified as “high risk” is overlooked. The use of the Internet in the identification of at-risk women is a potentially powerful tool, and interest in this modality is high [8]. More research is needed to determine which of the strategies noted herewith are most efficient at identifying individuals at risk [9, 10].
Once an individual is recognized as being at increased risk, it is important that they are referred to a cancer genetics professional [1] as the importance of pretest and post-test genetic counseling for cancer susceptibility testing is widely recognized [11]. Referral to a cancer genetics professional is also important because the provider ordering the genetic testing must understand the complexities of genetic testing and the appropriate interpretation of the test results. One study reported that patients undergoing genetic testing for APC mutations often received inadequate counseling and would have been given incorrectly interpreted results [12]. The authors concluded that physicians should be prepared to offer genetic counseling if they order genetic tests. Another study examining the genetic testing ordered at a large genetic testing company (including genetic testing for hereditary predisposition to cancer) showed that as high as 30 % of all ordered tests were inappropriately ordered [13]. Among frequently misordered tests in this study were requests for full gene sequencing when a familial mutation was known or when a screening panel would have been more appropriate. These studies suggest that if a physician is not adequately trained in the complexities of cancer genetic testing, a referral to cancer genetics professional should be made. The genetics professional will obtain a more detailed family history and determine who is appropriate for genetic testing. Practice guidelines exist to guide the genetic counselor in this process [14, 15].
Defining Risk
There exist various models which are used to estimate a woman’s risk of breast cancer (Table 1.1). Most of these models can be classified into two groups: those that estimate the risk of developing breast cancer over time [16, 17] and those that estimate the probability of detecting a mutation in a cancer susceptibility gene [18, 19]. The most commonly used breast cancer risk assessment models are the Gail and Claus models. The model of Gail and colleagues [16] estimates breast cancer risk by taking into account a woman’s age at menarche, age at first live birth, number of first-degree relatives with breast cancer, and previous biopsies, with specific focus on the presence of atypical hyperplasia. The Gail model will underestimate the risk of developing breast cancer in many women with a family history of cancer as it does not include breast cancer in non-first-degree relatives or a family history of ovarian cancer [20]. For this reason, the model is more appropriately used to determine breast cancer risk in individuals who do not have family histories suggestive of a hereditary breast cancer syndrome or who have tested negative for a known genetic mutation. The tables of Claus and colleagues [17] also determine the risk of breast cancer for unaffected women, taking into consideration the number and age at breast cancer diagnosis of first- and second-degree female relatives. Despite this, the Claus model also underestimates the risk of a woman developing breast cancer if she has a hereditary predisposition to developing breast cancer because it does not take into consideration ethnicity or the presence of ovarian cancer in the family. This model, too, is more helpful in women without a family history suggestive of a known hereditary cancer syndrome.
Table 1.1
Models used to predict the risk of breast cancer and the probability of a BRCA mutation
Model | Variables in model | Comments/limitations |
Risk of breast cancer for unaffected women | ||
Gail et al. [16] | Age, FH of breast cancer, reproductive factors (age at menarche, menopause, and first childbirth and the number of live births), number of breast biopsies, personal history of atypia | Does not incorporate paternal FH of breast or ovarian cancer; does not include breast cancer in non-FDR; does not consider age of onset of breast cancer in relatives; derived from a population undergoing screening |
Provides risk of breast cancer by a given age | ||
Available as an interactive tool at | ||
Claus et al. [17] | Age, FH of breast cancer (first- and second-degree relatives) | Limited to specific combinations of affected relatives; does not incorporate risk factors other than family history |
Provides 5-year and lifetime probability of breast cancer | ||
Available for download at | ||
Probability of detecting BRCA mutation (affected and unaffected women) | ||
Tyrer et al. [18] | Personal or family history of breast and ovarian cancer, Ashkenazi ethnic background | Incomplete validation, especially in nonwhite populations |
Also provides a 10-year and lifetime probability of breast cancer | ||
Frank et al. [21] | Personal or family history of breast and ovarian cancer, Ashkenazi ethnic background | Empirical model with incomplete validation; does not include unaffected family members |
Provides empirical experience of one laboratory | ||
Available for download at | ||
BRCAPRO [19] | Personal or family history of breast or ovarian cancer, Ashkenazi ethnic background | Requires information on all affected and unaffected family members; incorporates only FDR and SDR relatives and may need to change proband to best capture risk; uses high-penetrance estimates |
Also provides age-specific probability of breast cancer | ||
Available for download at |
For women with a family history of cancer, there exist models that help determine the likelihood of indentifying a mutation in a highly penetrant cancer susceptibility gene. There are a handful of models that are designed to estimate the likelihood of identifying a mutation in the BRCA1 or BRCA2 gene [18, 19, 21–23], for example. These models have both strengths and limitations that health-care providers must be familiar with to use and interpret them appropriately [24–26]. Probably the most widely used model is BRCAPRO which estimates the probability that an individual is a carrier of a BRCA mutation using family history and Bayes’ theorem [19]. One limitation of the model is that it only incorporates relevant family history up to the second-degree relatives, potentially underestimating the probability of BRCA mutations in individuals with extended family history (e.g., early-onset breast cancer or ovarian cancer in cousins). On the other hand, the BRCAPRO model analysis is based primarily on large, high-penetrance families, thus this may lead to overestimation of risk in a more diverse risk assessment clinic.
A web-based model to predict the likelihood of identifying a mutation in the PTEN gene (which is responsible for Cowden syndrome) has been proposed by the researchers at Cleveland Clinic ( This model is based on a paper by Tan and colleagues [27] and proposes a clinical scoring system for selection of patients for PTEN mutation on the basis of a prospective study of 3,042 probands. The web-based model consists of a series of >20 clinical questions, with the output result of >3 % being the threshold for consideration of PTEN genetic testing. The major limitation of this model is that there is probable referral bias in the data it was based on, as the data were derived from two cohorts of patients representing patients recruited at two major cancer centers. While not a risk assessment model, the NCCN also has proposed criteria for when to offer PTEN testing. In these criteria, many of the clinical correlates present in the PTEN risk assessment model proposed by the Cleveland Clinic are removed. It remains unclear which of the previously mentioned is the most appropriate for determining those individuals at risk for PTEN mutations.
There are no statistical models that predict the likelihood of identifying mutations in the TP53 or CDH1 genes to date. Because there is no well-defined risk assessment model, it is important to be able to recognize other genetic syndromes based on personal and family history. (Please refer to full discussion of individual syndromes later in this chapter.)
It is important when using any risk assessment model to understand the limitations of these risk calculations and to place risk estimates into the appropriate context. It is important to note that risk estimates calculated by different models may vary—a factor that complicates the use of quantitative thresholds for making screening recommendations [28]. The health-care provider must use clinical judgment in addition to the estimates from models in order to provide the most precise risk assessment for an individual patient.
Genetic Counseling
The genetics professional will most often begin the assessment with collecting a detailed 3- generation family history in the form of a pedigree [29, 30]. It is important to gather information on both maternal and paternal lineages, with particular focus on individuals with malignancies (affected). Table 1.2 illustrates effective questions used by providers in obtaining this information [31]. It is imperative to include those family members without a personal history of cancer (unaffected) because the ratio and pattern of affected and unaffected influences the risk assessment. It is equally important to include the presence of nonmalignant findings in the proband and family members, as some inherited cancer syndromes have other physical characteristics associated with them (e.g., trichilemmomas with Cowden syndrome).
Table 1.2
Useful questions to use when obtaining a family history
Questions to ask all patients | Questions to ask patients who have had cancer or regarding relatives with cancer |
Age | Organ in which tumor developed |
Personal history of benign or malignant tumors | Age at time of diagnosis |
Major illnesses | Number of tumorsa |
Hospitalizations | Pathology, stage, and grade of malignant tumors |
Surgeries | Pathology of benign tumors |
Biopsy history | Treatment regimen (surgery, chemotherapy, radiation) |
Reproductive historyb | Age at time of diagnosis |
Cancer surveillance | |
Environmental exposures |
When taking the family history, the accuracy of the information obtained from an individual patient should be considered. Sometimes individuals are even unclear about their own medical health history. One study reported that individuals who have had colonic polyps identified on colonoscopy do not recall key details about their own polyps (number, size, or pathology features) required to establish appropriate screening and surveillance intervals [32].
When talking about relatives, many factors can influence an individual’s knowledge of their family history. A recent study indicates that individuals are often confident that a family member has had cancer but are typically unsure of the details surrounding that diagnosis [9, 33]. Reports of breast cancer tend to be accurate, while reports of ovarian cancer are less trustworthy [34, 35]. In a large study of 2,605 relatives that were sampled for confirmation of cancer reports on breast, colorectal, prostate, and lung cancer, sensitivity and positive predictive values were low to moderate and varied by cancer type: 60.2 and 40.0 %, respectively, for lung cancer reports, 27.3 and 53.5 % for colorectal cancer reports, 61.1 and 61.3 % for breast cancer reports, and 32.0 and 53.4 % for prostate cancer reports [36]. Studies have also found significant reporting differences between maternal and paternal family history of cancer, in addition to degree of relative [36, 37]. It is also important to note that family histories can change over time, with new diagnoses arising in family members as time passes [38]. See Box 1.2 [39].
Box 1.2 Challenges in Collecting an Accurate Family History
Family history is incomplete |
Family members live far away |
Clients are not prepared to answer questions |
Cancer is not discussed in the family |
Family history information is not available |
Lost contact with relatives |
Estrangement from the family |
Adoption |
Reported history is false |
Mistaken about the cancer diagnosis |
Confused about the diagnosis |
Deliberately fabricating history |
All of these factors must be considered during the consultation, as the risk assessment and differential diagnosis is based primarily on this information. The primary purpose of the risk assessment process is to distinguish a hereditary form of cancer from familial clustering of cancer and sporadic forms of cancer. Features of a family history that are suggestive of a hereditary cancer syndrome include a preponderance of relatives with similar or related cancers; earlier age at onset of cancer; autosomal dominant pattern of cancer inheritance; the presence of rare cancers; the presence of multifocal, bilateral, or multiple primary cancers in one individual; and the absence of environmental risk factors. When a hereditary form of cancer is suspected, genetic testing should be entertained.
Although some published guidelines for genetic testing exist, much of the time the decision to offer genetic testing is based on clinical judgment. The American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO) recommends that genetic testing be offered when (1) the individual has personal or family history features suggestive of a genetic cancer susceptibility condition, (2) the test can be adequately interpreted, and (3) the results will aid in diagnosis or influence the medical or surgical management of the patient or family members at hereditary risk of cancer [11]. The NCCN provides NCCN Clinical Practice Guidelines in Oncology (NCCN Guidelines®) for individuals that should be offered genetic testing for hereditary breast/ovarian cancer syndrome, Li-Fraumeni syndrome, and Cowden syndrome [1]. In the end, however, it is up to the individual provider’s judgment as to whether or not genetic testing is indicated.
Genetic Testing Process
Once it has been determined that genetic testing is appropriate, the next step is to determine which individual in the family should be tested first. If there is not a known mutation in a family, testing should begin with a person that has the highest probability of finding a mutation. Typically, this is a person who has been diagnosed with cancer at an early age. If there is no such person available, the person with the highest a priori risk of carrying a mutation in the gene should be tested. If there is a known mutation in the family, testing should begin with those family members with the highest risk of carrying the familial mutation.
Testing Logistics
Finding the appropriate laboratory to perform the testing is also very important. Genetic testing for most cancer susceptibility genes is available at a variety of laboratories in a variety of settings. It is important to note that many genetic tests can be done in a research lab as well as in a clinical laboratory. Clinical certification via the Clinical Laboratory Improvement Amendments of 1988 (CLIA), however, is essential when using the DNA tests for clinical management of the individual. When choosing a laboratory, it is also important to consider the fact that laboratory techniques (as well as sensitivity of the technique) vary. Finally, cost of testing as well as insurance coverage issues need to be taken into account when choosing a laboratory to perform the genetic test.
The turnaround time for the genetic test will vary by gene and by laboratory. For most of the syndromes discussed in this chapter, genetic testing takes 4–12 weeks, and results are not available in enough time to impact the surgical management of a newly diagnosed breast cancer patient. There are two very important exceptions to this.
BRCA1/2 genetic test results are typically available within 14 days of the blood draw. The information gleaned from this has the potential to affect surgical decision-making if the results are available prior to definitive surgery. If a woman tests positive for a deleterious mutation, for example, she may choose mastectomy to treat her cancer and also undergo contralateral prophylactic mastectomy to reduce the risk of developing a second breast malignancy. Although women are interested in obtaining this genetics information at the time of diagnosis to help them plan their choice of surgery [40], women who report that they would not consider bilateral mastectomies even with a BRCA mutation are likely to proceed with breast-conserving surgery regardless of BRCA result [41].
Genetic testing for TP53 mutations can take as little as 3 weeks if ordered as an “urgent” test. It is well known that TP53 mutant cells are extremely sensitive to DNA damage [42, 43]. In vivo studies suggest that DNA damaging agents (e.g., chemotherapy and radiotherapy) used for treatment of a cancer in an individual with LFS can cause a second malignancy [44]. One study showed the risk of developing second cancer after radiotherapy treatment was as high as 57 % [45]. Although avoidance of chemotherapy in many situations is not plausible, radiotherapy can sometimes be avoided by different surgical techniques (e.g., mastectomy rather than lumpectomy for surgical treatment of breast cancer). It is important that oncologists realize that radiation should be avoided if possible (e.g., choosing mastectomy over lumpectomy). In many cases, however, radiation is needed for proper treatment of the current cancer, and in these cases, it should not be avoided. In these cases, it is imperative that the physicians and patient be aware of the risk of a second primary in the radiation field [44, 46].
For several reasons, it is important that the identification of women who are interested in and would use this genetic testing information in their surgical decision-making be done prior to any definitive treatment. First, when women undergo genetic counseling after definitive surgery, they are less likely to consider genetic testing pertinent to them [47]. Second, women may be subjected to additional surgical procedure and all of the associated risks. For example, one study showed that women who had BRCA1/2 testing and who had initially undergone breast-conserving surgery chose to undergo subsequent bilateral mastectomies prior to receiving radiation therapy [48]. Finally, women with a family history of breast cancer may be advised to consider bilateral mastectomies for treatment of their newly diagnosed breast cancer. Most of these women if tested for BRCA mutations would find that they are not mutation carriers. Silva reported that in a group of such women, finding out that they are not mutation carriers after the prophylactic procedure leads many to question the decision to undergo prophylactic surgery. This, in turn, is often associated with complications and quality of life problems which they never envisioned [49].
Informed Consent
Once a laboratory has been identified, it is necessary to obtain informed consent from the individual undergoing the test. The components and process of informed consent for cancer genetic testing have been described thoroughly [50–52] and are presented in Box 1.3. It is important to note that some US states have very specific laws that provide requirements as to what are the necessary components of the informed consent document itself.
Box 1.3 Components of Informed Consent
1. Purpose of the test and who to test |
2. General information about the gene(s) |
3. Possible test results |
Positive result |
Negative result: no mutation in the family (i.e., uninformative negative) |
Negative results: known mutation in the family (i.e., true negative) |
Variant of uncertain significance |
4. Likelihood of positive result |
5. Technical aspects and accuracy of the test |
6. Economic considerations |
7. Risks of genetic discrimination |
8. Psychosocial aspects |
Anticipated reaction to results |
Timing and readiness for testing |
Family issues |
Preparing for results |
9. Confidentiality issues |
10. Utilization of test results |
11. Alternatives to genetic testing |
12. Storage and potential reuse of genetic material |
Test Results and Follow-Up
Once the results are available, it is important to disclose the results to the patient in a timely fashion. The provider should review the significance of the results and quantify the patient’s risk for developing cancer, the emotional impact of the test results on the individual, screening recommendations and how his/her medical management should proceed given the test results, and the importance of sharing the information with his/her relatives and resources if desired [31].
It is incredibly important for the health-care provider and patient to maintain communication [31]. For those individuals who are found to carry a mutation in a cancer predisposition gene, the follow-up can ensure that the patient is adhering to appropriate screening recommendations and also ensure that there is dissemination of the test result through family. For individuals who are found to be “true negative,” the future contact can ensure that the patient understands the appropriate screening (i.e., not too much screening but not avoidance of appropriate, general population screening recommendations). Patients receiving a “variant of uncertain significance” should stay in touch with the ordering provider so that if the variant is reclassified, that new information can be communicated quickly to the patient and his/her family.
For patients receiving an uninformative negative (i.e., a negative result when no mutation has been previously identified in the family), it is crucial to remain in contact with their genetics health-care provider. As new genetic tests become available, for example, the provider can advise whether or not these newer techniques are appropriate for them. The most appropriate method for recontacting patients has yet to be determined, and interestingly, the uptake of the additional testing was quite low in one study [53]. Nonetheless, every attempt to communicate with individuals should be made to ensure that they receive the best care.
This issue has come up twice in recent history with genetic testing for BRCA1/2. In 2002, Myriad Genetics labs introduced a newer technique for detecting mutations in BRCA1. Again in 2006, Myriad Genetics added a technique called “rearrangement testing” or “BART” which brought the sensitivity of the BRCA1/2 test up to nearly 99 %. For those women who had testing prior to these newer technologies, it was important to communicate the availability of these tests so that they could decide to proceed with the additional test or not.
More recently in 2013, laboratories started offering “breast cancer gene panel” testing for patients. These tests include mutational analysis for many genes that have been associated with an increased risk of breast cancer. (Please see sections later in this chapter for full discussion of each gene.) Genetic counseling and testing for gene panels is more complex than testing for single gene disorders because of the length of time to obtain results, the higher likelihood of variants of uncertain significance, and the number of syndromes and associated cancer risks that need to be reviewed and the potential difficulty in management recommendations.
With single gene analysis, genetic counselors can discuss the specific disorder in depth and can focus on the patient’s questions related to the syndrome. In gene panel testing, counselors are faced with reviewing multiple syndromes in a short period of time and synthesizing pertinent information about each syndrome or associated cancer risk without overwhelming the patient. Currently, test reporting can take anywhere from 2 to 6 months, so this type of testing may not be feasible for decision-making regarding surgical intervention or oncology treatment.
In addition, testing for multiple genes means that there is a higher risk for finding unclear results. With BRCA testing, for example, the number of variants of uncertain significance has decreased dramatically over time, with a rate of 5 % or less for patients of most ancestries [54]. With panel testing, many of these genes on the panels are not well characterized in any population. This means that the likelihood of finding a variant of uncertain significance is quite high when testing multiple genes in this setting. One laboratory that has been doing gene panel testing notes that the rate of finding at least one uncertain variant is over 30 % for its breast cancer gene panel testing (personal communication, Ambry Genetics Laboratories).
Because of the large number of genes that are “new” and therefore not well studied, there are many questions about how to manage individuals with deleterious mutations in these genes. Even in the genes that are considered to have well-defined cancer risks, management issues can be controversial. With high-risk breast cancer genes, there are often clear or at least published guidelines on how to follow and treat women with mutations in these genes. Typically, if a woman is tested for a particular single gene, it is usually because her personal and family history is consistent with the syndrome. With the approach of testing for multiple genes simultaneously, alterations may be found in genes that are not consistent with the history in the family or the individual. Consider the following example:
BRCA testing was negative in a woman with an invasive ductal breast cancer diagnosed at 45 who has multiple first- and second-degree relatives with early breast cancer. She meets with a genetic counselor to consider additional genetic testing and goes forward with breast cancer gene panel testing, and 3 months later, analysis reveals that she has a deleterious CDH1 mutation, which is associated with Hereditary Diffuse Gastric Cancer (HDGC) syndrome. Standard management recommendations include prophylactic gastrectomy. Do you recommend this to your patient, knowing that she does not have the typical type of breast cancer seen in HDGC and has no family history of gastric cancer?
With more moderate-penetrance genes, there are generally few if any published guidelines on how to manage individuals with these types of gene mutations. Management strategies are even harder to determine in the “unknown” category of genes on these panels, which often have few studies to provide clinicians with evidence-based research.
Inherited Breast Cancer Syndromes
The identification of individuals with cancer predisposition gene mutations affords the mutation carriers the ability to use the information in making medical management decisions. The most clearly described hereditary breast cancer syndromes for which genetic testing is available include hereditary breast and ovarian cancer syndrome (HBOC), Cowden syndrome (CS), Li-Fraumeni syndrome (LFS), Peutz–Jeghers syndrome (PJS), and hereditary diffuse gastric carcinoma syndrome (HDGC). All of these syndromes are inherited in an autosomal dominant pattern and are associated with other cancers and clinical features. As noted previously in this chapter, genetic testing for each of the genes associated with these syndromes is available through commercial and research laboratories, thus allowing for appropriate clinical care, genetic counseling, and testing for at-risk individuals. Newer “breast cancer panel tests” include testing for lesser known genes and are discussed at length next.
Hereditary Breast and Ovarian Cancer Syndrome
Hereditary breast and ovarian cancer syndrome is the most common form of hereditary breast cancer and hereditary ovarian cancer. The vast majority of cases of HBOC are due to mutations in the BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes [21, 55]. BRCA1 and BRCA2 mutations are found in approximately 1 of 400 individuals but found more commonly in the Ashkenazi Jewish population in which 1 of 40 individuals carries one of three main disease-causing mutations: two in BRCA1 (187delAG and 5385insC, previously named 185delAG and 5382insC) and the 6174delT mutation in BRCA2 [56, 57]. Other founder mutations have been identified in populations that tend to be isolated by culture or geography [58, 59].
BRCA-associated cancers have been studied extensively. BRCA2-associated breast cancers are similar in phenotype and clinical behavior to sporadic breast cancers [60, 61]. BRCA1-related breast cancers are often of higher histological grade, show an excess of medullary histopathology, and are more likely than sporadic tumors to be “triple negative” (i.e., estrogen receptor negative, progesterone receptor negative, and are less likely to demonstrate HER2/neu overexpression) [62]. Ovarian cancers found in women with BRCA1 and BRCA2 mutations tend to be serous papillary cancers. Endometrioid and clear-cell subtypes of ovarian cancer have been observed [63], but borderline and mucinous ovarian tumors do not seem to be a part of the phenotype [64]. Both primary tumors of the fallopian tubes and peritoneum occur with increased frequency in mutation carriers [65]. The prognosis of ovarian cancer in BRCA1 and BRCA2 carriers is better than age-matched controls [63, 66, 67].
The penetrance associated with mutations in BRCA1 and BRCA2 remains an active area of research. The range of breast cancer risk is influenced by the population under study: higher-risk estimates have come from studies with affected families and somewhat lower-risk estimates from studies in populations. Also, the risk of ovarian cancer is not the same for all BRCA2 mutations, with mutations in the central ‘ovarian cancer cluster region’, conferring a higher lifetime risk [68]. Other factors, such as birth cohort, oral contraceptive use, age at first pregnancy, and exercise, have all been shown to influence penetrance risk in populations [69]. There has been a report of increased risk of gallbladder and bile duct, stomach, and melanoma with BRCA2 mutation, none of which seem to be clinically actionable [70, 71]. Pancreatic cancer risk is also increased in families with BRCA1 and especially BRCA2 alterations, although studies differ as to the magnitude of this risk [72, 73]. The risks of developing specific cancers can be found in Table 1.3 [55, 69, 70, 74–76].
Table 1.3
BRCA1/2 cancer risks (lifetime risks)
Cancer site | BRCA1 mutation (%) | BRCA2 mutation (%) |
Female breast | 50–80 | 40–70 |
Ovarian cancer | <40 | <20 |
Prostate | <30 | <39 |
Pancreatic | 1.3–3.2 | 2.3–7 |
The current NCCN screening recommendations for women are listed in Box 1.4. Risk-reducing mastectomies are an appropriate consideration for women at the highest hereditary risk for breast cancer. Studies have shown a 90–95 % reduction in breast cancer risk following prophylactic mastectomy [77–80]. The evidence for the use of tamoxifen or raloxifene as chemopreventive agents in BRCA carriers is limited; however, tamoxifen has been shown to reduce the risk of contralateral breast cancers in BRCA carriers [81–83]. Two fairly recent studies support the role of risk-reducing salpingo-oophorectomy: the hazard ratio for ovarian cancer for women who underwent prophylactic surgery compared to those who chose close surveillance was 0.15 and 0.04, respectively [84, 85]. Women should be informed about the potential for the subsequent development of peritoneal carcinomatosis, which has been reported up to 15 years following RRBSO [65, 86].
Box 1.4 NCCN Screening for Female BRCA Carriers
Breast awarenessa starting at age 18 years |
Clinical breast exam, every 6–12 months,b starting at age 25 years |
Annual mammogram and breast MRIc screening starting at age 25, or individualized based on earliest age of onset in familyd |
Discuss option of risk-reducing mastectomy. |
Counseling may include a discussion regarding degree of protection, reconstruction options, and risks. |
Recommend risk-reducing salpingo-oophorectomy,e ideally between 35 and 40 years, and upon completion of child bearing, or individualized based on earliest age of onset of ovarian cancer in the family. |
Counseling includes a discussion of reproductive desires, extent of cancer risk, degree of protection for breast and ovarian cancer, management of menopausal symptoms, possible short-term hormone replacement therapy to a recommended maximum age of natural menopause, and related medical issues. |
Address psychosocial, social, and quality-of-life aspects of undergoing risk-reducing mastectomy and/or salpingo-oophorectomy. |
For those patients who have not elected risk-reducing salpingo-oophorectomy, consider concurrent transvaginal ultrasound (preferably days 1–10 of menstrual cycle in premenopausal women) + CA-125 (preferably after day 5 of menstrual cycle in premenopausal women)f every 6 months starting at age 30 years or 5–10 years before the earliest age of first diagnosis of ovarian cancer in the family. |
Consider chemoprevention options for breast and ovarian cancer, including discussing risks and benefitsg (see NCCN guidelines for breast cancer risk reduction). |
Consider investigational imaging and screening studies, when available (e.g., novel imaging technologies, more frequent screening intervals), in the context of a clinical trial. |
Male BRCA mutation carriers face an increased risk for breast cancer and prostate cancer. They are advised to undergo training in breast self-examination with regular monthly practice and semiannual clinical breast examinations, and work-up of any suspicious breast lesions is recommended. The NCCN Guidelines® also recommend that a baseline mammogram be considered, with an annual mammogram if gynecomastia or parenchymal/glandular breast density is identified on baseline study [1]. The guidelines also recommend that male BRCA mutation carriers should adhere to the current prostate cancer screening guidelines [1, 87].
Li-Fraumeni Syndrome [88]
Li-Fraumeni syndrome (LFS) is a rare cancer predisposition syndrome that is thought to be responsible for ~1 % of breast cancer [89]. LFS is often thought of as a hereditary predisposition to cancer in general, involving many tumor types and occurring at any point in an individual’s lifetime, often early adult and childhood cancers. The majority of cases of LFS are due to mutations in the TP53 gene [90–93]. The component tumors of LFS include bone sarcomas (primarily osteosarcomas and chondrosarcomas), soft-tissue sarcomas, breast cancer, brain tumors, leukemia, and adrenocortical carcinomas [94]. The classic component tumors are thought to account for 63–77 % of cancer diagnoses in individuals with Li Fraumeni syndrome [94–97]. Breast cancer is the most common tumor in TP53 mutation carriers (24–31.2 %), followed by soft tissue sarcomas (11.6–17.8 %), brain tumors (3.5–14 %), osteosarcomas (12.6–13.4 %), and adrenocortical tumors (6.5–9.9 %) [98, 99]. Other tumors that have been argued to be component tumors of LFS are listed in Box 1.5 [95–101].
Box 1.5 Other Tumors Associated with LFS
Wilms’ tumor |
Malignant phyllodes tumor |
Lung cancer |
Choroid plexus tumor |
Colorectal cancer |
Prostate cancer |
Pancreatic cancer |
Bladder cancer |
Hepatoblastoma |
Neuroblastoma |
Lymphomas |
Nasopharyngeal cancer |
Teratomas |
Ureteral tumors |
Testicular cancer |
Laryngeal cancer |
Ovarian cancer |
Melanoma |
Gonadal germ cell tumors |
Stomach cancer |
There are some data regarding common histology of LFS component tumors. Breast cancers are most commonly invasive ductal carcinomas and may have a tendency toward being “triple positive” [94, 102]. Rhabdomyosarcomas account for 55 % of soft-tissue sarcomas, followed by fibrosarcomas (13 %), and then malignant fibrous histiocytomas [98]. For LFS-associated brain tumors, 69 % are astrocytic (astrocytoma or glioblastoma), followed by medulloblastoma/PNET tumors (17 %) [98].
Typically, LFS-associated tumors occur at significantly younger ages than when they occur sporadically. However, depending on tumor type, the mean age of diagnosis varies from childhood well into adulthood [98]. Understanding cancer risk for LFS is somewhat complicated as the ranges of risk vary greatly between studies and depend largely on study population. When pooling studies that examine overall cancer risk in TP53 mutation carriers (both female and male), the risk of developing cancer by ages 15–20 is 12–42 %, by ages 40–45 is 52–66 %, by age 50 is 80 %, and by age 85 is 85 % [96, 97, 103, 104]. When separating out the sexes, it is apparent that female TP53 mutation carriers have generally a higher lifetime cancer risk in comparison to males [97, 104, 105].
Individuals diagnosed with LFS are also at markedly increased risk to develop multiple primary tumors. Hisada et al. found that following a first cancer diagnosis, there is a 57 % risk for a second primary tumor within 30 years of the first diagnosis, followed by a 38 % risk for a third primary tumor within 10 years of the second cancer diagnosis [45]. In addition, it has been widely observed that second, third, etc. primary cancers commonly occur in the radiation field of previously treated cancers [45, 90, 94, 104].
Currently, NCCN management recommendations (Box 1.6) for individuals with LFS center around proven screening techniques such as mammography and MRI for the detection of breast cancer and early colonoscopy [88]. Because of the wide variety of tumors that can be seen in LFS, researchers have begun to consider whole-body imaging techniques such as MRI or PET scans for individuals who have TP53 mutations. One study published in 2011 involved the use of whole-body MRI, in addition to certain targeted MRI screening and biochemical testing, to screen children and adults with LFS. Researchers were successful in detecting cancers presymptomatically and early [106]. While this cohort was relatively small, promising studies like these give hope to families with Li-Fraumeni syndrome for the possibility of screening and detecting cancers at an earlier, curable stage.
Box 1.6. NCCN Screening for Li-Fraumeni Syndrome
Breast cancer risk, women |
Breast awarenessa starting at age 18 years |
Clinical breast exam, every 6–12 months, starting at age 20–25 years or 5–10 years before the earliest known breast cancer in the family (whichever comes first). |
Annual mammogram and breast MRI screening starting at 20–25 yearsb or individualized based on earliest age of onset in familyc,d |
Discuss risk-reducing mastectomy and counsel regarding degree of protection, degree of cancer risk, and reconstruction options. |
Address psychosocial, social, and quality-of-life aspects of undergoing risk-reducing mastectomy. |
Other Cancer Risks |
Address limitations of screening for many cancers associated with LFS. Because of the remarkable risk of additional primary neoplasms, screening may be considered for cancer survivors with LFS and a good prognosis from their prior tumor(s). |
Annual comprehensive physical exam with high index of suspicion for rare cancers and second malignancies in cancer survivors includes careful skin and neurologic examinations. |
Therapeutic RT for cancer should be used with caution. |
Consider colonoscopy every 2–5 years starting no later than 25 years. |
Pediatricians should be apprised of the risk of childhood cancers in affected families. |
Discuss option to participate in novel screening approaches using technologies within clinical trials when possible, such as whole-body MRI, abdominal ultrasound, and brain MRI.e |
Additional surveillance based on individual family histories. |
Education regarding signs and symptoms of cancer. |
Risk to Relatives |
Advise about possible inherited cancer risk to relatives, options for risk assessment, and management. |
Recommend genetic counseling and consideration of genetic testing for at-risk relatives. |
Reproductive Options |
For patients of reproductive age, advise about options for prenatal diagnosis and assisted reproduction including preimplantation genetic diagnosis. Discussion should include known risks, limitations, and benefits of these technologies. See discussion for details. |
Box 1.7 NCCN Guidelines for Testing for Cowden Syndrome (v.4.2013)
Bannayan-Riley-Ruvalcaba syndrome (BRRS) |
Adult Lhermitte-Duclos disease (dysplastic gangliocytoma of the cerebellum) |
Autism spectrum disorder and macrocephaly or |
≥2 biopsy-proven trichilemmomas |
≥2 major criteria (one must be macrocephaly) |
≥3 major criteria, without macrocephaly or |
1 major and ≥3 minor criteria |
≥4 minor criteria |
Fewer criteria are needed when an individual has a relative with a clinical diagnosis of Cowden syndrome (any one major criteria or two minor criteria) |
Major criteria |
Breast cancer |
Endometrial cancer |
Follicular thyroid cancer |
Multiple GI hamartomas or ganglioneuromas |
Macrocephaly (≥97th percentile, 58 cm in adult women, 60 cm in adult men) |
Macular pigmentation of glans penis |
Mucocutaneous lesions |
One biopsy-proven trichilemmoma |
Multiple palmoplantar keratoses |
Multifocal or extensive oral mucosal papillomatosis |
Multiple cutaneous facial papules (often verrucous)
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