V.E.001 Megakaryocyte
V.E.002 Megakaryocyte, Mature & Immature
Megakaryocyte, mature and immature. Marrow film. On the left, megakaryocyte with multiple nuclear lobes stained a deep blue to purple. Cytoplasm contains platelet fields staining pinkish-purple. On the right is a stage 1 megakaryoblast with a thin rim of basophilic cytoplasm and a round or horseshoe-shaped nucleus occupying most of the cell.
V.E.003 Megakaryocyte, Immature
V.E.004 Megakaryocyte, Immature
V.E.005 Megakaryocyte
V.E.006 Megakaryocyte
V.E.007 Megakaryocyte
V.E.008 Megakaryocyte
V.E.009 Megakaryocyte