Thyroid and Adrenal Carcinomas

Thyroid and Adrenal Carcinomas

Haitham S. Abu-Lebdeh

Michael E. Menefee

Keith C. Bible

Endocrine cancers account for 2.7% of all newly diagnosed cancers but only 0.44% of cancer deaths in the United States, largely due to the overall good prognosis of the most common endocrine malignancy, differentiated thyroid cancer. Thyroid cancers account for almost 95% of endocrine cancers and for two-thirds of the deaths from this group of diseases. Although the efficacy of cytotoxic chemotherapy is limited in differentiated thyroid cancers, it has an established role in anaplastic thyroid cancer, adrenocortical cancer, and pheochromocytoma/paraganglioma. Moreover, novel therapeutics—in particular tyrosine kinase inhibitors (TKIs)—have emerged as promising approaches to treating several endocrine cancers. Here, thyroid and adrenal neoplasms are discussed with emphasis on individualizing therapy for patients afflicted with these diseases. Neuroendocrine cancers, in particular pancreatic islet cell carcinomas (as well as other pancreatic malignancies), are discussed separately in Chapter 8.


    • A. Background

      • 1. Incidence. About 37,000 new cases of thyroid carcinoma are diagnosed in the United States annually, accounting for approximately 1600 deaths. The incidence of thyroid carcinoma is now about 9 per 100,000, with approximately 2.7 times as many women as men affected. The peak incidence is at age 40 for women and age 60 for men. Thyroid cancers are increasing—in women at >5% per year; mortality is also up by one-third in the last decade, suggesting that the increasing incidence is real and not due to better screening/detection. Thyroid carcinoma is now over twice as common in the United States as it was 10 years ago, and it is now the seventh most common cancer in U.S. women.

      • 2. Etiology and prevention. In most patients, the cause of thyroid carcinoma is unknown, but prior remote head and neck radiation exposure, hereditary factors, and/or preceding autoimmune thyroid disease are implicated in some patients. Radiation to the neck during childhood for diseases including Hodgkin lymphoma, enlarged thymus, or even skin diseases such as acne can
        be causative. Thyroid cancer has been observed 20 to 25 years after radiation exposure among atomic bomb survivors, and in some regions of Japan the incidence of thyroid cancer in screened populations is as high as 0.1%—10-fold greater than expected based on U.S. incidence rates. In cases of accidental radioisotope exposure, expeditious use of potassium iodide can block the thyroid uptake of radioactive iodine (RAI).

        Some cases of thyroid carcinoma are familial. Medullary thyroid cancer (MTC) is seen in multiple endocrine neoplasia (MEN) syndrome types 2A and 2B and in the familial MTC (FMTC) syndrome associated with germline mutation of the RET proto-oncogene. In these syndromes, prophylactic thyroidectomy should be undertaken in at-risk individuals at young ages. Furthermore, there are kindreds of patients with increased heritable risk of differentiated thyroid cancers, known as familial non-MTC, but such kindreds are uncommon.

        Prolonged stimulation by thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH), as seen in endemic goiter and autoimmune thyroid disease, may also lead to the development of thyroid carcinoma. As autoimmune thyroid disease is more prevalent in women, this may in part explain why thyroid cancer is so much more common in women than men. Further, this may also help explain why many patients with thyroid cancer relate a family history of autoimmune thyroid disease and suffer from autoimmune thyroid disease themselves.

    • 3. Histologic types. The most common types of thyroid carcinoma are as follows.

      • a. Differentiated thyroid cancer (DTC; 88%). DTC includes papillary thyroid cancer (PTC; 85%), follicular thyroid cancer (FTC; 12%), and Hürthle cell (3%) subtypes. DTCs are derived from thyroglobulin-producing follicular cells (thyrocytes) and are typically initially RAI responsive. Hürthle cell carcinoma, a histological variant of FTC often of more aggressive behavior, has variously been subsumed under the FTC classification rather than being considered a unique histotype. RET/PTC gene rearrangements or RAS, BRAF, or MEK-ERK pathway mutations are present in 70% of PTCs, and upregulation of vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) signaling is also common in metastatic disease. FTC may be associated with RAS mutations and mutations on chromosome 3 (pax8-PPAR mutations). DTCs most often secrete thyroglobulin; hence, it can be used as a tumor marker in antithyroglobulin antibody-negative patients.

      • b. Medullary thyroid cancer (UTC; 4%). MTCs are derived from thyroid parafollicular or C cells, the source of the hormone calcitonin. Activating mutations of the RET proto-oncogene
        are characteristic, with germ line activating RET mutations as seen in FMTC and MEN2 a predisposing factor. MTC most often produces both immunoreactive calcitonin and carcinoembryonic antigen, which can be used as tumor markers.

      • c. Anaplastic thyroid cancer (ATC; 2%). ATC is the most aggressive of all thyroid cancers, with only about 10% historical 1-year survival from diagnosis. ATC can arise de novo, but is generally thought to result from thyrocytes via dedifferentiation in DTC tumors. ATC (grade 4 thyroid cancer) is distinguished from the undifferentiated histotype (grade 3) in part by loss of TTF-1 expression, and abnormalities in p53 signaling are also common.

      • d. Thyroid lymphoma (5%). Thyroid lymphomas are uncommon and represent cancers of lymphoid tissues, as discussed in Chapters 21 and 22.

      • e. Thyroid sarcoma (<1%). Thyroid sarcomas are also rare, and they should be treated in accordance with their underlying histology, as discussed in Chapter 16.

      • f. Squamous cell carcinoma of the thyroid (<1%). Rarely, squamous cell cancers arise in the thyroid; they are best treated as in head and neck primary squamous cell carcinoma (see Chapter 5).

    • 4. Prognosis

      • a. Cell types/histology. PTCs and mixed PTC/FTCs have similar, generally favorable biologic and prognostic behaviors. Most DTCs grow slowly, with recurrence risk 0.5% to 1.6% per year, and with less than 15% mortality at 20 years. Even patients with lung metastases have a 20-year survival rate exceeding 50%.

        Pure FTCs have a somewhat worse prognosis than cancers with papillary elements, with 10-year survival in FTC and PTC at 85% and 93%, respectively. Recent studies have shown that FTCs with vascular invasion have a relatively worse prognosis, whereas FTC patients without vascular invasion do almost as well as PTC patients.

        About 25% of MTCs are familial, as part of three clinical syndromes (MEN-IIa, MEN-IIb, and familial non-MEN MTC). Regional nodal and distant metastases are more common and occur in early stages of the disease in MTC, with 10-year survival after surgical resection of MTC at 40% to 60%.

        Patients with ATC have an abysmal prognosis, with a median survival of only 4 months and a historical 10% survival 1 year from diagnosis.

      • b. Other factors. Prognosis is worse if tumor size is >4 cm, patient age >40 years of age and/or male gender, distant metastases are present, and/or DNA content is aneuploid. DTC tends to metastasize first to lymph nodes, then to lung, and somewhat
        less commonly bone—with 5-, 10-, and 15-year survivals of 53%, 38%, and 30%, respectively. Other sites of metastases in DTC include subcutaneous structures, liver, and also brain. In contrast to most other cancers, limited regional lymph node metastasis of DTC does not influence survival substantially, and radiation-induced DTC is not associated with a worse prognosis.

        Several systems are used to predict outcomes in DTC, including for example, the MACIS scoring system (metastases, +3 if metastases; age, ≤39 years of age = 3.1, >40 = age in years × 0.08; completeness of resection, +1 if primary resection is incomplete; invasion, +1 if pathologically invasive; and size, 0.3 × largest dimension in centimeters) with median prognosis estimated based on the total score as indicated in Table 13.1.

  • B. Diagnosis and staging

    Although physical examination is the primary screening modality for the detection of thyroid cancer, in populations at increased risk, neck ultrasound is an important supplemental approach. Any solitary thyroid nodule should be considered malignant until proved otherwise. Although toxic nodular goiters are less likely to contain carcinoma, a nodule in the setting of hyperthyroidism does not preclude malignancy.

    Because most thyroid tumors spread primarily by local extension and regional nodal metastasis, assessment of the extent of disease in the neck is critical. In recent years, ultrasound has become integrated into endocrinology practices and is very helpful in assessing risk of cancer, and in facilitating expeditious outpatient fine needle aspiration (FNA) of suspicious thyroid nodules. FNA does not require local anesthesia and is considered safer and easier to perform than core biopsy, with accuracy between 50% and 97%, depending on the type of cancer, the experience of the pathologist, and the institution; however, there are times when formal core biopsies are required, including when lymphoma is suspected.

    TABLE 13.1 MACIS Prognostic Scoring System for Thyroid Cancer

    Total MACIS Score

    Twenty-Year Survival









    Modified from Edge SB, Byrd DR, Compton CC. AJCC cancer staging manual (7th ed.). New York: Springer; 2010.

    Diagnostic RAI imaging is not now commonly used in the primary assessment of thyroid nodules, but remains a mainstay of assessment in patients with high-risk disease or with metastatic radioiodine-avid DTC after primary surgery. Chest radiography should be performed before surgery to rule out macroscopic pulmonary metastasis. If there is any clinical or laboratory suggestion of bone or other metastases, skeletal radiographs, computed tomography (CT) scan, positron emission tomography (PET) scan, and/or a radionuclide bone scan should be considered on a casebycase basis.

    Several issues should also be kept in mind in assessing disease extent and response to therapy. First, iodinated contrast materials should not be used in any DTC patients who may be candidates for therapeutic radioiodine, as the iodine load can saturate tumor binding sites and thereby render therapeutic RAI ineffective. In general, a 2-month delay of RAI is preferred after any iodinated contrast. Second, anatomic imaging in surveillance of patients and in following disease course is important. In DTC for instance, a negative iodine/thyroid scan does not exclude the possibility of metastatic disease, as small pulmonary nodules often escape detection using this modality. Further, some DTCs will become radioiodine refractory and will not image even in the presence of bulky metastases. Third, although tumor markers can be very helpful in patient surveillance in the postoperative setting in DTC and MTC, they must be used judiciously. Thyroglobulin can be neutralized by patient antithyroglobulin antibodies, and therefore the two tests should always be measured in tandem. If antithyroglobulin antibody is elevated, thyroglobulin levels are uninterpretable. Moreover, with time and interval therapies, thyroglobulin production by DTCs diminishes concordant with tumor dedifferentiation, thereby yielding misleading results—and again emphasizing the importance of anatomic imaging in highrisk patients or those with advanced disease. Thyroglobulin levels are also less predictable in estimating disease extent in patients receiving novel therapies.

    Also worthy of comment is that PET imaging should be used judiciously in thyroid cancer. In ATC, PET can be very helpful; however, some DTCs do not image well via PET. In DTC, PET avidity tends to correlate with more aggressive tumor behavior.

    Patients with thyroid carcinoma are typically euthyroid; however, elevated TSH with increased thyroid peroxidase antibodies may be seen with Hashimoto thyroiditis, which may coexist in 20% of patients with thyroid lymphoma and also sometimes in DTC.

    The most widely accepted tumor staging system, TNM, uses tumor size and extent, presence of lymph node spread, and distant metastasis (Table 13.2). Any ATC is considered stage IV (A, B, or C), and there are no TNM stage III or IV patients with DTC who are younger than 45 years. This staging system is suboptimal in thyroid cancer, prompting use of algorithms such as the MACIS system discussed above.

    TABLE 13.2 Pathologic TNM Staging System for Thyroid Cancer


    Papillary or Follicular, Age <45

    Papillary or Follicular, Age >45; Medullary Any Age

    Anaplastic, Any Age











    T4, Any N, M0


    T1-3, N1b, M0

    Any T, Any N, M1

    M1, distant metastasis; N1a, metastasis to central lymph node compartment; N1b, metastasis to other lymph nodes; T1, <2 cm; T2, 2-4 cm; T3, >4 cm; T4, any tumor invading tissue beyond thyroid capsule.

  • C. Treatment

    Therapeutic approach in thyroid cancer depends considerably on the histologic type, extent of disease, patient symptoms, and rate of disease progression. Careful management of disease residing in the neck so as to protect airway, esophagus, and other critical structures is also of paramount importance.

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