Iron-Deficiency Anemia


Iron deficiency is the most common nutritional deficiency in children and is worldwide in distribution, affecting 2 billion people. The prevalence of iron deficiency worldwide is twice as high as iron-deficiency anemia.


Hypochromia, microcytic anemia, free erythrocyte protoporphyrin, causes of iron-deficiency anemia, food iron content, iron-refractory iron-deficiency anemia (IRIDA), pica, restless leg syndrome, iron-deficiency anemia diagnosis, serum ferritin, oral iron therapy, parenteral iron therapy


Iron deficiency is the most common nutritional deficiency in children and is worldwide in distribution, affecting 2 billion people. The prevalence of iron deficiency worldwide is twice as high as iron-deficiency anemia.


The incidence of iron-deficiency anemia is high in infancy. It is estimated that 40–50% of children under 5 years of age in developing countries are iron-deficient. The prevalence is 5.5% in inner-city school children ranging in age from 5 to 8 years, 2.6% in pre-adolescent children and 25% in pregnant teenage girls. There is a higher prevalence of iron-deficiency anemia in African-American children than in Caucasian children. Although no socioeconomic group is spared, the prevalence of iron-deficiency anemia is inversely proportional to economic status.

Peak prevalence occurs during late infancy and early childhood when the following may occur:

  • Rapid growth with exhaustion of gestational iron.

  • Low levels of dietary iron.

  • Blood loss due to internal or external bleeding.

  • Complicating effect of cow’s milk-induced exudative enteropathy due to whole cow’s milk ingestion.

A second peak is seen during adolescence due to rapid growth and suboptimal iron intake. This is amplified in females due to menstrual blood loss.

Table 6.1 lists causes of iron deficiency and Table 6.2 lists infants at high risk for iron deficiency.

Table 6.1

Causes of Iron-Deficiency Anemia

  • 1.

    Deficient intake

    • Dietary (milk, 0.75 mg iron/l)

  • 2.

    Inadequate absorption

    • a.

      Poor bioavailability: absorption of heme Fe>Fe 2+ >Fe 3+ ; breast milk iron>cow’s milk

    • b.

      Antacid therapy or high gastric pH (gastric acid assists in increasing solubility of inorganic iron). Bran, phytates, starch ingestion (contain organic polyphosphates which bind iron avidly), loss or dysfunction of absorptive enterocytes (inflammatory bowel disease, celiac disease)

    • c.

      Cobalt, lead ingestion (share the iron absorption pathways)

  • 3.

    Increased demand

    • Growth (low birth weight, prematurity, twins or multiple births, adolescence, pregnancy), cyanotic congenital heart disease

  • 4.

    Blood loss

    • a.

      Perinatal ( Chapter 5 )

      • i.


        • Transplacental bleeding into maternal circulation

        • Retroplacental (e.g., premature placental separation)

        • Intraplacental

        • Fetal blood loss at or before birth (e.g., placenta previa)

        • Feto-fetal bleeding in monochorionic twins

        • Placental abnormalities ( Table 5.1 )

      • ii.


        • Ruptured umbilical cord (e.g., vasa previa) and other umbilical cord abnormalities ( Table 2.1 )

        • Inadequate cord tying

        • Post exchange transfusion

    • b.


      • i.

        Gastrointestinal tract

        • Primary iron-deficiency anemia resulting in gut alteration with blood loss aggravating existing iron deficiency: 50% of iron-deficient children have positive guaiac stools

        • Hypersensitivity to whole cow’s milk? Due to heat-labile protein, resulting in blood loss and exudative enteropathy (leaky gut syndrome) ( Table 3.4 )

        • Anatomic gut lesions (e.g., esophageal varices, hiatus hernia, peptic ulcer disease, leiomyomata, Meckel’s diverticulum, duplication of gut, hereditary hemorrhagic telangiectasia, arteriovenous malformation, polyps, hemorrhoids); exudative enteropathy caused by underlying bowel disease (e.g., allergic gastroenteropathy, intestinal lymphangiectasia); inflammatory bowel disease; substantial intestinal resection.

        • Gastritis from aspirin, adrenocortical steroids, indometacin, phenylbutazone

        • Intestinal parasites (e.g., hookworm ( Necator americanus or Ancylostoma duodenale ) and whipworm ( Trichuris Trichiura ))

        • Henoch–Schönlein purpura

      • ii.

        Hepato-biliary system: hematobilia

      • iii.

        Lung: idiopathic pulmonary hemosiderosis, Goodpasture syndrome, defective iron mobilization with IgA deficiency, tuberculosis, bronchiectasis

      • iv.

        Nose: recurrent epistaxis

      • v.

        Uterus: menstrual loss

      • vi.

        Heart: intracardiac myxomata, valvular prostheses, or patches

      • vii.

        Kidney: a infectious cystitis, microangiopathic hemolytic anemia, nephritic syndrome (urinary loss of transferrin), Berger disease, Goodpasture syndrome, chronic intravascular hemolysis (e.g., paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria, paroxysmal cold hemoglobinuria, march hemoglobinuria)

      • viii.

        Extracorporeal: hemodialysis, trauma

  • 5.

    Impaired absorption

    • Malabsorption syndrome, celiac disease, severe prolonged diarrhea, postgastrectomy, inflammatory bowel disease, Helicobacter pylori infection-associated chronic gastritis

  • 6.

    Inadequate presentation to erythroid precursors

    • a.


    • b.

      Anti-transferrin receptor antibodies

  • 7.

    Abnormal intracellular transport/utilization

    • a.

      Erythroid iron trafficking defects

    • b.

      Defects of heme biosynthesis

a Hematuria to the point of iron deficiency is extremely uncommon.

Table 6.2

Infants at High Risk for Iron Deficiency

  • 1.

    Increased iron needs

    • a.

      Low birth weight

    • b.


    • c.

      Multiple gestation

    • d.

      High growth rate

    • e.

      Chronic hypoxia-high altitude, cyanotic heart disease

    • f.

      Low hemoglobin level at birth

  • 2.

    Blood loss

    • a.

      Perinatal bleeding

  • 3.

    Dietary factors

    • a.

      Early cow’s milk intake

    • b.

      Early solid food intake

    • c.

      Rate of weight gain greater than average

    • d.

      Low-iron formula

    • e.

      Frequent tea intake a

    • f.

      Low vitamin C intake b

    • g.

      Low meat intake

    • h.

      Breast-feeding >6 months without iron supplements

    • i.

      Low socioeconomic status (frequent infections)

a Tea inhibits iron absorption.

b Vitamin C enhances iron absorption.

Etiologic Factors


  • 1.

    In normal infants, 1 mg/kg/day to a maximum of 15 mg/day (assuming 10% absorption) is required.

  • 2.

    In low-birth-weight infants, infants with low initial hemoglobin values, and those who have experienced significant blood loss, 2 mg/kg/day to a maximum of 15 mg/kg/day is required.

Food Iron Content

A newborn infant is fed predominantly on milk. Breast milk and cow’s milk contain less than 1.5 mg iron per 1000 calories (0.5–1.5 mg/l). Although cow’s milk and breast milk are equally poor in iron, breast-fed infants absorb 20–80% of the iron, in contrast to about 10% absorbed from cow’s milk. The bioavailability of iron in breast milk is much greater than in cow’s milk, for this reason the iron status of breast-fed infants at 6 months of age is better than infants fed cow’s milk. However, after 6 months of age breast-feeding does not protect against iron deficiency and a supplemental source of dietary or medicinal iron is required for optimal iron nutrition.

Most environmental iron exists as insoluble salts and gastric acidity assists in converting it to an absorbable form. Any factors reducing gastric acidity (e.g., drugs—histamine-2 blockers, acid pump blockers; surgical procedures—vagotomy, gastrectomy) impair iron absorption from nonheme sources. The iron present in plant products is limited both by low solubility and the presence of powerful natural chelators, for example, phytates. Heme iron derived from animal sources is the most readily absorbed iron, is independent of gastric pH, and is increased in patients with high erythroid activity associated with reticulocytosis.

Table 6.3 lists the iron content of infant foods.

Table 6.3

Iron Content of Infant Foods

Food Iron, mg Unit
Milk 0.5–1.5 Liter
Eggs 1.2 Each
Cereal, fortified 3.0–5.0 Ounce
Yellow 0.1–0.3 Ounce
Green 0.3–0.4 Ounce
Beef, lamb, liver 0.4–2.0 Ounce
Pork, liver, bacon 6.6 Ounce
0.2–0.4 Ounce


Growth is particularly rapid during infancy and during puberty. Blood volume and body iron are directly related to body weight throughout life. Iron-deficiency anemia can occur at any time when rapid growth outstrips the ability of diet and body stores to supply iron requirements. In the first year of life body weight triples and circulating hemoglobin mass doubles. Each kilogram gain in weight requires an increase of 35–45 mg body iron.

The amount of iron in the newborn is 75 mg/kg. If no iron is present in the diet or blood loss occurs the iron stores present at birth will be depleted by 6 months in a full-term infant and by 3–4 months in a premature infant.

The commonest cause of iron-deficiency anemia is inadequate intake during the rapidly growing years of infancy and childhood.

Blood Loss

Blood loss, an important cause of iron-deficiency anemia, may be due to prenatal, intranatal, or postnatal causes (see Chapter 5 , Table 5.1 ). Hemorrhage occurring later in infancy and childhood may be either occult or apparent ( Table 6.1 ). A number of fecal occult blood tests should be performed in order to exclude intermittent occult gastrointestinal (GI) bleeding.

Iron deficiency by itself, irrespective of its cause, may result in occult blood loss from the gut. More than 50% of iron-deficient infants have guaiac-positive stools. This blood loss is due to the effects of iron deficiency on the mucosal lining (e.g., deficiency of iron-containing enzymes in the gut), leading to mucosal blood loss. This sets up a vicious cycle in which iron deficiency results in mucosal change, which leads to blood loss and further aggravates the anemia. The bleeding due to iron deficiency is corrected with iron treatment. In addition to iron deficiency per se causing blood loss it may also induce an enteropathy, or leaky gut syndrome. In this condition, a number of blood constituents, in addition to red cells, are lost in the gut ( Table 6.4 ).

Cow’s milk can result in an exudative enteropathy associated with chronic GI blood loss resulting in iron deficiency. Whole cow’s milk should be considered the cause of iron-deficiency anemia under the following clinical circumstances:

  • One quart or more of whole cow’s milk consumed per day.

  • Iron deficiency accompanied by hypoproteinemia (with or without edema) and hypocupremia (dietary iron-deficiency anemia not associated with exudative enteropathy is usually associated with an elevated serum copper level). It is also associated with hypocalcemia, hypotransferrinemia, and low serum immunoglobulins due to the leakage of these substances from the gut.

  • Iron-deficiency anemia unexplained by low birth weight, poor iron intake, or excessively rapid growth.

  • Iron-deficiency anemia recurring after a satisfactory hematologic response following iron therapy.

  • Rapidly developing or severe iron-deficiency anemia.

  • Suboptimal response to oral iron in iron-deficiency anemia.

  • Consistently positive stool guaiac tests in the absence of gross bleeding and other evidence of organic lesions in the gut.

  • Return of GI function and prompt correction of anemia on cessation of cow’s milk and substitution by soybean or heat-treated cow’s milk formula. Bleeding stops in 3–4 days of cessation of whole cow’s milk.

Blood loss can thus occur as a result of gut involvement due to primary iron-deficiency anemia ( Table 6.4 ) or secondary iron-deficiency anemia as a result of gut abnormalities induced by hypersensitivity to cow’s milk, or as a result of demonstrable anatomic lesions of the bowel, for example, Meckel’s diverticulum.

In postpubescent girls, menstrual blood loss and the increased iron requirements of pregnancy are important causes of iron deficiency. Menstrual losses average approximately 40 ml (20 mg iron) per period and in pregnancy there is an increased requirement of 1200–1500 ml blood (680 mg iron). Most of this iron requirement is in the third trimester when the daily iron requirements rise to 3–7.5 mg requiring supplemental iron to prevent iron deficiency.

Impaired Absorption

Impaired iron absorption due to a generalized malabsorption syndrome (e.g., celiac disease) is an uncommon cause of iron-deficiency anemia. Severe iron deficiency, because of its effect on the bowel mucosa, may induce a secondary malabsorption of iron as well as malabsorption of xylose, fat, and vitamin A ( Table 6.4 ).

Clinical Features

Iron-deficiency anemia is chronic and frequently asymptomatic and may go undiagnosed. Patients are characteristically between 6 months and 3 years of age or between 11 and 17 years of age because these are ages of rapid growth and expanding blood volume. In mild anemia there are usually no symptoms. In severe deficiency, pallor, irritability, anorexia, listlessness, fatigue, and pica (strange craving for nonfood items such as sand, dirt, ice, and clay) may occur. These symptoms are reversed in a few days on iron treatment before the anemia corrects itself. Restless leg syndrome, a syndrome of uncontrollable movement of legs, has been described in iron deficiency. It has been postulated that this is due to tissue iron deficiency of parts of the central nervous system concerned with movement control. The spleen in iron deficiency may be enlarged but of normal consistency.

Iron-Refractory Iron-Deficiency Anemia

This is a rare autosomal recessive disorder (OMIM number 206200). Iron-deficiency anemia is defined as “refractory” when there is absence of hematologic response (an increase of <1 g/dl, of hemoglobin) after 4–6 weeks of treatment with oral iron. Iron-refractory iron-deficiency anemia (IRIDA) is caused by a mutation of TMPRSS6 , the gene encoding transmembrane protease, serine 6, also known as matriptase-2, which inhibits the signaling pathway which activates hepcidin. This type of anemia is variable, more severe in children, and unresponsive to treatment with oral iron. It is characterized by striking microcytosis, extremely low transferrin saturation, normal or borderline-low ferritin levels, and high hepcidin levels. The diagnosis is confirmed by sequencing of TMPRSS6 . IRIDA occurs in less than 1% of cases of iron-deficiency anemia seen in medical practice. Most cases of iron resistance are due to disorders in the GI tract (see Table 6.1 ).

Non-hematological Manifestations

Iron deficiency is a systemic disorder involving multiple systems rather than exclusively a hematologic condition associated with anemia. Table 6.5 lists important iron-containing compounds in the body and their function and Table 6.6 lists the tissue effects of iron deficiency.

Table 6.5

Important Iron-Containing Compounds and their Function

Compound Function
α -Glycerophosphate dehydrogenase Work capacity
Catalase RBC peroxide breakdown
Cytochromes ATP production, protein synthesis, drug metabolism, electron transport
Ferritin Iron storage
Hemoglobin Oxygen delivery
Hemosiderin Iron storage
Mitochondrial dehydrogenase Electron transport
Monoamine oxidase Catecholamine metabolism
Myoglobin Oxygen storage for muscle contraction
Peroxidase Bacterial killing
Ribonucleotide reductase Lymphocyte DNA synthesis, tissue growth
Transferrin Iron transport
Xanthine oxidase Uric acid metabolism

Table 6.6

Tissue Effects of Iron Deficiency

  • 1.

    Gastrointestinal tract

    • a.

      Anorexia: common and an early symptom

      • i.

        Increased incidence of low-weight percentiles

      • ii.

        Depression of growth

    • b.

      Pica: pagophagia (ice) geophagia (sand)

    • c.

      Atrophic glossitis with flattened, atrophic, lingual papillae which makes the tongue smooth and shiny

    • d.


    • e.

      Esophageal webs (Kelly–Paterson syndrome)

    • f.

      Reduced gastric acidity

    • g.

      Leaky gut syndrome

      • i.

        Guaiac-positive stools: isolated

      • ii.

        Exudative enteropathy: gastrointestinal loss of protein, albumin, immunoglobulins, copper, calcium, red cells

    • h.

      Malabsorption syndrome

      • i.

        Iron only

      • ii.

        Generalized malabsorption: xylose, fat, vitamin A, duodenojejunal mucosal atrophy

    • i.


    • j.

      Decreased cytochrome oxidase activity and succinic dehydrogenase

    • k.

      Decreased disaccharidases, especially lactase with abnormal lactose tolerance tests

    • l.

      Increased absorption of cadmium and lead (iron-deficient children have increased lead absorption)

    • m.

      Increased intestinal permeability index

  • 2.

    Central nervous system

    • a.


    • b.

      Fatigue and decreased activity

    • c.

      Conduct disorders

    • d.

      Lower mental and motor developmental test scores on the Bayley scale which may be long-lasting

    • e.

      Decreased attentiveness, shorter attention span

    • f.

      Significantly lower scholastic performance

    • g.

      Reduced cognitive performance

    • h.

      Breath-holding spells

    • i.


  • 3.

    Cardiovascular system

    • a.

      Increase in exercise and recovery heart rate and cardiac output

    • b.

      Cardiac hypertrophy

    • c.

      Increase in plasma volume

    • d.

      Increased minute ventilation values

    • e.

      Increased tolerance to digitalis

  • 4.

    Musculoskeletal system

    • a.

      Deficiency of myoglobin and cytochrome C

    • b.

      Impaired performance of a brief intense exercise task

    • c.

      Decreased physical performance in prolonged endurance work

    • d.

      Rapid development of tissue lactic acidosis on exercise and a decrease in mitochondrial alpha-glycerophosphate oxidase activity

    • e.

      Radiographic changes in bone-widening of diploic spaces

    • f.

      Adverse effect on fracture healing

  • 5.

    Immunologic system

  • There is conflicting information as to the effect on the immunologic system of iron-deficiency anemia.

    • a.

      Evidence of increased propensity for infection

      • i.


        • Reduction of acute illness and improved rate of recovery in iron-replete compared to iron-deficient children

        • Increased frequency of respiratory infection in iron deficiency

      • ii.


        • Impaired leukocyte transformation

        • Impaired granulocyte killing and nitroblue tetrazolium reduction by granulocytes

        • Decreased myeloperoxidase in leukocytes and small intestine

        • Decreased cutaneous hypersensitivity

        • Increased susceptibility to infection in iron-deficient animals

    • b.

      Evidence of decreased propensity for infection

      • i.


        • Lower frequency of bacterial infection

        • Increased frequency of infection in iron-overload conditions

      • ii.


        • Transferrin inhibition of bacterial growth by binding iron so that no free iron is available for growth of microorganisms

        • Enhancement of growth of nonpathogenic bacteria by iron

  • 6.

    Cellular changes

    • a.

      Red cells

      • i.

        Ineffective erythropoiesis

      • ii.

        Decreased red cell survival (normal when injected into asplenic subjects)

      • iii.

        Increased autohemolysis

      • iv.

        Increased red cell rigidity

      • v.

        Increased susceptibility to sulfhydryl inhibitors

      • vi.

        Decreased heme production

      • vii.

        Decreased globin and α -chain synthesis

      • viii.

        Precipitation of α -globin monomers to cell membrane

      • ix.

        Decreased glutathione peroxidase and catalase activity

        • Inefficient H 2 O 2 detoxification

        • Greater susceptibility to H 2 O 2 hemolysis

        • Oxidative damage to cell membrane

        • Increased cellular rigidity

      • x.

        Increased rate of glycolysis-glucose 6-phosphate dehydrogenase, 6-phosphogluconate dehydrogenase, 2,3-diphosphoglycerate (2,3-DPG), and glutathione

      • xi.

        Increase in NADH-methemoglobin reductase

      • xii.

        Increase in erythrocyte glutamic oxaloacetic transaminase

      • xiii.

        Increase in free erythrocyte protoporphyrin

      • xiv.

        Impairment of DNA and RNA synthesis in bone marrow cells

    • b.

      Other tissues

      • i.

        Reduction in heme-containing enzymes (cytochrome C, cytochrome oxidase)

      • ii.

        Reduction in iron-dependent enzymes (succinic dehydrogenase, aconitase)

      • iii.

        Reduction in monoamine oxidase

      • iv.

        Increased excretion of urinary norepinephrine

      • v.

        Reduction in tyrosine hydroxylase (enzyme converting tyrosine to dihyroxyphenylalanine)

      • vi.

        Alterations in cellular growth, DNA, RNA, and protein synthesis in animals

      • vii.

        Persistent deficiency of brain iron following short-term deprivation

      • viii.

        Reduction in plasma zinc

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