Total N
Mean age
Sample description
(same sample)
HOPES versus TAU
20 % BD, 28 % schizophrenia, 28 % schizoaffective, 24 % MDD
Community Mental Health Centers
Social skills: attendance across sites 75 % year 1, 70 % year 2; Preventive health care: attendance 66 % across sites
Fagiolini et al. [22]
SCBD versus SCBD + ECI
(39 participants were ≥65 years of age)
BD I (n = 313), BD II (n = 87), NOS (n = 53), or schizoaffective disorder bipolar type (n = 10)
University Specialty Clinics for BD; Behavioral Health Clinic
Whole sample: 32 % discontinued over 2 years
BCM versus TAU
(30 % were ≥60 years of age)
BD I (77 %), BD II (5 %), or BD NOS (18 %), and cardiovascular disease risk factors
VA Mental Health Facility
Self-management: 85 % of participants completed all session; Care management: 73 % completed at least 6 contacts
Depp et al. [23]
(range: 53–73 years)
BD I (62 %), BD II (38 %)
Different sources (e.g., VA, geropsychiatry service)
76 % of participants completed the intervention; 86 % of sessions were attended by completers
Articles | Groups | Outcomes | Summary of results |
(same sample) | HOPES versus TAU | Functioning, symptoms, self-efficacy, and service use | HOPES had greater improvement than TAU in performance measures of social skill, psychosocial and community functioning, negative symptoms, self-efficacy, and service use |
Fagiolini et al. [22] | SCBD versus SCBD + ECI | Clinical status and quality of life | No significant differences in improvement in Clinical Global Index (CGI) and the Global Assessment of Functioning (GAF), but ECI participants had significantly greater improvement in quality of life. No significant differences in treatment outcomes were found between patients of different ages, except for a greater GAF improvement in late-life versus adult participants |
BCM versus TAU | Physical and mental health-related quality of life, functioning and bipolar symptoms, self-management efficacy | BCM participants had greater improvement in physical health-related quality of life, no difference in mental health-related quality of life, functioning, symptoms, and self-management efficacy | |
Depp et al. [23] | MAST-BD | Feasibility and acceptability, adherence to psychiatric medications, medication management ability, attitudes toward medication, symptoms, and health-related quality of life | Evidence of feasibility (76 % completed the intervention and 86 % of sessions were attended), acceptability (participants reported high treatment satisfaction) and improvement in medication adherence, medication management ability, depressive symptoms, and quality of life |
In summary, the four distinct clinical trials shared the following characteristics: (1) The whole sample or a subgroup of the sample had a diagnosis of BD I, II, or NOS; (2) the average age of the whole sample (or a designated subsample of older adults) was 60 years or older; and (3) each trial tested an outpatient psychological intervention. In the following section, we present a detailed description of each intervention and summarize the study findings.
9.3 Helping Older People Experience Success (HOPES)
HOPES is a manualized psychosocial skills and psychoeducation training program developed for older adults with severe mental illness, including bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, schizoaffective disorder, and major depression, living in the community. The aim of the intervention is to improve overall psychosocial function, while reducing long-term medical burden [20, 21, 26]. The HOPES program includes one year of intensive skills training and health management, followed by a 1-year maintenance period. Both the first intensive year and second maintenance years include weekly skills classes, bimonthly community practice trips, and one-on-one meetings with a nurse, monthly in the first year, with decreased frequency in the second year (Table 9.1).
9.3.1 Intensive Psychosocial Skills Training
HOPES interventions are grounded in the principles of social skills training through the use of modeling and role-playing techniques, provision of positive and corrective feedback, and completion of homework assignments. The curriculum includes seven modules: communicating effectively, making and keeping friends, making the most of leisure time, healthy living, using medications effectively, and making the most of a healthcare visit [21]. Each module includes 6–8 component skills with one specific skill taught each week by a master’s prepared rehabilitation specialist. Participants practice the skills in community group outings. Another form of community practice involved the participant identifying an “indigenous supporter” (family member, friend, clinician, spouse) who could help facilitate opportunities to practice the targeted skills in a safe and natural space.
9.3.2 Healthcare Management
HOPES care management is delivered by registered professional nurses who evaluate each participant’s medical history and current healthcare needs. The nurses and participants set health-related goals and focus on preventative and primary healthcare benchmarks. The skills training clinicians and registered nurses meet weekly to coordinate each component of HOPES.
9.3.3 Comment
As indicated in Table 9.1, one RCT study demonstrated that HOPES participants had greater improvement than treatment as usual (TAU) in measures of performance skills, psychosocial and community functioning, symptoms, and self-efficacy1 at 1, 2, and 3 years [20, 21].
The multicomponent HOPES intervention is appropriate for older adults with severe mental illness, including BD, who face a combination of psychosocial and medical issues and have persistent impairment in multiple areas of functioning (e.g., work and self-care). The benefits of the program were unrelated to psychiatric diagnosis, i.e., psychotic disorders (schizophrenia–schizoaffective) versus mood disorders (MDD and BD). Nevertheless, because of the small percentage of older adults with BD in the sample, evaluation and potential adaptation of the HOPES program specifically for older adults with BD are needed. Furthermore, because study participants had persistent impairment in functioning, validation of the HOPES program in older adults with higher level of functioning is recommended.
9.4 Enhanced Clinical Intervention (ECI)
Enhanced clinical intervention (ECI) is a manualized intensive clinical and psychosocial management program provided by a nurse or masters-level clinician and consists of four educational components (including education about BD, pharmacotherapy, sleep, and social rhythm hygiene), five management components (including review of symptoms, medication side effects, discussion of early warning signs, and 24-h on-call service), and a support component [22]. ECI clinicians meet with patients for 20–30 min before a scheduled appointment with the psychiatrist. Patients receive ECI weekly for 12 weeks, every other week for the following 8 weeks and monthly for the duration of treatment (mean = 20 months; range: 18–34 months). If patients had a recurrence of mood episode, they would return to weekly visits.
9.4.1 Comment
One study, an RCT, compared Specialized Care for Bipolar Disorder (SCBD) versus SCBD with ECI [22] in patients with a wide age range including adolescents (N = 75, 12–18 years of age), young and middle-aged adults (N = 349, 19–64 years of age), and older adults (N = 39, 65 years of age and older). SCBD is a manualized system of clinical disease management for bipolar patients, which includes assessment of psychiatric symptoms and standardized algorithm-driven pharmacotherapy [22]. Because SCBD does not include a psychosocial component, the Enhanced Clinical Intervention (ECI) was added to SCBD. As indicated in Table 9.1, the groups showed comparable improvement on the Clinical Global Index (CGI), the Global Assessment of Functioning (GAF), and Quality of Life Enjoyment and Satisfaction Questionnaire over 18 months of treatment [22]. However, participants in the SCBD + ECI group had greater improvement in the quality-of-life measures. Even though there were no separate analyses in the group of older adults, there were no significant differences in treatment outcomes among age groups [22].
Future investigations may concentrate on the application of ECI in older adults with BD and identification of the most useful and efficacious components in improving symptoms and quality of life in this population.
9.5 Bipolar Medical Care Model
The Bipolar Medical Care Model (BCM) [24, 25] is an adaptation of the Bipolar Disorder Collaborative Chronic Care Model [27, 28] and aims to improve medical outcomes and reduce cardiovascular risk in patients with BD [25; mean age = 55.3, range = 30–73]. The model proposes that effective strategies to reduce symptoms are necessary to improve adherence to medical treatment, promote health behavior change, and achieve optimal health outcomes [25]. It includes three main components: self-management education, care management, and guideline implementation (Table 9.1).
9.5.1 Self-Management Component
This component is based on the Life Goals Program, a group psychoeducational program for BD [29]. The program is enhanced with additional material on the cardiovascular disease risk, on diet and exercise, and on engagement of general medical providers. The self-management component is delivered by a care manager in four two-hour group sessions [25] and complementary phone sessions.
9.5.2 Care Management Component
In this component, a nurse care manager served as a liaison between patients and providers, addressed patients’ health concerns, referred urgent issues to appropriate medical and mental health providers, reinforced self-management, and followed patient’s progress over time [25]. This component was delivered by regular phone calls for up to 6 months.
9.5.3 Guideline Implementation Component
Continuing medical education sessions addressed cardiovascular disease risk factors following the American Diabetes Association and American Heart Association guidelines, for all primary care and mental health providers.
9.5.4 Comment
In an RCT, BCM was associated with significantly greater improvement in physical health-related quality of life compared to TAU, but there were no significant differences between the two groups in other outcomes including symptoms and functioning (Table 9.1). Evaluation of specific components of BCM and effects in older patients is needed.
9.6 Medication Adherence Skills Training for Bipolar Disorder (MAST-BD)
Medication Adherence Skills Training for Bipolar Disorder is a 12-week manualized group intervention that combines educational (weeks 1–3), motivational (weeks 4–6), medication management skills (weeks 7–9), and symptom management training (weeks 10–12). Each part is comprised of three, 90-min sessions. The content of each session is derived from psychosocial interventions typically used for younger adults with BD and included elements of cognitive behavioral therapy and structured group therapy [30, 31]. The medication adherence component was derived from the Functional Adaptation Skills Training program, which is an intervention targeted for older adults with psychotic disorders [32] (Table 9.1).
9.6.1 Comment
Non-adherence to pharmacotherapy is associated with increased risk for relapse, recurrence, hospitalization, and high healthcare costs [12, 23, 33]. MAST-BD is a promising and needed intervention that focuses on this critical issue of medication adherence in older adults with BD. In a pilot study [23], MAST-BD provided the evidence of feasibility, acceptability, and improvement in medication adherence, medication management ability, depressive symptoms, and quality of life (Table 9.1). Future investigations may evaluate its effects in a randomized controlled trial.
9.7 Limitations
The studies and these interventions have the following limitations:
- 1.
Only 3 out of the 4 studies are RCTs (Table 9.1). Further, the interventions that were tested in an RCT were long-term interventions (from 6 months to 2 years), which makes it difficult to apply for acute treatment.
- 2.
Only the MAST-BD intervention (which was not tested in an RCT) is designed for and tested exclusively in older adults with BD. HOPES is designed for older adults with severe mental illness, including patients with schizophrenia, schizoaffective, major depression, and BD. ECI and BCM were tested in the studies of mixed-aged samples (ECI study: 8.4 % of the sample, i.e., 39 participants, were older adults aged 65 or older; BCM study: 30 %, i.e., 18 participants, were 60 years or older).
- 3.
All interventions had multiple components, which highlights the clinical complexities of treating BD. Future investigations may investigate the beneficial effects of individual components in older patients with BD.
9.8 Other Interventions for Young and Middle-Aged Adults
Because of the sparse literature on RCTs in older bipolar patients, we include other promising interventions that have been tested in RCTs in mixed samples of both young and middle-aged adults (cognitive behavioral therapy, interpersonal and social rhythm therapy, family-focused therapy, and psychoeducation). In the section below, we briefly describe each intervention and summarize our conclusion.
9.8.1 Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Interpersonal and Social Rhythm Therapy, and Family-Focused Therapy
In young to middle-aged adults, these three interventions have been studied separately [34–42], but also as part of the Systematic Treatment Enhancement Program for BD (STEP-BD) [43, 44].
Cognitive behavioral therapy has been adapted for BD and includes (1) psychoeducation on the course of BD, medication adherence, and stress management; (2) scheduling of life events; (3) cognitive restructuring; (4) problem-solving training; (5) plans for early detection and intervention; and (6) selected interventions for comorbidity [43, 45, 46].
Interpersonal and social rhythm therapy [11] consists of psychoeducation, social rhythm therapy, and interpersonal psychotherapy. Psychoeducation focuses on pharmacotherapy, medication side effects, and early episode warning signs and detection of prodromal symptoms [11]. Social rhythm therapy identifies strategies to prevent the disruption of social routines and sleep/wake cycles [47]. Interpersonal psychotherapy focuses on reducing interpersonal difficulties because of grief, role transitions, role disputes, and interpersonal deficits. An additional area of “grief for the lost healthy self” was added to interpersonal and social rhythm therapy [11].
Family-focused therapy includes psychoeducational sessions focusing on symptoms, course of illness, treatment, and self-management of BD [48]. In the intermediate phase, after psychoeducation, patients and family members participated in exercises to enhance communication skills. In the final phase, families focused on solving problems related to the illness. Conclusion
Results from the STEP-BD study and other RCTs on the individual effects of each intervention (CBT, interpersonal and social rhythm therapy, family-focused therapy) [9, 34–42] are encouraging for young and middle-aged adults, but future investigations are needed to examine these therapies in older adults with BD, especially in those who are 75 years of age or older.
9.8.2 Psychoeducation
Psychoeducation has been a significant component of the interventions for older bipolar patients, as we described above, but to our knowledge, there are no clinical trials of stand-alone psychoeducation in older adults with BD [12, 34]. Psychoeducation has been widely utilized in a group or individual format as a stand-alone intervention or as an adjunct to other psychosocial interventions for young to middle-aged adults with BD and their families [12, 34, 42, 49–51]. It helps patients and their families develop skills to identify early signs and symptoms, monitor the patients’ sleep patterns and symptoms, and avoid relapse [12, 42, 49–51]. Conclusion
Again, studies of stand-alone psychoeducational programs have concentrated mainly on young and middle-aged adults, and future investigations focusing on older adults with BD are needed.
9.9 Clinical Issues Related to Bipolar Disorder in Older Adults
Emotion regulation, suicidality, social and family support, disability, cognitive impairment, and caregiver tension and burden are critical issues in older adults that need to be systematically assessed and addressed. These issues are important for OABD, especially in those who are 75 years or older, a population that has not been adequately investigated. The following section highlights these clinical challenges.
9.9.1 Emotion Regulation
Because of emotional lability in BD, assessment and regulation of negative and positive emotions in patients with BD are critical. Emotion regulation strategies have been effective in improving depression and reducing disability in older adults with unipolar or bipolar major depression and varying degrees of cognitive functioning, including older patients with major depression and significant cognitive impairment, or middle-aged and older adults after successful electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) [52, 53]. Emotion regulation techniques that follow the process model of emotion regulation [54] may be effective in the management of emotions associated with a depression, hypomanic, or manic state. These techniques include situation selection (i.e., selecting situations that promote adaptive positive emotions and reduce negative emotions), situation modification (i.e., modifying situations to promote adaptive positive emotions and reduce negative emotions), attentional deployment (i.e., shifting attention to promote adaptive positive emotions and reduce negative emotions), cognitive change (i.e., changing the appraisal of a situation to modify the emotional response, similar to “cognitive restructuring” that is used in cognitive behavioral therapy) or response modulation (i.e., utilizing direct efforts to alter one’s emotional responses).
9.9.2 Suicidality
According to the latest statistics from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention [55], suicide rates in older adults are alarmingly high and older white men (aged 85 and older) have the highest rate of suicide (54/100,000) [55]. Even though the suicide risk appears to be higher in young adults than in older adults with BD [56, 57], studies on suicide risk in older adults with BD are sparse [58, 59]. In a study of 1354 older adults who died by suicide, BD had a stronger association with suicide (OR 9.20; 95 % CI 4.38–19.33) than depression (OR 6.44; 95 % CI 5.45–7.61) or anxiety disorders (OR 4.65; 95 % CI 4.07–5.32) [60]. Despite the need for interventions to prevent suicide in older adults with mood disorders, no interventions for older patients with BDs have been designed or tested. Clinicians must assess suicidal ideation, past suicide attempts, as well as risk and protective factors for suicide in older adults with BD [58, 61].
9.9.3 Social and Family Support
Decreased social support is critical in older adults with severe mental illness [62], including BDs, and is associated with increased isolation and decreased pleasure [63, 64]. Belonging to a large family network and having increased instrumental support are associated with a shorter bipolar episode [64]. Social support and family support become increasingly important as disability and cognitive impairment increase [65]. Therefore, clinicians must evaluate the social and family support of an older adult with BD and seek to increase social support and reduce interpersonal tension in the family.
9.9.4 Disability
Disability is prevalent in older adults and is associated with increased depression, medical morbidity and mortality, and reduced quality of life of patients and caregivers [66, 67]. Careful assessment of disability domains, the impact of disability on an individual’s emotions and quality of life, and its contribution to increased family stress is critical.
9.9.5 Cognitive Impairment
Cognitive impairment, especially deficits in executive functioning, memory, psychomotor speed, and sustained attention, is associated with BD in adults of all ages [13, 68–75]. Cognitive deficits may contribute to reduced quality of life, increased disability, and, in some cases, poor treatment outcomes [13, 76, 77]. Clinicians should assess the specific cognitive deficits and their impact on daily functioning and interference with adherence to pharmacotherapy or psychosocial treatments. A formal neuropsychological assessment may be necessary to fully evaluate these cognitive deficits.

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