Tumor Lysis Syndrome

Laboratory tumor lysis syndrome (2 or more of the following occurring from 3 days prior up to 7 days after commencement of cytotoxic therapy)

 Uric acid ≥8 mg/dL or 25 % increase from baseline

 Potassium ≥6.0 mEq/L or 25 % increase from baseline

 Phosphorus ≥6.5 mg/dL or 25 % increase from baseline

 Calcium ≤7.0 mg/dL or 25 % decrease from baselinea

Clinical tumor lysis syndrome (LTLS + 1 or more of the following)

 AKI defined as creatinine ≥1.5× ULN or GFR ≤60 mL/mina

 Cardiac arrhythmia/sudden death


LTLS laboratory tumor lysis syndrome, AKI acute kidney injury, ULN upper limit of normal, GFR glomerular filtration rate

Adapted from Coiffier et al. (2008), Tosi et al. (2008), Pession et al. (2011)

aNot a criterion in all consensus guidelines; GFR calculated utilizing the Schwartz et al. (1987) formula: estimated GFR (mL/min) = (0.55 × length [cm])/serum creatinine (mg/dL)

Elevated calcium phosphate product and HU increase the risk of calcium phosphate and urate precipitation in the kidneys respectively; precipitated crystals are toxic to the renal epithelium (Shimada et al. 2009). Although LTLS is quite frequent in high-risk malignancies, CTLS is uncommon (Hande and Garrow 1993; Kedar et al. 1995; Patte et al. 2002). Patte et al. (2002) reported a 1.7 % need for renal dialysis utilizing the most up to date supportive care measures in stage III/IV pediatric NHL patients. TLS can occur at diagnosis but is more common after the initiation of cytotoxic chemotherapy (Stapleton et al. 1988; Larsen and Loghman-Adham 1996; Kobayashi et al. 2010). TLS has also been noted after fever, surgical manipulation of solid tumors, after anesthesia, and secondary to direct obstruction from retrovesical lymphoma or massive lymphadenopathy (Lobe et al. 1990; Levin and Cho 1996, Mantadakis et al. 1999, Farley-Hills et al. 2001; Mahajan et al. 2002).

Recognition of risk factors for LTLS and preventive therapy remain the most important management steps to minimize development of CTLS. Patients who develop CTLS will require more aggressive management to prevent significant morbidity and mortality. Due to improvements in recognition and supportive care, the risk of early death from TLS is extremely low; in a survey of Dutch leukemia patients, 1 of 847 ALL and 0 of 229 AML patients suffered early death from TLS (Slats et al. 2005). Similarly, in a review of LMB89 for NHL, 0 of 561 patients suffered early death from TLS (Patte et al. 2001). HU was the most common cause of impaired renal function and two patients died secondary to metabolic complications (Meyer et al. 1998). In a cost analysis of ALL and NHL patients with TLS, Annemans et al. (2003a) reported an overall 18.9 %and 27.8 % incidence of HU and TLS respectively with costs significantly increased in those with TLS and even more so in those requiring intensive care (i.e., renal dialysis); these results were more recently corroborated by Candrilli et al. (2008). The evidence basis behind recommendations in the management of TLS is often negligible and therefore based mostly on consensus guidelines (Feusner et al. 2008). Here we analyze the existing literature in relation to the consensus guidelines to determine and grade rational recommendations.

3.2 Laboratory Risk Factors for Tumor Lysis

Determination of pretreatment risk factors for the development of CTLS would be helpful in guiding the clinician as to which patients require the most aggressive upfront therapies. Data on the utilization of such factors are mixed. In adult NHL patients, Hande and Garrow (1993) reported no difference in TLS between NHL subgroups; risk of CTLS after chemotherapy was significantly higher in those patients with pretreatment renal insufficiency (creatinine >1.5 mg/dL) and high serum LDH levels. On the other hand, in a retrospective review of children with acute leukemia, Kedar et al. (1995) found no correlation with pretreatment blast count, white blood cell (WBC) count, or LDH and the development of LTLS; Stapleton et al. (1988) similarly found no statistical difference in admission uric acid and LDH level in children with B cell ALL who did or did not subsequently develop AKI. Troung et al. (2007) found that children <10 years of age with WBC <20 × 109/L and no mediastinal mass or splenomegaly had a 97 % negative predictive value of developing TLS. In a study of German BFM data, Wössmann et al. (2003) found that LDH ≥500 U/L correlated with risk of both TLS and anuria in pediatric ALL and stage III/IV BL patients. In an analysis of 221 ALL patients with hyperleukocytosis (WBC ≥200 × 109/L) treated on the Scandinavian NOPHO trials, only initial uric acid levels (11.0 versus 7.7 mg/dL) was significant in multivariate analysis for TLS risk (WBC count and LDH were not significant) (Vaitkevičienė et al. 2013).

Mato et al. (2006) noted that LDH, uric acid and gender were LTLS predictors in multivariate analysis in adult AML patients but these factors were not specifically predictive for CTLS. Montesinos et al. (2008) found that LDH > upper limit of normal (ULN), creatinine >1.4 mg/dL, hyperuricemia (uric acid >7.5 mg/dL), and WBC >25 × 109/L were all significant risk factors for both LTLS and CTLS in adult AML patients and subsequently validated a risk scoring system. Whether such a scoring system can be utilized in pediatric patients is unknown. Consensus guidelines consider LDH >2× ULN and WBC >25 × 109/L as risk factors for the development of LTLS although it is unclear whether these factors are true measures for risk of CTLS, especially in pediatric patients (Table 3.2) (Coiffier et al. 2008; Tosi et al. 2008; Cairo et al. 2010; Agrawal and Feusner 2011; Pession et al. 2011).

Table 3.2
Risk factor stratification for clinically significant tumor lysis syndrome at disease presentation in pediatric patientsa

High risk for CTLS

 Stage III/IV Burkitt lymphoma with LDH ≥2× ULN and/or bulky retroperitoneal disease

 ALL with WBC ≥200 × 109/L and uric acid ≥11.0 mg/dLb





 Renal involvement in leukemia or lymphoma

Low risk for CTLS

 Non-lymphomatous solid tumors

 Hodgkin lymphoma

 Chronic myelogenous leukemia

 Acute myelogenous leukemia

 Stage I/II NHL

 ALL in children <10 years of age with WBC <20 × 109/L and no mediastinal mass or splenomegaly

Intermediate risk for CTLS

 All others not classified as low or high risk

CTLS clinical tumor lysis syndrome, LDH lactate dehydrogenase, ULN upper limit of normal, ALL acute lymphoblastic leukemia, WBC white blood cell, LTLS laboratory tumor lysis syndrome, NHL non-Hodgkin lymphoma

aSee text for detail, level of evidence 1B for all categorizations (per Guyatt et al. [2006]; see Preface)

bWBC >25 × 109/L or LDH ≥2× ULN without LTLS is not a risk factor for TLS in ALL patients

3.3 General Management Guidelines

Prevention is the key component of TLS management in high-risk patients and hyperhydration (i.e., 3 L/m2/day) is the most important prophylactic intervention although randomized evidence supporting its benefit is lacking due to the risk of withholding such therapy in high-risk patients (Table 3.3) (Coiffier et al. 2008; Tosi et al. 2008). Intravenous fluids should ideally be started >24 h prior to the initiation of cytotoxic therapy. Fluid status must be monitored vigilantly taking into account the patient’s daily fluid balance, urine output, laboratory evidence of renal function and physical exam evidence of fluid overload (i.e., change in weight, edema, dyspnea, rales or gallop rhythm). Dilute urine output, defined as >100 ml/m2/h (>4 ml/kg/h for infants) with a urine specific gravity <1.010, should be established prior to the initiation of chemotherapy and should be maintained at such levels during the acute phase of therapy (Coiffier et al. 2008; Tosi et al. 2008). Loop diuretics and mannitol can be utilized to maintain good urine output but should be avoided in patients with evidence of hypovolemia (Coiffier et al. 2008; Tosi et al. 2008).

Table 3.3
Pharmacologic interventions for the treatment of tumor lysis syndromea


Level of evidenceb

General management

 Intravenous fluids

  D5W 1/2NS infused at 3 L/m2/day without potassium or calcium


  Sodium bicarbonate 20–40 mEq/L if the patient has HU or risk for HU; can decrease to 1/4NS if on 40 mEq/L or more of sodium bicarbonate


  Urinary alkalinization not required if utilizing rasburicase


  Urinary alkalinization should not be initiated with concomitant hyperphosphatemia


 Laboratory monitoring

  Monitor potassium, phosphorus, calcium, uric acid, BUN/creatinine every 4–6 h in patients at high risk for tumor lysis


  Can wean labs to every 12–24 h as tumor burden decreases over 3–7 days





  In all patients not receiving rasburicase; unclear evidence in low-risk patients

  10 mg/kg/day PO divided Q8h to a maximum of 800 mg/day



  Rasburicase prophylaxis should be limited to patients with evidence-based risk factors (see Table 3.​2); specifically stage III/IV BL patients with elevated LDH ≥2× ULN and/or bulky retroperitoneal disease, hyperleukocytic ALL (WBC ≥200 × 109/L) with severe hyperuricemia (uric acid ≥11.0 mg/dL) or hyperuricemia not improving with hyperhydration, urinary alkalinization and allopurinol alone

  0.03–0.05 mg/kg IV × 1; subsequent doses not usually required but can be given if uric acid again >8 mg/dL in high-risk patients


 Aluminum hydroxide


  Avoid in patients with renal insufficiency

  Children: 50–150 mg/kg/day PO divided Q4–6 h

  Adolescents: 300–600 mg PO TID



  Administer with each meal

  Children: dosing not well established

  Adolescent dosing based on phosphorus level (mg/dL):

   >5.5 and <7.5: 800 mg PO TID

   ≥7.5 and <9: 1200 mg PO TID

   ≥9: 1600 mg PO TID

 Calcium carbonate (use with caution as can increase calcium-phosphate product and risk for calcium phosphate precipitation)


  Children: 30–40 mg/kg/dose with each meal

  Adolescents: 1–2 g with each meal


 Calcium gluconate, 100–200 mg/kg IV slow infusion with ECG monitoring


 Sodium polystyrene sulfonate, 1 g/kg in 50 % sorbitol PO Q6h (max dose 15 g)


 Regular insulin + D25W, 0.1 unit/kg insulin (max 10 units) + 2 ml/kg (0.5 g/kg) D25W IV over 30 min




  Inhaled via nebulizer <25 kg: 2.5 mg

  Inhaled via nebulizer 25–50 kg: 5 mg

  Inhaled via nebulizer >50 kg: 10 mg

 Furosemide, 0.5–1 mg/kg IV


 Sodium bicarbonate, 1–2 mEq/kg IV over 5–10 min (max dose 50 mEq)



 Calcium gluconatee, 50–100 mg/kg IV slow infusion with ECG monitoring


HU hyperuricemia, BUN blood urea nitrogen, PO by mouth, TID three times per day, IV intravenous, ECG electrocardiogram

Adapted from Coiffier et al. (2008), Tosi et al. (2008), Howard et al. (2011), Pession et al. (2011)

aSee text for full detail

bPer Guyatt et al. (2006); see Preface

cPatients in renal failure should be dose reduced by 50 %

dContraindicated in patients with glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PD) deficiency

eAvoid administration unless patient has symptomatic hypocalcemia or ECG changes

Frequent laboratory monitoring is necessary to assess for evidence of LTLS and risk of CTLS. Uric acid, phosphate, potassium, calcium and creatinine levels should be checked prior to the initiation of cytoreductive therapy. The frequency of monitoring thereafter must be tailored to each individual patient and may be required as often as every 4–6 h in patients exhibiting significant LTLS worrisome for the development of CTLS or as infrequently as every 24 h in lower-risk patients (Coiffier et al. 2008; Tosi et al. 2008). Guidelines recommend following LDH levels as a marker of decreasing tumor burden and TLS risk although it is unclear if this is really necessary to appropriately assess the patient (Coiffier et al. 2008; Tosi et al. 2008). In addition, patients who develop hyperkalemia and hyperphosphatemia or who have poor urine output despite vigorous hydration should undergo renal ultrasound to rule out renal parenchymal involvement or obstructive uropathy.

Electrocardiographic (ECG) monitoring may be warranted if the patient has either hyperkalemia (i.e., potassium ≥6 mEq/L) or hypocalcemia (serum calcium <7 mg/dL or ionized calcium <1 mmol/L) (Coiffier et al. 2008; Tosi et al. 2008). The classic ECG findings that can be seen with mild to moderate hyperkalemia include tall peaked T-waves, prolongation of the PR interval, diminished amplitude or disappearance of the P-waves and widening of the QRS complex (Diercks et al. 2004). When severe, hyperkalemia can result in a sine-wave pattern, ventricular fibrillation or asystole (Diercks et al. 2004). The hallmark ECG finding of hypocalcemia is prolongation of the QTc interval (Diercks et al. 2004).

Management of ALL patients with severe hyperleukocytosis is not specifically addressed in the TLS guidelines; leukapheresis may be considered in ALL patients with hyperleukocytic TLS as long as delay in the initiation of induction chemotherapy can be avoided (see Chap.​ 6 for more detail) (Vaitkevičienė et al. 2013). Radiation therapy may additionally be considered for patients with poor urine output with evidence of obstructive uropathy or renal parenchymal disease.

3.4 Pathophysiology, Presentation and Management of Specific Metabolic Derangements

3.4.1 Hyperuricemia

Guidelines define hyperuricemia as a uric acid ≥8.0 mg/dL; a 25 % increase from baseline is also considered a marker of LTLS (Table 3.1) (Coiffier et al. 2008; Pession et al. 2011).

Lysis of malignant cells leads to release of purine nucleosides adenosine and guanosine from DNA into the circulation. Upon their release into the bloodstream, purines undergo enzymatic conversion to uric acid, an insoluble metabolite not easily excreted by the kidneys. Uric acid and its precursor, xanthine, are both relatively insoluble in urine with an acidic pH. Renal precipitation of uric acid or, very rarely, xanthine (i.e., with concomitant use of allopurinol) can lead to a reversible obstructive uropathy and AKI (Rieselbach et al. 1964; Hande et al. 1981; Andreoli et al. 1986; Potter and Silvidi 1987; LaRosa et al. 2007). Alkalinization

Urinary alkalinization has been a long-standing modality used to facilitate uric acid excretion based on the initial work by Rieselbach et al. (1964) who showed that urinary alkalinization to a goal urine pH of 7.0 in addition to hyperhydration improved urinary excretion of uric acid. Although Conger and Falk (1977) later showed in a mouse model that urine alkalinization plays only a minor role in urate excretion as compared to hyperhydration, it remains unclear if this necessarily correlates with human physiology. The solubility of uric acid increases with increasing urine pH thereby making it easier for the kidneys to excrete excess uric acid; however, the solubility of calcium phosphate decreases as the pH increases leading to potential calcium phosphate precipitation in an increasingly alkaline environment (Howard et al. 2011). Therefore, theoretical concern exists regarding routine urinary alkalinization. In consensus guidelines, Coiffier et al. (2008) recommend against routine urine alkalinization, while Tosi et al. (2008) recommend urine alkalinization in low-risk patients, highlighting the lack of evidence to make firm uniform guidance. An update of the Tosi et al. (2008) Italian guidelines recommend against alkalinization even in low-risk patients (Pession et al. 2011).

Sodium bicarbonate is generally used as the additive to intravenous fluids with a goal urine pH of 7.0. It is unlikely that patients without risk of HU benefit from urinary alkalization; those with high tumor burdens and risk for TLS may benefit from urine alkalinization although data are lacking. Additionally, with the availability of rasburicase to rapidly degrade existing uric acid to a much more soluble byproduct, the risk of hyperuricemia and subsequent urate precipitation is almost nonexistent in settings with rasburicase availability thereby negating the need for alkalinization (Tosi et al. 2008; Howard et al. 2011). Patients with hyperphosphatemia should not be alkalinized due to the increased risk of calcium phosphate precipitation and availability of rasburicase to treat concomitant hyperuricemia, if present (Howard et al. 2011). In the patient with elevated uric acid or risk of hyperuricemia without hyperphosphatemia started on alkalinization, the alkalinization can be discontinued as the uric acid normalizes and the tumor burden decreases over the first few days of therapy (Table 3.3). Allopurinol

Allopurinol inhibits xanthine oxidase, an enzyme which converts hypoxanthine and xanthine to uric acid. Krakoff and Meyer (1965) and DeConti and Calabresi (1966) first showed that allopurinol effectively reduced serum uric acid levels without leading to significant accumulation of xanthine and hypoxanthine due to differential solubility products. Allopurinol has been noted to be quite safe and is extremely inexpensive. Xanthine nephropathy secondary to TLS and leading to AKI with concomitant allopurinol has been rarely reported in the literature (Band et al. 1970; Hande et al. 1981; Andreoli et al. 1986; Potter and Silvidi 1987; LaRosa et al. 2007). Andreoli et al. (1986) reported that although xanthine exceeded its solubility limit in 16 of 19 children with ALL receiving allopurinol, only 8 were noted to have precipitated xanthine in urine sediment and only half of those children developed AKI. They therefore theorized that additional factors are involved in the development of AKI during TLS. Xanthine nephropathy should be considered in the patient with AKI but appropriate TLS prophylaxis; in such cases allopurinol should be reduced or discontinued, xanthine levels should be drawn and patients should be tested for a defect in the hypoxanthine-guanine phosphoribosyl transferase (HGPRT) enzyme (LaRosa et al. 2007).

Drawbacks to allopurinol include a relatively slow onset of action (i.e., 24–72 h), the necessity of dose reduction in the setting of renal insufficiency and its inability to degrade preexisting uric acid (Howard et al. 2011). Intravenous allopurinol has been shown to be equally effective and safe as compared to oral allopurinol but comes at a much higher cost (2,000-fold) (Smalley et al. 2000; Feusner and Farber 2001; Patel et al. 2012). Prior to the advent of rasburicase, intravenous allopurinol was a potential option in patients unable to tolerate oral intake but is no longer available in Europe (Feusner and Farber 2001; Will and Tholouli 2011). Utilizing a single low dose of rasburicase, Patel et al. (2012) were able to extrapolate a significant cost savings over intravenous allopurinol. Consensus guidelines recommend allopurinol in low- and intermediate-risk patients (i.e., those patients not recommended to receive rasburicase) (Coiffier et al. 2008; Pession et al. 2011). Consensus guidelines recommend that patients who receive rasburicase should only have allopurinol initiated after rasburicase discontinuation in order to inhibit additional uric acid formation until the tumor burden is significantly decreased (i.e., usually 3–7 total days) (Coiffier et al. 2008; Tosi et al. 2008). Given the slow onset of action for allopurinol it may be more prudent to initiate allopurinol prior to this recommended time point. Similar to urine alkalinization, it is unclear if the addition of allopurinol is beneficial in patients with a low tumor burden and low risk of developing HU (Table 3.3) (Pession et al. 2011). Rasburicase

Rasburicase, recombinant urate oxidase, converts uric acid into allantoin, a five to ten times more soluble compound, in an extremely effective manner. Due to this fact, many studies have shown that rasburicase is efficacious in correcting HU in pediatric and adult patients (Pui et al. 2001; Patte et al. 2002; Bosly et al. 2003; Coiffier et al. 2003; Jeha et al. 2005; Pession et al. 2005; Shin et al. 2006; Kikuchi et al. 2009). Follow-up studies comparing efficacy of rasburicase and allopurinol naturally show that rasburicase is much more effective in rapidly and dramatically reducing the uric acid level although such studies fail to incorporate a clinically relevant endpoint (Goldman et al. 2001; Cortes et al. 2010). Many of these studies were supported by the pharmaceutical maker of rasburicase, including grant support, providing the drug, logistic support, editorial support, and data management, and some study authors had a financial stake in the pharmaceutical company (Goldman et al. 2001; Pui et al. 2001; Patte et al. 2002; Bosly et al. 2003; Coiffier et al. 2003; Jeha et al. 2005; Shin et al. 2006; Kikuchi et al. 2009; Cortes et al. 2010). Early studies also utilized higher doses of rasburicase (i.e., 0.15–0.2 mg/kg/day) and for a longer duration (up to 7 days) based on the recommendation of the manufacturer (and what was approved by the United States Food and Drug Administration [FDA]), rather than what is more rational based on the mechanism of the drug and underlying disease process (Pui et al. 2001; Patte et al. 2002; Bosly et al. 2003; Coiffier et al. 2003; Jeha et al. 2005; Pession et al. 2005; Shin et al. 2006; Kikuchi et al. 2009).

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