Treatment of Infection in the Diabetic Foot: The Use of Antibiotics

Infection severity

Probable pathogen(s)

Antibiotic agent


Mild (usually treated with oral agent[s])

Staphylococcus aureus (MSSA); Streptococcus spp.


Requires QID dosing; narrow-spectrum; inexpensive

Usually active against community-associated MRSA, but check macrolide sensitivity and consider ordering a “D-test” before using for MRSA. Inhibits protein synthesis of some bacterial toxins
Cephalexin b

Requires QID dosing; inexpensive

Once-daily dosing; suboptimal against S. aureus
Amoxicillin-clavulanate b

Relatively broad-spectrum oral agent that includes anaerobic coverage
Methicillin-resistant S. aureus (MRSA)


Active against many MRSA & some gram-negatives; uncertain against streptococcus species

Active against many MRSA & some gram-negatives; uncertain activity against streptococci

Moderate (may be treated with oral or initial parenteral agent[s]) or severe (usually treated with parenteral agent[s])

MSSA; Streptococcus spp.; Enterobacteriaceae; obligate anaerobes


Once-daily dosing; suboptimal against S. aureus

Second-generation cephalosporin with anaerobic coverage

Once-daily dosing, third-generation cephalosporin
Ampicillin-sulbactam b

Adequate if low suspicion of P. aeruginosa

Once-daily oral dosing. Relatively broad-spectrum, including most obligate anaerobic organisms
Ertapenem b

Once-daily dosing. Relatively broad-spectrum including anaerobes, but not active against P. aeruginosa

Active against MRSA. Spectrum may be excessively broad. High rates of nausea and vomiting and increased mortality warning. Nonequivalent to ertapenem + vancomycin in one randomized clinical trial
Levofloxacinb or ciprofloxacinb with clindamycinb

Limited evidence supporting clindamycin for severe S. aureus infections; PO & IV formulations for both drugs
Imipenem-cilastatin b

Very broad-spectrum (but not against MRSA); use only when this is required. Consider when ESBL-producing pathogens suspected


Expensive; increased risk of toxicities when used >2 weeks

Once-daily dosing. Requires serial monitoring of CPK
Vancomycin b

Vancomycin MICs for MRSA are gradually increasing
Pseudomonas aeruginosa

Piperacillin-tazobactam b

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Apr 14, 2017 | Posted by in ENDOCRINOLOGY | Comments Off on Treatment of Infection in the Diabetic Foot: The Use of Antibiotics

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