© Springer-Verlag London 2015
Hannah Cohen and Patrick O’Brien (eds.)Disorders of Thrombosis and Hemostasis in Pregnancy10.1007/978-3-319-15120-5_2323. Thrombotic and Hemostatic Aspects of Assisted Conception
The Centre for Reproductive and Genetic Health, Eastman Dental Hospital, 256 Grays Inn Road, London, WC1x 8LD, UK
Haemostasis Research Unit, Department of Haematology, University College London Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, 1st Floor, 51 Chenies Mews, London, WC1E 6HX, UK
Department of Haematology, University College London Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, 250 Euston Road, London, NW1 2PG, UK
Assisted conception is a women’s health issue of growing importance, with the number of women undergoing in vitro fertilization (IVF) increasing worldwide. IVF treatment involves ovarian stimulation that can result in a hyperestrogenic state, and in turn can lead to ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome (OHSS), which is associated with both venous and arterial thromboembolism. This chapter addresses clinically relevant thrombotic and hemostatic aspects of assisted conception, including the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of OHSS-related thromboembolism.
Assisted conception In vitro fertilizationOvarian hyperstimulation syndromeThrombosisProthrombotic changesThrombophilia23.1 Introduction
In the UK, one in six couples have difficulty in conceiving. The use of assisted conception is on the rise worldwide, and over 50,000 procedures are performed annually in the UK alone. It is estimated that 4.2 % of babies in Europe are born as a consequence of these techniques [1].
In vitro fertilization (IVF) treatment involves ovarian stimulation with exogenous hormones. This can result in a hyperestrogenic state, which can cause ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome (OHSS). OHSS is a systemic disease resulting from the release of vasoactive products from overstimulated ovaries. The syndrome has a broad spectrum of presentation, ranging from mild illness needing only careful observation to severe disease requiring hospitalization and intensive care. OHSS is associated with both venous and arterial thromboembolism [2–6]. The hyperestrogenic state may induce prothrombotic changes, which in turn may be potentially contributory to thromboembolism. Limited evidence suggests that prothrombotic mechanisms may also play a role in implantation failure.
This chapter addresses clinically relevant thrombotic and hemostatic aspects of assisted conception, including the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of OHSS-related thrombosis.
23.2 Hemostatic Changes Associated with Assisted Conception
Ovarian stimulation during IVF treatment results in a dramatic increase in endogenous estradiol levels of as much as 20–50 times baseline estradiol levels [6]. This supra-physiological increase in estradiol may lead to prothrombotic changes in hemostatic parameters.
The supra-physiological increases in baseline estradiol levels observed in these situations have been reported to be associated with increased levels of the procoagulant factors VIII, fibrinogen, and factor V, and von Willebrand factor (vWF). These prothrombotic changes are not balanced by corresponding increases in the naturally occurring anticoagulants antithrombin, protein C and S, which are reported to decrease following ovarian stimulation, with the net result a potentially prothrombotic state [5, 7–11]. Increasing resistance to activated protein C (APCr) appears to correlate with increasing estradiol levels, providing further support for development of a procoagulant phenotype in association with ovarian stimulation. The increased APCr does not appear to be explained by corresponding changes in the protein C/S system, suggesting another mechanism involved during IVF processes that induces acquired APC resistance during hyperstimulation [7, 11].
Fibrinolysis leads to dissolution of fibrin thrombus and enables vessel repair, and defects may predispose to venous and arterial thrombosis [12, 13]. Down-regulation of the fibrinolytic system has been observed as estradiol levels increase following ovarian stimulation. Levels of tissue plasminogen activator (t-PA), the main physiological activator of fibrinolysis, decreased with increasing estradiol levels, however, the major plasminogen activator inhibitor – 1 (PAI-1), the main physiological inhibitor of t-PA also decreased, with levels of both within normal ranges, so that the net clinical effect in terms of increased potential for thrombosis would be minimal. Rice et al. also showed down-regulation of fibrinolysis as estradiol levels increased, and also reported that thrombin-antithrombin complexes, a marker of coagulation activation leading to increased thrombin formation, remained unchanged. These observations suggest that elevated circulating estradiol does not predispose to thromboembolism as a result of hypofibrinolysis [14, 15]. Platelet function appears to remain unchanged [16].
Identification of specific thrombophilic defects does not necessarily aid in establishing overall potential thrombogenecity, and does not appear to have predictive value for recurrent thromboembolism [17–20]. More recently, attention has focused on markers of coagulation activation and global tests of haemostasis. Ovarian stimulation has been linked to increased levels of markers of in vivo coagulation activation: prothrombin fragment F1.2, which comes from in vivo cleavage of prothrombin by factor Xa, thrombin-antithrombin complexes, and D-dimer, a marker of breakdown of cross-linked fibrin/fibrinogen which rises following secondary activation of fibrinolysis after coagulation activation and fibrin formation.
In contrast to conventional tests of hemostasis which measure specific factor levels, assessment of ex vivo thrombin generation test using a calibrated automated thrombogram (CAT) system, can capture the end result of the interaction between proteases and their inhibitors and it is therefore potentially more useful and sensitive as a reflection of a haemorrhagic (low thrombin generation) or thrombotic (high thrombin generation) phenotype [21, 22]. Thrombin generation provides a global measure of thrombotic potential [23]. The thrombin generation test (TGT) provides information about the dynamics of ex vivo thrombin generation, with the thrombin generation curve described in terms of: the lag-time; the time to peak; peak thrombin concentration; and thrombin generation, with the area under the thrombin generation curve known as the endogenous thrombin potential (ETP). The ETP, a key parameter of the TGT, has been shown to have predictive value for the development of recurrent venous thromboembolism [18–20]. The ETP has been reported to be increased in women undergoing IVF [24]. This provides some support for a thrombotic phenotype associated with ovarian stimulation. Analysis of whole blood using thromboelastography has suggested changes towards hypercoagulability in women undergoing IVF treatment, although parameters remained within normal limits [25].
Despite the considerable changes in baseline concentrations of estradiol and progesterone, the clinical impact of the induced changes in haemostatic parameters during IVF treatment overall appears to be potentially limited as there is a generally a modest effect on the majority of the parameters detailed above [7, 11, 14, 26]. However, prothrombotic changes induced by a hyperestrogenic state may be potentially contributory to thromboembolism, particularly in the presence of a pre-existing prothrombotic state, and implantation failure. In women with OHSS, prothrombotic changes may be more pronounced. Excessive coagulation activation reflected by raised D-dimer levels and TAT thrombin-antithrombin complexes, or raised tissue factor and low tissue factor pathway inhibitor levels, seen in women with OHSS who do not fall pregnant even with higher oocyte yield suggests that prothrombotic mechanisms play a role in implantation failure [8, 27, 28].
23.3 Ovarian Hyperstimulation Syndrome (OHSS)
OHSS is a recognized complication of assisted conception. Mild forms of OHSS are common, affecting up to 33 % of in IVF cycles and 3–8 % of IVF cycles are complicated by moderate or severe OHSS [29]. It usually develops after the administration of hCG and oocyte retrieval, and lasts for 10–14 days.
Women at high risk of developing OHSS include:
Those with polycystic ovaries
Those under 30 years of age
Those with low body weight
Use of high doses of gonadotrophins for stimulation
Use of gonadotrophin releasing hormone (GnRH) agonists, luteinizing hormone (LH), or human chorionic gonadotrophin (hCG)
Development of multiple follicles during treatment
High absolute or rapidly rising serum estradiol levels
Increased number of eggs retrieved
Previous history of OHSS
Women are classified as having mild, moderate, severe or critical OHSS based on the clinical severity at presentation. Those who develop thromboembolism lie in the critical category.
The drugs used for hormonal manipulation include follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH), human menopausal gonadotrophin (hMG), GnRH, GnRH agonist, clomiphene citrate, and hCG. Clomiphene citrate and GnRH are only rarely associated with OHSS [30].
23.4 Thrombosis Associated with Assisted Conception
The possibility that elevated estradiol levels may be linked to venous and arterial thrombosis stems from a number of studies on oral contraceptive pill use [31] and hormone replacement therapy [32].
23.4.1 Incidence
The incidence of antepartum thromboembolism associated with assisted conception has been estimated to be 0.08–0.11 % [2], an incidence similar to that of pregnancy-associated VTE. The incidence of arterial thromboembolism reported to be several times lower [3], with the ratio of venous to arterial thrombosis estimated to be 3:1 [33]. A Danish study of 30,884 women which compared the incidence rates of venous and arterial thrombosis with previously published estimates of the risk of thrombosis among young Danish women found no evidence that assisted reproduction increased the risk of thrombosis [34]. It can be concluded that although assisted conception appears to be a risk factor for antepartum thromboembolism, the absolute incidence of venous thromboembolism (VTE) associated with this treatment appears to be low.
23.5 OHSS-Related Thrombosis
23.5.1 Pathophysiology of OHSS-Related Thrombosis
Mechanisms contributing to thrombosis in women with OHSS include hemoconcentration, prothrombotic blood changes and reduced venous return secondary to enlarged ovaries, ascites and immobility [4, 28].
The pathophysiology of OHSS is characterized by the release of vasoactive substances, which result in increased capillary permeability, leading to leakage of fluid from the vascular compartment. This causes third-space fluid accumulation and intravascular dehydration.
Factors that have been suggested in the process leading to OHSS include:
Vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF)/Vascular permeability factor (VPF): expression and production within the ovary appear critical for normal reproductive function [44]
Arterial thrombosis is most likely due to thromboembolic events. Autopsy findings in a patient who died from stroke revealed small brain thrombi with otherwise normal vessels [45]. Similarly, angiography and MRI studies in several reported cases suggest isolated thrombi within affected vessels [46–49].
Women who have an underlying thrombophilia and who fall pregnant as a result of the assisted conception are more likely to develop venous thrombosis. The supraphysiological estrogenic state secondary to ovarian stimulation may add to the pre-existing hypercoagulability in these patients and result in venous thrombosis. The pathogenesis of the specific, yet unusual, localisation of DVT in OHSS remains elusive. Bauersachs et al. [50] hypothesized that ascitic fluid high in estrogen, particularly in women with OHSS, drained into the thoracic duct. This lymphatic fluid then drains into the left subclavian vein resulting in a local area of high estrogen level leading to thrombosis in these neck veins. Salomon et al. [51] hypothesized that the rudimentary brachial cysts in the neck fill with fluid due to OHSS causing mechanical obstruction at the base of the jugular and subclavian veins leading to upper extremity thrombosis.
Apart from OHSS, other risk factors for VTE include a previous personal or family history of venous thromboembolism, concurrent medical conditions such as chronic infective or inflammatory disorders, and obesity.
23.5.2 Diagnosis of OHSS-Related Thrombosis
The commonest reported site for both arterial and venous thrombotic events is the head and neck region although an underreporting of lower extremity venous thrombosis cannot be excluded. The predominant sites of involvement of venous thromboembolism are the veins in the neck and upper extremities in 80 % of cases [3]. Arterial events most commonly (two-thirds) present as cerebrovascular accidents or stroke; the remaining third present in extremities or with myocardial infarction. This is in stark contrast to the classical left iliofemoral deep vein thrombosis seen in pregnancy. The sites for OHSS-related thrombosis reported in the literature include the superior sagittal sinus, internal jugular vein, superior vena cava, thromboembolism extending from the right ovarian vein to the inferior vena cava, basilar artery, subclavian vein, central retinal vein, and the internal carotid vein.
Arterial thrombotic events invariably present early, that is within 2 weeks after embryo transfer, and occur along with the development of OHSS. Venous thromboembolic events, however, may present at any time from within a week after embryo transfer to approximately 12 weeks of gestation, well beyond the resolution of clinical OHSS.
Almost all cases of OHSS-associated VTE occur in women who are pregnant; in contrast, only half of those who develop arterial thrombosis are pregnant.
The causes of death reported in the literature include acute respiratory distress syndrome, cerebral infarction, and hepatorenal failure (reported in a woman with preexisting hepatitis C) [52].
Symptoms and signs suggestive of thromboembolism demand prompt additional diagnostic measures. These include arterial blood gas measurement and appropriate imaging tailored to the individual situation and may include Doppler/Duplex ultrasound of the vasculature of the site involved, CT pulmonary angiography (CTPA), and brain imaging: CT/CT venography and/or MRI.
Thromboembolic events can occur in the absence of other clinical features of OHSS, particularly in patients with severe prothrombotic abnormalities, for example combined heritable thrombophilias or antiphospholipid syndrome. Neck pain and swelling in a pregnant woman, especially one that has undergone IVF, should be taken seriously and investigated with Duplex scanning and/or MR angiography. Unusual neurological symptomatology following ovarian stimulation should raise the possibility of a thrombotic episode in an uncommon location, prompting referral for expert opinion [52] and appropriate investigation.
23.5.3 Management of OHSS-Related Thrombosis
Women who develop thrombosis secondary to assisted conception treatment should be promptly admitted to hospital and managed by a multidisciplinary team. If there is also severe OHSS, pulmonary embolus or head/neck thrombosis, intensive care admission may be advisable until the woman’s condition is controlled.
The treatment of VTE involves the use of therapeutic doses of low molecular weight heparin (LMWH) and thrombolysis if indicated [53]. Anticoagulation should be under the supervision of a hematologist, and continued for an appropriate period depending on the site of thrombosis and presence of pregnancy. The management of arterial thrombosis should be tailored to the clinical presentation of the condition, with input by appropriate specialists, particularly neurologists. The reader should refer to Chaps. 5 and 6 for additional information on diagnosis and management.
It is concerning that some studies have demonstrated thrombosis in association with OHSS despite prophylactic [54, 55] and even therapeutic anticoagulation [56]. It has been suggested that this may be due to localized increase in activation of coagulation and raised concentrations of estradiol resulting in impairment of the endothelium’s antithrombotic properties [50].
23.5.4 Prevention of OHSS
Measures that can prevent OHSS include:
Controlled ovarian stimulation using the lowest effective dose, especially in those women with risk factors for OHSS
Coasting, that is, cessation of ovarian stimulation
Delaying administration of hCG until estradiol levels have fallen significantly or plateau
Cycle cancellation prior to hCG administration
A lower dose of hCG, that is 5,000 IU instead of 10,000 IU, or a single bolus of GnRH agonist to trigger ovulation in a GnRH antagonist-based protocol
Use of progesterone instead of hCG for luteal support
Cryopreservation of all embryos
Thromboprophylaxis should be initiated in all women admitted to hospital with OHSS, but is particularly important in those with a personal or family history of thromboembolic events, thrombophilia, or vascular anomalies. Anti-embolism stockings and prophylactic dose LMWH should be used. This should be continued at least until discharge from hospital or resolution of symptoms. The risk of thrombosis appears to persist into the first trimester of pregnancy, so LMWH prophylaxis should be continued until the end of the first trimester and possibly longer, depending on other risk factors and the course of the OHSS [57]. The use of intermittent pneumatic compression devices is useful in patients who are confined to bed.
Routine screening for thrombophilia in all women undergoing assisted conception is not warranted, although testing may be helpful for those with a personal or family history of thrombosis [52]. The British Committee for Standards in Haematology (BCSH) Haemostasis and Thrombosis Task Force states that, as the incidence of severe OHSS is so low, the predictive value of thrombophilia testing would be very low and testing should not be used to influence antithrombotic strategies in women commencing ovarian stimulation [58]. There are limited data on dosage and duration of thromboprophylaxis after assisted reproductive therapy. The American College of Chest Physicians (ACCP) guidelines states the following: if LMWH is used in women who develop ovarian OHSS, extension of prophylaxis for 4–8 weeks post-resolution of hyperstimulation [5] or throughout any resultant pregnancy and into the postpartum period [59] has been suggested, given that most reported thrombotic events have developed days to weeks (range, 2 days–11 weeks) after resolution of ovarian hyperstimulation [59]. However, given the lack of a clear association between assisted reproductive technology and postpartum events [60, 61], continuing anticoagulant prophylaxis after delivery is less likely to be of benefit [62].
In the absence of well-designed trials, a pragmatic approach to the prevention of thromboembolism is needed. Hence, all women undergoing ovarian stimulation should undergo risk assessment for thrombosis. Women with a previous history or additional current risk factors for VTE and with known thrombophilia should be closely monitored. LMWH thromboprophylaxis (e.g. enoxaparin 40 mg or dalteparin 5,000 units daily or 12 hourly) along with anti-embolism stockings should be initiated depending on the clinical situation. Thromboprophylactic measures will generally need to be continued throughout pregnancy and for 6 weeks postpartum in high-risk women. Those on long-term oral anticoagulation should be switched to therapeutic dose LMWH, with hematological follow up during pregnancy.
23.5.5 Reporting of Adverse Incidents
The Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority (HFEA) is a licensing body that regulates all the fertility units in the UK. All adverse incidents occurring at the treatment center must be reported to the HFEA by telephone within 12 working hours of the identification of the incident and submission of an incident report form is required within 24 working hours.
23.6 Heritable and Acquired Thrombophilia in Assisted Conception
Adverse pregnancy outcome in women with thrombophilia has led to speculation that these conditions may also play a role in subfertility, especially recurrent implantation failure. Proposed mechanisms include local microthrombosis at the site of implantation which impairs invasion of maternal vessels by syncytiotrophoblast and leads to implantation failure [63]. However, due to the low and varying prevalence of inherited thrombophilia, the small studies that have been conducted so far have been unable to confirm whether thrombophilia is contributory to subfertility [1].
An increased incidence of heterozygosity for the Factor V Leiden and G20210 prothrombin gene mutations was reported in women failing to conceive after three or more IVF–embryo transfer cycles [64]. In a larger study, 90 women who failed to fall pregnant after three embryo transfers were compared with two separate control groups containing women who conceived after their first attempt (n = 90) and another group containing women who conceived spontaneously (n = 100). The study group was found to have an increased incidence of homozygosity for the C677TT methylene tetrahydrofolate (MTHFR) polymorphism (and combined thrombophilias but not isolated Factor V Leiden) [65]. The C677T MTHFR polymorphism is a normal variant present in approximately 10 % of the normal population. It may, in the presence of folate deficiency, lead to hyperhomocysteinemia, which in turn may lead to thrombosis, although there is no direct association between this polymorphism and thrombosis. The phenotypic expression is silenced by oral folic acid administration. Folic acid 5 mg daily is usually advised throughout pregnancy and a dose of 400 μg considered long-term. Other studies have replicated the findings of an increased prevalence of heritable thrombophilia in women with recurrent implantation failure [66, 67] compared with those who conceived spontaneously or after their first cycle of IVF treatment. Proteins involved in fibrinolysis are necessary for trophoblast invasion into the endometrium. The precise clinical associations of polymorphisms of the gene for PAI-1, a major physiological inhibitor of fibrinolysis, with VTE and recurrent pregnancy loss remain unclear. The 4G allele is associated with higher levels of PAI-1, and might increase the risk for intravascular thrombosis. However, the contribution of this genetic variant to the risk for thrombosis, both arterial and venous, has not been established [67]. Limited data suggest that the 4G/5G polymorphism may be linked to a higher risk of implantation failure [68]. Heritable hypofibrinolysis, mediated by 4G/4G homozygosity for the PAI-1 gene, may be associated with late placenta-mediated pregnancy complications, postulated to be through thrombotic induction of placental insufficiency [69]. A meta-analysis of the PAI-1 4G/5G polymorphism showed no associations with two or three pregnancy losses [70].

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