Chapter 14 Brachytherapy
Brachytherapy, a term from the Greek language, means “therapy at a short distance.” It was increasingly used in the treatment of malignant tumors shortly after the discovery of radium-226 (226Ra) by Marie Curie. In 1960, Henschke1 published the first paper on afterloading low-dose-rate (LDR) brachytherapy in gynecologic malignant disease and later in other tumors. Following soon was a publication describing the Fletcher-Suit afterloading applicators.2
Brachytherapy, used as an integral part of cancer treatment for almost a century, sustained a rapid growth with the development of afterloading devices and the introduction of artificial radionuclides.3,4 In 1961, Henschke5 developed the first high-dose-rate (HDR) machine using small cobalt sources of high activity. He and his associates stated, “On the basis of our limited experience with such short treatment times in the last 3 years, we feel that they may be used with impunity if the total dose is divided into more fractions.”6 In later reports, they reasoned that moving source remote afterloaders could be used with all gamma-emitting radioisotopes, but cesium-137 (137Cs) appeared most suitable, except in the case of short treatment times, for which cobalt-60 (60Co) and iridium-192 (192Ir) would be preferable because of their higher specific activities. New isotopes were available for brachytherapy, including gold-198 (198Au), 60Co, 137Cs, and 192Ir; a few years later iodine-125 (125I) and californium-252 (252Cf), and more recently, americium-241 (241Am), palladium-103 (103Pd), ytterbium-169 (169Yb), selenium-75 (75Se), and samarium-145 (145Sm) have been added to our armamentarium. The widespread use of remote afterloading devices has enhanced the clinical applications of brachytherapy and has practically eliminated radiation exposure to the operators. Furthermore, in many parts of the world, HDR brachytherapy has supplanted LDR brachytherapy with equivalent clinical results. According to the International Commission on Radiation Units (ICRU) Report No. 38,7 dose rates of 0.4 to 2 Gy/h are referred to as LDR, those in the range of 2 to 12 Gy/h are medium-dose-rate (MDR), and those greater than 12 Gy/h are HDR.
Interstitial Brachytherapy
The flexible carrier method was first used with radon seeds by Hames8 in 1937 and later by Morton and associates,9 who used cobalt sources. Afterloading was systematized by Henschke and colleagues at Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center (MSKCC) in New York City. Since the early 1960s, Pierquin and colleagues10 in Europe popularized the afterloading Henschke techniques with personal modifications and contributed the use of “hairpins” for afterloading with thicker iridium wires mainly for lesions of the oral cavity and oropharynx. Several reports in the literature describe techniques and instrumentation for the use of afterloading interstitial therapy with radium and other isotopes such as tantalum wires and 192Ir and 125I seeds.11–19
Removable Iridium-192 Hairpin Technique
The physical characteristics of the Paris technique were described by Pierquin and colleagues in 1964.10 Metallic gutter guides have been constructed to facilitate insertion of the iridium wires. The usual separation of the legs is 1.2 cm, although 0.9- or 1.5-cm separation can be used. The standard gutter length is 2.5, 3, 4, or 5 cm. Iridium wire ends are inserted along the gutters and held in place with a fine-tip clamp while the gutter guide is removed. Gutter guides should allow for a predictable insertion of the hairpin, which results in an acceptable geometry and homogeneous dose distribution of the implant. The gutter guide technique is used primarily in smaller tumors of the oral cavity and in the anal region.
Removable Iodine 125 Plastic Tube Implants
Clarke and colleagues20,21 at William Beaumont Hospital (WBH) described a temporary removable 125I plastic tube implant technique. Iodine-125 seeds, 4.5 mm in length, were used with interseed spacing within the ribbons (from seed center to seed center) ranging from 4.5 mm (seeds back to back) to 12.5 mm (8-mm spacers). The operative technique using hollow stainless-steel 17-gauge trocars is identical to the 192Ir implant procedure. Iodine-125 dosimetry is somewhat more complex because iodine seed dose distributions are more anisotropic, fall off more rapidly with distance, and are more sensitive to tissue heterogeneities than those of 192Ir sources. However, the 125I tubes must have a greater diameter to house the 125I seed ribbons, which are larger than the 192Ir ribbons. The seed ribbons are prepared by loading loose seeds into the hollow ribbons; the seeds are separated by spacers and held in position by a “pusher.” The open end of the seed ribbon is heated for sealing. The seed separation varies depending on the activity, the geometry of the implant, and the desired dose rate, which is individualized for each patient and determined after the procedure in the operating room is completed. The most common clinical applications of temporary 125I seeds are episcleral plaque therapy for ocular melanoma and volume implants in the breast, brain, soft tissue sarcomas of the extremities, and head and neck. Of particular relevance is its use in pediatric brachytherapy to decrease the dose to growing neighboring organs.
Permanent Interstitial Iodine-125 Implants
A system with 10 125I seeds contained within a braided synthetic absorbable carrier has been developed for implants in a shallow plane of tissue or for a tumor site that is inaccessible to standard implant devices.22,23 The 125I seeds are spaced at 1-cm intervals, center to center. The carrier retains a half-circle, taper-point surgical needle. Each strand of 10 seeds is contained within a stainless-steel tubular ring, which effectively shields radiation. The unopened package has a surface dose rate of less than 0.2 mR/h for a loading of ten 0.5-mCi seeds. Consequently, it can be handled and stored without additional shielding.
In circumstances in which the supplied surgical needle is unsuitable, it can be replaced by a tie-on needle (e.g., a French spring-eye needle). The placement of the strands and spacing of the seeds should follow appropriate dosimetric considerations. Martinez and associates described a methodology to insert seeds into an absorbable suture24 and to sterilize them for intraoperative use.25 The absorbable carrier material and 125I seeds are implanted in the tumor tissues by successive advancing of the needle and gentle pulling of the carrier. The carrier material is absorbed by body tissue; the rate depends on the nature of the implanted tissue. Intramuscular implantation studies in rats showed that the absorption of the carrier is minimal until the 40th postoperative day. Absorption is essentially complete after 60 to 90 days.
Goffinet and coworkers26 at Stanford University reported on 64 intraoperative 125I implants with absorbable Vicryl suture carriers performed in 53 patients with head and neck cancers, many of them recurrent after initial definitive radiation therapy. Among 14 patients who had received no prior therapy, local control was achieved in 10 (71%), and 5 (40%) were alive 2 to 45 months after therapy. Among 34 patients who had received prior therapy, local control was achieved in 20 (59%), and no recurrences developed in any head and neck site in 13 (38%). Complications were noted in 7 (50%) of 14 patients treated definitively, including skin ulceration and intraoral and intrapharyngeal ulceration, which usually healed. Of 34 patients who had 125I suture implants after prior therapy, 7 (20%) had complications after the procedure. In a variation of this technique, the 125I suture material is sewed through Gelfoam, which in turn is secured to the tumor bed with special clips.
Syed-Neblett Templates
Prostatic Template
Puthawala and associates27 described a prostate template used to guide the insertion of metallic source guides transperineally. The template consists of two concentric rings with radii of 1 and 2 cm, containing 6 and 12 guide holes, respectively. Up to 18 metallic source guides (17-gauge, 20-cm-long needles) are inserted transperineally through the prostate and seminal vesicles as indicated. The tips of the guides are usually 1 cm above the level of the bladder neck. The template is fixed to the perineum by 00 silk sutures, and the space between the perineum and the template is filled with gauze soaked in antibiotic cream.
Modified Perineal Template
Hockel and Muller28 described a modified Syed-Neblett type of perineal template for HDR interstitial brachytherapy of gynecologic malignant disease. The template can easily be disassembled after insertion of the central needles into the pelvis, allowing cystoscopic and rectoscopic control of the needle position. Needles penetrating the bladder or the rectum can be repositioned before reassembling the template, eliminating a high-irradiation zone in tumor-free bladder and rectum walls.
Martinez Universal Perineal Interstitial Template
The Martinez Universal Perineal Interstitial Template (MUPIT) was designed to treat locally advanced or recurrent tumors in the prostate, anorectal, perineal, or gynecologic area. The device consists of two acrylic cylinders, one that can be placed in the vagina and the other in the rectum, an acrylic template with an array of holes that allows placement of the metallic guides in the tissues to be implanted, and a cover plate.29 The cylinders are placed in the vagina or rectum, or both, and fastened to the templates so that a fixed geometric relationship among the tumor volume, normal structures, and source placement is preserved throughout the course of the implantation. When the MUPIT interstitial template is used, no central intracavitary sources are inserted, except in some patients requiring an intrauterine tandem (beyond the volume treated with the interstitial sources). Differential loading (using 192Ir seeds of different activity) has always been used for the MUPIT implants to optimize LDR dose distribution.
Template versus Intracavitary Brachytherapy in Locally Advanced Gynecologic Tumors
In an effort to improve on these results, LDR transperineal interstitial brachytherapy techniques were developed as a supplement to external beam radiation therapy (EBRT). Prempree30 used radium needle implants in conjunction with a tandem in 49 patients with stage IIIB cervical carcinoma. All patients were followed for a minimum of 5 years. The control rate in the cervix, vagina, and parametrium was 84% and the major complication rate was 8%. Gaddis and colleagues31 have reported the results of treating 75 patients with primary cervical carcinoma using the Syed-Neblett template. With a median follow-up of 17 months, the overall pelvic control rate was 71% (77% in stage IE/IIA, 80% in stage IIB, 54% in stage III, and 0% in stage IV). It is difficult to compare interstitial brachytherapy with traditional intracavitary treatment owing to differences in patient populations, length of follow-up, and methods of reporting results.
Monk and associates32 have reported results in 70 patients with stage II, III, or IVA cervical cancer treated with interstitial therapy using the Syed-Neblett template retrospectively compared with 61 patients with similar disease treated with intracavitary treatment. They reported similar results in stage III and IVA patients; however, patients with stage II disease had a significantly improved 5-year disease-free survival (DFS) rate (50% vs. 21%) and 5-year local control rate (61% vs. 32%) with intracavitary treatment. A greater percentage of the patients in the interstitial group had unknown tumor size (27% vs. 7%), and the stage distribution was slightly in favor of the intracavitary group.
Gupta and associates33 reviewed the outcomes of patients with locally advanced or recurrent gynecologic cancers who were treated with LDR brachytherapy using the MUPIT. The 3-year actuarial local control rate, DFS rate, and overall survival (OS) rate for all patients were 60%, 55%, and 41%, respectively. For patients with primary cervical cancer, the 3-year actuarial local control rate was 44%. However, 12 of the 30 patients with primary cervical cancer had a disease volume of 100 cm3 or greater. In patients with recurrent disease, the control rate was 68%. The overall complication rate was 13%. These results suggest that in patients with locally advanced or recurrent disease, interstitial implants using the MUPIT applicator can produce acceptable results with acceptable rates of toxicity.
Some concern exists regarding operator variability for interstitial implants. Although patient numbers are small, Gupta and associates33 retrospectively analyzed local control with respect to physician performing the implant. No difference in outcome was found for those patients undergoing this procedure by the senior author versus the other four operators.
In a report by Gupta and associates,33 41% of the patients had recurrent disease, 22% had received prior irradiation, and 26% had disease greater than 100 cm3 in volume. The 3-year local control rate with a disease volume of 100 cm3 or less was 89%. The 3-year actuarial local control rate in the 15 patients who had received prior irradiation was 49%. The major complication rate using interstitial treatment in this group of patients was only 13%.
Russell and colleagues34 have reported their results with re-irradiation of recurrent gynecologic cancers using intracavitary treatment in 25 patients. They report crude local control rates of 56% and major complication rates of 50%. Similar results have been reported by Puthawala and colleagues35 using interstitial implants for recurrent pelvic malignant tumors. After a minimum follow-up of 2 years in 40 patients, they reported a pelvic control rate of 67% and a grade 4 complication rate of 15%.
Dose-Rate Delivery Issues
LDR Implants: Manual versus Remote Afterloading
Few studies compare results of intracavitary therapy with LDR remote afterloading implants with those for manual afterloading systems because there are no significant changes in isotopes or dose rates. Battermann and Szabol36 reported their experience with the LDR Selectron afterloading machine for patients with cancer of the cervix using the same treatment policy as previously used for manual afterloading. Local tumor control and complications were the same for both groups.
HDR Remote Afterloading Implants: Potential Advantages Over LDR
Fractionation and adjustment of total dose are crucial factors in lowering the frequency of complications without compromising the results of therapy with HDR systems.37 Scalliet and associates38 compared HDR and LDR in gynecologic brachytherapy, especially regarding the conversion of LDR total dose into equivalent HDR dose per fraction and total dose. Calculation of biologically equivalent schedules requires knowledge of repair capacity and repair kinetics of tumors and normal tissues, both of which influence the biologic effect of any radiation dose. The emerging clinical experience with HDR is equivalent to that of classic LDR. However, although treatment with LDR has proven to be quite tolerant to a lack of absolute precision, that would be disastrous with HDR techniques due to large dosages per fraction.
Pulsed-Dose-Rate Brachytherapy
Pulsed-dose-rate (PDR) brachytherapy was proposed39 to exploit the advantages of HDR computer-controlled remote afterloading technology. It was noted that by varying the dwell times of the stepping source, dose optimization could be achieved, maintaining the potential benefits of LDR, including improved radiation protection. The inactive source times, when the sources are in the safe between pulses, should allow for improved nursing care and patient visiting. The pulse delivers about 0.5 Gy per 10-minute exposure every hour. As the dose rate gradually decreases because of radioactive decay of the source, somewhat longer periods of pulsed times are required.
Pulsed LDR brachytherapy has been made possible with the development of commercial devices modified from HDR intracavitary brachytherapy applications. A single high-activity source that can be programmed for a dwell time in each position at appropriate periods, to reflect the required differential loading of activity, and with a dose rate of 0.5 Gy/h, has been used at a few institutions. Using the linear-quadratic formula, Brenner and Hall39 determined the pulse lengths and frequencies based on radiobiologic data that were equivalent to conventional continuous LDR irradiation. They determined that for a regimen of 30 Gy in 60 hours, a 1-hour period between 10-minute pulses might produce up to a 2% increase in late effects probability.
Visser and associates40 described a radiobiologic model and equations to determine the PDR or HDR schedules equivalent to certain LDR schedules, similar to that proposed by Brenner and Hall,39 by applying probable ranges for the values for alpha/beta ratio and repair time. They concluded that eight fractions of 1 to 1.5 Gy per 24 hours, up to 3 hours apart, would be equivalent to commonly used LDR treatment schedules. Hall pointed out that Visser and associates40 showed that the more different the proposed regimen is from continuous LDR, the longer the overall treatment time needs to be extended to preserve the therapeutic ratio.
Erickson and Shadley,41 using in vitro irradiation experiments on rodent tumor cell lines, showed that there was a slight increase in cell killing with PDR relative to continuous LDR irradiation of hourly 5-, 10-, or 20-minute pulses, or a 20-minute pulse every 2 hours. In no case was the increased killing statistically significant, and the cells did appear to be clinically indistinguishable as determined by the Brenner and Hall criteria.
In an editorial, Hall and Brenner42 noted that although the linear-quadratic model has been widely used and accepted, it has not been tested in extreme cases and that the biologic data needed for the model calculations are not well known. Armour, White, and colleagues43,44 at WBH developed a reproducible rat model for comparing late rectal toxicity from different brachytherapy techniques, that is, LDR, HDR, and PDR. Later, Armour and coworkers, using the same rat model, reported PDR results with a very strong dependence of late rat rectal injury on radiation pulse size.45
PDR has a significant potential for paradigm shift in brachytherapy. Nonetheless, knowledge of tissue repair kinetics is paramount for adequate selection of dose per pulse and interpulse interval. Therapeutic ratio can be improved by adjusting interpulse intervals to the repair half-times for normal tissues. Likewise, superfractionated schedules with low dose per pulse can be explored in conditions of tumor hypoxia, thanks to the predicted hypersensitivity at low dose per fraction. The use of chemical agents (nicotinamide and others) concurrent with this superfractionated schedule is foreseen in controlled clinical trials.46
Quality Assurance, Radiation Safety, Implant Removal
When manual intracavitary afterloading is used, for the sake of prompt patient loading, the various cesium tubes are color-coded. The attending physician or resident (after verifying the source loading) and the dosimetrist/physicist load the applicator in the patient. The loading time is documented by the physician, and the physicist measures the radiation exposure levels around the patient and arranges lead shields appropriately. The nursing division is also actively involved in checking every 3 to 4 hours that applicators or sources do not become dislodged over the course of treatment. For further discussion of LDR brachytherapy quality assurance techniques and programs, the reader is referred to a review by Williamson47 and published AAPM recommendations.
Brachytherapy Techniques For Specific Sites
Brain Implants
Brachytherapy may allow delivery of interstitial irradiation boosts to primary brain tumors after conventional EBRT or may be used to treat recurrent brain tumors. Patients with primary malignant brain tumors who received initial doses of more than 50 Gy of EBRT to the whole brain survived 20.5 weeks longer than did patients treated by surgery only. Walker and colleagues,48 analyzing the Brain Tumor Study Group data, showed stepwise increments in survival in patients receiving 50, 55, or 60 Gy. At the same time, it is well known that higher irradiation doses may significantly increase the risk of brain necrosis.
Prados and coworkers49 reported results in 56 patients with glioblastoma multiforme and 32 patients with anaplastic glioma treated with temporary 125I interstitial implants. Patients received EBRT (median, 59.4 Gy), most with concomitant hydroxyurea, followed by interstitial implant. Eight patients (14%) survived 3 years or longer, and 16 (29%) survived 2 years or longer. A second operation was necessary in 50% of patients to remove symptomatic necrosis produced by the implant. Prolonged steroid use was necessary in many patients.
Another technique described was developed at Washington University using radioactive sources placed in Teflon catheters inserted into the brain under direct CT monitoring.50 Multiple burr holes are made in the brain at 1-cm intervals (with the patient under local anesthesia). The locations of the burr holes are determined using a template, which is attached to a stereotactic frame and to the patient’s head. The template used is a thick acrylic block containing a 7- × 7-cm array of 49 holes spaced at 1-cm intervals. The holes along the diagonal axis of the template have slightly larger diameters to provide a method of orientation for each CT slice. The tumor is outlined on the CT screen with the aid of intravenously administered contrast material. The template is placed against the scalp at the site allowing best access to the tumor, usually a lateral surface. Intravenous contrast material is administered and scanning is performed with the scan plane parallel to the rows of the template. The target volume for the implant is the contrast-enhancing ring seen on CT scans, with a 1-cm margin. The number of catheters required to encompass the target at each level is determined at the CT console. Seventeen-gauge catheters, 15 cm long spaced at 1-cm intervals, are then placed through the template into the brain to the desired depths with CT monitoring. Following the grid pattern, under CT observation, the Teflon angiocatheters with a metallic stylet are inserted through the burr holes into the brain substance to ensure straight and parallel insertion. After the tumor volume is implanted, the length of the radioactive sources is determined, and films, with the distribution of the catheters, are obtained for dosimetry calculations. Dummy seeds and ribbons are loaded in each of the catheters. Once the catheters are secured, the patient is transferred to the intensive care unit, where the dummy sources are replaced by ribbons of active 192Ir seed with a specific activity of about 0.6 mCi per seed. Metal buttons are attached to the catheters to fasten them to the scalp.
Careful records are maintained of the position and length of all the catheters. Computer-generated isodose calculations are used to determine the dose and distribution in the implant volume. The dose rate ranges from 0.5 to 0.8 Gy/h at 0.5 to 1 cm. In general, the implant duration is 70 to 100 hours to deliver a 60- to 70-Gy total dose to the entire tumor. Verification dosimetry with thermoluminescent dosimeters placed in catheters disclosed an agreement of ± 5% to 10% between the computer calculations and the actual doses at any point within the irradiated volume. This method has been used in more than 70 patients at Washington University, most of them with glioblastoma multiforme, sometimes recurrent after EBRT, and in a few patients with solitary brain metastasis.50 Fatal intracranial bleeding has been rare (<5%), and edema is not severe enough to represent a significant management problem. Brain necrosis has been observed in about 25% of patients.
GliaSite Radiation System
The GliaSite is an inflatable balloon catheter that is placed in the resection cavity at the time of tumor debulking. Low-dose-rate radiation is delivered with an aqueous solution of organically bound 125I (lotrex [sodium-3-(125I)-iodo-4-hydroxybenzenesulfonate]), which is temporarily introduced into the balloon portion of the device via a subcutaneous port. A dosage of 40 to 60 Gy is generally delivered to all tissues within the target volume. One to 2 weeks later, the device is filled with Iotrex for 3 to 6 days, following which the device is explanted. The indications are for adults with recurrent high-grade malignant gliomas who are able to undergo resection.51 The largest retrospective series from 10 centers reported on 95 patients with recurrent grade 3 or 4 gliomas, a median age of 51 years, and a median Karnofsky performance status score of 80. All patients had previously undergone resection and had received EBRT as part of their initial treatment. After recurrence, each patient underwent maximal surgical debulking of the recurrence followed by GliaSite insertion. The balloon was afterloaded with liquid I (Iotrex) to deliver a median dose of 60 Gy to an average depth of 1 cm with a median dose rate of 52.3 Gy/h. The median survival time for all patients, measured from date of GliaSite placement, was 36.3 weeks, with an estimated 1-year survival of 31.1%. The median survival was 35.9 weeks for patients with an initial diagnosis of glioblastoma multiforme and 43.6 weeks for those with non–glioblastoma multiforme malignant gliomas.52
GliaSite was also evaluated in the treatment of resected single brain metastases. A prospective multi-institutional phase II study of GliaSite brachytherapy was reported in which 71 patients were enrolled and 54 received 60 Gy prescribed at a depth of 1 cm after maximally safe resection of a single brain metastasis. No whole brain EBRT was given. The local control rate was 85%, with a median survival time and duration of functional independence of 40 weeks, similar to patients treated with postsurgical whole brain irradiation.53
Ocular Implants
Episcleral Plaque Therapy
The Collaborative Ocular Melanoma Study (COMS) was conducted as a multicenter randomized phase III clinical trial comparing eye plaque therapy to enucleation with survival and preservation of vision as endpoints. The study enrolled 1317 patients and demonstrated an equivalent 5-year OS rate of 81% in both arms54 (see Chapter 29). In the brachytherapy arm, visual acuity decreased over time, with vision of 20/200 or worse in 43% of treated eyes. At the interval of 5 years following plaque therapy, enucleation was needed in 10% of patients because of tumor relapse and in 3% due to treatment-related complications (see Chapter 29).
In a recent COMS report with 12 years of follow-up, 471 of 1317 patients died.55 Of 515 patients eligible for 12 years of follow-up, 231 (45%) were alive and clinically cancer free 12 years after treatment. For patients in both treatment arms, 5- and 10-year all-cause mortality rates were 19% and 35%, respectively; by 12 years, the cumulative all-cause mortality rate was 43% among patients in the 125I brachytherapy arm and 41% among those in the enucleation arm. Five-, 10-, and 12-year rates of death with histopathologically confirmed melanoma metastasis were 10%, 18%, and 21%, respectively, in the 125I brachytherapy arm and 11%, 17%, and 17%, respectively, in the enucleation arm. Older age and larger maximum basal tumor diameter were the primary predictors of time to death from all causes and death with melanoma metastasis.
Historically, plaque therapy has been delivered using the 60Co plaque system originally developed by Stallard56 for treatment of retinoblastoma. These plaques are available in a limited range of sizes (8- to 12-mm diameters). Both circular and semicircular notched plaques are available for treatment of posterior lesions abutting the optic nerve. Although easy to prepare and use, 60Co plaques do not allow for customization of the dose distribution, shielding of critical structures, or treatment of eye tumors on an outpatient basis.
131Cs has been studied in the past few years as an alternative to iodine or palladium, given its higher mean photon energy resulting in increased energy penetration and lower outer scleral doses.57,58 Clinical trials using 131Cs are under way.
Pterygium Therapy
It is common practice to administer radiation therapy after surgical resection of the pterygium because of the high local recurrence rate (20% to 69%).59,60 In most institutions, a 90Sr β-ray applicator is used for treatment of these patients. The overall diameter of the applicator is 12.7 mm; the center is a circular radioactive disk 5 mm in diameter containing the isotope. The dose rate is generally about 5 Gy/min. Irradiation is begun within 24 hours after resection because local relapse increases with greater time delays.60
A lid retractor is inserted to hold the eye open. The cornea and conjunctiva are anesthetized with a few drops of 0.5% to 1% lidocaine. The applicator is carefully applied on the surface of the resected sclera. Doses of about 10 Gy are delivered. The application is repeated in three consecutive weekly fractions for a total of 30 Gy. If a larger area of resection is to be irradiated, it may require application to two contiguous areas, each receiving the same dose. The lens, which is located at the depth of 3.5 to 5 mm from the surface, receives less than 5% of the dose.61
Maxillary Sinus Therapy
Rosenblatt and colleagues62 described the use of a surgical obturator made of vinyl polysiloxane as a carrier for after-loading 192Ir seed ribbons to treat patients with maxillary antrum tumors after partial or total maxillectomy. Two weeks after the surgical procedure, an impression was made of the maxillary cavity, and the obturator mold was built. Multiple nylon catheters were inserted, depending on the geometry and dosimetry of the implant. Prescribed doses were 45 to 70 Gy at 0.5 cm from the outermost source plane. The obturator mold previously loaded with 192Ir was carefully coated with acylmethacrylate resin to secure it in place and prevent disturbance of the dosimetry once inserted in the surgical cavity.
Nasal Vestibule Implants
Small lesions of the nasal vestibule can be adequately treated with either external or interstitial irradiation, whereas more advanced lesions require a combination of both modalities. Irradiation is an excellent alternative to surgery in the treatment of these tumors because tumor control can be very good and cosmetic results are better than with surgery.63,64
These tumors are implanted with single- or double-plane techniques using rigid radium or cesium needles or 192Ir nylon tubing techniques. According to Mendenhall and associates, the distal vertical needles (perpendicular to the dorsum of the nose) in each plane may be mounted in a nylon bar in order to stabilize them.63,64
For small or large primaries, at WBH we always recommend the use of a cast and/or template to improve the geometric coverage of the implant. Both afterloading, LDR, and HDR treatment techniques can be used. It is important to pack all empty spaces to minimize the cavities. Figure 14-1 illustrates a patient treatment with the cast technique.
Skin and Lip Implants
Interstitial single- or double-plane implants could be performed to encompass the tumor with a safe margin. Doses of 50 to 70 Gy are delivered in 5 to 7 days. Carcinoma of the skin has been treated with surface molds or interstitial brachytherapy.65 Jorgensen and coworkers66 reported on 869 patients with squamous cell carcinoma of the lip for whom irradiation was the initial form of treatment in all but 25. Radium implants were used in 766 patients, with local tumor control rates of 93% in T1, 87% in T2, and 75% in T3 tumors. Brachytherapy is recommended over surgery in lesions at or close to the commissure. Functional results are superior to surgery without the postsurgical drooling of saliva.
Nasopharyngeal Implants
Some investigators have used interstitial techniques, which are more difficult to perform because of difficulty in positioning the needles/seeds in the tumor area and limitation of effective depth dose. Palatal fenestration may be required in patients with lesions in the superior and high posterior nasopharyngeal walls, which are more difficult to reach through the nasal or oral cavities.67,68 The use of 103Pd seeds for permanent implant of nasopharyngeal tumors has been described by Porrazzo and associates.69
Wang70 described the use of intracavitary brachytherapy alone or combined with EBRT to boost the dose to the nasopharynx. Two pediatric endotracheal tubes with inner and outer diameters of 5 mm and 6.9 mm, respectively, each loaded with two 20-mg RaEq 137Cs sources, are used. Local anesthesia of the nasal cavity is achieved using cocaine. The endotracheal tubes are introduced through the nares into the nasopharynx with the head hyperextended. Under fluoroscopic control on the simulator, the tips of the cesium sources are placed at the free edge of the soft palate posteriorly and behind the posterior wall of the maxillary sinus anteriorly. A 5-mL balloon attached to the distal end of the endotracheal tube is inflated for anchoring purposes. The dose reference point is 0.5 cm below the mucosa of the nasopharyngeal vault; the dose rate is approximately 1.2 Gy/h.
Levendag and colleagues described a nasopharyngeal applicator for HDR brachytherapy, currently commercially available (Nucletron™, Venendaal, The Netherlands), used as a boost.71,72 The Dutch investigators evaluated different high-dose, high-precision techniques as a boost in T1 to T4 nasopharyngeal cancers treated with EBRT.73 HDR brachytherapy was found to offer optimal sparing of organs at excellent target coverage for T1 to T2b tumors, whereas IMRT with stereotactic radiosurgery boost was the preferred technique for T3 to T4 lesions.
A recent publication from the MSKCC showed that re-irradiation of locally recurrent nasopharyngeal cancer resulted in significantly fewer grade 3 or higher events when an intracavitary brachytherapy boost was employed in conjunction with IMRT compared with IMRT alone (8% vs. 73%; p <.005), with the same local control and OS rates.74
Oral Cavity Implants
Implants of the Floor of the Mouth and Tongue
Marcus and associates75 described a template for floor-of-mouth implants made of aluminum, stainless steel, or nylon that is individually customized to fit the lesion of each patient. The device is inserted into the floor of the mouth under general anesthesia and is secured by one suture through the submental area, which is tied to a cotton cigarette roll. The active ends of the radium needles may be positioned above the level of the mucosa to ensure an adequate surface dose. Crossing is accomplished by placing a needle parallel to the mucosal surface on the implant device. The system is not afterloaded, but the procedure can be performed rapidly with predictable geometry so irradiation exposure to the operating staff is lower than with the hairpin technique. According to the investigators, the advantages of this technique over use of iridium hairpins is that all needles with the template are rigidly fixed in relationship to one another and that the isodose distributions can be calculated before the procedure or can be modified if necessary by adjusting the arrangement of the needles.
Implants of the Tonsillar Region, Including the Faucial Arch
Iridium 192 hairpin or plastic tube techniques have been used by Mazeron and coworkers.76 The nylon tube technique also may be used to implant the soft palate.77 The iridium hairpin technique is used with one gutter guide placed in the soft palate in the transverse plane and additional gutter guides placed vertically into the anterior tonsillar pillars, depending on the extent of the lesion. Iridium hairpins are afterloaded into the gutter guides, which are removed as described earlier.
Mendenhall and associates78 reviewed the techniques for implantation of the anterior tonsillar pillars, soft palate, or tonsillar region using two nylon bars, each containing three full-intensity, 2- to 3-cm active-length radium or cesium needles implanted into the anterior tonsillar pillar and the other 1 cm medial to the tonsillar pillar bar, in the base of the tongue. A crossing needle is sometimes included in the anterior pillar bar to ensure adequate mucosal dose. Goffinet and associates79 developed a method for intraoral tonsillopalatine implants.
Breast Implants as a Boost
Interstitial irradiation of the breast has been used as a boost in conjunction with conservation surgery after the whole organ is given EBRT (45 to 50 Gy). Bartelink and Borger in Europe80 and Martinez and Goffinet in the United States81 pioneered this technique. Selection of patients for this technique is limited to those with an adequate breast volume and lesions less than 5 cm in diameter.
Mansfield and associates82 described an intraoperative technique at the time of the breast tumor excision. The plastic tubes were loaded with the active sources within 6 hours of surgery. The dose rate was 0.3 to 0.5 Gy/h; the usual dose was 20 Gy delivered in 50 to 60 hours. Ten days later breast irradiation was begun with tangential fields, 6-MV photons, to deliver 45 Gy at 1.8 Gy per day. The 10-year local tumor control rates for stage T1 and T2 tumors were 93% and 87%, respectively, and the 10-year DFS rates were 82% and 75%, respectively.
Mazeron and associates83 used a technique for interstitial brachytherapy of the breast with rigid metallic needles inserted through a template in single or double planes. After EBRT (45 Gy in 25 fractions), a boost of 37 Gy to the primary tumor was prescribed at the 85% basal dose rate (Paris system). Implanted volume was adapted to tumor extent by varying the number of sources and active length according to the Paris system rules. Fifty-eight patients were treated with single-plane and 340 with two-plane implants. Local recurrence rates were 10% for T1 (2 of 20), 15% for T2a (21 of 138), 23% for T2b (30 of 129), and 25% for T3 (13 of 53). The local tumor control rates at 15 years were 76% for T1 and T2a lesions and 70% for T2b and T3 lesions. Mean dose rates were 0.53 Gy/h for patients with local recurrence and 0.56 Gy/h for recurrence-free patients (p <.01). Local tumor control correlations with dose rate and tumor size were shown.
Accelerated Partial Breast Irradiation
In an effort to improve the accessibility, convenience, and logistics of breast-conserving therapy at WBH, we initiated pilot trials to test the technical feasibility and acute toxicity of interstitial brachytherapy directed only to the tumor bed after lumpectomy in selected patients with early-stage breast cancer treated with breast-conserving therapy.84 An LDR APBI trial was initiated in 1991; in 1995 we switched to HDR interstitial breast brachytherapy and started an HDR APBI trial. Figure 14-2 demonstrates the application and use of one particular template system.
The interim findings of our in-house protocol treating the tumor bed alone after lumpectomy with LDR interstitial brachytherapy in selected patients with early-stage breast cancer treated with breast-conserving therapy were published by Vicini and associates.85 From March 1, 1993, through January 1, 1995, 50 women with early-stage breast cancer were entered into a protocol of tumor bed irradiation alone using an interstitial LDR implant. Patients were eligible if their tumor was an infiltrating ductal carcinoma 3 cm or smaller in diameter, surgical margins were clear by at least 2 mm, the tumor did not contain an extensive intraductal component, the axilla was surgically staged with three or fewer nodes involved with cancer, and a postoperative mammogram was performed. Implants were positioned using a template guide delivering 50 Gy over 96 hours to the lumpectomy bed plus a 1- to 2-cm margin. With a relatively short follow-up time, rates of local control, cosmetic outcome, and complications were encouraging
Vicini and associates86 published results in 199 breast cancer patients treated with APBI interstitial brachytherapy at WBH using either LDR or HDR treatment. At 5 years, the results (local control, cosmesis) are as good as those obtained with the more standard 6 weeks of whole breast EBRT. Chen and colleagues87 updated the toxicity analysis in these 199 patients with a mean follow-up of 5.4 years. The long-term rate of toxicity was as low as that for conventional 6-week treatment. Benitez and colleagues88 reported on the acute and long-term surgical complications of APBI with interstitial brachytherapy and found no increase in intraoperative, perioperative, or postoperative complications.
Results in various series using APBI with either HDR or LDR techniques are shown in Tables 14-1 and 14-2. Table 14-1 summarizes the phase I/II APBI using interstitial HDR breast brachytherapy, and Table 14-2 describes the phase I/II APBI using interstitial LDR breast brachytherapy.
In the only randomized trial completed to date, comparing whole breast irradiation (WBRT) to APBI with HDR multicatheter brachytherapy in 258 patients, there was no difference in 5-year rates of OS, DFS, or cancer-specific survival (CSS) between the two treatment modalities. However, there was a significantly better cosmesis achieved with HDR brachytherapy (APBI) as opposed to WBRT (excellent and good scores, 87% vs. 63%, respectively; p = .009).89
A single-institution matched-pair analysis was recently published by our group, examining the patterns of failure in patients treated with APBI versus WBRT with 10 years of follow-up.90 The rates of ipsilateral breast tumor recurrence were 4% in the WBRT group versus 5% in the APBI group (p = .48), and, therefore, WBRT would not confer an advantage in terms of ipsilateral breast tumor recurrence over APBI in well-selected patients.
Polgar and colleagues91 recently published data on the 12-year clinical outcome of one of the earliest experiences with interstitial HDR brachytherapy for suitable breast cancer patients (N = 45). Four (8.9%) ipsilateral breast tumor recurrences were observed, for a 5-, 10-, and 12-year actuarial rate of 4.4%, 9.3%, and 9.3%, respectively. A total of two regional nodal failures were observed for a 12-year actuarial rate of 4.4%. The 12-year rates of DFS, CSS, and OS were 75.3%, 91.1%, and 88.9%, respectively. Grade 3 fibrosis was observed in one patient (2.2%). No patient developed grade 3 telangiectasia. Fat necrosis requiring surgical intervention occurred in one woman (2.2%). Cosmetic results were rated as excellent or good in 35 patients (77.8%).
The Beaumont group confirmed the excellent cosmesis obtained with multicatheter HDR APBI, with over 95% of patients having excellent or good cosmesis with long follow-up. Most importantly, it was noted that cosmetic results stabilized at 2 years with a mild improvement thereafter.92
A new applicator, the single-lumen MammoSite balloon, was introduced as an alternative to the multiple-catheter brachytherapy technique. Edmundson and associates93 reported the dosimetry and excellent conformality in dose distribution. Keish and colleagues94 published the preliminary results using the MammoSite balloon technique.
Lung and Mediastinum Implants
Lung Implants
The group at MSKCC has published several reports95 on the use of 125I seeds and 198Au grains for permanent perioperative brachytherapy in patients with persistent or recurrent bronchogenic carcinoma after EBRT or for residual disease after surgical resection. The radioactive seeds or grains are directly implanted in the tumor at the time of thoracotomy under general anesthesia.
Temporary removable implants of the mediastinum with or without resection followed by a moderate dose of postoperative EBRT (35 to 40 Gy) have been used alone or combined with 125I implantation of the known primary tumor. The MSKCC report described local tumor control in 78% of patients with stage I and II tumors and 67% of those with stage III lesions.95

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