Plasma Cell Disorders

Plasma Cell Disorders


Patrick W. Burke

Hani Hassoun


  • MGUS: ↑ incidence w/age & in Western countries → 3% of adults >50 y.

    • 7.5% in adults >85 y. ˜0.5-3% per y progress to MM.

  • MM: 1% all neoplasms. 13% of heme malignancies (2nd highest incidence in Western

    • World. ˜5.6/100000/y). 2% of all CA death.

    • U.S. 2012: ˜21700 new Dx. ˜10,710 death. ˜63000 total cases.

    • Median age ˜65 y. Risk of Asymptomatic MM → Sx MM ˜10-20%/y.

    • ↑ Incidence African-Americans, Afro-Caribbeans, & Pacific Islanders.

    • Possible familial predisposition. Possible exposure risk (pesticides/herbicide).

Biology/Pathogenesis (N Engl J Med 2011;364:1046)

  • Progression: MGUS → Asymptomatic (Smoldering) MM → Sx MMPC Leukemia

    • Multistep progression of genetic & BM microenvironment changes.

    • Genetic Abnl → MM PC altered expression of adhesion molecules/responses to microenvironment growth stimuli → ↑ cytokines/GF/cell cycle regulatory proteins/antiapoptotic proteins → ↑ growth, survival, migration, drug resistance.

  • MGUS: Asymptomatic proliferation of monoclonal PC from post-GCB.

    • CG: 50% hyperdiploid (48-74 chromosomes); 50% nonhyperdiploid.

    • Translocations at IgH switch region: Chromosome 14(q32.33) → IgH gene enhancers/promoter juxtaposed in proximity to oncogene locus.

    • ↑ Prevalence IgH translocations w/↑ malignancy progression. MGUSMM.

    • Three common translocation partners: MAF → t(14;16)(q32.33;q23); MMSET→ t(4;14)(p16;q32.33) (deregulation of MMSET & FGFR3); CCND1 → t(11;14) (q13;q32.33).

    • Molecular: ↑ expression of cyclins (D1, D2, & D3) & transcription factors.

  • MM: CG: Hyperdiploidy & nonhyperdiploid (hypodiploid, near tetraploid, & pseudohypodiploid) & IgH translocations seen.

    • translocations: MYC (8q24), MAFB (20q12), IRF4 (6p25) ↑ MM; rare MGUS.

    • Del 18p, Del 17p13, Del 1p, amp 1q, Del 13 → only MM.

    • Molecular: NRAS & KRAS activation; FGFR3 & TP53 Mt; inactivation CDKN2A & CDKN2C in MM.

    • MM microenvironment:angiogenesis (↑ VEGF) + bone resorption (↓ Wnt signal → ↓ osteoblast action; ↑ RANK/MIP1α → ↑ osteoclast action).


  • M-protein: 97%; anemia: 70% (CKD, chronic disease, BM infiltration); bone lytic lesion/osteopenia/pathologic fx: 80%; Renal impairment: 20-40% (M-Protein → tubular damage; dehydration; ↑ Ca; nephrotoxic meds).


  • Initial H&P, CBC, basic metabolic profile (BMP), LFTs, electrolytes (esp. serum Ca), SPEP, UPEP, quantitative Igs, urine immunofixation (UIF), serum immunofixation (SIF), serum free light chain assay (SFLC), 24-h urine protein quantification, β2-microglobulin, albumin, BM aspirate & Bx (w/IHC, morphology, flow cytometry + CG w/karyotype + FISH), & x-ray skeletal survey. MRI or PET if bone sxs but negative skeletal survey.

  • Diff Dx: MGUS, MM, PC leukemia, lymphoplasmacytic lymphoma (LPL)/WM, NHL, amyloidosis, heavy chain deposition disease, light chain deposition disease, cryoglobulinemia, idiopathic cold agglutinin disease.


  • Durie-Salmon (DS): MM “cell mass” c/w prognosis (response to CT & OS). 5 criteria (anemia, serum Ca, bone disease, M-protein, & serum Cr). Significantly c/w MM cell mass & prognosis. DS staging performed at Dx. 3 prognostic categories: Low (Stage 1), INT (Stage 2), & High (Stage 3).

    Durie-Salmon MM Staging Criteria (Cancer 1975;36:842)

    Stage 1

    Stage 2

    Stage 3

    All criteria

    Hb > 10 g/dL

    – Serum Ca nl (< 12 mg/dL)

    -X-ray: Nl bone structure or solitary bone plasmacytoma

    – ↓ M-Protein production rate

    – IgG < 5 g/dL

    – IgA < 3 g/dL

    – Urine light chain

    M-Component on electrophoresis < 4g/24 h

    Meeting criteria neither for stages 1 or 3.

    ≥1 criterion

    Hb < 8.5 g/dL

    – Serum Ca > 12 mg/dL

    – Adv lytic bone lesions

    – ↑ M-Protein production rate

    – IgG > 7 g/dL

    – IgA > 5 g/dL

    – Urine light chain

    M-Component on electrophoresis > 12 g/24 h


    A: Serum cr < 2 mg/dL

    B: Serum cr ≥ 2 mg/dL

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Jun 19, 2016 | Posted by in ONCOLOGY | Comments Off on Plasma Cell Disorders

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