Cellular Structure and Function

Cellular Structure and Function

Keila B. Poulsen

The numerous multichannel instruments available to assist in the clinical diagnostic process have revolutionized the study of hematology. The technologies of light scatter, electrical impedance, and conductivity have added parameters and scatter plots whose significance is yet to be fully realized and clinically applied, but morphologic examination of the peripheral blood film by light microscopy remains the hallmark for clinical evaluation of patients with hematologic abnormalities. The study of cells under the microscope was greatly enhanced when Paul Ehrlich (1854-1915) developed staining techniques to better differentiate the various normal and abnormal cells present in human blood. The development of the electron microscope revolutionized the ability to study and understand the internal components of the cell.1

Cell Organization

Cells are structural units that constitute living organisms (Figures 6-1 and 6-2). Many cells have specialized functions and contain the components necessary to perform and perpetuate these functions. Regardless of shape, size, or function, most cells have three basic parts: unit membranes, the cytoplasm, and the nucleus. Each of these basic parts has components or subdivisions that assist in their varied functions. Table 6-1 summarizes the cellular components and functions, which are explained in more detail later.


Summary of Cellular Components and Functions

Organelle Location Appearance and Size Function Comments
Membranes: plasma, nuclear, mitochondrial, endoplasmic reticulum Outer boundary of cell, nucleus, endoplasmic reticulum, mitochondria, and other organelles Usually a lipid bilayer consisting of proteins, cholesterol, phospholipids, and polysaccharides; membrane thickness varies with cell or organelle Separates various cellular components; facilitates and restricts cellular exchange of substances Membrane must be resilient and flexible
Nucleus Within cell Usually round or oval but varies depending on cell; varies in size; composed of DNA Control center of cell and contains genetic blueprint Governs cellular activity and transmits information for cellular control
Nucleolus Within nucleus Usually round or irregular in shape; 2-4 µm in size; composed of RNA; there may be 1-4 within nucleus Site of synthesis and procession of ribosomal RNA Appearance varies with activity of cells; larger when cell is actively involved in protein synthesis
Golgi body Next to nucleus System of stacked, membrane-bound, flattened sacs; horseshoe shaped; varies in size Involved in modifying and packaging macromolecules for secretion Well developed in cells with large secretion responsibilities
Endoplasmic reticulum Randomly distributed throughout cytoplasm Membrane-lined tubules that branch and connect to nucleus and plasma membrane Stores and transports fluids and chemicals Two types: smooth with no ribosomes; rough with ribosomes on surface
Ribosomes Free in cytoplasm; outer surface of rough endoplasmic reticulum Small granule (100-300 Å); composed of protein and nucleic acid Site of production of proteins, such as enzymes and blood proteins Large proteins are synthesized from polyribosomes (chains of ribosomes)
Mitochondria Randomly distributed in cytoplasm Round or oval structures; 3-14 nm in length, 2-10 nm in width; membrane has 2 layers; inner layer has folds called cristae Cell’s “powerhouse”; make adenosine triphosphate, energy source for cell Active cells have more present than do inactive cells
Lysosomes Randomly distributed in cytoplasm Membrane-bound sacs; size varies Contain hydrolytic enzymes for cellular digestive system If membrane breaks, hydrolytic enzymes can destroy cell
Microfilaments Near nuclear envelope and within proximity of mitotic process Small, solid structure approximately 5 nm in diameter Support cytoskeleton and motility Consist of actin and myosin (contractile proteins)
Microtubules Cytoskeleton, near nuclear envelope and component part of centriole near Golgi body Hollow cylinder with protofilaments surrounding outside tube; 20-25 nm in diameter, variable length Maintains cell shape, motility, and mitotic process Produced from tubulin polymerization; make up mitotic spindles and part of structure of centriole
Centriole In centrosome near nucleus Cylinder; 150 nm in diameter, 300-500 nm in length Serves as insertion point for mitotic spindle fibers Composed of nine sets of triplet microtubules


Cell Membrane

The cell membrane serves as a semipermeable outer boundary separating the cellular components from their surrounding environment. The cell membrane serves three basic functions: (1) it restricts and facilitates the interchange of substances with the environment by selective permeability, endocytosis, exocytosis, and locomotion; (2) it detects hormonal signals facilitating cell-to-cell recognition; and (3) it is the location of surface markers for cell identity.2 Monoclonal antibodies are used to identify a cell’s surface markers. The nomenclature uses the letters CD (cluster designation) and a number following the CD. This common terminology assists in unifying classification in clinical practice, research efforts, and the literature (see Chapter 33). Many components found within the cell (e.g., the mitochondria, Golgi apparatus, nucleus, and endoplasmic reticulum) have similarly constructed membrane systems. The red blood cell membrane has been widely studied and serves as an example of a cell membrane (see Figure 9-2).

To accomplish its many requirements, this cell membrane must be resilient and elastic. It achieves these qualities by being a fluid structure of globular proteins floating in lipids. The lipids comprise phospholipids and cholesterol arranged in two layers. The phosphate end of the phospholipid and the hydroxyl radical of cholesterol are polar-charged hydrophilic (water-soluble) lipids oriented toward the inner and outer surfaces of the cell membrane. The fatty acid portion of the phospholipid and the steroid nucleus of cholesterol are non–polar-charged hydrophobic (water-insoluble) lipids directed toward each other in the center of the cell membrane. Other lipids, such as lipoproteins and lipopolysaccharides, contribute to the membrane structure.

Membrane Proteins

Most proteins present in the cell membrane are called glycoproteins and are found floating in the lipid bilayers.2,3 Two types of proteins, integral and peripheral, have been described in the cell membrane. Integral proteins may traverse the entirety of the lipid bilayers and penetrate the outside of the membrane or only the cytoplasmic side of the membrane. These transmembrane proteins are thought to serve as a communication and transport system between the cell’s interior and the external environment. Peripheral proteins are found only on the inner cytoplasmic side of the membrane and form the cell’s cytoskeleton. Peripheral proteins also are attached to the cytoplasmic ends of integral proteins to form a reticular network for maintaining structural integrity and holding the integral proteins in a fixed position.


The nucleus is composed of three components: the chromatin, the nuclear envelope, and the nucleoli. It is the control center of the cell and the largest organelle within the cell. The nucleus is composed largely of deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) and is the site of DNA replication and transcription. It is responsible for the chemical reactions within the cell and the cell’s reproductive process. The nucleus has an affinity for the basic dyes because of the nucleic acids contained within it.

Jun 12, 2016 | Posted by in HEMATOLOGY | Comments Off on Cellular Structure and Function

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