

Bernadette F. Rodak*

Case Study

After studying the material in this chapter, the reader should be able to respond to the following case study:

A 38-year-old woman came to the physician with a 2-month history of gingival bleeding and gingival hypertrophy. The CBC revealed the following: WBCs, 64 × 109/L; Hb, 7.5 g/dL; and platelets, 36 × 109/L. The peripheral blood film and the bone marrow specimen demonstrated greater than 80% abnormal mononuclear cells. The results of cytochemical testing of these cells were as follows:

Introduction and Principle

Cytochemistry is the study of the chemical constituents of cells. These elements may be enzymatic (e.g., peroxidase) or nonenzymatic (e.g., lipids and glycogen). The cellular morphology of peripheral blood and bone marrow often provides a provisional diagnosis, and since the early twentieth century, cytochemical staining of cells has provided a useful adjunct for differentiation of hematopoietic diseases, especially acute leukemias. Immunophenotyping, high-resolution cytogenetic studies, and molecular genetic analysis have reduced the importance of cytochemical testing. Microarray technology can quantify the expression of thousands of genes in a single analysis.1,2 However, cytochemical testing still has limited use in many laboratories, especially in equivocal cases or where more sophisticated technology is not available.3,4 (Leukemias are discussed in Chapters 29, 36, and 37; cytogenetics, in Chapter 31; molecular diagnostics, in Chapter 32; and flow cytometry, in Chapter 33.)

Stains and Interpretations


Myeloperoxidase (MPO) (Figures 30-1 and 30-2) is an enzyme found in the primary granules of neutrophils, eosinophils, and, to a certain extent, monocytes. Lymphocytes do not exhibit MPO activity. This stain is useful for differentiating the blasts of acute myeloid leukemia (AML) from those of acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL).


MPO is present in the primary granules of granulocytic cells, beginning at the promyelocyte stage and continuing throughout maturation. Leukemic myeloblasts also are usually positive for MPO. In many cases of the AMLs (without maturation, with maturation, and promyelocytic leukemia), it has been found that more than 80% of the blasts show MPO activity. Auer rods found in leukemic blasts and promyelocytes test strongly MPO positive. Because of their strong MPO positivity, many Auer rods that could not be seen with a Wright-Giemsa stain can be seen with the MPO stain.

Monocytes are MPO negative to weakly or diffusely positive. In contrast, lymphoblasts and lymphoid cells are MPO negative; in patients with ALL, fewer than 3% of the blasts show peroxidase positivity.810

It is important that the reaction only in the blast cells be used as the determining factor for the differentiation of acute leukemias. This is true for MPO and for the other cytochemical stains used in determining cell lineage that are mentioned in this chapter. The fact that maturing granulocytes are MPO positive is normal and has little or no diagnostic significance.

Sudan Black B

SBB staining (Figure 30-3) is another useful technique for the differentiation of AML from ALL. The staining pattern is quite similar to that of MPO; SBB staining is possibly a little more sensitive for the early myeloid cells.


Esterase reactions are used to differentiate myeloblasts and neutrophilic granulocytes from cells of monocytic origin. Nine isoenzymes of esterases are present in leukocytes. Two substrate esters commonly used are α-naphthyl acetate and α-naphthyl butyrate (both nonspecific). Naphthol AS-D chloroacetate (specific) also may be used. “Specific” refers to the fact that only granulocytic cells show staining, whereas nonspecific stains may produce positive results in other cells as well.


Esterase stains can be used to distinguish acute leukemias that are granulocytic from leukemias that are primarily of monocytic origin. When naphthol AS-D chloroacetate is used as a substrate, the reaction is positive in the granulocytic cells and negative to weak in the monocytic cells (Figure 30-4). Chloroacetate esterase is present in the primary granules of neutrophils. Leukemic myeloblasts generally show a positive reaction. Auer rods show positivity as well.

α-Naphthyl acetate, in contrast to naphthol AS-D chloroacetate, reveals strong esterase activity in monocytes that can be inhibited with the addition of sodium fluoride.8,13 Granulocytes and lymphoid cells generally show a negative result on nonspecific esterase staining (Figure 30-5).

A positive α-naphthyl butyrate esterase reaction is also seen in monocytes. α-Naphthyl butyrate is less sensitive than α-naphthyl acetate, but is more specific. Granulocytes and lymphoid cells generally show a negative reaction (Figure 30-6). In myelomonocytic leukemia, positive AS-D chloroacetate activity and positive α-naphthyl butyrate or α-naphthyl acetate activity should be seen because myeloid and monocytic cells are present. In myelomonocytic leukemia, at least 20% of the cells must show monocytic differentiation that is nonspecific esterase positive and is inhibited by sodium fluoride. In the pure monocytic leukemias, 80% or more of the blasts are nonspecific esterase positive and specific esterase negative.

Jun 12, 2016 | Posted by in HEMATOLOGY | Comments Off on Cytochemistry

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