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Although modern medicine has significantly reduced early death due to infection, diseases caused by infectious pathogens remain a major cause of illness and death among elderly persons.[1] Many of the most serious infectious diseases have a predilection for those at the extremes of age – individuals with relatively deficient immune function. In addition, infections common to persons of all ages can be devastating when they occur in those of more advanced age. Elderly individuals also are now commonly found in environments, such as hospitals and nursing facilities, where antibiotic-resistant organisms are prevalent and catheters and wounds breech the protection offered by an intact integument. On the other end of the functionality spectrum, many older individuals are active and may spend their postretirement years traveling to locales where they are exposed to exotic organisms. Many elders are also sexually active and may be at risk for sexually transmitted infections when establishing new intimate partnerships.[2]
Compounding their increase in risk of infection, older individuals may suffer from delays in diagnosis, as their infections often present atypically. Infectious diseases in older persons frequently occur without fever or leukocytosis and can be challenging to detect and localize – especially in those who suffer from cognitive impairments. Therefore, the diagnostic approach must be modified when the patient is elderly, and the clinician must appreciate the unique characteristics of this ever-increasing segment of our population in the United States.[3]
The elder host
Age-related changes have been described in various components of the immune system. Part of the increased burden of infections in elders may be due to changes in the adaptive and innate components of immunity: a negative correlation between age and immunity is observed in most studies.[4–6] Changes in innate immunity include decreases in T-cell activation by dendritic cells, cytotoxicity by natural killer cells, CD80 up-regulation, and TLR1/2 function.[7–10] The most generally accepted changes in the adaptive immune system are thymic involution and a resultant decrease in the output of naïve T-cells, and the accumulation of memory and CD28-null T-cells in the peripheral blood of elderly individuals.[4–6, 11–13] Vaccine responses become muted along with diminished delayed hypersensitivity in older persons.[14, 15] The important barriers to infection, such as skin and mucosal surfaces, also weaken. Skin becomes thinner and glandular secretions decrease and, along with age-related immune deficits, raise the risk for soft tissue infection and/or systemic spread.
A number of conditions associated with aging also enhance the risk of infectious diseases. These include diabetes mellitus, malignancies, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, and bladder emptying disorders. As we age, the need for prosthetic joints and organ/tissue transplantation increases. Therefore, immunosuppressive drugs used to protect against transplant rejection or in the treatment of connective tissue diseases and other conditions are not uncommon in persons 50 years of age and older. Also, any malnutrition secondary to comorbid disease, poverty, poor dentition, or other causes of inadequate caloric intake further reduces host defenses against infection.
The environment
Approximately 5% of persons older than 65 reside in a nursing facility, but the rate increases to almost 20% by age 85 years.[16] In addition, many elderly individuals regularly attend clinics or require hospitalization at some point.[17] These encounters increase the risk of contact with infectious pathogens – including those resistant to antimicrobials (such as methicillin-resistant staphylococci) – exposure to outbreaks of endemic infections such as tuberculosis (TB), and nosocomial infectious diseases such as Clostridium difficile. The illnesses that attend advancing age often lead to instrumentation, catheterization, and surgery – each of which carries a risk of infection. Few hospital admissions of elderly patients do not include a urinary catheter or intravenous line, and many also entail even more invasive diagnostic and therapeutic procedures. Table 23.1 summarizes factors related to increased vulnerability to infection during aging.
Host | Environment |
Immunological | Nursing home residence |
↓ Naïve T cells | Hospitalization |
↓ CD8 + cells | Instrumentation |
↓ IgM memory B cells | Exposure to drug-resistant organisms |
↓ Toll-like receptor function | Exposure to endemic infectious diseases during travel |
↓ NK cell cytotoxicity | |
↓ dendritic cell function | |
Mechanical | |
Skin thinning and breakdown | |
↓ Glandular secretions | |
↓ Cough reflex | |
Poor dentition | |
Systemic | |
Cognitive impairment | |
Malnutrition | |
Tobacco use | |
Poverty |
Among more functional older patients, it is mandatory to take a complete travel and sexual risk behavior history. Older Americans comprise a significant proportion of those traveling domestically and internationally.[18] As highlighted in Chapter 45, sexual activity may diminish as we age, but substantial numbers of persons in their later decades of life have sex, especially if their health is relatively good. New partnerships, such as after the death of a spouse, can risk sexually transmitted infections, and the clinician should never discount the possibility of such an infection based solely on the age of the patient. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the US Preventive Services Task Force recommend that human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) testing should be ordered at least once for all persons seeking health care who are aged 13–65 years.[19] Many experts believe that testing should continue to be offered to those older than 65 years of age if they remain sexually active and at risk of acquiring HIV infection. Repeated testing is always warranted in persons with continued higher-risk behaviors.
Approach to the elderly patient with suspected infectious disease
The diagnosis of infectious diseases in elderly patients can be challenging. Classic features of some infections such as fever and leukocytosis may be absent in older individuals even during fulminant infection, dangerously delaying diagnosis.[20] Approximately 40% of older adults may not mount a febrile response to serious infection.[21] Therefore, small elevations in temperature above individual baseline should be concerning, and fevers of 38.3°C should be considered alarming.[22] Localizing symptoms of infection may be subtle, and impaired cognition because of dementia or as a manifestation of the infection may render the patient unable to describe symptoms accurately. Delirium, in particular, is common during infection in the elderly.[23] In addition, infections among older patients can present atypically with vague aches, anorexia, or confusion as the only indication that an acute illness is present. A high degree of suspicion for underlying infectious processes is necessary when older individuals present with such subtle changes. Failure to consider adequately the possibility of infection in the elderly patient and overreliance on indicators of infection that are more common among younger patients can lead to tragic misdiagnosis of potentially treatable conditions.
Major infectious diseases
Urinary tract infections
Infection of the urinary tract is the most common bacterial infection in older adults and is the major source of bacteremia in this population.[24] Urinary catheters – both urethral and condom types – greatly increase urinary tract infection (UTI) risk.[20] Furthermore, host factors – including neurogenic bladder, prostate enlargement in men, and vaginal atrophy and increased vaginal pH in women – can foster bacterial colonization that predisposes to UTI.[20] Frequent bladder emptying is protective against urinary infection but is often impaired in older patients. There are multiple factors that lead to poor bladder emptying in the elderly, including an increased volume of urine required to sense a need to void, as well as reduced urinary flow because of poor fluid intake, obstruction, and/or decreased bladder contractility.[25]
Clinical manifestations/diagnosis
Classic symptoms of UTI such as dysuria, urinary frequency and urgency, suprapubic tenderness, and fever are telltale when present. As mentioned previously, however, some or all of these symptoms may be absent despite serious UTI. Atypical presentation of UTI with nausea, vomiting, dehydration, and confusion is common.[26, 27] Urinalysis of a clean catch urine specimen demonstrating pyuria, increased leukocyte esterase, and nitrite is highly suggestive in the setting of the aforementioned clinical presentations. Confirmation of infection with urine culture also permits guidance of antibiotic therapy. Blood culture should be obtained in patients who have more concerning acute illness in order to assess for sepsis.
Quantitative clean catch urine culture revealing 100,000 CFU/mL or greater (for women, confirmed on repeated testing) in persons without symptoms of UTI is considered evidence of asymptomatic bacteriuria. Asymptomatic bacteriuria is common in elderly patients, especially women, and has been linked to institutionalization, bladder-emptying disorders, diabetes, and prior UTI.[28]
Gram-negative organisms are the most commonly cultured UTI pathogens, and empiric therapy should be broadly directed toward these organisms until culture results return.[26, 29] Patients with indwelling urinary catheters are also at increased risk for Enterococcus, and in such patients, coverage of this Gram-positive organism, such as with ampicillin given resistance to cephalosporins, may be prudent. Detection of Staphylococcus aureus in the urine raises concern for endovascular infection, such as endocarditis, because this organism is often spread to the urine hematogenously. Echocardiography and blood cultures are indicated when S. aureus is retrieved from clean catch urine specimen.
Treatment of asymptomatic bacteriuria has not been demonstrated to have an impact on morbidity or mortality and is not recommended.[24] Removal of urinary catheters should be considered and the need for such catheters regularly assessed. Following antibacterial treatment, typically for 7–14 days, repeated urine analysis and culture can be obtained to demonstrate clearing of the organism and resolution of pyuria.
Candida is not infrequently encountered in the urine of elderly hospitalized patients, especially those treated with broad-spectrum antibacterials. In most cases, treatment is unnecessary; however, in patients who are immunocompromised, exhibit symptoms of UTI, or are in need of urological instrumentation, treatment of candiduria should be strongly considered.
Bacterial pneumonia
Respiratory infections are a leading cause of infectious-disease-associated deaths among older individuals and can be acquired in the community or at nursing/medical facilities.[1] A number of factors conspire to raise the risk of pneumonia in the elderly, including a decline in pulmonary function, diminished cough reflex, reduced mucociliary transport, and decreased lung elasticity.[16, 30, 31] These mechanical factors lead to trapping of air, diminished ability to clear oral secretions, and colonization of the pharynx with pathogenic bacteria.[31] Aspiration of such secretions is a major cause of pneumonia among elderly patients with impaired swallowing and/or cognition and is exacerbated by poor dentition. Prior or current smoking and its sequelae, including chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, further enhance the risk of respiratory infections among older patients.
Clinical manifestations/diagnosis
As with other infections in the elderly, pneumonia may not be heralded by the usual signs and symptoms. Cough may not be prominent, fever can be absent or mild, and shortness of breath subtle. Nonspecific symptoms of confusion or other mental status change, lethargy, and falling may be the only indications that something is amiss.[32, 33] A high index of suspicion is required, and a chest radiograph should be obtained when the physician is confronted with such changes. X-rays often reveal an infiltrative process, but the absence of an infiltrate on the film does not preclude pneumonia, as dehydration may minimize radiographic evidence of infection.[34] The presence of a cavity suggests anaerobic abscess, TB, or mycotic infection. Sputum analysis, although potentially valuable in the identification of causative organisms, is rarely obtainable, as older individuals may be unable to cooperate with specimen collection or expectorate. When respiratory secretions can be obtained, Gram stain and routine bacterial culture should be performed. Blood cultures may also yield an organism associated with pneumonia. Other non-invasive or minimally invasive studies to be considered include multiplex polymerase chain reaction (PCR) for respiratory viruses on nasopharyngeal cells, obtained by either swabbing the nasopharynx or performing lavage. In addition, urinary antigen testing for Streptococcus pneumoniae is now available. In select cases, testing for Legionella pneumophila and/or Histoplasma capsulatum should be considered by urinary antigen testing. Pulse oximetry and, in some cases, arterial blood gas level should be measured to assess oxygenation status. Viral and other atypical pneumonias, malignancy, and pulmonary embolus should also be considered in the differential diagnosis of the older patient in whom pneumonia is suspected.
Treatment of bacterial pneumonia should be guided by sputum Gram stain and culture. Given the difficulty of establishing a specific bacterial cause of pneumonia via sputum analysis and the seriousness of such infections in elderly patients, empiric therapy directed at the likely culprits is prudent and recommended.[35] Delay in the initiation of therapy risks progression of disease; therefore, treatment should begin within hours of presentation.[36] In community-acquired pneumonia, Streptococcus pneumoniae, Hemophilus influenza, enteric Gram-negative bacilli, influenza, and other respiratory viruses are most common; however, S. aureus and atypical organisms such as Mycoplasma, Legionella, and Chlamydia also occur.[37] Patients residing in nursing homes more commonly experience pneumonia caused by the enteric Gram-negative organisms, oral aerobes and anaerobes, and S. aureus.[16] These organisms (see Table 23.2) are responsible for the lion’s share of pneumonia in the hospitalized patient, but more unusual organisms (including Acinetobacter and Pseudomonas) may also cause disease. Obviously, those patients who are more ill and those unable to tolerate oral intake require inpatient care and intravenous administration of antibiotics. Treatment of most bacterial pneumonia lasts for 7–14 days.
Community acquired | Nursing facility associated | Hospital associated |
S. pneumonia | Enteric Gram-negative bacilli | Enteric Gram-negative bacilli |
H. influenzae | Oral aerobes and anaerobes | Oral aerobes and anaerobes |
Enteric Gram-negative bacilli | S. aureus | S. aureus |
S. aureus | S. pneumonia | S. pneumonia |
Legionella pneumophila | H. influenzae | Legionella pneumophila |
Mycoplasma pneumoniae | Moraxella catarrhalis | Moraxella catarrhalis |
Chlamydia pneumoniae | Influenza | Pseudomonas spp. |
Influenza | Other respiratory viruses | Acinetobacter spp. |
Respiratory syncytial virus | Stenotrophomonas spp. | |
Other respiratory viruses | Influenza | |
Pneumocystis jiroveci | Other respiratory viruses |
Antibiotic choice must be guided by host and environmental factors such as concomitant illnesses, risk of aspiration, and the setting in which the patient resides.[35] Broader coverage – taking into account drug-resistant organisms and anaerobes – is typically indicated in institutionalized patients compared with those who live at home who may be able to be treated initially with an antipneumococcal fluoroquinolone, third-generation cephalosporin, or macrolide, depending on local drug susceptibility patterns. There is likely a spectrum of risk for drug-resistant bacterial infection spanning from living at home to assisted-living facilities to nursing homes and skilled nursing facilities, and the attendant risk with each setting may influence selection of treatment. In general, the level of independence for activities of daily living as well as the exposures to the healthcare system and specifically antibiotic exposure will determine the risk for multidrug resistance.
Detection of a specific organism can lead to the narrowing of antibiotic therapy. Failure to detect improvement during therapy may indicate that the selected therapy is suboptimal and that a change in antibiotics is required. In such cases, the presence of underlying immunodeficiency, such as that from HIV infection, and atypical infections caused by fungi or P. jiroveci (formerly carinii), should be considered.
Patients with pneumonia who are moderately to severely ill should be hospitalized. Findings associated with poor prognosis in elderly patients with community-acquired pneumonia include PaO2 <60 mm Hg, O2 saturation <90%, altered mental status, heart rate higher than 125 beats/minute, respiratory rate higher than 30/min, hypo- or hyperthermia, leukocytosis or leukopenia, anemia, hyponatremia, hyperglycemia, multilobar infiltrates, and pleural effusion.[20] In addition, older patients with pneumonia and significant comorbid diseases such as malignancy, immunodeficiency, renal or hepatic insufficiency, or cardiovascular disease may also require inpatient monitoring.
The risk of pneumococcal pneumonia can be reduced by vaccination. Patients who are naïve to the pneumococcal conjugate 13-valent (PCV13) should receive a single dose of PCV13. For those who received pneumococcal polysaccharide vaccine-23 (PPSV23), PCV13 should be administered at least one year after the last PPSV23 dose.[38]
Influenza is a cause of viral pneumonia, occurring generally in the winter months in the United States. Recent data suggest that the virus thrives in cool temperatures with limited humidity, accounting for its seasonality.[39] Community and institutional acquisition occur under these conditions because this is a highly infectious virus with an incubation period of only two to three days. The infection and its complications can be lethal in elderly individuals.
Clinical manifestations/diagnosis
As in bacterial pneumonia, elderly patients with influenza may present atypically, with the triad of cough, fever, and acute onset less evident than mental status alteration, generalized malaise, and other nonspecific complaints.[40] Among patients living in confined settings, the report of a similar illness or actual influenza among other residents or staff is an important epidemiological clue. Secondary bacterial infection with streptococci or staphylococci occurs and typically manifests as a period of worsening of disease after an initial improvement. The chest radiograph may demonstrate bilateral infiltrates – suggestive of a viral pneumonia. Definitive diagnosis is made on nasopharyngeal samples through rapid antigen testing or through PCR testing. The benefit of point-of-care rapid antigen testing must be seriously weighed against a decreased sensitivity.[41]
In travelers returning from Asia or the Middle East, it is important to assess for infection with more virulent strains of influenza or with coronaviruses such as severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) or Middle East respiratory syndrome (MERS).
Antiviral drugs active against influenza include the adamantine derivatives, amantadine and rimantadine, and neuraminidase inhibitors such as oseltamivir and zanamivir.[42, 43] The adamantine derivatives are only active against influenza A and do not cover influenza B strains. Currently, adamantine derivatives are of very limited use, given the widespread resistance found in circulating strains of the most recent influenza seasons. Also, they are associated with reversible adverse effects involving the central nervous system, such as anxiety, concentration issues, nervousness, and insomnia.
Neuraminidase inhibitors are the drug of choice to treat influenza. Starting treatment early after the onset of symptoms is key to maximum efficacy. However, in elderly patients who are ill or need to be hospitalized, treatment should not be withheld even if several days have passed since symptom onset.
Both oseltamivir and zanamivir can be used as prophylaxis in institutionalized elderly patients in outbreak situations. Per guidelines from the Infectious Disease Society of America, when more than two institutional residents manifest signs and symptoms of influenza-like illness within 72 hours of each other, testing for influenza should occur. When influenza viruses are circulating in the community, even one positive laboratory result in conjunction with other compatible illnesses on the unit indicates that an outbreak of influenza is occurring. In these outbreaks, all residents – not just those on the floor or ward where the first cases have occurred – should receive chemoprophylaxis, regardless of vaccination status. Quarantining of cases does not appear to be a useful strategy.
The most effective method of preventing influenza and reducing its impact on morbidity and mortality of older adults is vaccination. The multi-valent inactivated influenza vaccine is recommended annually for those 65 years and older and younger individuals with chronic medical conditions or who reside in confined settings.[44, 45] The vaccine contains killed virus and cannot cause influenza. Unfortunately, the influence of aging on the immune system is associated with a decreased vaccine response to influenza.[8, 46, 47] Therefore, individuals such as health-care workers who have frequent contact with high-risk older adults should also be vaccinated annually.
Pulmonary tuberculosis
More than half the cases of tuberculosis (TB) in the United States are diagnosed in individuals 65 years of age or older.[48] Age-related waning of cellular immunity, comorbid conditions, immunosuppressant medications, and malnutrition increase the risk of reactivation of latent TB in the elderly. In addition, failure to administer isoniazid to older individuals with a positive tuberculin skin test because of fears of hepatotoxicity may also increase the risk of future reactivation of TB. Primary acquisition of TB also occurs among the elderly, and transmission of TB within nursing facilities is well documented.[49]
Clinical manifestations/diagnosis
Pulmonary TB presents generally as a nonacute illness characterized by weight loss, fever, night sweats, and cough. Some patients may have hemoptysis. Nonspecific constitutional complaints may mask the more classic symptoms, and the diagnosis of TB should be considered in elderly persons with “failure to thrive.” Chest radiographs, tuberculin skin testing and sputum stain, and culture are the foundations of the diagnostic workup for pulmonary TB. Chest films may reveal an area of infiltration – often in the upper lobes – or a cavitary lesion, but patterns similar to bacterial pneumonia can also be seen.[50] The diagnosis is made microbiologically with the culture of sputum for Mycobacterium tuberculosis. The specimen should undergo an acid-fast stain and be plated on specialized media. Unfortunately, sputum may be difficult to collect, and it may take six weeks for the culture to grow sufficiently. In some cases, bronchoscopy may be required to obtain specimens for stain and culture. Given the difficulty of establishing a quick diagnosis, empiric therapy is a consideration when suspicion of TB is high, such as in a patient with a classic chest film and a positive tuberculin skin test. Rapid tests for TB are now available; these molecular assays may be of use in some patients.[51] They are generally used to confirm the presence of TB in respiratory specimens that reveal acid-fast bacilli (AFB). The use of these assays in AFB-negative smears, although not approved for such use by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA), is tempting in cases in which TB is suspected despite the smear result, and a positive result would be considered strong evidence of the infection.
Tuberculin skin testing is useful for determining prior exposure to TB. As the test relies on cellular immune responses, the false-negative rate of the test increases during advanced age. In some individuals, skin testing itself can boost immune responses to tuberculin such that repeated testing will become positive, giving the appearance of a conversion in the test from initially negative to positive.[52] In settings where skin testing for TB is performed on a regular basis, a two-step procedure at initial intake is advisable. If the initial reaction is negative, a repeated skin test is done two to three weeks later, and the second result is considered final. Bacillus-Calmette-Guérin vaccination may produce skin reactions to tuberculin. For those who received the vaccine as a child, the cross-reactivity to the skin testing should wane by adulthood and not be a significant factor in elderly individuals. Those who receive Bacillus-Calmette-Guérin vaccination as adults should have skin testing done several months after vaccination to establish a baseline test reaction size. Subsequent skin testing can be compared with this baseline result, and increases of more than 15 mm should be considered positive in persons older than 35 years of age.
Gamma-interferon assays of blood are also used to detect latent TB and are now available through commercial laboratories.[53, 54] There are limited data on the accuracy of this assay in the elderly, but a positive result indicates prior exposure. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention have published recommendations regarding the use of the interferon-γ assay QuantiFeron-TB Gold. They state that the test can be used in all circumstances in which tuberculin skin testing is performed.[55]
All patients with either latent or active TB, regardless of age, should be tested for HIV infection.

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