Jay A. Yelon and Fred A. Luchette (eds.)Geriatric Trauma and Critical Care201410.1007/978-1-4614-8501-8_25
© Springer Science+Business Media New York 2014
25. Thoracic
Department of Surgery, Rhode Island Hospital, Providence, RI 02903, USA
David T. Harrington (Corresponding author)
Email: dharrington@usasurg.org
Email: dharrington@lifespn.org
Elderly patients pose a great challenge to the trauma practitioner. They often present with significantly reduced physiologic reserve and a host of medications. Standard triage criteria used for the general population may be misleading in the elderly. Diagnoses can be delayed and they do not tolerate complications as well as their younger counterparts. This chapter will discuss the care of the elderly patient with thoracic trauma. General considerations to include mechanisms of injury, the general effect of aging on patient function, and outcomes after trauma will be examined. The initial trauma management of patients will be reviewed from A to E with special considerations for the elderly patient. Diagnostic tests, from chest radiographs to chest computed tomography, will be reviewed. Specific injuries will then be carefully considered: pulmonary contusions, pneumothorax, hemothorax, empyema, tracheobronchial injury, blunt cardiac injury, blunt aortic injury, diaphragmatic injury, thoracic duct injury, and esophageal injury. Understanding the physiologic changes attendant with age and their impact in the care of an elderly patient with thoracic trauma will hopefully help all practitioners care for these challenging patients.
General Considerations
Thoracic trauma is a significant contributor to the morbidity and mortality in trauma patients regardless of age. Though protected by the bony skeleton, once this rigid protective envelope is breached, the vital contents of the thorax, the heart and lungs, can manifest significant physiologic derangements. Many chest injuries may be managed effectively and definitively by simple bedside procedures that most physicians involved in trauma care should be able to perform, whereas other chest injuries require urgent, major operative repair. Rib fractures, flail chest, sternal fracture, blunt cardiac injury, and blunt aortic injury may require attention in specialized centers. Some straightforward injuries, such as pneumothorax and hemothorax, do not require different management based on age; however because of increased underlying comorbidities and decreased physiologic reserve in the geriatric population, the severely injured elderly patient requires intensive monitoring, aggressive cardiopulmonary management, and comprehensive care [1–3].
Blunt chest trauma is caused by various mechanisms, but motor vehicle collision is the most common [4]. In MVCs, multiple rib fractures, higher injury severity score, and increased age are associated with increased morbidity and mortality. Other risk factors associated with significant injury include high-speed collision, lack of seat belt use, front seat occupancy, and steering wheel deformity. Falls are also significant sources of trauma in the elderly. Even a fall from standing can cause serious injury in the elderly population. Penetrating injury from stab wounds or gunshot wounds is very uncommon in the over 65-year-old trauma patient.
Increased age is associated with a decrease in organ function. Respiratory function declines with aging. As chest wall compliance decreases secondary to structural changes, such as vertebral collapse and kyphosis, inspiratory capacity decreases. Progressive decline in muscle strength results in loss of up to 50 % in inspiratory and expiratory force. Decreased lung elasticity and increased alveolar collapse result in air trapping and ventilation-perfusion mismatching. This leads to a decline of 0.3–0.4 mmHg annually in arterial oxygen tension. The cardiovascular system has a limited response to metabolic demand due to a lower maximum heart rate, insufficient cardiac output, and increased peripheral vascular resistance. Physiologic deterioration places the elderly trauma patient at increased risk for complications and death following blunt thoracic trauma.
Though there is a steady decline in physiologic reserve of all organ systems with aging, the major driver of poor outcomes in the elderly are the chronic health conditions that may also develop in some patients with age. A long list of home medications have been shown to correlate with both increased risk of injury and worse outcomes once injured [5, 6]. Practitioners should evaluate not chronologic age, but physiologic age when assessing risk for a poor outcome from trauma. Decreased physiologic reserve can be assessed not only by a patient’s response to the initial injury but also by the patient’s ability to weather the complications that develop following the initial trauma or surgical procedure. An elderly patient with comorbidities may tolerate an operation, but if a complication occurs, then that patient’s outcome suffers significantly. The mortality rate in patients at Veteran Affairs Hospitals undergoing noncardiac surgery rose from 4 to 26 % in patients who developed any complication. In this population, the American Society of Anesthesiologist (ASA) class, poor baseline function and emergency surgery were the strongest predictors of mortality, but age alone increased risk of mortality by 5 % for every additional year after age 80 [7].
Declining organ function with aging has a negative effect on patient outcomes. Isolated chest trauma in the elderly can result in significant morbidity with reported adverse outcomes ranging from 16 to 33 % [8, 9]. Patient variables that predict a worse prognosis include increased age (>85 years), decreased initial systolic blood pressure (<90 mmHg), three or more unilateral rib fractures, or the presence of hemothorax, pneumothorax, or pulmonary contusion [8]. In the geriatric population, underlying comorbidities, such as congestive heart failure, may significantly compromise recovery [10]. Thoracic trauma directly accounts for one fourth of all injury-related deaths and is a contributing factor in the demise of one half of all trauma death. After sustaining blunt chest trauma, elderly patients have a higher mortality and morbidity than younger patients with similar injuries [11, 12]. At our institution thoracic trauma and its pulmonary sequelae are the second most common cause of mortality, following head injury, and represents 30 % of deaths in the geriatric (>65 years) population [13].
Primary Survey: Initial Evaluation and Management
Blunt chest trauma can result in the injury of multiple, significant structures. As described in Advanced Trauma Life Support, life-threatening conditions must be addressed first: airway, breathing, circulation, disability, and exposure. Establishing a secure airway is the first priority. Special attention must be given to the cervical spine due to high incidence of preexisting abnormalities and high rates of vertebral injury in the elderly [14]. Second, ventilation must be ensured. Physical exam of the chest should focus on the presence of breath sounds (often difficult to distinguish in a loud trauma bay), tracheal deviation, chest wall movement, and presence of crepitus. If a pneumothorax is present, this injury should be addressed by needle decompression or chest tube placement. Circulation can then be assessed clinically by assessment of mental status, skin perfusion, strength of peripheral pulses, and blood pressure. Circulatory deficits need to be addressed and the source of blood loss identified and stopped. Cardiac and pulmonary contusions should not delay definitive treatment for other injuries. The primary survey should be continued to assess disability, with an awareness of the baseline neurological status of the elderly, and ensuring full exposure of the whole patient to avoid missed injuries while promoting normothermia.
The initial assessment of an elderly trauma patient should be approached very carefully, for standard triage criteria may not properly identify the gravity of their condition [15]. For example, standard physiologic triage variables, such as heart rate and systolic blood pressure, may be misleading in identifying severe injury in geriatric patients. For heart rate, an increase in mortality is seen in elderly patients once presenting heart rate is greater than 90. This same mortality effect is not seen in the 17–35-year-old trauma population until heart rates exceed 130. For systolic blood pressure, the inflection point for mortality appears to be 110 in the elderly, but 95 in the younger population [13]. While a heart rate of 92 and a systolic blood pressure of 105 usually indicates smooth sailing in the young trauma patient, it may indicate shock in the elderly trauma patient.
In blunt chest trauma, emergent ED thoracotomy is rarely successful. Reported rates of neurologically intact survival for all patients are less than 5 % if the patient is in shock and less than 1 % in those with no measureable blood pressure. Most series report no survivors in patient greater than 65 years of age [16]. At our institution, emergent ED thoracotomy for blunt trauma is not performed in the elderly due to the lack of meaningful survival and the risks to all involved.
Diagnostic Imaging
The chest radiograph (CxR) may be the single most essential test for the blunt trauma victim, and its usage is recommended for all trauma patients. CxR is not invasive, low cost, easily obtainable, and can reveal a great deal of information. The CxR should be interpreted immediately and certainly prior to transfer from the trauma bay with attention to life-threatening injuries to the airway, evidence of pneumothorax, hemothorax, or blunt aortic injury.
Bedside ultrasound is increasingly used in the evaluation of blunt trauma patients. The focused assessment with sonography for trauma (FAST) exam, which examines the hepatorenal and splenorenal spaces and the pelvis, may be performed while other resuscitative interventions occur in a hypotensive patient. A FAST exam’s true utility is the assessment for intra-abdominal fluid in the hypotensive patient, where it can reliably detect 100–150 cc of fluid [17]. FAST has less utility in the normotensive patient and cannot be reliably used to detect solid or hollow viscus injuries. At most centers an evaluation for pericardial effusion is included in the FAST exam. Collapse of the right atrium by a pericardial effusion is a sensitive indicator for cardiac tamponade. Some authors have advocated an extended FAST exam as the primary diagnostic modality for hemothorax and pneumothorax [18, 19].
Chest CT
Computed tomography (CT) scans are often utilized in the evaluation of blunt trauma and have had increased usage over the last two decades. Driving this increased utilization is the desire to reduce missed traumatic injury thereby reducing complications from delayed diagnosis [20]. Increased utilization is seen not just during initial workup but also throughout the hospital course. This trend of high utilization of CT scanning is most pronounced in the elderly patient [21]. Plurad et al. question the clinical utility of the increased utilization of this expensive test. The majority of chest CT scans in their study were performed after an initial normal CxR, and although a number of occult pneumothoraces and hemothoraces were identified, few patients were identified who had significant injury requiring treatment [22]. Significant traumatic mechanism, abnormal CxR, or patterns of associated injuries should prompt a chest CT scan in order to diagnose injuries such as blunt aortic injury or diaphragmatic hernia.
Tube Thoracostomy
Tube thoracostomy has been in the medical armamentarium since it was first described by Hippocrates. Initially a metal tube used in the treatment of empyema, it has evolved into its modern form and been used for many different medical conditions. Tube thoracostomy is often used as initial and definitive management (75–80 %) of blunt chest trauma. Pneumothorax and hemothorax are the most common indications. To place a chest tube, the chest should be prepped and draped with sterile technique and full barrier precautions: caps, gown, mask, glove, and full barrier sheet. A local anesthetic, such as lidocaine, should be infiltrated in the subcutaneous tissues and around the perineural tissue and pleura. An incision, in the fourth or fifth intercostal space in the anterior axillary line, should be carried down through skin and subcutaneous tissue down to muscle. A blunt clamp should be inserted over the top of the rib into the pleural cavity and entry confirmed with insertion of a finger. A large-bore chest tube (>28 French) should be placed and directed posterior and toward the apex [23]. The tube should be connected initially to a 20-cm wall suction with a water seal and collection system. Despite the simplicity of the procedure, it is not without complications. These complications can be classified as insertional (bleeding, parenchymal lung injury), positional (retained fluid or blood), and infective (empyema) with rates as high as 30 % in trauma victims. Routine antibiotic prophylaxis is not recommended for tube thoracostomy, particularly given the morbidity of antibiotic-associated Clostridium difficile colitis in elderly patients [24, 25].
Specific Injuries
Pulmonary Contusion
Pulmonary contusion is the most common of the potentially lethal chest injuries and is often associated with other traumatic injuries. It is caused by trauma to the lung parenchyma typically adjacent to the site of impact; however, it may also occur in a countercoup fashion. The initial diagnosis is usually made on chest radiograph or computed tomography, but these evaluations often miss the true severity, for contusions often blossom over the first 24–36 h after injury. Although contusion occurs in 75 % of all patients with significant chest trauma, the incidence may be less in the elderly patient population with a less compliant thorax. The less compliant thorax dissipates the force of the trauma within the elderly skeleton through fractures instead of transmitting the energy to the lung parenchyma. Parenchymal injury causes ventilation-perfusion inequalities with right-to-left shunt and hypoxia, which is often exacerbated by hypoventilation secondary to splinting. If pulmonary contusion is not complicated by infection, large resuscitation, or volutrauma from mechanical ventilation, contusion resolves in 3–5 days. Pulmonary contusion is a risk factor for development of ARDS and has a significant impact on mortality across all age ranges [26–28]. Treatment of pulmonary contusion includes supportive therapy and aggressive pulmonary hygiene. There is no role for prophylactic antibiotics, steroids, or diuretics in this injury.
Pneumothorax is one of the most common sequelae of blunt chest trauma. Pneumothorax is caused by trauma disrupting the lung parenchyma or tracheobronchial structures resulting in air escaping into the thoracic space. The leak of air into the thoracic cavity results in partial or complete lung parenchymal collapse. In healthy people with intact pulmonary reserve, a partial collapse may be asymptomatic. In the elderly, who often have compromised baseline pulmonary function, tachypnea and declining systemic oxygenation can occur. Continued leak of air into the chest cavity can result in increased intrathoracic pressure that decreases cardiac venous return and causes hypotension and shock. Although classic signs of tension pneumothorax, tracheal deviation, unilateral decreased breath sounds, and jugular venous distention may not be appreciable in the trauma bay, suspicion should be high and needle decompression or tube thoracostomy should be utilized liberally in hemodynamically compromised patients.
Reliance on CT scanning during the diagnostic workup of trauma has revealed a significant rate of occult pneumothoraces. These small pneumothoraces, not visible on plain film, may be observed clinically. Positive pressure ventilation is not a contraindication for observation of an occult pneumothorax, though it is critical that the diagnosis of occult pneumothorax is passed between care teams during sign-outs and hand-offs. Progression of these pneumothoraces and the need for chest tube placement is required in less than 10 % of patients. In hospitalized patients daily chest radiographs should be utilized to follow progression. Visible pneumothorax on CxR, which is a sign of continued air leak, should prompt the placement of a chest tube [29, 30].
All hemothoraces visible on plain chest radiograph should be drained by tube thoracostomy. In elderly patients with a history of trauma, the practice of ascribing a pleural fluid collection to their underlying cardiac or pulmonary condition and not placing a chest tube should be discouraged. The majority of hemothoraces following blunt trauma are easily treated by drainage and re-expansion of the lung. If bleeding continues, underlying factors such as coagulopathy, acidosis, and hypothermia should all be sought and addressed. Particular attention should be paid to the elderly on various forms of anticoagulation. Initial chest tube output of >1,500 mL and ongoing bleeding (>200 mL × 4 h) indicate injury to structures such as diaphragm, intercostal artery, or cardiac injury and requires thoracotomy. Retained hemothorax, occurring in roughly 10 % of hemothoraces, is a complication of misplaced or inadequate chest tube drainage. The blood of retained hemothorax may provide a nidus for infection that results in empyema and should be evacuated completely either by further tube thoracostomies or operative intervention – video-assisted thoracoscopy (VATS) or open thoracotomy. A retained hemothorax significantly increases the risk of formation of an empyema [31]. VATS is not contraindicated even in the very elderly (although one-lung ventilation is required) and should be utilized for posttraumatic hemothorax [32]. Open thoracotomy is indicated in ongoing bleeding, persistent large-clotted hemothorax refractory to tube thoracostomy and VATS, empyema, or need for definitive repair of injury.
Empyema is a significant complication following chest trauma, occurring in 4–5 % patients who have a traumatic hemothorax. Empyemas can be caused by multiple sources: bronchopleural fistula, parapneumonic effusion, pulmonary abscess, retained hemothorax, esophageal injury, or diaphragmatic hernia with contamination from abdominal contents. CxR is generally not useful in diagnosing an empyema because it cannot differentiate between fluid, contusion, or atelectasis. A chest CT with IV contrast is a valuable diagnostic test since it may identify a rim-enhancing lesion or visualize a loculated collection. Antibiotic therapy is an important component of treatment, but source control through drainage and/or decortication is most important.
Tracheal/Bronchial Injury
Blunt tracheobronchial injury occurs in less than 1 % of trauma patients presenting to trauma centers, though it is a common cause of prehospital mortality with these patients dying of asphyxia. While significant disruption of the tracheal/bronchial tree can present in a dramatic manner with massive subcutaneous air and continuous air leaks from chest tubes, minor injuries are often missed initially and present late with a median time to diagnosis of 6 months [33, 34]. Shear force to the intrathoracic trachea occurs at the fixed points of the carina and cricoid and most tracheobronchial injuries occur within 2.5 cm of the carina. Injury confined to the mediastinal space presents as pneumomediastinum. Injuries into the pleural space present as a pneumothorax, which may cause a persistent large air leak after tube thoracostomy. Pneumomediastinum, persistent subcutaneous emphysema without other etiology, or persistent large air leak should prompt a rigid or flexible bronchoscopy looking for a tracheobronchial injury. Minor injuries, such as mucosa injuries only and injuries in the membranous portion of the airway, can often be managed nonoperatively [35]. Even if these injuries require delayed operative intervention, good outcome can be obtained [34]. Increased age is associated with increased mortality for tracheobronchial injuries [35]. Massive, continuous air leaks or massive subcutaneous emphysema poses a significant treatment challenge. Careful fiber-optic-assisted intubation below the level of the injury can stabilize patients with injuries near the cricoid. Patients with lower injuries can be very difficult to ventilate, oxygenate, or to keep their lung expanded. In this situation, the chest tube should be removed from suction to water seal in order to decrease air leak, potentially increase tidal volumes, and provide a window to stabilize the patient prior to operative repair. Upper airway injuries can be approached surgically through a collar incision, and injuries to the carina and main stem bronchi are best approached through a right thoracotomy incision. For injuries to the left main stem bronchus greater than 1 cm away from the carina, a left thoracotomy incision may be the best approach.

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