The Long and Winding Road: Transitions in Care for the Childhood Cancer Survivor

Fig. 1.1
Major transitions associated with cancer treatment. Reproduced with permission from MacLean et al. Cancer 1996; 78(6)

For some patients, transition may also include development of relapse, and, for too many, end-of-life care. Effective management of these cancer-related transitions requires strong communication skills and anticipatory guidance born of familiarity with the underlying cancer and treatment regimen, as well as the typical clinical course.

In pediatric and adolescent oncology, however, these transitions do not occur in isolation, but rather against a backdrop of the patient’s normal physical, emotional and social development. The successive transitions of developmental maturation that begin during infancy and continue through older adolescence not only influence each patient’s response to cancer-related transitions, but also cause patients to require support during the cancer experience in order for healthy adulthood to be achieved.

One additional transition of survivorship, which arguably represents a unique convergence of both cancer-related and normal developmental components, is the one which occurs between older adolescence and young adulthood. In no other transition do we encounter the simultaneous complexities of established treatment-related health problems, emerging risks, need for ongoing medical surveillance, change from pediatric to adult-focused health care services, threats to maintaining health insurance, completion of formal education, entrance to the work force, the achievement of personal independence, and redefinition of familial and societal roles, to name a few. With more and more young people surviving childhood cancer than ever before, the need for workable approaches to health care transition in young adulthood has never been greater.

The purpose of this chapter is to provide an overview of the major transitions experienced by children and adolescents undergoing management of their cancer, especially during the long-term follow-up phase. Key issues and potential interventions for each are discussed. The principles and practice of health care transition for young adult survivors of childhood and adolescent cancer are emphasized.

1.2 Developmental Aspects of Transition

Cancer commonly affects growth and development, either directly in physical changes or through parenting and peer experiences. Physicians and other health care professionals taking care of childhood cancer survivors should have an understanding of major developmental tasks of childhood in order to normalize the cancer experience in an age-appropriate way [2, 3]. Providing appropriate support for those tasks differs somewhat according to the type of transition. As summarized in Table 1.1, during transitions associated with diagnosis and treatment, the focus for all age groups is to support patients and families through crises characterized by sudden and dramatic change, unfamiliar situations, uncertain outcomes and frightening possibilities.

Table 1.1
Developmental stages of childhood and their correlates for transitional care

Developmental stage

Selected developmental features [3]

Correlates for transitional care

Diagnosis and treatment phase

Survivorship phase

Preschool (2–5 years)

Acquisition of language and motor skills

Arrange child life interventions to minimize procedure-related anxiety

Child too young to understand the need for long-term follow-up

Formation of simple concepts of reality

Facilitate child’s understanding that illness is not a punishment

Direct anticipatory guidance about late effects towards the parents

Emotional connection with other people

Advise parents that being calm may be more comforting than explanations like “this will make you better”

Mention eventual transition to adult-focused providers

Cognitive features of magical thinking, egocentrism and dominance of perception

Middle childhood (6–12 years)

Expansion of child’s world outside the home

Provide simple explanations to child regarding diagnosis and necessary treatments

Provide simple explanation to child relating prior illness to the need for continued follow-up

Ability to get along with other children

Maintain educational progress through hospital-based school activities and school reentry programs

Continue to educate parents on late effects, health and wellness

Development of concrete operational thinking

Encourage child’s involvement in simple treatment choices (e.g., flavor of medications)

Mention eventual transition to adult-focused providers

Acquisition of adult concepts and communication (writing, reading, calculating)

Advise parents against over protectiveness and encourage normal disciplining

Advise parents against over protectiveness and encourage normal disciplining

Encourage parents to allow children to have increasing responsibilities at home and an increasing role in decisions

Early adolescence (10–13 years)

Development of formal logical operations

Provide straightforward but more detailed explanations of diagnosis and treatment

Provide straightforward but more detailed explanations about follow-up care

Awareness of changing body and interest in opposite sex

Provide support to reduce social isolation and depression through interventions such as child life therapy

Encourage increased participation in medical decision making and personal health choices

Reduced interest in family-centric activities

Supplement parental support with organized peer-support activities

Initiate discussions about eventual transition to adult providers

Increasing peer-identification

Middle adolescence (14–16 years)

Importance of physical attractiveness, popularity and self-esteem

Direct conversations towards the adolescent with active involvement in decision-making

Direct the conversation towards the adolescent with active involvement in decision-making

New understanding of abstract concepts and consequences

Provide support for body image issues, self esteem

Reserve 1-on-1 time with teen for a portion of each clinic visit

Reorientation of primary relationships from family to peer groups

Provide support to reduce social isolation and depression through adolescent support groups and teen-friendly facilities

Discuss prevention of high risk behaviors (smoking, alcohol, drug use, unprotected sex)

Start of dating

Stress importance of adherence to therapy

Discuss targets for transition readiness and provide rationale for transition to adult focused providers

Late adolescence (17–20 years and beyond)

Development of personal independence, core values, ethical principles and philosophy of life

When feasible, offer flexibility in treatment schedule to accommodate important social events, e.g., graduation

Encourage a primary role for older adolescent during clinic visits

Attainment of emotional independence

Offer internet access in hospital rooms for social networking

Provide information related to reproductive health and sexuality

Development of intimate relationships

If desired by patient, include significant other during clinic visits

Continue education about importance and rationale for life long follow-up

Emerging importance of career decisions as related to self-concept and emerging societal role

Help parents realize the need for adolescent’s privacy and developing autonomy

Encourage pursuit of higher education and provide information on survivor focused scholarships and resources

Preparation for occupation

Stress importance of adherence to therapy

Emphasize importance of preparing for employment with insurance benefits to cover continued follow-up care

Help them understand insurance options available for cancer survivors

Assess transition readiness (see Fig. 1.2) and coordinate transition to adult setting

In contrast, during transitions associated with survivorship, especially during late long-term follow-up, the focus switches to assisting patients and families with understanding and coming to terms with the persisting health problems and/or future risks resulting from cancer treatment. In both transitions, explanations should become more detailed, commensurate with the patient’s and the family’s cognitive capacity and degree of involvement in medical decision-making. In pediatric oncology, clinicians are faced with the interesting challenge of caring for older long-term survivors who were treated as young children, yet never developed insight into and understanding of their cancer and its treatment. They return year after year with little knowledge as to why they are in the cancer clinic. As these survivors mature into adolescence, it is essential they receive sufficient information about their cancer, its treatment, and the resulting health implications, in order to prepare them properly for health care transition.

1.3 The Transition from Completion of Cancer Treatment to Initial Follow-Up

This period encompasses the end of treatment until approximately 24 months after completion of treatment, during which most survivors are at the highest risk for relapse. The primary focus during this transition is to assist the patient in returning to baseline function. Ironically, toward the latter phases of treatment, many older patients develop a certain comfort level in receiving chemotherapy, especially if it is tolerated reasonably well and no relapse has occurred. The transition to end of therapy may elicit anxiety and fears related to relapse, for which many families feel unprepared [4].

One way to aid families in navigating this transition is to have a formal conference with them at the end of treatment [5]. This conference should involve at least the patient, parents and/ or significant others, the primary oncologist, and ideally the primary nurse and social worker. During this end of treatment conference, the team should briefly summarize the cancer diagnosis, the treatment received, immediate plan for follow-up, surveillance and other health recommendations. Many families are relieved to discover that they are not now “on their own,” but that cancer treatment is followed by a formal phase of surveillance with systematic monitoring initially for relapse, and then later for long-term health and well-being. Straightforward conversation about the risk and typical patterns, the timing and symptoms of relapse, when to call the oncology clinic and the specific plan for surveillance will help reduce anxiety. Parents and patients should be briefly re-educated about the relevant, major long-term effects of treatment and need for continued follow-up. This presents an excellent opportunity to introduce the concept of lifelong survivorship care and the long-term follow-up program, if such a program exists in the institution. Parents should be encouraged to re-establish their child’s care with the child’s primary care provider, whom they should now contact for any health issues except those clearly related to the cancer. Specifying when to resume childhood immunizations and normal activity should be discussed. A copy of the treatment summary and follow-up plans should be provided to the older patient, parents and the primary care provider as a roadmap or guideline for future healthcare. Names and updated contact information for organizations providing further information and support to survivors may be provided.

1.4 The Transition from Initial to Long-Term Follow-Up Care

The transition period begins approximately 2 years post-cessation of cancer treatment and continues onwards. This transition is, for most patients, open-ended in the sense that life-long surveillance is recommended for most childhood cancer survivors. The separation between initial and subsequent periods of follow-up care is not uniformly distinct, as the risk for late relapse differs by cancer diagnosis. Indeed, for institutions where referral to cancer survivorship programs occurs relatively early, long-term follow-up services can overlap and should continue parallel with disease-directed surveillance for some period of time. The primary focus of this transition is to establish the practices for risk-based monitoring and to provide related health education to the survivor and family. Whereas the major risk during the initial period of follow-up is relapse, the major risk during this later period is disengagement from medical care and failure to remain in structured follow-up.

1.4.1 Late Effects and the Need for Survivorship Care

While the incidence of childhood cancer has increased gradually over the past three decades, mortality due to childhood cancer has steadily decreased [6]. In 2005, an estimated 328, 652 childhood cancer survivors were alive in the United States [7]. The prevalence of childhood cancer survivors has been estimated to be approximately 1 in 640 among Americans aged 20–39 years [8]. These figures will undoubtedly increase in the future as survival continues to improve.

Many survivors remain at increased, life-long risk for clinically significant complications of their cancer therapy. These are commonly referred to as “late effects,” defined as any chronic or late-occurring outcome, physical or psychosocial, that persists or develops 5 years after the cancer diagnosis [8]. In an analysis of self-reported data from 10,397 survivors and 3,034 siblings, investigators from the Childhood Cancer Survivor Study (CCSS) found that the risk for a chronic or life-threatening health problem was 3.3 and 8.2 times higher, respectively, in survivors compared with their siblings. The cumulative incidence of one or more chronic health conditions reached 73.4 % 30 years after the cancer diagnosis, with a cumulative incidence of 42.4 % for conditions graded as severe, disabling, or life-threatening [9]. A study involving 1,315 survivors from the Netherlands reported similar findings [10]. The excess risk does not appear to reach a plateau with time [9, 10]. Data from the CCSS indicate that all-cause mortality is 8.4 times higher among survivors compared with the United States (US) population 25 years following cancer diagnosis [11]. Although recurrent/progressive disease accounted for most deaths, second or subsequent cancers and cardio-pulmonary late effects were noted to become important contributors over time [11]. Selected late effects by organ system, their risk factors and recommended surveillance tests are outlined in Table 1.2.

Table 1.2
Overview of selected late effects in childhood cancer survivors

Organ system

Late effect

Risk factors



Neurocognitive delay

Methotrexate, cytarabine, RT

Neuropsychological testing


Methotrexate, cytarabine, RT

Neurologic examination, MRI

Peripheral neuropathy

Vincristine, vinblastine

Neurologic examination




TSH, free T4

Growth hormone deficiency


Growth chart

Gonadal failure

RT, alkylators

Testosterone, estradiol, FSH, LH



Anthracyclines, RT

Serial echocardiography

Coronary artery disease


Clinical history

Carotid artery narrowing


Carotid artery ultrasound


Pulmonary fibrosis, restrictive or obstructive lung disease

Bleomycin, busulphan, lomustine, carmustine, RT

Chest X-ray, pulmonary function testing


Reduced GFR

Cisplatin, RT

Serum creatinine

Tubular dysfunction

Cisplatin, ifosfamide

Serum electrolytes, Mg, Phos

Hemorrhagic cystitis, bladder fibrosis

Cyclophosphamide, ifosfamide, RT




Alkylators, RT

Clinical history, specialty assessment




Liver function test

Chronic enterocolitis


Clinical history



Clinical history



Corticosteroids, methotrexate

Bone density measurement

Osteonecrosis (AVN)


Clinical examination, MRI

Altered bone growth


Clinical examination



Corticosteroids, RT

Regular eye examination


Hearing loss, tinnitus

Cisplatin, RT

Audiological evaluation


Dental caries, dry mouth, dental maldevelopment


Regular dental examination


Post-traumatic stress syndrome, interpersonal difficulties, special educational needs, career and vocational challenges, insurance deficits

The cancer experience; functional disabilities arising from specific late effects

Clinical history, psychological evaluation, social work assessment

Secondary neoplasms

Melanoma, breast carcinoma, thyroid carcinoma, sarcoma, bowel cancer, brain tumor


Site specific surveillance

Acute myeloid leukemia/myelodysplastic syndrome

Etoposide, anthracyclines, RT

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