Additional phenotype
Thyroid involvement
OMIM #158350 [44]
(PTEN – hamartoma tumor syndrome spectrum), benign and malignant tumors of uterus, breast, bowel
Thyroid nodules of follicular type within hyperplastic multinodular goiter (50–67 %); thyroid carcinomas in 5–10 % of cases
Germline inactivating mutations of the PTEN tumor suppressor gene
(PTEN – hamartoma tumor syndrome spectrum), macrocrania, lipomatosis, retarder neuropsychomotor development, scoliosis, seizures, myopathy, joint laxity, hyperpigmented spots of the glades
Thyroid adenomas usually are of follicular type ± autoimmune thyroiditis, multinodular goiter and thyroid carcinomas are encountered in >50 % and 5–10 % of cases
Germline inactivating mutations of the PTEN tumor suppressor gene
Carney complex
Skin, breast, and cardiac myxomas, lentiginosis and endocrine glands neoplasias
Goitrous multinodular disease, usually of follicular origin and benign nature; malignant evolution in 10–15 % of cases
AD, gain of function mutations of PKA subunits (PRKACB, PRKAR1A)
Familial adenomatous polyposis
OMIM #175100 [47]
Multiple intestinal polyps, initially benign but prone to malignant transformation ± mandibular osteomas, fibromas, and sebaceous cysts in Gardner syndrome
Increased risk of thyroid cancer, especially follicular histotype
AD, APC gene mutations
Peutz-Jeghers syndrome
Multiple gastrointestinal hamartomatous polyps, melanocytic macules of the lips and oral mucosa, increased cancer risk
Increased risk of thyroid cancer, especially follicular histotype
AD, STK11 and LKB1 gene mutation
OMIM #171400 [51]
Medullary thyroid cancer, pheochromocytoma, and parathyroid tumors
C-cell hyperplasia and medullary thyroid cancer
Proto-oncogene RET mutations
OMIM #162300 [51]
Medullary thyroid cancer, pheochromocytoma, mucosal neuromas, marfanoid habitus
C-cell hyperplasia and medullary thyroid cancer
Proto-oncogene RET mutations
OMIM #138800 [52]
Cancer predisposition (pleuropulmonary blastoma, cystic nephroma, cervix embryonal rhabdomyosarcoma, primitive neuroectodermal tumor, ovarian Sertoli-Leydig cell tumors, and Wilms tumor)
Familial multinodular goiter
AD, DICER1 haploinsufficiency
Polyostotic fibrous dysplasia, cafe-au-lait skin spots, peripheral precocious puberty, hyperfunction of the thyroid, pituitary or adrenal glands
Multinodular/cystic toxic goiter
Mosaic (somatic) GNAS1 gain-of-function mutations
OMIM #135150 [56]
Genodermatosis with fibrofolliculomas and increased risk of pulmonary air cysts, spontaneous pneumothorax and renal tumours
Euthyroid usually multiple and benign thyroid nodules in 65 % of cases
AD, FLCN tumour-suppressor gene mutations
Werner [57]
OMIM #277700
“Adult progeria” more common in Japan, elderly appearance with thin skin, wrinkles, alopecia, and muscle atrophy, osteoporosis, cataracts, diabetes, peripheral vascular disease, melanoma, soft-tissue sarcoma, osteosarcomas
Increased risk for follicular and anaplastic thyroid carcinoma which is the most common among the malignancies (16 % of cases)
AR, WRN gene mutations (DNA repair gene)
15.4 Diagnostic Workup
Once a nodule is evidenced, either clinically or echographically, the usual diagnostic includes the collection of patient’s history, clinical examination, laboratory tests, thyroid ultrasound, and fine-needle aspiration biopsy (FNAB) [58]. Although it has been pointed out that the diagnostic process employed in children should be the same as that in adults, the peculiarities of the pediatric age should prompt in the clinician a higher degree of suspicion; as Niedziela does [7], we think that the simple application of adult guidelines [9] to the pediatric population should be cautious.
15.4.1 Family and Patient’s History
Attention should be focused on family history of thyroid cancer, especially MTC, and on history of exposure to radiation for previous oncohematological diseases. Medical history should be evaluated with peculiar attention to traits and diseases evocative of familial/syndromic forms of thyroid nodules and cancer. Reports suggest that male sex is associated with a higher malignancy likelihood of thyroid nodules.
15.4.2 Clinical Evaluation
The objective examination aims at detecting (a) associated lymph node enlargement, (b) signs and dysmorphic features in syndromic patients, (c) signs or symptoms of local compression (dysphagia, dysphonia, discomfort, or shortness of breath), or (d) signs or symptoms of hyperthyroidism.
Palpation of hard and firm nodules or lymph nodes and compression/invasion symptoms are considered indicative of malignancy. Lymph nodal enlargement is of the utmost importance in children as strikingly more common than in adult patients [8, 59] and presents in 80 % of cases [60, 61], although not implying a worse prognosis [62].
15.4.3 Laboratory Tests
Laboratory tests include the measurement of serum TSH, free T4 (fT4), calcitonin, and free T3 (fT3) in case of suspected hyperthyroidism. Most thyroid nodules occur without symptoms of thyroid hormone excess or defect: >90 % of cases are euthyroid, 5 % hypothyroid (mostly subclinically with normal fT4 and elevated TSH), and 1–5 % hyperthyroid. Calcitonin is usually employed as a screening marker for MTC [7]. If its dosage is mandatory in patients with suspect MTC, MEN2 syndromes, and cytology suggestive of medullary neoplasm, its systematical use in all cases of thyroid nodules is debated [63], mostly because of its cost-effectiveness. There is general agreement that calcitonin levels >100 pg/ml are almost certainly indicative of medullary thyroid cancer [64]. Difficulties arise in mild elevations (the 10–100 pg/ml “gray zone”) as calcitonin serum concentration physiologically increases with age and weight, differs according to sex, and may be high also in other conditions (other neuroendocrine cancer, nephropathy, pancreatitis, hypergastrinemia, thyroid autoimmunity, sepsis). In these cases, in order to increase specificity, a confirmatory repeated dosage or a stimulation test (calcitonin dosage 2, 5, and 15 min after pentagastrin 0.5 μg/Kg i.v. bolus) has been suggested [64].
Some ancillary laboratory tests are performed in some specialized/research centers and mostly in adults, as the dosage of thyroglobulin/calcitonin in the washout fluid of neck lymph nodes: these two markers of follicular cancer and medullary cancer, respectively, are sensitive and specific for the early detection of cervical metastases. The test is mostly employed in cases with small thyroid nodules with enlarged lymph nodes [64–66].
15.4.4 Instrumental Evaluations
Thyroid ultrasound has a key role in the diagnostics of nodules, while I131/Tc99 scintiscan is less extensively employed nowadays with respect to some decades ago. On the other hand, novel techniques, like elastography, are progressively introduced in clinical practice. The employment of other imaging techniques like computer tomography and nuclear magnetic resonance is limited to exceptional cases and to define disease extension or characterize masses of unclear origin. Thyroid Ultrasound
Given its advantages, thyroid ultrasound represents the cardinal imaging tool in the diagnostic workup and management of thyroid nodules. The disadvantage of this method is in its being operator dependent. Thyroid ultrasound is fundamental in assessing the number, size, and characteristics of the nodule; in guiding FNAB and in monitoring lymph nodes and remnant thyroid tissue of thyroidectomized patients. In the diagnostic workup, ultrasound allows a first-line screening for selecting nodules with suspicious characteristics and deserving further evaluations. Color Doppler sonography represents a strong asset in providing more detailed characteristics of the nodule and refining the diagnostic decision. Various features are associated with malignancy: hypoechogenicity, undefined margins, microcalcifications, high intranodular vascular flow at color Doppler [4], and lymph nodal modifications (longitudinal-to-transversal axes ratio <1.5, rounded profile with absence of the ilium, thickened or eccentric cortical, nonhomogeneous pattern, and increased vascular flow [3, 4, 8, 9, 67]), and an increase in nodule size during the follow-up, especially if under levothyroxine therapy [21]. Conversely, cystic pattern, multinodular goiter, regular margins, and peripheral increased vascularization are considered suggestive of benignity. Elastography
Elastography is a novel technology for soft tissue elasticity mapping recently added in clinical practice for the noninvasive prediction of thyroid nodules’ malignancy. The analysis of the speed of elastic waves passing through tissues estimates solid nodules’ stiffness, which is increased in malignant nodules as they are firmer than the surrounding tissue [68]. In the last years, a number of studies have evaluated its use in this field with encouraging results [69]. It is a promising tool able to increase ultrasound performance in selecting nodules with higher malignancy likelihood and reducing unnecessary FNAB (of up to 60 %) [70–72]. The most relevant drawback of elastography is in its employment in cases with cystic or calcific nodules. Authors agree that further research is needed on its application in the differential diagnosis of indeterminate lesions and in other thyroidal diseases. Specific data on pediatric populations are not available as yet, although in our experience it appears reliable as in adulthood. Scintigraphy
Scintiscan with Tc99 is much less used nowadays with respect to some decades ago. Current indications to perform a scintiscan include almost only benign tumors with overt/subclinical hyperthyroidism, namely, toxic adenoma. Scintiscan is used to confirm the diagnosis: in toxic adenoma, it usually displays a “hot” pattern with silencing of the remnant thyroid tissue. In these cases, FNAB typically does not offer much information [3, 8, 9] and is considered superfluous as surgery is needed in any case. At histological evaluation, PTC can been found in 1–5 % of these nodules [4]. Fine-Needle Aspiration Biopsy (FNAB)
FNAB is the most reliable test for nodule diagnosis and is recognized as the cornerstone and gold standard for the evaluation of solitary thyroid nodules. Data on pediatric cases [3, 21, 73, 74, 60, 75] are consistent with those on adults [76] and estimate its diagnostic accuracy as ranging from 75 to 95 %. As a consequence, in the last decades, FNAB has imposed as the gold standard also in pediatric thyroid nodules, demonstrating the highest sensitivity, specificity, and accuracy among other diagnostic investigations [60]. There is general agreement on performing FNAB in euthyroid and hypothyroid patients with palpable nodules and those with nodule diameters ≥1 cm and with sonographic features indicative of malignancy. However, the indications to perform FNAB in children are mostly inferred from adult guidelines [9]; the increasing data on pediatric thyroid nodules suggest caution as in childhood clinical indications may be different and diagnostic threshold triggering further investigation lower. For nodules <1 cm, FNAB should be considered in selected cases with multiple clues pointing to a malignant lesion [8, 21, 77]: the diagnostic approach should be particularly aggressive in the presence of risk factors like radiation for malignancies of the head, neck, and thorax or family history of thyroid cancer. Besides nodule size, great importance for FNAB indications is represented by the variety of abovementioned anamnestic, clinical, laboratory, and echographic prognostic factors employed in clinical practice to assess malignancy likelihood. It is worth mentioning that multinodular thyroid diseases carry a malignancy risk comparable to that of solitary nodules [3, 63, 78]: clearly, in such cases, all suspect nodules should undergo FNAB.
In spite of high diagnostic accuracy, since a few years ago in up to 20 % of thyroid nodules, FNAB cannot provide diagnostic indications: the large part of results of uncertain interpretation were defined as “follicular lesion of undetermined significance” or commonly referred to as having an “indeterminate cytology” [79]. Major steps toward the standardization of the terminology employed and classification of cytology were reached in 2007 and 2008. In 2007, the British Thyroid Association and the Italian Society of Pathology and Cytology (SIAPEC-IAP) [80, 81] introduced a new classification. In 2008, the Bethesda system for reporting thyroid FNAB specimens [82] recommended that each report begin with one of six general diagnostic categories: I. Nondiagnostic or Unsatisfactory, II. Benign, III. Atypia of Undetermined Significance or Follicular Lesion of Undetermined Significance, IV. Follicular Neoplasm or Suspicious for a Follicular Neoplasm, specifying if Hürthle cell (oncocytic) type, V. Suspicious for Malignancy, VI. Malignant [80, 81]. The result of this novel classification system based on cytoarchitectural patterns was a reduction of superfluous and untimely thyroidectomies.
With the intent to better define malignancy risk of uncertain cytology, several molecular and histochemical markers on cytological smear have been studied in adults [83, 84]. Among them, telomerase [85], galectin-3 [86], CD44v6 [87], and HBME1 [88] alone or variously combined are considered to be more reliable in discriminating malignant cases. Obviously, calcitonin also is a reliable marker of medullary carcinoma. However, the main limitation of this approach is that none of these markers completely fulfill the diagnostic needs, but rather a complete panel of these markers should be employed in a reasoned diagnostic process.
One last critical aspect is in which cases FNAB should be repeated: this aspect should take into consideration that PTC is commonly slow growing with an indolent course even after local and pulmonary metastatization. Studies report that PTC occurs in 1.3 % of patients with a previous benign FNAB repeated yearly [89]. We suggest to monitor clinically and echographically nodules on a 6–12 months basis (based on the initial malignancy likelihood assessment) and repeat FNAB according to change in the clinical and imaging picture. Obviously, in case of multinodular goiter, all suspect nodules should undergo FNAB evaluation.
15.5 Management and Treatment of Benign Thyroid Nodules
Management and treatment guidelines in children with benign nodules are scanty. Surgical intervention, usually hemithyroidectomy, is required to resolve the hyperthyroid state of toxic adenoma [3, 28]. Several options are available in other cytologically benign nodules: in asymptomatic cases, a conservative approach is largely employed, consisting in observation with yearly recheck with or without (sub)suppressive medical treatment with levothyroxine [90, 91] aiming at reducing TSH and inducing nodule shrinkage. When nodules are growing or responsible for symptoms of local compression, (hemi)thyroidectomy and radioiodine thyroid ablation remain the current standard. Recently, several minimally invasive techniques have been introduced to avoid the so far employed surgical/radiotherapy approach: percutaneous ethanol injection therapy is mostly employed in the treatment of prevalently cystic nodules; percutaneous thermal ablation by radiofrequency or laser or microwaves or high-intensity focused ultrasound is employed in highly specialized centers [92, 93]. Further data are needed to assess indications, limitations, and safety of these procedures compared to the standard ones in both adults and children.
15.6 Treatment of Thyroid Carcinoma
15.6.1 Surgery of DTC
Guidelines and randomized trials specific for children have not been designed because of the uncommon occurrence of this disease. Although surgery is the primary therapy for pediatric patients with DTC, there is continuing controversy regarding the optimal surgical option (total thyroidectomy, near-total thyroidectomy, subtotal thyroidectomy, or lobectomy) as well as the role of prophylactic central neck dissection. Currently, total or near-total thyroidectomy in pediatric patients with DTC is considered the best approach by most surgeons and according to the American Thyroid Association (ATA) guidelines [9, 16]. Lobectomy alone may be sufficient treatment for small (<1 cm), low-risk, unifocal, intrathyroidal PTC. The facilitation of radioiodine treatment and imaging and the use of serum thyroglobulin as a tumor marker for recurrent/residual disease [94] are considered other practical advantages of extensive surgery. A primary procedure with less than total thyroidectomy has been demonstrated to significantly increase the need for repeating surgery [95]. Moreover, tumor size should not be considered as a determinant for the type of surgery in children [14]. Although TNM scoring system for differentiated thyroid cancer includes age because of its strong prognostic, it is commonly considered to be imperfect in childhood when the risk of recurrence is high [96].
Since lymph node involvement at the diagnosis is common [8, 59], central neck dissection has been recommended, and modified neck dissection should be performed for clinically apparent and biopsy-proven lateral neck disease. Prophylactic lateral neck dissections are not recommended [94]. On the other hand, complications of total thyroidectomy and potential harms of the central compartment dissection such as hypoparathyroidism and injury to the recurrent laryngeal nerve should also be considered. Although these risks are minimized when surgery is performed by an experienced endocrine or pediatric surgeon, a high prevalence of hypoparathyroidism and both temporary and permanent recurrent laryngeal nerve palsy has to be taken into account. Recently, age (<16 years), familial history of thyroid cancer, preoperative gross neck lymph node diffusion, tumor diameter, and extrathyroidal invasion were identified as risk factors for disease-free survival in children with PTC. Preoperative gross lymph node metastasis and distant metastasis at diagnosis were identified as relevant factors for cause-specific survival, suggesting that total thyroidectomy alone could not be considered sufficient in all childhood patients [97].
15.6.2 Surgery of MTC
In general, treatment of MTC consists in total thyroidectomy for both sporadic and hereditary forms associated with prophylactic central lymph node dissection, whereas lateral neck dissection is needed for patients with positive preoperative imaging. When distant metastatic disease is detected at diagnosis, less aggressive surgery might be appropriate in order to preserve speech and prevent morbidity. The improved understanding of molecular basis of MEN2 syndromes and isolated MTC allows to define risk groups for cancer development and recommended timing schedule for prophylactic treatment. The latter is the standard of care in pediatrics, since patients with hereditary forms of MTC can develop metastases before the age of 5 [38, 97–99]. Prophylactic thyroidectomy in MEN is recommended within 1 year of age for patients with 883, 918 RET codon mutations, before 5 years for cases with mutations in codons 611, 618, 620, 634, and before 10 years for those with mutations in codons 609, 630, 768, 790, 791, 804, 891.
15.6.3 Radioiodine Therapy
Radioactive iodine (RAI or radioiodine 131I) therapy is a mainstay of postsurgical treatment in DTC. 131I has been demonstrated to destroy thyroid tumor cells several decades ago [100]; moreover, a postsurgery 131I uptake by residual thyroid tissue is usually demonstrated. The frequent multifocal disease extension, nodal involvement, and distant metastases in pediatric patients with DTC together with a sodium iodine symporter expression greater than in adult forms, possibly accounting for a more successful treatment [101], are generally considered as factors making RAI a therapeutic challenge. To date, it is generally suggested that most children should be treated with 131I in order to ablate residual disease, reduce the risk of disease recurrence, and positively affect progression-free survival rate, as recently reviewed [14, 94, 95, 101, 102].
In order to obtain 131I uptake by remnant and residual tissue, TSH elevation greater than 30 mU/l is needed. Levothyroxine administration should be discontinued 2–3 weeks in children and 4 weeks in adults before radioiodine administration (“thyroid hormone withdrawal,” THW); alternatively, patients can be treated with 0.7 mcg/kg triiodothyronine for at least 1 month to be discontinued 2 weeks before 131I administration. TSH rise can also be achieved with recombinant human TSH (rhTSH) to be administered on 2 consecutive days. The use of rhTSH is approved in adults; however, it has to be emphasized that, at present, rhTSH use is not approved for children by drug-regulatory agencies in U.S.A. or E.U. Although it has the potential to reduce whole-body radiation exposure associated with 131I therapy and its clinical use has been reported in children with DTC, data showing comparable efficacy to THW are lacking in pediatrics [9, 14, 94, 103].
Main purposes of the use of RAI treatment include therapy of residual microscopic disease, metastatic or unresectable lesions, together with an accurate patient staging by means of 131I whole-body scanning, usually performed within 4–7 days of RAI therapy, for the detection of distant metastases. In addition, the postsurgery ablation of remaining thyroid tissue in the neck (“thyroid remnant ablation”) allows the use of thyroglobulin as a tumor marker during the follow-up. There is no specific recommendation for the timing of 131I after total thyroidectomy; however, it is generally done within 3–6 weeks till 3 months after surgery. 131I administration dosage strategies can be summarized in administering fixed activities (eventually based on the patient’s weight); dosing based on the administered activity that is as high as safely administrable, recently defined as the lowest safe limit administered activities up to 5 mCi/kg (185 MBq/kg) for treatment of distant metastases and DTC recurrence in children; and applying specific activities for tumor ablation, dosimetry, which is suggested to be mainly considered for individuals with lung metastases [14, 104]. The use of pretherapy scans is limited because of its low impact on the decision to ablate and because of 131I-induced stunning phenomenon, defined as a reduction in uptake of the RAI therapy dose induced by a pretreatment diagnostic activity. On the other hand, since it can be difficult to distinguish residual disease from thyroid remnant at post-therapy whole-body scan and when the extent of the thyroid remnant cannot be accurately ascertained from the surgical report or neck ultrasonography, 123I (1.5–3 mCi) or low-activity 131I (1–3 mCi) pretherapy scans may provide additional information [9, 14] in order to distinguish residual disease from thyroid remnant and then to plan more adequate therapeutic strategies.
Risks associated with RAI treatment include second primary malignancies, reproductive risks, pulmonary fibrosis, gastritis, and sialoadenitis. Evidence suggests that RAI does not increase the risk of second neoplasms in children nor long-term effect on female fertility. Given the possibility of cumulative gonadal damage in males, sperm banking should be considered before therapy [14].
15.6.4 Levothyroxine Therapy
Levothyroxine therapy is a fundamental part of the treatment of thyroid carcinoma; it is well recognized that TSH suppression can reduce rates of recurrence for DTC, whereas there is no role for it in MTC. The ATA task force recommends in low-risk adult DTC patients a plasmatic TSH target of 0.1–0.5 mU/l and a more aggressive suppression for high- and intermediate-risk patients, with TSH <0.1 mU/l. Benefits from TSH suppression have been widely reported in adults in terms of decreased progression and recurrence rates and cancer-related mortality. For adults, recommendations state that suppression should be maintained for 5–10 years [9]. On the other hand, specific evidence of benefits from TSH suppression in pediatrics is lacking to date. Moreover, compared with adults, TSH suppression presents peculiar difficulties: actually, in children higher doses of levothyroxine per kg are needed to achieve a complete suppression, and a condition of subclinical iatrogenic hyperthyroidism may impact growth, behavior, and learning ability. Recently, a proposed scheme for children is to initially suppress TSH levels <0.1 mU/l and then allow a TSH rise to 0.5 mU/l once remission is obtained [14, 94].

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