Viral Pathogenesis

Chapter 19

Viral Pathogenesis

Factors Affecting Viral Virulence

Host range

Routes of viral entry into host cells

Tissue specificity (tropism)

1. Local infection without spread (e.g., rhinovirus, other common cold viruses)

2. Viremic spread from viral point of entry (e.g., measles, mumps, and chickenpox viruses) results in diseases with longer incubation periods.

3. Neuronal spread (e.g., rabies virus, HSV)

Support of viral replication by host cells

II Viral Cytopathogenesis

Pathogenic mechanisms

1. Major viral mechanisms for disrupting the structure and functioning of infected cells are summarized in Table 19-1.

2. Appearance of characteristic inclusion bodies in infected cells facilitates laboratory diagnosis of infection by some viruses (e.g., rabies, HSV, and cytomegalovirus).

Types of infections

Jun 18, 2016 | Posted by in IMMUNOLOGY | Comments Off on Viral Pathogenesis

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