Cytogenetic change
Molecular change
Additional changes
Chronic myeloid leukemia
+8, +Ph, +19, i(17q), t(3;21)(q26;q22)
Polycythemia vera
JAK2V617F (>90%)
+8, +9, del(20q), del(13q), del(1p11)
Essential thrombocythemia
JAK2V617F (50%)
+8, del(13q)
Idiopathic myelofibrosis
JAK2V617F (50%)
+8, del(20q), −7/del(7q), del(qq1), G15del(13q)
Hypereosinophilic leukemia
+8, dic(1;7), 8p11
Chronic neutrophilic leukemia
+8, +9, del(20q), del(11q14)
CMPD unclassifiable
The first specific chromosome abnormality found to be associated with cancer was the Philadelphia (Ph) chromosome in CML of which the minute chromosome (22q-) identified as Ph chromosome [8] was a reciprocal translocation between chromosomes 9 and 22 [t(9;22)(q34;q11)], i.e., Ph translocation [9]. This cytogenetic change is present in the leukemic cells of at least 95 % of patients with CML, and 30 % of adult acute lymphoblastic leukemia and less than 5 % of acute myelogenous leukemia [10]. The Ph translocation occurs in a pluripotent stem cell that give rise to cells of both lymphoid and myeloid lineages. The genetic consequence of the Ph translocation is the translocation of the ABL proto-oncogene on chromosome 9 to a location on chromosome 22, termed the breakpoint cluster region (or BCR locus) [11–13]. The detection of Ph translocation is still important in determining cytogenetic response even in the imatinib era [14–16], and molecular determination of the reduction level of BCR-ABL mRNA is currently a powerful marker in managing Ph-positive leukemia patients, including CML, and predicting imatinib resistant CML [16, 17]. Recently, discontinuation study of tyrosine kinase inhibitors (TKIs) , including imatinib and second generation TKIs, after long-lasting complete molecular remission (CMR), the so-called treatment-free remission (TMR), is reported: these results open new avenue for treatment strategy for CML patients [18], though the STOP-TKIs studies are yet under control.
In 2003, Cools et al. reported nine cases of HES with interstitial deletion leading to the formation of the FIP1L1-PDGFRA fusion gene; this change was originally detected in HES patients with 4q12 abnormality [19]. This fusion gene encodes an active tyrosine kinase that is able to transform hematopoietic cells and is inhibited by imatinib mesylate. The frequency of the FIP1L1-PDGFRA fusion gene in HES has been reported to vary from 0 to 100 %, and this anomaly is not detectable by using conventional cytogenetic analysis, thus RT-PCR or FISH analysis is required [20]. The detection of this anomaly is therefore important for determining the indications of imatinib therapy.
Another important discovery in MPN is JAK2V617F mutation in almost all patients with PV and approximately 50 % of ET and CIMF. The presence of JAK2V617F mutation in MPN has been speculated, since some PV patients have 9q24 (terminal portion of 9p) changes when the JAK2 gene locates [21–25]. Approximately 30 % of PV patients have the homozygous JAK2V617F mutation, therefore, this change could result from mitotic recombination of the 9q region [21]. Again, this mutation is not visible by the microscope, thus cytogenetic change, in combination with JAK2 mutation, might be important in managing MPN patients. In addition there is a possibility to identify new tyrosine kinase involvement in MPN based on cytogenetic studies. More recently, the frequent mutations in the calreticulin gene (CALR) occur in MPN has been found, and related study shows that somatic mutations in CALR exist in the majority of patients with JAK2 wild-type MPN [26–28].
In CNL, a breakpoint cluster region, referred to as micro-BCR (or μ-BCR), has been identified, and this reciprocal translocation results in a BCR-ABL fusion protein of 230KD [29]. Maxon et al. demonstrated that activating mutations in the gene encoding the receptor for colony-stimulating factor 3 (CSF3R) in approximately 60 % of CNL or atypical CML. These mutations segregate within two distinct regions of CSF3R thus lead to preferential downstream kinase signaling through SRC family-TNK2 or JAK kinases and differential sensitivity to kinase inhibitors [30].
15.3.2 Acute Myeloid Leukemia
Detection of cytogenetic changes in acute myeloid leukemia (AML) is a powerful tool for determining diagnosis and therapeutic strategy, as well as prognosis [1–3]. Currently mutiplex-PCR is widely used in the detection of known translocation-type cytogenetic changes in acute leukemia. However, cytogenetic analysis is also important in detecting minor populations with additional cytogenetic changes, rare chromosomal change, and numerical chromosome changes. These abnormalities are also important in clinical practice. The genes involved in nonrandom chromosomal translocations are listed in Table 15.2.
Table 15.2
Chromosomal translocation involving transcription factors in myeloid leukemia
Translocation | Genes | Disease phenotypes |
t(8;21)(q22;q22) | RUNX1-RUNX1T1 | M2 |
t(3;21)(q26;q22) | RUNX1-MDS1 | AML |
inv(3)(q21q26.2) or t(3;3)(q21;q26.2 | RPN1-EVI1 | AML with thrombocytosis |
inv(16)(p13.1q22) or t(16;16)(p13.1;q22) | CBFB-MYH11 | M4Eo |
t(15;17)(q24.1;q21.1) | PML-RARA | M3 |
t(11;17)(q23;q21) | PML-RARA | M3 |
t(12;22)(p13;q22) | TEL-AML1 | AML, MDS |
t(1;22)(p13;q13) | RBM15-MKL1 | AML (megakaryoblastic) |
t(6;9)(p23;q34) | DEK-NUP214 | M2 (M4) with basophilia |
t(7;11)(p15;p15) | NUP98-HOXA9 | M2 (M4) |
t(8;1)(p11.2;p13.3) | KAT6A-CREBBP/CBP | Therapy-related AML |
t(9;11)(p22;q23) | KMT2A-MLLT3 | AML-M5 |
t(11;19)(q23;p13.1) | HRX (MLL)-MEN | AML |
t(6;21)(q11;p22) | FUS-ERG | AML |
Most of all patients with acute promyelocytic leukemia (APL: AML-M3 by the FAB) show t(15;17)(q22;q21) resulting in PML/RARA (retinoic acid α receptor); the fusion protein interferes with normal myeloid cell differentiation, possibly through dominant negative effects against the transcriptional activity of RARA [31, 32]. The detection of this cytogenetic change is important in the diagnosis of AML-M3, especially in cases of the variant form of the AML-M3, and to establish the likelihood of therapeutic response to retinoic acid. In contrast, rare AML-M3 patients show t(11;17)(q23;q21) resulting in PLZF/RARA fusion, and they are resistant to retinoic acid treatment [33].
In AML, patients with t(8;21)(q22;q22) and inv(16)(p13q22) are now called CBF (core-binding factor) leukemia, and they respond well to cytarabine therapy [34, 35]. The t(8;21)(q22;q22) creates RUNX1-RUX1T1 (previously designated as ETO /AML1) [36] and inv(16)(p13q22) does CBFβ/MYH11 [37]. Although there are some other chromosome changes, t(15;17)(q22;q21), t(8;21)(q22;q22) and inv(16)(p13q22) are known as favorable cytogenetic change in AML [38, 39]. Intermediate risk cytogeneitc category includes numerical and structural abnormalities, while poor cytogenetic category for AML patients basically includes those with complex cytogenetic changes (more than 3 chromosomes abnormalities. Of note is that the deletion of the long arm of chromosome 7 is categorized as intermediate cytogenetic change, while monosomy 7 is classified as poor cytogenetics (Table 15.3). Other recurring translocations, including t(6;9) [40], abnormalities at 3q26 [41, 42], and abnormalities at 11q23 [43, 44], and the genes involved are listed in Table 15.2.
Table 15.3
Prognosis of acute myeloid leukemia and chromosome abnormality
Risk | Chromosome changes | CR rate (%) | 5-year survival (%) |
Good | t(8;21)(q22;q22) | 98 | 69 |
t(3;21)(q26;q22) | t(15;17)(q22;q21) | 85 | 63 |
inv(16)(p13q22) | 88 | 61 | |
Intermediate | del(9q) | 100 | 60 |
+22 | 91 | 59 | |
+8 | 84 | 48 | |
+21 | 80 | 47 | |
t(11q23) | 87 | 45 | |
Normal | 99 | 42 | |
del(7q) | 75 | 23 | |
Poor | Complex | 67 | 21 |
del(3q) | 63 | 12 | |
del(5q) | 57 | 11 | |
−7 | 54 | 10 | |
−5 | 42 | 4 |
Detection of normal karyotypes in AML patients is important: these patients are currently separately categorized by the presence of FLT3 internal tandem repeat (FLT3-ITD) and mutation of the nucleophosmin (NPM) gene [45, 46]. These data may show that both cytogenetic analysis and molecular examination are important to predict prognosis and molecular target therapy.
15.3.3 Myelodysplastic Syndromes
Cytogenetic changes in myelodysplastic syndrome (MDS) are currently used in determining the prognosis [47]. Based on the IPSS (International Prognostic Scoring System), chromosomes in MDS are categorized into three groups, i.e., good cytogenetics [normal karyotype, del(20q), del(5q), and –Y], intermediate cytogenetics (other than good or poor cytogenetics) and poor cytogenetics (complex abnormalities: ≥3 chromosomal changes or −7/del(7q) [48]. More recently, detailed cytogenetic classification and survival risk stratification is proposed [49] and thereby revised International Prognostic Scoring System (IPSS-R) is utilized for exact prognosis for untreated MDS patient (Table 15.4) [50]. Due to accumulation of cytogenetic data, in combination of hematologic parameters (number of cytopenias and percentage of blasts in the marrow), the prognosis of MDS patients could be predictive and therapeutic strategy is formulated based on this prognostic system, thus indicating that determination of cytogenetic change in MDS patients again is a powerful tool in managing patient care.
Table 15.4
Revised international prognostic scoring system for myelodysplastic syndromes
IPSS-R scorea | |||||||
Variable | 0 | 0.5 | 1.0 | 1.5 | 2.0 | 3.0 | 4.0 |
Cytogeneticsb | Very good | Good | Intermediate | Poor | Very poor | ||
BM blasts (%) | ≤2 | >2–<5 | 5–10 | >10 | |||
Hemoglobin (g/dL) | ≥10 | 8–<10 | <8 | – | |||
Platelets (×109/L) | ≥100 | 50–<100 | <50 | – | – | ||
ANC (×109/L) | ≥0.8 | <0.8 |
15.3.4 Secondary Acute Leukemia/Myelodysplastic Syndromes
In the WHO classification, secondary AML/MDS was categorized as a separate entity from de novo AML or MDS [51]. Secondary AML/MDS patients are usually classified into two categories based on the causative agents, i.e., alkylating agent/radiation-related and topoisomerase II-inhibitor-related AML/MDS. The alkylating agent/radiation related disorder usually occurs 5–6 years following exposure to the mutagenic agents, and often presents initially as an MDS with low percentage blasts (25 % of this type of patients were refractory anemia with excess blasts 1 or 2), and have short survival. They have unbalanced translocations or deletions involving chromosomes 5 and/or 7 consisting of loss of all or part of the long arm of the chromosomes, and usually show multiple chromosomal abnormalities, referred to as complex cytogenetic changes. Importantly, the prognosis and cytogenetic changes of the secondary AML/MDS are quiet different between these two types. Another type, topoisomerase II-inhibitor-related AML/MDS occurs 12–130 months (median of 33–34 months) after exposure. They usually show AML without a preceding MDS, and predominant cytogenetic finding is a balanced translocation involving 11q23 (the MLL gene), primary t(9;11), t(11;19) and t(6;11), or t(8;21) or t(3;21) involving band 21q22 (AML1 gene). They respond to initial therapy in a manner similar to that of de novo AML.
15.4 Chromosomal Abnormalities in Lymphoid Leukemias
15.4.1 Acute Lymphoid Leukemia
Chromosomal translocation in ALL could be separated into two types, i.e., dysregulation type and chimeric fusion type (Table 15.5) [52–57]. The former group represents involvements of immunoglobulin genes or T-cell receptor genes. Approximately 25 % of T-ALL patients show involvement of T-cell receptor (TCR) genes, i.e., TCRδ (14q11), TCRβ (7q32-36), and altered transcriptional level of involving genes, including c-MYC (located at 8q24), LOM1 (11p15), LOM2 (11q13), HOX11 (10q24), TAL1/SCL (1p32).
Table 15.5
Chromosome abnormalities in lymphoid leukemia
Dysregulation | ||
B-cell lineage | ||
t(8;14)((q24;q32) | c-MYC/IgH | B-ALL |
t(14;19)((q32;q13) | BCL3/IgH | B-CLL |
T-cell lineage | ||
t(8;14)((q24;q11) | c-MYC/TCRa | T-ALL |
t(11;14)(p15;q11) | Rhom-1 (TTG1/LOM1)/TCR δ | T-ALL |
t(11;14)(q13;q11) | Rhom-2 (TTG2/LOM2)/TCR δ | T-ALL |
t(10;14)(q24;q11) | HOX11 (TCL3)/TCR δ | T-ALL |
t(1;14)(p32;q11) | SCL (TAL1,TCL5)/TCR δ | T-ALL |
t(7;9)(q23;q34.4) | TAN/TCR β | T-ALL |
t(7;9)(q23;q32) | TAN2/TCR β | T-ALL |
t(4;11)(q21;p15) | NUP98/RAP1GDS1 | T-ALL |
Chimeric fusion gene | ||
t(1;19)(q23;p13) | E2A-PBX1 | PreB-ALL |
t(17;19)(q22;p13) | E2A-HLF | PreB-ALL |
t(9;22)(q34;q11) | BCR-ABL | cALL |
t(12;21)(p21;q22) | TEL-AML1 | PreB-ALL |
t(4;11)(q21;q23) | MLL-AF4(MLLT2) | MLL |
t(11;19)(q23;p13) | MLL-ENL (MLLT1) | MLL |
The correlation of cytogenetic changes with morphology in AML leads to the identification and characterization of specific disease-associated chromosome abnormalities, while the correlation between morphology and cytogenetic change is not striking in ALL, except for the 8q24 (c-MYC) and ALL-L3 by the FAB classification. In ALL-M3 or Burkitt lymphoma, translocations invariably involve chromosome 8q24 and one of the three chromosomes that carry the immunoglobulin light (2p12: λ-light chain gene and 22q11: k-light chain gene) or heavy chain genes (14q32: heavy-chain gene). These translocations rearrange one allele of c-MYC proto-oncogene at 8q24, which encodes a transcription factor consisting of a basic region helix–loop–helix zipper (bHLH) motif, into the immunoglobulin locus carried on one of these chromosomes, resulting in dysregulation of c-MYC expression through the strong enhancer of immunoglobulin genes [55, 56].
T-cell leukemias (T-ALLs) have a number of different recurring translocations. Most of these involve putative transcription factors, and are not normally expressed in T-cells. As example of this is the HOX11 gene, located on chromosome 10q24, which is activated by translocations t(10;14)(q24;q11) and t(7;10)(q35;q24) in T-ALL. The HOX11 gene shares homology with other homeobox-containing genes that normally code for sequence-specific DNA-binding proteins [57]. The t(1;14)(p32;q11) chromosome translocation has been observed in 3 % of T-ALL patients. This translocation results in the juxtaposition of the SCL gene (also called TAL1) from chromosome 1q32 with the TCRα/δ chain locus on chromosome 14q11 [58]. The SCL gene encodes DNA-binding protein containing the bHLH motif, which can dimerize with protein E47. The chromosomal translocation probably causes ectopic SCL protein expression, activating specific target genes that are transcriptionally silent in normal T cells.
Another chromosomal translocation type in ALL is chimeric protein formation, for example t(1;19) and t(9;22). The t(1;19)(q23;q13) chromosome translocation affects approximately 25 % of pre-B ALLs, and fuses the N-terminal part of the transcription factor E2A, carrying a transcription domain, to the DNA-binding homeodomain of the transcription factor PBX, replacing the bHLH region of E2A [59, 60]. The E2A PBX fusion protein is recognized by the homeodomain of PBX and can strongly activate transcription, whereas PBX cannot. Target genes that bind the PBXC homeodomain in the E2A/PBX fusion protein may be activated and initiate leukemogenesis.
Translocation (12;21)(p13;q22) is found in 20–30 % of childhood ALL, in contrast to 3–4 % in adult ALL, with favorable prognosis. The translocation results in TEL (ETV6)-AML1 (CBF2) fusion and consists of the dimerization domain (HLH) of the TEL gene and the most part of the AML1 protein [61], thus suggesting that homodimer of the TEL-AML1 or heterodimer suppresses the normal TEL function due to a dominant negative effect.
Chromosomal aberrations involving 11q23 is found in 60 % of infantile leukemia (the so-called MLL acute leukemia), possibly due to trans-placental chemical exposure [62]. This anomaly is also characterized by (1) acute leukemia with both lymphoid and myeloid phenotypes, and (2) frequently found in therapy-related adult acute leukemia related with topoisomerase II-inhibitor [63]. The MLL gene is translocated to more than 30 gene loci, and frequent involvements in adult acute leukemia are t(9;11)(p22;q23), following t(6;11)(q27;q23), t(10;11)(p12;q23), t(11;19)(q23;p13) (Table 15.6) [64]. The MLL gene is believed to act to maintain transcription, and the breakpoints of MLL gene in 11q23-leukemia are clustered within 8.5-kb spanned exon 5 to exon 11. The 11q23 translocation creates chimera between the 5′-side of the MLL region including AT-hook and targeted genes, and loss of the zinc finger domain of the MLL gene might be important in the generation of this type of leukemia [65].
Table 15.6
Translocation involving MLL genes
Trasnslocation | Genes | Function |
t(1;11)(p32;q23) | AF1p | a-helical coils |
t(1;11)(q21;q23) | AF1q | Unknown |
t(4;11)(q21;q23) | AF4/FEL | Transcriptional activating domain |
ins(5;11)(q31;q13q23) | AF5q31 | Partially homologue to AF4 |
t(6;11)(q27;q23) | AF6 | a-helical coils, GLGF repeat |
t(6;11)(q21;q23) | AF6q21 | Forkhead DNA binding domain |
t(9;11)(p22;q23) | AF 9 | Homology to ENL |
t(10;11)(p12;q23) | AF10 | Leucine zipper |
t(10;11)(p11.2;q23) | ABL-1 | Homology to c-ABL binding protein |
t(11;14)(q23;q24) | GPHN | Scaffold protein |
t(11;16)(q23;p13) | CBP | Transcription co-activator |
t(11;17)(q23;q21) | AF17 | Leucine zipper |
t(11;17)(q23;q25) | MSF/AF17q25 | Septin/GTP binding domain |
t(11;19)(q23;p13.1) | ELL/MEN | RNA polymerase II transcription |
t(11;19)(q23;p13.3) | ENL | Transcription domain |
t(11;19)(q23;p13) | EEN | a-helical coils |
t(11;22)(q23;q11.2) | hCDCrel | Homology to CDC binding protein |
t(11;22)(q23;q13) | p300 | Transcription co-activator |
t(X;11)(q13;q23) | AFX | Forkhead DNA binding domain |
ins(X;11)(q24;q23) | SEPTN6 | GTP binding domain |
The detection of Ph translocation in ALL is diagnostically and therapeutically important. Ph translocation is also detectable in 30 % of adult ALL. This translocation creates the BCR-ABL oncoprotein; some of which have 210KDBCR-ABL (fusion between ABL and major BCR) which is the transcript similar to those of Ph-positive CML and most patients have 185KDBCR-ABL (fusion between ABL and minor-BCR). Ph-positive ALL patients have poor prognosis. However, current molecular target therapy, including imatinib or dual SRC-kinase inhibitor, dasatinib, followed by allogeneic stem cell transplantation has yielded promising data for the possibility of obtaining complete remission and maintaining prolonged survival [66, 67], therefore detection of Ph translocation at the ALL diagnosis and incorporation of target therapy is essential in treating such ALL patients.
15.4.2 Malignant Lymphoma
B-cell malignant lymphomas have translocation involving chromosome 14q32, which contains the immunoglobulin heavy (IgH) chain gene. Two specific translocations involving this locus have been characterized. The chromosomal rearrangements occur at precise locations on chromosomes 11 and 18 at the BCLl and BCL2 loci, respectively. The BCL1 gene, which is aberrantly expressed as a consequence of the t(11;14)(q13;q32) encodes cyclinD1 notable in mantle cell lymphoma (MCL). Cyclin D1 forms a complex with a cyclin-dependent kinase (cdk), and function in cell-cycle regulation [68, 69]. The BCL2 gene is consistently associated with t(14;18) chromosomal translocation observed in a large percentage of B-cell follicular lymphomas. The BCL2 gene product is suggested to mediate inhibition of cellular apoptosis [70, 71]. Thus, constitutive activation of the BCL2 gene may contribute to the formation of follicular lymphoma by blocking programmed cell death.
Anaplastic large cell lymphoma (ALCL) is a variant of non-Hodgkin’s lymphomas composed of large pleomorphic cells that usually express the CD30 antigen and is characterized by frequent cutaneous and extranodal involvement. This type of lymphoma frequently exhibits the t(2;5)(p23;q35) chromosomal translocation that fuses the NPM gene (nucleophosmin) on the 5q35 region to the ALK (anaplastic lymphoma kinase) on the 2p23 chromosomal region [72, 73]. The ALK/NPM fusion protein has tyrosine kinase activity and induces tumorigenesis. ALCL patients with the ALK/NPM fusion protein have favorable prognosis compared to those without the fusion protein, thus indicating the presence of a prognostic factor in ALCL patients.
15.4.3 Chronic Lymphoid Leukemia
Trisomy 12 in chronic lymphoid leukemia (CLL) is well known. The t(14;19)(q32;q13.1) chromosomal translocation is noted in some B-CLL. This result in divergent orientation (head-to-head) of the immunoglobulin heavy-chain gene (14q32) and BCL3 (19q13) [74–76]. The BCL3 gene is a distinct member of the IkB family, may function as a positive regulator to NF-kB activity. Thus, overexpression of BCL3 gene by the translocation may alter the transcriptional activity of NF-kB.
15.4.4 Multiple Myeloma
Conventional metaphase cytogenetic studies are successful in only 40 % of multiple myeloma (MM) patients studied, due to a slowly proliferation of mature B cells. Using metaphase cytogenetics, only one-third of patients show an abnormal karyotype and the remaining two-thirds have normal metaphase cytogenetics. However, current studies utilizing FISH demonstrated that the large majority of such patients have an aneuploid DNA content and abnormal cytogenetics and impact on prognosis. Well known abnormalities in MM are (1) hyperdiploid (≥48 chromosomes), (2) chromosome 13 deletion, (3) an involvement of 14q32 (IgH) region, i.e., t(11;14)(q13;q32), t(4;14)(p13;q32), and t(14;16)(q32;q23) [77, 78]. Rare translocations t(6;14) and t(14;20) are also notable. Hyperdiploid MM is associated with improved prognosis, and negative prognostic effector in this group is the concomitant presence of high-risk immunoglobulin heavy chain (IgH) translocation. Chromosome 13 deletion is detectable in approximately 50 % of MM patients with abnormal karyotypes (10–20 % of all MM patients), and associated with shorter survival and lower response rate to treatment. The t(11;14) is associated with oligo-secretary or light-chain-only MM, CD20 expression, and amyloidosis (50 %) and IgM MM (>90 %) [77]. The t(11;14)-MM patients show improved or neutral survivals when treated with high-dose chemotherapy and stem cell transplantation. Translocation (4;14) is found in 15 % of MM patients and this translocation results in FGFR3 to the IgH switch region locus. Recently, t(14;16), del(17p), and t(4;14) are known to be linked to poor prognosis after conventional therapy, and thereby it is recommended to utilize fluorescent in situ hybridization to detect these genetic changes, in combination with standard metaphase cytogenetics [79].
15.5 Chromosomal Abnormalities in Solid Tumors
15.5.1 Ewing Family of Tumors
Sarcomas are soft tissue tumors that often have chromosomal rearrangements encoding tumor-specific fusion oncoproteins (Table 15.7). Ewing tumors , a subset of sarcomas, occur predominantly in the long bones of children and young adults. Extraskeletal Ewing sarcomas typically involve the soft tissues of the chest wall, paravertebral region, retroperitoneum, and lower extremities. The histogenetic origin of these tumors is now suspected to be neural, a discovery linking Ewing’s sarcoma to more differentiated tumors, known as peripheral primitive neuroectodermal tumors (PNET) or neuroepitheliomas [80]. Approximately 80 % of Ewing family tumors exhibit a balanced chromosomal translocation between chromosome 11 and 22, t(11;22)(q24;q12). Molecular analysis revealed that the chromosome 22 breakpoint present in Ewing tumors is located within the EWS gene, while the chromosome 11 breakpoint is located within the Fli1 gene [81, 82]. Reciprocal translocation between these two chromosomes creates a new chimeric protein combining portions of the EWS and Fli1 proteins. The EWS gene, located on 22q12, plays a recurrent role in several chromosomal translocations found in soft tissue and bone tumors. This gene is involved in all of the alternative translocations identified in Ewing sarcoma/PNET and in distinct translocations found in desmoplastic small round cell tumors, clear cell sarcomas (soft tissue melanomas), cases of extraskeletal myxoid chondrosarcoma, a subset of angiomatoid fibrous histiocytomas, and rarely in myxoid liposarcomas [83, 84]. The EWS and related TLS/FUS/FUS gene products have features typical of RNA-binding proteins; their C-termini, which are deleted from fusion oncoproteins, contain R-G-G repeats flanking a highly conserved RNA-binding domain of the RRM type [85, 86]. The FLI1 gene encodes a DNA-binding protein, Fli1 [85], that appears to function as a transcription factor [81]. The human Fli1 protein shares approximately 70 % sequence identity with the protein encoded by the ETS1 gene. The EWS-Fli1 fusion protein contains the N-terminal domain of EWS and the DNA-binding domain of Fli1. Evidence suggests that DNA-binding activity and subsequent transcriptional activation of various target genes by the EWS-Fli1 fusion are essential for tumorigenesis of Ewing sarcoma [87]. While other chimeric partners of the EWS gene, such as ERG [88], ETV1 [90], ETV4 and E1AF [91], are involved as fusion partners less commonly than FLI1, and all share homology with ETS1.
Table 15.7
Chromosome abnormalities in solid tumors
Type | Genes involved | Tumor type |
t(11;22)(q24;12) | EWSR1, FLI1 | Ewing sarcoma/PNET |
t(21;22)(q22;q12) | EWSR1, ERG | Ewing sarcoma/PNET |
t(7;22)(p22;q12) | EWSR1, ETV1 | Ewing sarcoma/PNET |
t(17;22)(q21;q12) | EWSR1, ETV4 | Ewing sarcoma/PNET |
t(16;21)(p11;q22) | FUS, ERG | Ewing sarcoma/PNET |
t(2;22)(q33;q12) | EWSR1, FEV | Ewing sarcoma/PNET |
t(17;22)(q12;12) | EWSR1, E1AF | Ewing sarcoma/PNET |
inv(22) | EWSR1, ZSG | Ewing sarcoma/PNET |
t(11;22)(p13;q12) | EWSR1, WT1 | Desmoplastic small round cell tumor |
t(9;22)(q22;q12) | EWSR1, CHN | Extraskeletal myxoid chondrosarcoma |
t(9;17)(q22;q11) | RBP56, CHN | Extraskeletal myxoid chondrosarcoma |
t(9;15)(q22;21) | CHN, TCF12 | Extraskeletal myxoid chondrosarcoma |
t(12;22)(q13;12) | EWSR1, ATF1 | Clear cell sarcoma |
t(2;22)(q34;q12) | EWSR1, CREB1 | Clear cell sarcoma |
t(2;13)(q35;q14) | PAX3, FKHR | Alveolar rhabdomyosarcoma |
t(1;13)(q36;q14) | PAX7, FKHR | Alveolar rhabdomyosarcoma |
t(12;16)(q13;p11) | CHOP, TLS(FUS) | Myxoid/round cell liposarcoma |
t(12;22)(q13;12) | EWSR1, CHOP | Myxoid/round cell liposarcoma |
t(x;18)(q11;q11) | SSX1, SYT | Synovial sarcoma |
SSX2, SYT | Synovial sarcoma | |
t(x;17)(q11.2;q25) | ASPL, TFE3 | Alveolar soft part sarcoma |
t(x;17;22)(q22;q13) | COL1A1, PDGFB | Dermatofibrosarcoma protuberans (and fibroblastoma) |
t(7;16)(q32-34;p11) | FUS, CREB3L2 | Low-grade fibromyxoid sarcoma |
FUS, CREB3L1 | Low-grade fibromyxoid sarcoma | |
t(12;16)(q13;p11) | FUS, ATF1 | Angiomatoid fibrous histiocytoma |
t(12;22)(q13;p12) | EWSR1, ATF1 | Angiomatoid fibrous histiocytoma |
t(12;15)(p13;q25) | ETV6, NTRK3 | Infantile fibrosarcoma (and mesoblastic nephroma) |
t(1;3)(p36.3;q25) | WWTR1, CAMTA1 | Epithelioid hemangioendothelioma |
t(x;11)(p11.2;q22.1) | TFE3, YAP1 | Epithelioid hemangioendothelioma |
t(7;9)(q22;q13) | Unknown | Epithelioid sarcoma-like hemangioendothelioma |
t(2;11)(q31;q12) | Unknown | Desmoplastic fibroblastoma |
Translocation with 8q12 | PLAG1 fusion | Lipoblastoma |
Translocation with 12q14.3 | HMGA2 fusions | Lipoma |
Translocation with 6p21 | HMGA1 fusions | Lipoma |
t(5;8)(p15;q13) | AHRR, NCOA2 | Angiofibroma |
t(11;16)(q13;p13) | C11orf95, MKL2 | Chondroid lipoma |
del(8)(q13.3q21.1) | HEY1, NCOA2 | Mesenchymal chondrosarcoma |
t(7;17)(p15;21) | JAZF1, JJAZ1
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