Women’s Health Issues in Aerospace Medicine

Women’s Health Issues in Aerospace Medicine

Monica B. Gorbandt

Richard A. Knittig

My ambition is to have this wonderful gift produce practical results for the future of commercial flying and for the women who may want to fly tomorrow’s planes.

Amelia Earhart

This chapter is primarily concerned with the current state of women’s health as related to aerospace medicine. Although much has been conjectured and written about the training and working of women in the aerospace environment, this chapter addresses the evidence provided in the current state of the literature. Women have made and are making significant contributions across the aerospace spectrum from commercial to military to space flight. As women meet these challenges, the flight surgeon must be aware of issues unique and pertinent to women’s overall health and well-being. Except for possibly the latter stages of pregnancy, women have no restrictions or significant limitations in flight performance. The health care professional can be confident about addressing particular women’s health issues as noted in this chapter in standard manner resulting in sustained high performance by women in all aspects of flight or for women participating only as passengers.

Women’s involvement in aviation begins with its earliest days that continues currently both in air and space travel. Currently in the United States, women comprise 6% of all Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) pilots with number totaling 36,584 (1). Within the United States military, women make up roughly 6% of all fixed and rotary wing pilots (1). Thirty-two percent of National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) employees are women with approximately 18% serving in scientific or engineering roles. Of the 91 current active astronauts, 18% or 20% are women and of the 15 international astronauts, 2 are women (2). Reviewing FAA data, the number of women in all classes decreased over the last 25 years but this is offset by the remarkable 13-fold increase in the first (air transport pilot) and second class (commercial) female pilot population. Women are represented in all aviation support roles from mechanic to flight engineer, but only constitute a majority in the flight attendant category at 80% (1).

Contributions or firsts for women occurred in every decade since the start of powered flight in 1903 by the Wright brothers and continues through today. The following is a brief overview of the few notable contributions and achievements by women in the aerospace field.

1910—Raymond De Laroche of France is the first woman in the world to receive a pilot license.

1911—Harriet Quimby is the first American woman to earn a pilot certification and fly across the English Channel.

1921—Bessie Coleman is the first African American, man or woman, to receive a pilot license.

1932—Amelia Earhart of the United States is the first woman to cross the Atlantic Ocean solo in an aircraft.

1934—Helen Richey, an American, is the first woman hired as a pilot for a United States Commercial Airline.

1942—Mary Van Segue of the United States is certified as the first female Air Traffic Controller.

1942—The United States Women’s Air Force Service Pilots (WASPs) led by Jackie Cochran are the first American women to pilot U.S. military aircraft.

1953—Jacqueline Cochran is the first woman to break the sound barrier done in a Boeing North American F86 Sabre jet.

1963—Valentina Tereshkova of the United Soviet Socialist Republic is a cosmonaut and the first woman in space aboard the Vostok 6.

1973—Emily Warne, an American, is hired as the first female air transport pilot for a modern, jet-equipped scheduled airline, Frontier Airlines.

FIGURE 22-1 Portrait of Sally Ride, first American woman in space as part of the STS 7 shuttle mission. Courtesy of NASA.

1974—Barbara Raines becomes the first woman pilot for the U.S. military.

1983—Sally Ride is the first American woman in space as part of the STS 7 shuttle mission (Figure 22-1).

1986—Jenna Yeager copilots the Voyager credited with the first around the world, nonstop, nonrefueled flight.

1993—U.S. Department of Defense, through Secretary of Defense, Les Aspin, opens combat aviation to women.

1999—Lt. Col. Eileen Collins of the United States Air Force (USAF) is the first woman to serve as a space shuttle commander. She previously piloted two Space Transportation System (STS) missions (Figure 22-2).

2007—Astronaut Sunita Williams aboard the International Space Station set a record for the number of space walks and total time in space walks for a woman at four walks totaling 29 hours 17 minutes.

FIGURE 22-2 Lt. Col. Eileen Collins of the United States Air Force, the first woman to serve as a space shuttle commander. Courtesy of NASA.



Standardized policies regarding routine national and international commercial travel of pregnant passengers are nonexistent (3). Civil air company policies, however, do take into account the length of the pregnancy. The more advanced the gestation, the more likely rupture of membranes, labor, or delivery will occur. Predictors for many pregnancy-related events are not always readily evident. Fifty percent of the pregnancies that result in preterm delivery have no identifiable risk factors (4). What are the implications? Diversion for even a commuter flight can be expected to take 30 to 45 minutes depending on meteorologic conditions and air traffic. Responding commercial airlines in a survey by Breahtnach et al. reported that only 70% trained aircrew in delivery and fewer than 30% had a full delivery kit (3). Therefore, a conservative approach with some flexibility is generally employed. Many airline medical departments allow pregnant travelers to fly at their discretion to 36 weeks estimated gestational age for domestic flights and 35 weeks for international, or specifically, transcontinental or transoceanic flights (5). Exceeding airline restrictions generally requires a medical provider statement verifying that labor is not imminent and no underlying complications exist.

Women with complicated pregnancies may encounter other risks with air travel. Absolute contraindications to air travel include ruptured membranes, bleeding during pregnancy, diagnosed ectopic pregnancy, and severe preeclampsia. First trimester bleeding can represent an undiagnosed ectopic pregnancy or threatened/incomplete abortion. Fifteen to 20% of clinically recognized pregnancies end in spontaneous abortion. Second and third trimester bleeding can represent labor, incompetent cervix, abruption, or placenta previa (6). Pregnancies complicated by multiple gestations, a history of preterm labor (PTL), or existing uterine irritability are predisposed to early delivery. Severe anemia affects oxygen delivery to the placenta and should be corrected before flight or minimally necessitates in-flight oxygen supplementation. Oxygen therapy should also be supplied for conditions that potentially compromise placental reserve such as intrauterine growth restriction, postmaturity, and preeclampsia.

The risk with air travel in pregnancy may be minimal in comparison to the environmental risk, such as endemic malaria, that may be encountered in the ultimate destination. The best policy is to consider all aspects of the proposed journey including lodging, activities, food, and medical support, and to mitigate risk that each of these elements poses by establishing sound prenatal care. Pretravel prenatal care typically includes ultrasonography, assessment of immune status to various infections, the need for immunization, malaria prophylaxis, and creation of a prenatal record. Ultrasonography facilitates more precise dating of the pregnancy and helps confirm suspected multifetal gestation and ectopic pregnancy. Non contraindicated immunizations can be administered. Typically, live viral vaccinations such
as mumps, rubella, oral polio, varicella, and yellow fever are avoided in pregnancy. Prescriptive medications, including malaria chemoprophylaxis and other stand-by therapies such as antiemetics and antidiarrheals should be considered (7). The prenatal record should be carried together with the passport, visa, and immunization records.

Pregnant aircrew have distinct responsibilities and required activities in the performance of their flight duties. The changing balance, flexibility, mobility, and body habitus in pregnancy become evident in the second trimester and may interfere with the ability to safely pilot or assist passengers during an emergent egress. Therefore, commercial aircrew is generally restricted from duties after 28 weeks or completion of the second trimester (8). Although pregnancy is not disqualifying in general aviation, the aircrew must be made aware of the impact flying has on the third trimester such as cockpit ergonomics and placental reserve. Placental maturation continues throughout pregnancy. Maturation beyond 34 to 36 weeks is affiliated with several processes including microcalcification deposition that affect oxygen delivery to the fetus and ultimately lower fetal respiratory reserve. This lowered reserve may not pose a problem in the uncomplicated pregnancy in an oxygen tension encountered at 8,000 ft (the commercial cabin), but may become problematic for the nonacclimated fetus in an oxygen tension encountered at 14,000 ft (general aviation, nonpressurized cabin).

Women who fly high-performance military aircraft or are engaged in aerial aerobatics will experience high levels of accelerative force (G force). Egress through an ejection seat will result in higher accelerative force. These forces can be sudden, unexpected, and violent and may pose an unacceptable maternal or fetal risk in the gravid aviator. Resultant outcomes would be dependent on gestational age. Significant first trimester insults are likely limited to a fetal loss with no immediate bleeding and would not result in any additional maternal morbidity beyond the nongravid female. Therefore, the gravid female aviator would be just as successful piloting the aircraft or surviving the egress. Significant second or third trimester exposure poses the additional risk of uterine rupture. Twenty percent of cardiac output flows to the uterus by 30 weeks. Therefore, rupture of the uterus or placental abruption would likely result in both fetal loss and profound maternal morbidity or mortality. In this scenario, it is unlikely that she would be able to pilot the aircraft (aircraft loss) or survive the ejection. There are no available studies that address these issues, and pregnant aviators should seek counsel from both their obstetrician and their flight surgeon to determine the point in the pregnancy where temporary grounding would be appropriate. Informed consent must be universally applied to performance aircraft or platforms with ejection seats.

Physiology Impacts in Flight

The unique physiology of pregnancy is impacted by the flight environment (Table 22-1). In general, these considerations apply to the gravid aircrew/frequent flyer or the infrequent traveler. Aeromedical providers must have familiarity with system-specific maternal physiologic changes of pregnancy as well as fetal physiology in order to perform appropriate consultation and policy promulgation for the gravid female or provide aeromedical evacuation (AE) en route care for the pregnant (or newly postpartum) patient. As an example, an asymptomatic 31-year-old passenger at 30 weeks gestation with focal findings of a systolic ejection murmur with an S3 gallop and lower dependent edema is likely normal and cleared to schedule her commuter flight as opposed to same findings and suspicion of heart failure in a nongravid female of the same age.


Monitoring of maternal and fetal physiologic reactions during commercial flights demonstrate moderate, but significant maternal cardiopulmonary changes, including a transcutaneous PO2 drop of 25% at maximum cabin altitude (7,855 ft), but no concomitant fetal tachycardia, bradycardia, or loss of variability (9). Therefore, this cabin altitude, corresponding to a maternal PaO2 of 64 mm Hg and an oxygen saturation of 90%, introduces a maternal hypoxia that does not appear to acutely affect the normal fetus. For periods up to 30 minutes, animal models have demonstrated that during a sudden decompression at 15,000 ft, maternal arterial PO2 drops to 46 mm Hg (O2 saturation 82%) without any suspected fetal hypoxic degeneration of the brain or heart. This relative fetal tolerance to hypoxia exists because the fetal oxygen supply to critical organs is maintained through a combination of physiologic advantages of the fetal circulation and fetal compensatory mechanisms such as redistribution of blood flow to vital organs (shunting) and decreased oxygen consumption (10).

There are three physiologic advantages of the fetal circulation in matters of oxygen-carrying capacity and dissociation. First, the fetal circulation carries more hemoglobin (gm/dL) than the adult. Second, the fetal hemoglobin (HbF) oxygen dissociation curve is shifted to the left of adult hemoglobin (HbA), and thereby allows 20% to 30% increased oxygen-carrying capacity in the fetus. Lastly, the Bohr effect has a positive influence on gaseous oxygen transfer on the hemochorial circulation. Fetal blood, derived from the umbilical blood flow, enters the fetal placenta carrying large amounts of carbon dioxide that rapidly diffuses into the intervillous spaces of the maternal placenta. Local loss of carbon dioxide makes the fetal blood more alkaline and shifts the oxygen dissociation curve left and upward. The opposite occurs with maternal carbon dioxide gain. As a result, the oxygenbinding capacity of fetal blood is raised while maternal blood is lowered, thereby allowing for enhanced oxygen transfer. The Bohr effect operates in one direction for maternal blood and in the other for fetal blood (11).


The air travel impacts on the gastrointestinal physiologic changes of pregnancy are occasionally manifested by abdominal pain and nausea/vomiting. Intestinal gas expansion, occurring at altitude, can cause bloating and
colicky abdominal discomfort or pain that is compounded by abdominal crowding from the pregnancy. Therefore, gas-producing foods should be avoided a few days before the flight. Nausea of early pregnancy may be compounded by air travel. Therefore, physicians should consider prescribing antiemetics for these women (8).

TABLE 22-1

aThe Potential Maternal Aeromedical Impacts of the Flight Environment on the Gravid Female

Organ System

Physiologic Change of Pregnancy

Flight Environmental Threat

Potential Maternal Aeromedical Impact (s)


Decreased systemic vascular resistance and increased venous capacitance

Prolonged immobility

Vasovagal response, syncope


Increased tidal volume, decreased total lung capacity, and decreased residual volume yielding physiologic dyspnea of pregnancy

Decreased cabin PAO2

Worsening dyspnea


Increased plasma volume yielding nasopharyngeal edema (compounded by nasopharyngeal hyperplasia)

Ambient pressure changes

Barosinusitis, baro-otitis, syncope

Increased clotting factors and fibrinogen, uterine compression of the vena cava (venous stasis)

Prolonged immobility

Thromboembolic phenomenon


Delayed gastric emptying, nausea vomiting of pregnancy

Motion (air sickness)


Slowed GI motility, mild distension

Ambient pressure changes

Abdominal distension, colic


Altered lumbar curvature, gravid uterine impingement, joint laxity

Prolonged immobility, aircraft vibration, poor cockpit ergonomics

Low back pain, pelvic pain

Changing center of gravity


Altered balance and increasing risk of traumatic fall

a See also Chapter 8.

The enlarging, gravid uterus alters the center of gravity and lends to a more unsteady gait. Loss of balance and lack of coordination increases the risk of falls. Ligamentous laxity and vascular engorgement increase the risk of injury. Thirdtrimester abdominal trauma may cause a placental abruption. Because air turbulence cannot always be predicted, the seat belt should be worn at all times when seated. The belt should be fastened low near the pubic symphysis or on the upper thighs in order to reduce the potential injury to abdominal contents. Cabin ambulation in the third trimester should be done with caution (8).

Most data confer a weak association between air travel and venous thromboembolic phenomenon (12). Pregnancyaltered clotting factors, thrombophlebitis, and dependent venous stasis, attributed to volume expansion and obstruction of the vena cava from uterine compression, increase the risk of thromboembolic phenomenon in flight. These pregnancy-related changes begin late first trimester and persist to 6 weeks postpartum. This risk may be potentiated by being immobile in cramped seats for long periods of time. Loose-fitting clothing should accompany periodic leg stretching and hourly ambulation (when possible) in flight. Gravid women with a prior thromboembolic event or additional factors that predispose them to venous thrombosis should consult their physician regarding anticoagulation with low molecular weight heparin. The efficacy of acetylsalicylic acid in preventing deep vein thrombosis (DVT) is conflicting (5). Support stockings, frequent movement, loose clothing, and adequate hydration may diminish DVT risk (6).

Aeromedical Evacuation of the Obstetric Patient

Perinatal regionalization, emphasized strongly beginning in the 1990s, has been associated with improved outcome for very low birth weight infants and for women with complications requiring intensive services. This phenomenon involves stabilization of the mother, intrauterine transfer, and the optimum delivery at a medical center that has the volume to sustain costly technology and specialized personnel (13). Generally, the best and most efficient fetal transport mechanism, delivering oxygen and nutrition to the fetus, remains the gravid mother. Clinical circumstances may dictate it is safer to transport medical personnel to the patient than transport an unstable patient in an unstable environment. General contraindications to maternal air transport include maternal instability, a rapidly deteriorating fetus, imminent delivery, lack of experienced (en route) medical
attendants, and hazardous flight conditions (meteorologic). This assessment of transport versus local care is best left to the accepting or aeromedically validating perinatal team. As with all medical evacuation, arrangements for transfer should be made before the transport. Standing agreements with referral hospitals should be established to provide sufficient guidance for transport and provide communication consistency (14).

The transport team should be familiar with the aviation environment and skilled in perinatal care that includes the ability to perform a vaginal delivery. When possible, the evacuating platform should be suited to support equipment that may be needed during transport. Standard equipment includes a delivery kit, uterotonics, oxygen, intravenous fluids, an infant warmer, and maternal and fetal stabilization equipment. Pharmacologic agents such as tocolytics, oxytocin, calcium gluconate (magnesium toxicity), antihypertensives, and antiemetics are useful while handling the more common complications during transport (Table 22-2). Preflight assessment and preparation typically include a cervical check [except in suspected placenta previa or preterm premature rupture of membranes (PPROM) without labor] and intravenous access and adequate airway, if indicated. Transport in a left lateral recumbent position displaces the gravid uterus off the vena cava and thereby increases maternal venous return and subsequent cardiac output and uterine perfusion. Advanced cardiac life support considerations are the same as for the nongravid female. The fetal heart rate can be assessed with a handheld Doppler with digital display (14). Oxygen supplementation should be used liberally as it improves fetal cerebral cortical oxygen tension (15). Planning the AE, including the decision to use fixed wing or rotary aircraft, depends on a myriad of factors including available assets, meteorologic conditions, geography/terrain, airfield support, landing areas, and the distance to the nearest appropriate medical facility (14).

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