A. Pathophysiology
The thromboembolic risk associated with neoplasia reflects an imbalance between platelet number, platelet function, levels of coagulation factors, and generation of thromboplastins compared with the levels of inhibitors of hemostasis and fibrinolytic activity. Thrombosis may be minor and localized or widespread and associated with multipleorgan damage. There may also be hemorrhage of varying degrees of severity in association with the thromboembolic events.
1. Factors that may affect the risk of thromboembolism vary widely from patient to patient and include the following:
▪ Specific type of tumor: adenocarcinomas (ovary, pancreas, colon, stomach, lung, and kidney)
▪ Nutritional status of the patient
▪ Type of chemotherapy
▪ Response to chemotherapy (e.g., tumor lysis syndrome)
▪ Liver and renal function
▪ Patient immobility and venous stasis
▪ Surgery (twice the risk for VTE and three times the risk for pulmonary embolism [PE] compared to patients without cancer)
▪ Arterial and venous catheters.
2. Factors that can initiate thrombus formation are common to many cancers:
▪ Circulating tumor cells adhere to the vascular endothelium and form a nidus for clot formation.
▪ Tumors may penetrate the vessel, destroying the endothelium and promoting clot formation.
▪ Neovascularization associated with many tumors may stimulate clotting.
▪ Arterial thrombosis associated with tumors may result from vasospasm.
▪ A systemic hypercoagulable state develops (e.g., decreased protein C).
▪ External compression of vessels by tumor masses impedes blood flow and leads to stasis and clot development.
3. Platelet abnormalities associated with an increased risk of thromboembolism include thrombocytosis and increased platelet adhesion and aggregation. Tumors may produce substances that cause increased platelet aggregation with subsequent release of platelet factor 3 and ensuing acceleration of coagulation.
B. Clinical syndromes
A variety of noteworthy clinical syndromes are associated with the “hypercoagulable state” of malignancy and of its treatment.
1. Disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC) is a syndrome with many signs, symptoms, and laboratory abnormalities (Table 28.1). As many as 90% of patients with metastatic neoplasms have some laboratory manifestation of DIC, but only a small fraction of these patients suffer morbidity from the coagulation process or subsequent depletion of coagulation factors and consequent bleeding due to DIC. The initiating factor for DIC is apparent in some situations but unknown in others.
TABLE 28.1 Laboratory Diagnosis of DIC
Laboratory Tests
Acute DIC
Chronic DIC
Usually prolonged
Usually decreased
Normal or slightly decreased
Usually decreased but may be normal*
Usually normal*
Fibrin monomer
Strongly positive
Thrombin time
Normal or abnormal
Usually normal
Factor assays
Decreased factors V and VIII
Normal factors V and VIII
Antithrombin III
May be reduced
Usually normal
aPTT, activated partial thromboplastin time; DIC, disseminated intravascular coagulation; FDP, fibrinogen degradation products; PT, prothrombin time.
* Fibrinogen is usually elevated in advanced malignancy or acute leukemia that is not complicated by DIC. Thus, a normal fibrinogen level may actually be decreased for the physiologic state of the patient.
† Changes indicated are confirmatory if present; the absence of the indicated findings in some of the confirmatory tests does not exclude the diagnosis.
Among the common initiators of DIC are the following:
▪ Thromboplastic substances in granules from promyelocytes of acute promyelocytic leukemia (DIC may worsen with therapy). There is a significant concomitant fibrinolysis in many patients.
▪ Sialic acid from mucin produced by adenocarcinomas of the lung or gastrointestinal tract
▪ Trypsin released from pancreatic cancer
▪ Impaired fibrinolysis associated with hepatocellular carcinoma
▪ DIC in any patient may be fostered by sepsis or other causes of the systemic inflammatory response syndrome (SIRS).
2. Lupus anticoagulant in neoplastic disease. The lupus anticoagulant is an antiphospholipid antibody (immunoglobulin G or M). Antiphospholipid antibodies are reported to be associated with a number of malignant disorders including hairy cell leukemia, lymphoma, Waldenström macroglobulinemia, and epithelial neoplasms. The lupus anticoagulant leads to a prolonged activated partial thromboplastin time (aPTT) but is paradoxically associated with an increased risk of thrombosis.
3. Trousseau syndrome (tumor-associated thrombophlebitis). Suspect the possibility of neoplasia in the following circumstances:
▪ An unexplained thromboembolic event occurs after the age of 40 years.
▪ Thromboses occur in unusual sites.
▪ The thromboses affect superficial as well as deep veins.
▪ The thromboses are migratory.
▪ The thromboses tend not to respond to the “usual” anticoagulant therapies.
▪ An unexplained thrombosis occurs more than once.
4. Thrombotic events that occur after surgery for tumors of the lung, ovary, pancreas, or stomach.
5. Nonbacterial thrombotic endocarditis may be found in association with carcinoma of the lung. These thrombi are formed from accumulations of platelets and fibrin. The mitral valve is the most frequent site of origin of these thrombi, which frequently embolize.
6. Thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura (TTP) is a poorly understood syndrome characterized by thrombocytopenia, microangiopathic hemolytic anemia, fever, fluctuating neurologic signs and symptoms, and acute renal failure. TTP and the hemolytic-uremic syndrome (thrombocytopenia, hemolysis, and acute renal failure) have been associated with untreated malignancies as well as with a number of drugs used for treating malignant disease. The agent most often reported is mitomycin, but other drugs including bleomycin, cisplatin, cyclophosphamide, gemcitabine, and vinca alkaloids may also be associated with these syndromes. TTP may be difficult to diagnose in this setting because the
chemotherapy suppresses platelet production, some agents may impair renal function, and many of the features of DIC are similar to those of TTP. Careful review of the peripheral blood smear is required to identify the changes in red blood cells (RBCs) that are associated with a microangiopathic hemolytic process.
There is growing evidence that damage to the endothelium is seen in association with TTP. For many patients with TTP, von Willebrand-cleaving protease (ADAMTS13) levels are very low or absent, leading to the accumulation of unusual large multimers of von Willebrand factor (vWF) and subsequent platelet clumping. The von Willebrand-cleaving proteolytic activity is thought to be inhibited by an anti-vWF-cleaving protease immunoglobulin G antibodies.
The prognosis of patients with TTP is poor, and its therapy has been varied. Plasmapheresis and transfusion with fresh frozen plasma (FFP) appear to be the best modalities of therapy. Plasmapheresis is most frequently used as it not only replaces the von Willebrand-cleaving protease missing or decreased in patients with TTP but also removes the anti-vWF-cleaving protease antibody.
Complications from platelet transfusions are not as common in TTP associated with malignancy and bone marrow transplantation as in other cases of TTP; thus, platelet transfusion can be used especially if there is a threat of bleeding.
7. Thromboembolism associated with chemotherapy
a. The use of central arterial or venous catheters has markedly facilitated the delivery of chemotherapy, but all such catheters are associated with a 5% increase in the risk of vascular thrombosis. This risk level is lower than was previously suspected. The empiric use of low doses of warfarin (1 mg/day) or low-dose low-molecular-weight heparin (LMWH) has been evaluated in recent randomized trials, and both drugs failed to show any reduction in symptomatic catheter-associated thrombosis. The risk of catheter-associated thrombosis appears to be higher in children. In a recent large randomized trial, there was an increased risk of bleeding in patients treated with low-dose warfarin.
b. Many chemotherapy agents cause significant chemical phlebitis. The most common offending agents are mechlorethamine (nitrogen mustard), anthracyclines, nitrosoureas, mitomycin, fluorouracil, dacarbazine, and epipodophyllotoxins.
c. L-asparaginase inhibits the synthesis of proteins, including coagulation factors. This inhibition may cause either hemorrhage or thrombosis. Patients with pre-existing hemostatic disorders are at particular risk for complications when using L-asparaginase. L-asparaginase also decreases antithrombin-III (AT-III) activity.
d. Tamoxifen, when used as an adjuvant, has been associated with a two- to sixfold increased risk of thromboembolic events. This effect may be magnified when tamoxifen is combined with chemotherapeutic agents. When tamoxifen is used for primary prevention, the risk of deep vein thrombosis and PE is 1.6% and 3.0%, respectively. Other selective estrogen receptor modulators, like raloxifene, are also associated with an increase in the risk of thromboembolic events. Aromatase inhibitors have a lower risk of thromboembolism than tamoxifen and are preferred for postmenopausal women, particularly if there are additional risk factors for thrombosis.
e. Estrogens may increase the risk of thromboembolism. This is likely due, at least in part, to a decrease in protein S and an increase in coagulation factors.
f. Superior vena cava syndrome is nearly always associated with thrombosis in the thoracic venous system cephalad to the site of obstruction and may lead to upper-extremity thrombosis.
g. Antiangiogenic or targeted therapy may be associated with a significant increase in the risk of VTE events. Thalidomide and lenalidomide in combination with corticosteroids or chemotherapy increases the risk of symptomatic VTE in patients with multiple myeloma. Prophylaxis with low doses of anticoagulation therapy has not been formally evaluated in this group of patients.
C. Principles of therapy for thrombosis associated with neoplasia
1. Discrete vascular thrombosis
a. General guidelines. Therapy should be directed at controlling the neoplasm. As an anticoagulant, heparin is superior to warfarin in these patients. Warfarin and antiplatelet drugs have been used with varying degrees of success in some patients with thromboembolism associated with tumors. The use of heparin, warfarin, and antiplatelet agents alone or in combination may be associated with normalization of hemostatic parameters. Despite this, patients with malignant disease are often resistant to anticoagulant therapy and may continue to have thrombotic events even while receiving what appears to be adequate treatment. Great care must be exercised in the use of both heparin and warfarin in patients with malignant disease because hemorrhage into areas of necrotic tumor can be hazardous. The use of anticoagulant therapy is generally contraindicated in patients with central nervous system metastases. Bulky disease is a relative contraindication, especially if central necrosis of the tumor is suspected and particularly if the lesion is in the mediastinum or pleural spaces.
The decision to treat thromboembolism occurring in a patient with malignancy may be difficult. One must carefully
weigh the risks of therapy against expected benefits. The patient’s life expectancy, concurrent therapy, and type of malignancy also influence the decision.
b. Heparin. Low doses of heparin (5000 U given via the subcutaneous [SC] route every 12 hours) can be used to protect patients with malignant disease from thromboembolism during perioperative periods.
Heparin may be used as the initial or long-term therapy for thromboembolic events in patients with malignant disease. Heparin may be administered either by the intravenous (IV) or SC routes. Generally, the IV route is preferred for initial therapy so that the anticoagulant effect begins at once and adjustment of doses can be easily achieved. An initial dose of 5000 U (70 U/kg) of heparin is given as an IV bolus followed by 1000 to 1200 U (15 U/kg)/h as a continuous infusion. One should check the aPTT 1 hour after the heparin bolus to ensure that the patient is heparinizable (i.e., not AT-III deficient), 6 hours after beginning therapy, and 6 hours after any change in the dose of heparin. Some patients with malignant disease may appear to be refractory to heparin; in all likelihood, this reflects low levels of AT-III, owing to poor production or increased consumption, both of which may occur in patients with malignant disease. (Infusion therapy with L-asparaginase has been associated with reduced levels of AT-III.) As long as the AT-III activity is above 50% of normal, it is usually possible to achieve the desired anticoagulant effect if adequate doses of heparin are given. If AT-III activity is less than 50% of normal, AT-III may be replaced using AT-III concentrates or FFP.
Heparin may be administered by the SC route for both the acute and the chronic management of thromboembolism associated with malignancy. Using the SC route may be less desirable when treating acute events because the onset of anticoagulant effect is somewhat slower (2 to 3 hours), and adjusting the therapeutic effect may be more difficult. SC heparin can be considered for chronic therapy provided that the patient can manage the twice-daily injection and weekly monitoring of the aPTT. In a patient who has been receiving IV heparin, half the total dose of IV heparin received in the previous 24 hours should be given SC twice a day (e.g., 1000 U/h by IV infusion equals 12,000 U SC twice a day). For the patient being started on SC heparin, the initial dose is 7500 to 10,000 U SC twice a day. The aPTT should be checked 6 hours after the third dose of heparin. Otherwise, the aPTT should be checked 6 hours after a SC dose of heparin. The goal for the aPTT should be similar to that of IV heparin, namely, 1.5 to 2 times the patient’s baseline aPTT.
LMWHs should now be considered as the first line of therapy or prevention of VTE in patients with malignant disease. LMWH is preferred to unfractionated heparin as it can be given as an outpatient more easily and has a lower risk of heparin-associated thrombocytopenia. LMWH may have specific antineoplastic effects separate from its effect to reduce VTE. There are a number of ongoing trials designed to evaluate this antineoplastic effect. Monitoring of LMWH is indicated if the patient suffers from liver or kidney dysfunction or if the patient is significantly malnourished or debilitated. One must use anti-Xa levels as the aPTT is not indicative of the anticoagulant effect of LMWH.
c. Warfarin. In the past, warfarin was the therapy of choice for the chronic management of thromboembolic events associated with malignant disease. The use of warfarin in this setting is of concern because patients with malignant disease are frequently taking multiple medications that can alter the patient’s response to warfarin. An additional concern about the use of warfarin in patients with malignancy is the development of purpura fulminans. This complication may be due to lower-than-normal protein C levels in patients who had DIC before initiation of warfarin therapy. Warfarin should not be used as the primary drug to manage VTE events or future prevention of events in patients with malignant disease.
d. The use of platelet-inhibiting drugs such as aspirin, other nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory agents, and dipyridamole has met with varying degrees of success in the prevention of repeated thromboembolic events in patients with malignant disease. Care must be taken with the use of such drugs, especially in thrombocytopenic patients, because the risk of bleeding associated with thrombocytopenia is increased.
e. Fibrinolytic therapy. Systemic malignancy is a relative contraindication to fibrinolytic therapy.
f. Vascular interruption devices such as inferior vena cava filters should only be used in patients who cannot tolerate anticoagulant therapy or who develop emboli while on adequate anticoagulant therapy.
g. Anticoagulation therapy should be continued as long as the patient is receiving anticancer therapy or has evidence of active cancer.
2. Disseminated intravascular coagulation. Therapy for DIC includes the following:
▪ Urgently correct shock (if present).
▪ Treat the underlying disease process. When it is not possible to treat the underlying disease process, it is unlikely that the complicating DIC can be successfully managed.
▪ Replace depleted blood components (e.g., platelets, cryoprecipitated antihemophilic factor [AHF] for fibrinogen and factor VIII, FFP for other factors) if clinically significant bleeding is present.
▪ Consider the use of heparin only in the following situations:
▪ In patients with acute promyelocytic leukemia (see Chapter 18).
▪ When there is clear evidence of ongoing end-organ damage due to microvascular thrombosis.
▪ If venous thrombosis occurs.
These latter two complications of DIC are most likely to occur as a component of SIRS, and the treatment of the underlying cause of SIRS is necessary in addition to treatment with heparin. There is no evidence that chronic warfarin therapy is of value for treating the chronic DIC seen in some patients with neoplasia if thromboses are absent. Warfarin may predispose to the development of purpura fulminans in the presence of chronic DIC due to acquired protein C deficiency.
A. Tumor invasion
It is well recognized that bleeding may be a warning sign of cancer. Bloody sputum may indicate carcinoma of the lung, blood in the urine may be a sign of carcinoma of the bladder or kidney, blood in the stool may be due to carcinoma of the alimentary tract, and postmenopausal vaginal bleeding may be caused by endometrial carcinoma. In each of these instances, bleeding can be directly related to the invasive properties of cancer and disruption of normal tissue integrity.
B. Hemostatic abnormalitiesStay updated, free articles. Join our Telegram channel
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Transfusion Therapy, Bleeding, and Clotting
Transfusion Therapy, Bleeding, and Clotting
Mary R. Smith
NurJehan Quraishy
Disorders of the hemostatic mechanisms are common in patients with malignancy. Active cancer accounts for 20% of new venous thromboembolism (VTE) events. Patients who present with unprovoked VTE have a 10% risk of developing cancer within the next 2 years. Abnormalities associated with thromboembolic events cause significantly more morbidity and mortality than disorders leading to hemorrhage.