Decreased inflammation
Antiproteinuric effect
Increased nephrin expression
Suppression of renin, RR, AT II
Decreased NF-κB activation
Anti EGFR signaling?
Glucose metabolism
Increased insulin secretion
Increased insulin sensitivity
Increased glucose uptake
Expression of insulin receptor
Endothelial and cardiovascular protection
Suppression of RAAS
Regulation of ANP
Control of inflammation
Inhibition of smooth muscle cell proliferation
Regulation of apoptosis and antitumoral activity
p21, p27
Bcl2, Bax, caspase 3
Immunomodulation of lymphocytes, macrophages and dendritic cells
Inhibition of Th1 cells
Promotion of Th2 cells
Induction of CD4 + CD25+ T cells
Repression of γ-IFN, IL-2, GMCSF
Promotion of Mycobacterium tuberculosis killing
Induction of the antimicrobial peptide cathelicidin in macrophages
Antiproliferation and cellular differentiation in skin cells
p21, p27
Sex hormones
Control of estradiol and testosterone secretion
Control of muscle and neural function
Muscle strength
Neural growth factor
16.5 Vitamin D Deficiency
We can expect vitamin D deficiency in persons with frequent muscle and joint pain, osteomalation, osteoporosis with fracture, and with calcium-phosphate metabolism disturbances [3]. Patients on a wide variety of medications including anticonvulsants and medications to treat HIV/AIDS are at risk because these drugs enhance the catabolism of 25(OH)D and 25(OH)2D [13]. Patients on long-therm corticosteroid therapy (equivalent of prednisone over 7.0 mg/day) and ketoconazole are at risk for vitamin D deficiency, too [13]. Patients with chronic granuloma-forming primary disorders (tuberculosis, sarcoidosis), some lymphomas, and hyperparathyroidism who have increased metabolism of 25(OH)D to 1,25(OH)2D are also at high risk for vitamin D deficiency [14, 15].
There are several other causes for vitamin D deficiency [1, 16]. Patients with one of the fat malabsorption syndromes and bariatric patients are often unable to absorb the fat-soluble vitamin D, and in patients with cholestasis, vitamin D emulsification by bile acid is impaired. Severe hepatic parenchymal damage can results in 25(OH)D deficiency [17].
Patients with nephrotic syndrome lose 25(OH)D bound to the vitamin-D-binding protein in the urine. Impaired 1α-hydroxylation is observed in chronic kidney disease once creatinine clearance decreases to approximately 30–40 mL/min [1, 17].
Epidemiological, genetic, and basic studies indicated a potential role of vitamin D in the pathogenesis of certain systemic and organ-specific autoimmune diseases. These studies demonstrate correlation between low vitamin D and prevalence of diseases. There is a body of evidence regarding the plausible roles of vitamin D and VDR’s polymorphism in the pathogenesis of systemic (i.e., systemic lupus erythematosus, rheumatoid arthritis, psoriasis, etc.) and organ-specific (i.e., diabetes mellitus, primary biliary cirrhosis, etc.) autoimmune diseases, in which low level of vitamin D was found compared to healthy subjects [18].
Low level of vitamin D is also found in cardiovascular diseases, i.e., lower serum 25 (OH) D levels are significantly associated with impaired myocardial performance and LVMI [19]. Hypertensive patients who were exposed to a tanning bed raised their blood concentrations of 25(OH)D by >180 % in 3 months and became normotensive [20]. It was observed that in patients with low vitamin D concentrations, such disorders as ischemic heart disease, heart attack, stroke, cardiac arrhythmia, and hypertension were more frequent and mortality was significantly higher [21]. Vitamin D sufficiency may also be an important protective factor for food allergy in the first year of life [22]. There is an inverse association of serum 25(OH)D and body mass index (BMI) greater than 30 kg/m2, and thus, obesity is associated with vitamin D deficiency [23]. Low vitamin D level may be found in patients with colon cancer or prostate cancer [24, 25].
16.6 Vitamin D Deficiency: Aging
Increased use of clothing and sunscreen over sun-exposed areas and decreased consumption of vitamin-D-fortified milk increases the risk for vitamin D deficiency. In addition, age decreases the capacity of the skin to produce vitamin D3 [1]. Studies have revealed that aging does not alter the absorption of physiological or pharmacological doses of vitamin D [26].
One of the studies on age and vitamin D conducted in Poland – the POLSENIOR study – showed negative correlation between serum vitamin D concentration and biological age in elderly women (r = − 0.2863, p = 0.001) [27].
16.7 Vitamin D Deficiency: Symptoms
Vitamin D deficiency is often a silent disease. In adults, vitamin D deficiency results in osteomalacia, which presents as a poorly mineralized skeletal matrix. Adults in these cases can experience chronic muscle aches and bone pains.
Other clinical symptoms suggesting vitamin D deficiency include lack of appetite, diarrhea, insomnia, vision disturbances, bad taste, and burning sensation in the oral cavity and throat [28].
16.8 Vitamin D Deficiency: Diagnosis
Measurement of serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D (25[OH]D) is the best test to determine vitamin D status [29]. Levels of 25(OH)D are interpreted as follows [30]:
30–100 ng/mL (75–250 nmol/L): Vitamin D sufficiency
21–29 ng/mL (52.5–72.5 nmol/L): Vitamin D insufficiency
<20 ng/mL (<50 nmol/L): Vitamin D deficiency
In Central Europe, levels of 25(OH)D are interpreted as follows [31]:
<20 ng/ml – Vitamin D deficiency
20–30 ng/ml – Vitamin D insufficiency (hypovitaminosis)
>30 ng/ml – Recommended level
Determination of PTH and calcium concentrations is recommended to establish the cause for calcium-phosphate disorders before starting vitamin D supplementation.
16.9 Treatment for Vitamin D Deficiency
Recommended treatment for vitamin D deficiency (vitamin D level below 20.0 ng/ml = 50.0 nmol/l) comprises [31] the following:
Children and adolescent – from 3000 to 5000 IU/day
Adult – from 7000 to 10,000 IU/day
First control of 25OHD concentration is recommended after 3–4 months and then every 6 months. Serum calcium, phosphate, and calcium in 24-h urine calcium measurement should be monitored every 1–3 months [32].
16.10 Prevention of Vitamin D Insufficiency (Hypovitaminosis)
Prevention of hypovitaminosis D (serum 25OHD lower than 30.0 ng/ml) strategies comprises the following doses [30]:
Over 18 years old – 1500–2000 IU/day
Obese (BMI over 30.0 kg/m2) – 4000 IU/day
Women planning pregnancy – 1500–2000 IU/day
Pregnant women over 18 years – from 1500 to 2000 IU/day (from at least second trimester)
Elderly – 1500–2000 IU/day
It is very important to apply vitamin D with meal. Recommended vitamin D serum level is between 30.0 and 50.0 ng/ml (75–125 nmol/l) [33].
16.11 Polish Recommendation 2014
Polish Recommendation for optimal concentration of vitamin D for pleiotropic actions of vitamin D recommends the following levels [32]:
Children and adolescents – 20–60 ng/ml
Adults – 30–80 ng/ml
Sever vitamin D deficiency is defined as vitamin D concentration below 10 ng/ml.
Treatment dose suggested for first 1–3 months is as follows:
for newborns, 1000 IU/day; infants, 1000–3000 IU/day; children, up to 5000 IU; and adults, up to 7000 IU [32].
Follow-up should be performed every 1–3 months and includes serum 25(OH)D concentration, alkaline phosphatase, calcium, phosphate, and 24-h urine calcium measurement with elaboration of creatinine index [32].
Useful calculations are as follows:
Vitamin D serum concentration: 1 ng/ml = 2.5 nmol/l 25(OH)D
Vitamin D dose: 40 IU = 1 μg vitamin D
16.12 Vitamin D Intoxication
The Drug and Therapeutics Committee of the Pediatric Endocrine Society undertook a systematic review of the safety of currently recommended high vitamin D doses as well as reported cases of intoxications in pediatrics [6].
Vitamin D hydroxylation to 25-hydroxyvitamin D (25OHD) in the liver depends on substrate availability, and therefore, 25OHD concentrations rise in circulation during excess or intoxication. In contrast, the subsequent 1 alpha-hydroxylation to 1,25-dihydrovitamin D2 in the kidney is tightly regulated by PTH and under negative feedback by calcium, phosphorus, and fibroblast growth factor 23. Consequently, in vitamin D intoxication, serum 1,25-(OH)2D concentrations are usually normal and do not correlate with serum calcium levels (JCEM 2014) [6]
Both vitamins D2 and D3 are lipophilic and rapidly removed from the circulation to various tissues such as adipose and muscle where they may remain stored for almost 2 months. Their metabolite, 25OHD, has high affinity for its transport protein, vitamin D binding protein, which results in a long half-life of 2–3 weeks. 25OHD is also lipophilic and can be stored in adipose tissue, remaining there for months. Hence, vitamin D intoxication may take weeks to resolve and require prolonged course of therapy [6].

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