No of trials/patients
Stroke OR (95% CI)
Death OR (95% CI)
MI OR (95% CI)
Stroke/death OR (95% CI)
Favours CEA 1.81 (1.40–2.34)
No difference 1.59 (0.94–2.70)
Favours CAS 0.44 (0.28–0.87)
Favours CEA 1.75 (1.29–1.31)
14.5.11 Aggressive Medical Management in Intracranial Stenosis
Persistent, aggressive management of medical risks of stroke combined with 90 days of dual antiplatelet therapy proved very successful in reducing the risk of stroke in severe intracranial arterial stenosis in the Stenting and Aggressive Medical Management for Preventing Recurrent Stroke in Intracranial Stenosis (SAMMPRIS) trial. Four hundred fifty-one patients with recent TIA or stroke related to 70–99% stenosis of a major intracranial artery had either aggressive medical management or aggressive medical management plus stenting with the Wingspan stent. By 30 days, 14.7% of 224 patients in the stenting group and 5.8% of 227 patients in the medical group had died or had a stroke. During a median follow-up of 32.4 months, 15% of 227 patients in the medical group and 23% of 224 patients in the stenting group had had a primary endpoint (one of stroke or death within 30 days of enrolment, ischaemic stroke in the territory of the affected artery more than 30 days after enrolment or stroke or death within 30 days after a revascularization procedure of the arterial stenosis during follow-up). Beyond 30 days, 21 (10%) of 210 patients in the medical group and 19 (10%) of 191 patients in the stenting group had a primary endpoint.
Medical management was identical in the two groups:
Aspirin 325 mg per day, clopidogrel 75 mg per day for 90 days after enrolment
Treatment of the primary risk factors
Raised systolic blood pressure target <140 mmHg, <130 mmHg for patients with diabetes
Low-density lipoprotein levels < 70 mg/dL (1.81 mmol/L)
Treatment of secondary risk factors
Diabetes, elevated non-high-density lipoprotein [non-HDL] cholesterol levels, smoking, excess weight and insufficient exercise with the help of a lifestyle modification programme
Aspirin, clopidogrel, one drug from each major class of antihypertensive agents, rosuvastatin and the lifestyle programme were provided free to the study patients [26].
14.6 The Pathological Causes of Ischaemic Stroke
Almost all acute ischaemic stroke results from arterial occlusion, with hypoperfusion during shock or anaesthesia a rare cause, identified from the context and by watershed infarcts at the junction of the middle cerebral artery with the anterior and posterior cerebral circulations. The classification of stroke mechanism used in the TOAST trial is a useful way of categorizing stroke clinically [27].
- 1.
Large-artery atherosclerosis (aorta, carotid, vertebral, basilar)
- 2.
Cardiogenic embolism—atrial fibrillation by far the most common cause
- 3.
Lacunar infarction—small-vessel disease related to age, diabetes mellitus and hypertension
- 4.
Rare causes (e.g. dissection, vasculitis, prothrombotic states)
- 5.
Despite adequate investigation
Due to inadequate investigation
The cause of ischaemic stroke remains uncertain despite a complete diagnostic evaluation in 20–40% of cases (cryptogenic stroke). A significant proportion of this group may be due to intermittent atrial fibrillation (AF) [28].
14.6.1 Large-Artery Atherosclerosis
Large artery-to-artery embolism causes about 40% of ischaemic strokes.
The most common identified cause of ischaemic stroke is large artery-to-artery embolism. Focal brain infarction results from interruption of blood flow, most commonly from emboli from thrombi on the surface of atheromatous plaques in large arteries, the aorta or its major branches and particularly the internal carotid vertebral and basilar arteries. Rarely emboli may break off from thrombi formed on dissected flaps of the arterial wall.
14.6.2 Large-Artery Thrombotic Occlusion
Large-artery (carotid or vertebral) occlusion by thrombosis developing on atheroma is considerably less common causing less than 10% of infarcts [29].
14.6.3 Cardiogenic Embolism
Cardiac embolism causes between 20% and 30% of ischaemic strokes.
The most important cardiac cause is non-valvular atrial fibrillation. Known paroxysmal AF is thought to as likely as permanent atrial fibrillation to cause stroke. Occult paroxysmal AF is believed to be a significant cause of large cortical strokes when there is no other apparent cause and particularly when there have been typical wedge-shaped cortical lesions in two different vascular territories. The frequency and duration of attacks of AF necessarily being a significant risk factor for stroke are under active investigation with implantable and wearable prolonged recording devices and indirectly by assessing the value of anticoagulation compared with antiplatelet therapy after likely embolic stroke of unknown cause. Since AF is a marker for more severe cardiovascular and arterial disease, some patients in AF, estimated to be about 25%, will have another cause for stroke [30]. The rate of recurrent stroke in non-valvular AF patients is about 4% in a month. After stroke or TIA when the patient is in sinus rhythm, particularly when the stroke syndrome is a PACI with normal carotids, or large POCI, and particularly if there are multiple lesions in two vascular territories, the possibility of cardiac embolism and intermittent AF needs to be considered. Different strategies have been proposed to detect intermittent AF after stroke from repeated ECGs to Holter monitor to 48 h of continuous cardiac monitoring with different detection rates [28]. It is likely that in the future detection may require several months monitoring with an implantable device. The CRYSTAL AF study in 441 patients found that long-term monitoring with an insertable cardiac monitor (ICM) detected atrial fibrillation (lasting >30 s) by 6 months after stroke in 8.9% of patients in the ICM group versus 1.4% of patients in the control group (hazard ratio, 6.4; 95% CI, 1.9–21.7) [28].
Other causes of cardiac embolism:
Venous emboli may pass through a patent foramen ovale to the cerebral arteries—particularly if there is associated atrial septal aneurysm.
Cardiac emboli may arise from mural thrombi after acute myocardial infarction or from scars and akinetic segments of longer standing.
Prosthetic cardiac valves or valvular heart disease
Post-cardiac surgery
Infective endocarditis
(Rare) Marantic endocarditis (often in cancer patients)
(Very rarely) Atrial myxoma or fibroelastoma
14.6.4 Small-Vessel Disease: Lacunar Infarction
Small deep infarcts result from occlusion of single small perforating arteries. The most common sites are in the internal capsule from occlusion of perforating striate branches of the M1 segment of the middle cerebral artery deep in the Sylvian fissure, posterior cerebral perforators to the thalamus and paramedian basilar perforators to the pons. The occlusion is usually local thrombosis of arterial wall damaged and narrowed by lipohyalinosis associated with age, hypertension and diabetes. Less commonly occlusion may be embolic from a proximal source (heart, aorta, carotid).
14.6.5 Collateral Circulation and Its Effect on Infarct Size and Location After Vessel Occlusion
The state of the brain arterial collateral circulation often determines the size and location of infarction after arterial occlusion.
The anterior, middle and posterior cerebral arteries are not end arteries. Collaterals exist between the arteries across the distal boundaries of their territories. After occlusion of one intracerebral artery, significant perfusion from the surrounding arteries often limits infarct size. For example, after occlusion of the proximal middle cerebral artery by embolism, the size of the resulting infarct is determined by collateral flow from the anterior and posterior cerebrals. Infarct after MCA proximal occlusion may be restricted to the deep grey and white matter supplied by the occluded striate vessels, sparing the overlying subcortical white matter and cortex, or larger infarcts up to the entire MCA territory.
In internal carotid occlusion, collateral flow through the anterior communicating artery and posterior cerebral branches may prevent any infarction (see below).
When the internal carotid is occluded, ischaemia may be confined to small patchy infarcts in watershed areas in a parasagittal arc at the boundaries between territories of the anterior, middle and posterior cerebral arteries or lead to large infarcts in part of or the entire middle and anterior cerebral arterial territories. The resulting stroke syndrome may stutter over hours or days and fluctuate, possibly worsening with erect posture. The clinical defects may be subtle because the functional areas affected are relatively silent affecting shoulder and trunk rather than limb motor function, higher cortical visual function and the anterior frontal lobe.
In the vertebrobasilar circulation, basilar artery occlusion may cause paramedian pontine perforator occlusion or more extensive often catastrophic midbrain and pontine infarction, producing coma if the midbrain is involved and locked-in syndrome if confined to the pons.
In about 10% of people the posterior cerebral artery originates from the internal carotid via the posterior communicating artery so that occipital lobe infarction may result from carotid territory disease. For this reason isolated PCA territory occipital infarcts should have cervical carotid and Circle of Willis arterial imaging. Conversely a large posterior communicating artery may preserve the occipital and inferior temporal lobes after basilar occlusion.
14.6.6 Venous Infarction
Venous infarction after venous sinus thrombosis is uncommon and occurs in prothrombotic states from oestrogen-containing oral contraceptives and in inflammatory bowel disease. It usually presents as a parasagittal haemorrhagic infarction, often with headache, occasionally thunderclap, and seizures.
14.7 Acute Assessment
14.7.1 What Is Wrong with This Patient: When to Suspect Stroke
The essence of the diagnosis of ischaemic stroke is deciding whether or not there has been sudden or very rapid onset of a focal brain defect, while excluding mimics, particularly persistent deficits after focal seizures, or migraines particularly with aphasia or hemiparesis, and from functional illness—see mimics section. Primary confusion or depressed consciousness without focal signs is unlikely to be due to stroke and more likely due to encephalopathy, sepsis, meningitis, encephalitis or sometimes persistent seizure.
14.7.2 The Clinical Approach to Suspected Acute Stroke Where Thrombolysis or Clot Retrieval Is Possible
The evaluation of suspected acute stroke is urgent, since if thrombolysis is possible within 4.5 h of stroke, a worthwhile improvement in outcome is likely. If there is ICA or proximal MCA occlusion, recanalization with IV thrombolysis is unlikely, but provided that intraarterial clot extraction commences before 6 h from the onset of symptoms, the chance of recovery disability-free will be improved. The earlier these measures are undertaken, the better the outcome so that no time can be wasted.
14.7.3 History
Summary Points
When and how did this illness start?
This account should come directly from the patient if at all possible, from the relatives if they can’t communicate effectively and/or when the patient has finished.
What are all the symptoms?
How long has each one been present?
This is implicit in an account of the presenting illness, but it pays to check if everything noticed has been reported and first awareness clarified.
What has happened since (progression of any defects, any new problems)?
Any suggestion of recent systemic complaints that might suggest less common causes: cancer, endocarditis, vasculitis, etc.
History, medications particularly anticoagulants or antiplatelets, matters relevant to safety of thrombolysis and previous functional status must all be covered quickly.
The diagnostic process begins with the recognition usually from the patient’s, sometimes a witness’s, account of their illness, of the abrupt or rapid onset of symptoms most likely to arise from a focal CNS defect (and not from a cranial nerve, such as Bell’s palsy, or from a peripheral nerve or spinal root causing wrist and finger or foot drop). The sudden or rapid evolution suggests ischaemic stroke, particularly combined with the focal impairment of CNS function. The clinical defects in most ischaemic strokes develop over seconds to a few minutes, but defects may fluctuate and in rare cases continue to worsen over several days.
14.7.4 Examination Approach: Use the NIH Stroke Score
Use the NIH stroke score as the skeleton of your examination approach supplemented with attention to pupils, eye movements and, if practical, ability to walk. The NIHSS is a very useful guide to important aspects of the examination, especially for language, and can be performed very quickly. Most of the necessary NIHSS observations are covered in the quick screening examination also designed to identify and localize any relevant brain lesion outlined below ( Scale.pdf). There is more than one app available—I use 10-Second NIHSS for iPhone. How to Examine the Suspected Stroke Patient
Use the NIH stroke scale as a guide, by checking for Horner’s and checking pupils, expanded where brainstem or cerebellar stroke is suspected looking for nystagmus, squint and pursuit horizontal eye movements.
The point is to establish presence or absence of stupor, coma, delirium or major language defect at the outset usually evident either on entering the room or after attempting to obtain a brief account of the symptoms and their onset. Very quickly,in 2 or 3 minutes, determine whether there is obvious evidence of a significant focal brain lesion by examining first the hemisphere, then the brain stem functions. Examination should screen rapidly for occipital (hemianopia), parietal (sensation and neglect), frontal (motor, language) and prefrontal (eye deviation and responsiveness) function. Then if still relevant look for brainstem dysfunction (pupil inequality, ocular misalignment, gaze palsy, nystagmus, new unilateral deafness, Horner’s syndrome, isolated crossed hemi face and body loss of pain and temperature sensation), and lastly check cerebellar function including, if practical, walking. At this point, you should be able to decide if there is a focal brain lesion compatible with stroke and whether the lesion is a:
TACI—a combination of unilateral field defect or inattention, sensory loss or inattention, hemiparesis and head and eye deviation.
PACI—one or a less disabling combination of focal cortical dysfunctions.
LACI or POCI—see later discussion of typical syndromes in an emergency setting after resuscitation if any.
Establish responsiveness to question, to voice or if necessary to physical stimuli or to pain,
Language function—if relevant—test comprehension: “Show me your right hand|left hand|both hands”. This may also identify perseveration, a sign of anterior frontal lobe involvement.
Exclude severe metabolic encephalopathy, if relevant, by testing orientation and the ability to register and recall, after interruption by a working memory task, three objects. Useful working memory tasks include naming the months of the year, or spelling WORLD, backwards.
Look for head and eye deviation (if present, the person will almost always be poorly responsive) and lower facial weakness.
Screen quickly for a field defect or inattention by hand and then finger counting in right and left hemifields.
Test upper and lower quadrants.
Test on the right, then on the left and then on both fields together for inattention.
If the patient can’t respond but eyes are open, make small finger movements in each quadrant and observe the response.
Horner’s syndrome.
Nystagmus, gaze paralysis, ocular misalignment, pupil size and reactions.
Hemiparesis using the NIHSS method of sustained ability to elevate each limb, supplemented by a test of finger and foot dexterity (moving each finger to the thumb in turn, rapid foot tapping).
Ataxia by finger nose, heel shin tests and if reasonable standing and walking a few steps.
Sensory loss to single light finger touches on the face, dorsum of the hands and feet, testing right, left, and both at once in random order (for sensory neglect). Pain should be tested by pin prick on then same areas: cheek and the dorsum of the hands and of the feet.
14.7.5 Stroke Mimics
Stroke mimics need to be excluded. Migraine, seizure and functional syndromes are the most common, and the inability to speak is one of the more common stroke mimic presentations (and challenging to distinguish from global aphasia).
Recognition of post-ictal states after unobvious seizures can be challenging. Past known epilepsy is helpful, as is initial obtundation clearing during the acute assessment. Prolonged post-ictal aphasia, hemianopia and hemiplegia all may occur without there having been a preceding recognized partial or generalized seizure.
Sudden global aphasia without weakness can be due to TIA, stroke, seizure or migraine and is quite commonly functional. If available, urgent MRI DWI scan is ideal.
Functional weakness is common, especially in the setting of acute severe headache. Particularly useful guides to definite functional weakness in the setting of emergency assessment are the dropped shoulder sign on testing shoulder abduction and a give-way pattern of jerky weakness. Normal motor power can be demonstrated in suspected functional leg weakness by having the patient stand, using the examiner for balance, and while holding one leg off the ground 1. Rise to tip toe, lifting their body weight off the ground showing ankle plantar flexion is normal; and 2. perform a partial knee bend followed by straightening the leg – showing hip and knee extension are normal. It can be helpful to the patient’s recovery to point out that power can be normal with some activities but not others – see for an in depth discussion of functional symptoms by Dr. Jon Stone intended to help patients get better.
Global cognitive impairment from metabolic encephalopathy (ME) is sometimes mistaken for stroke—attention to onset and progression of symptoms and awareness of this entity should avoid this problem. Depressed consciousness alone is a highly unusual presentation for stroke, since upper brainstem infarction affecting the reticular activating system is required and is invariably accompanied by either or both of pupil inequality and ocular misalignment. In ME/delirium, there is usually impaired arousal either sleepiness or, particularly in postoperative delirium, hypervigilance with agitation. Language if affected at all shows mild nominal aphasia not sufficiently severe to impair communication. The striking and definitive abnormalities are with attention and concentration tested rapidly and effectively by orientation in place and time and the ability to register three objects and then recall them after a working memory task such as subtraction of serial sevens or days of the week backwards. In the usual case, even registration of the three objects is unsuccessful. There may be lack of cooperation with formal neurological examination in the presence of observable bilateral limb use. Other typical features (when present) include multifocal myoclonic jerks and asterixis.
Occasionally, the apparently acute onset of Bell’s palsy, peroneal nerve palsy and particularly radial nerve palsy, the latter usually acquired from compression while intoxicated or sedated, is mistaken for stroke.
Bell’s palsy symptoms often begin in mild form on the preceding day and are much worse on the day of presentation. The constellation of face LMN weakness, “numbness”, unilateral loss of taste, pain behind the ear and hyperacusis in the same ear are common in Bell’s palsy and do not occur in stroke. There is no other cranial nerve (horizontal diplopia from the sixth nerve as it curves around the seventh nerve nucleus in the brainstem) or long tract signs such as arm or leg weakness. Speech, language and swallowing are not affected.
Radial nerve palsy from compression against the humerus while intoxicated produces weakness of wrist, finger and thumb extensors, and the flexed wrist and finger posture causes finger abduction to be weak, unless tested with the forearm, hand and fingers on a flat surface. Peroneal nerve palsy causes characteristic weakness of ankle dorsiflexion and eversion with normal inversion (performed by tibial nerve innervated tibialis posterior) never seen in acute stroke. Knee and ankle jerks and ankle plantar flexion are normal. The lower motor neuron weakness causes a typical flaccid flopping down of the foot when walking. Symptoms of nerve compression may be first noticed on waking and are often the result of peripheral nerve compression during deeper than usual sleep from intoxication. Partial anaesthesia with alcohol, sedatives and/or analgesia for chronic pain is the common cause and often either not mentioned or flatly denied.
Vertigo may be due to stroke but is most often due to idiopathic episodic vertigo, commonly due to migraine.
14.7.6 How to Think About Stroke: Where Is the Lesion (and What Is Its Prognosis)
The Oxford stroke study categorization of stroke cases is both a guide to the examination findings most useful to determine lesion location and severity and a guide to likely outcome. Lesions were divided on clinical grounds into:
Total anterior circulation infarct—TACI
Patients with large acute lesions of the MCA territory are easily recognized. In the dominant hemisphere, aphasia is a distinctive feature. In the non-dominant hemisphere, speech is often dysarthric, and there will be sensory and visual neglect or hemianopia. If there is a large premotor lesion, the head and eyes will be deviated away from the lesion, with apathy and reduced responsiveness.
Area affected (dominant hemisphere) |
Signs |
Dorsal anterior frontal lobe |
The head and eyes will be deviated acutely towards the side of the lesion |
Lateral anterior frontal lobe |
Expressive dysphasia |
Superior temporal lobe |
Receptive aphasia |
Dorsal posterior frontal |
Motor control of face (especially upper lip, often the cheek), arm and leg |
Dorsal anterior parietal |
Sensory loss |
Posterior parietal lobe |
Hemianopia Nondominant hemisphere |
Dorsal anterior frontal lobe |
The head and eyes will be deviated acutely towards the side of the lesion |
Lateral anterior frontal lobe |
None |
Superior temporal lobe |
None |
Dorsal posterior frontal |
Motor control of face (especially upper lip, often the cheek), arm and leg |
Dorsal anterior parietal |
Sensory loss |
Posterior parietal lobe |
Hemianopia, visual inattention, sensory inattention |
- 1.
Partial anterior circulation infarct—PACI
Small cortical infarcts in the posterior cerebral, MCA or anterior cerebral territory will cause one or more components of the TACI syndrome, hemianopia with or without sensory loss, sensory and/or visual neglect in the nondominant hemisphere, receptive or expressive aphasia in the dominant hemisphere and paralysis largely confined to the mid-face and upper limb in the MCA territory or the leg only in the anterior CA territory.
Determining that there is a unilateral hemisphere cortical lesion and its extent means systematically checking for these easily recognized signs of focal brain dysfunction.
- 2.
Lacunar infarct—LACI
Lacunar syndromes tend to affect face, arm and leg with equal severity, usually with no defect of language or of sensory neglect (with occasional exceptions) or visual field defect, headache, drowsiness or vomiting. Pure motor stroke and sensorimotor stroke tend to occur in the genu or front part of the posterior limb of the internal capsule or ventral pons dysarthric clumsy hand; ataxic hemiparesis tend to occur in the more posterior part of the internal capsule, most likely in the territory of perforators from the posterior cerebral artery or in the pons. Pure sensory stroke occurs in the thalamic classical lacunar syndromes:
Pure motor hemiparesis
Pure sensory stroke
Sensorimotor stroke
Ataxic hemiparesis
Dysarthria/clumsy hand syndrome
Vertebrobasilar territory
Posterior circulation infarcts—POCI
The top of the basilar syndrome and basilar occlusion
Pontine paramedian lesions
Lateral medullary syndrome
Cerebellar infarcts
Cerebellar hemisphere
∗ F-N-F and H-S ataxia
Cerebellar vermis (midline)
∗ Broad-based unsteady gait only
Acute vertigo
Vertigo may be the sole obvious clinical feature of stroke, particularly if the HINTS criteria are met. HINTS (horizontal VOR, multidirectional nystagmus and test of skew, a cover test to demonstrate vertical ocular misalignment when fixing on a Snellen chart letter or similar improvised fixation target) [31]. The brainstem or inferior cerebellar lesions are small, and early MRI DWI is only about 80% sensitive. A delayed scan after 48 hours is more likely to identify the lesion. Vertigo is more commonly due to peripheral vestibular lesions; most of these are episodic idiopathic acute vertigo—the classic cause, inflammatory vestibular neuritis, is fairly rare with an incidence of ~3/100,000/year. A few are typical Meniere’s with unilateral deafness, roaring tinnitus and acute vertigo lasting 30–75 min with reversing horizontal nystagmus. Some are clearly migrainous in migraine sufferers with typical headaches at the time of the dizziness; many others are a similar idiopathic syndrome usually suspected to be a migraine aura with or without headache. Vertigo can last weeks in the absence of abnormal signs. Occasionally with migrainous vertigo, there may be positioning nystagmus with head down to right, to left and in the midline.
In this patient group, the examination features of particular importance are:
The pupil size and eyelid position (Horner’s syndrome suggesting lateral medullary location)
Together with pinprick perception on the face, hands and feet
Nystagmus (horizontal-rotatory beating in only one direction suggests a vestibular lesion and multidirectional a central cause)
Horizontal voluntary and pursuit eye movements
The horizontal vestibulo-ocular reflex (HVOR) tested by brisk head rotation while fixing the eyes on the examiner’s nose, normal in brainstem stroke and abnormal in acute unilateral peripheral vestibular lesions
Palate deviation
Limb ataxia
Inability to walk
The patient with a peripheral vestibular nystagmus tends to have a narrow-based gait and to wander to one side but not fall; the patient with a large cerebellar lesion typically cannot walk unsupported.
Patients whose only obvious clinical problems are vomiting and inability to walk should be suspected of large-volume cerebellar infarction or haemorrhage—the fatal gastroenteritis described by CM Fisher. Sudden deterioration from brainstem compression by the swollen cerebellum can cause death in a matter of minutes [32]. Vertebral, Basilar and Posterior Cerebral Artery Stroke
Posterior cerebral artery infarcts and posterior cerebral arteries. The proximal PCA branches supply the paramedian midbrain, medial and posterolateral thalamus. The superficial PCA branches supply the occipital lobes, inferior and medial temporal lobes and medial parietal lobes. Visual field defects are the most common defect, but dominant PCA infarction of the splenium of the corpus callosum may cause alexia without agraphia from disconnection of the right medial occipital lobe. Medial thalamic or dominant medial temporal lobe can cause memory loss nondominantly, and usually PCA infarction may cause inability to recognize faces or prosopagnosia (infarction is usually bilateral). See Caplan for full details of the effects of unilateral and bilateral posterior cerebral infarcts [33].
Basilar artery occlusion
Top of the basilar syndrome [33]
Infarction of the thalamus and midbrain region vertical eye movement abnormalities—usually no voluntary or reflex movement up or down, convergence retraction nystagmus, convergence of one or both eyes causing pseudo-sixth nerve palsies, sometimes vertical skew, small pupils poorly reactive to light with infarction lower in the midbrain, fixed mid-position pupils or bilateral third nerve palsies, drowsiness or stupor from reticular activating system involvement, hallucinations and usually vivid and well-formed attacks of clonic movements of the limbs often mistaken for seizures
Occlusion of pontine paramedian perforator or short circumferential branch arteries
Unilateral infarction affects:
Corticospinal tracts—contralateral limb weakness
Corticobulbar tracts—contralateral dysarthria, dysphonia and dysphagia
Medial lemniscus—contralateral
When this occurs as a TIA, the bulbar symptoms are often described in a manner implying dysphasia.
Locked-in syndrome bilateral occlusion of paramedian perforators or short circumferential branch arteries, most likely from thrombosis on local atheroma, is likely to cause extensive bilateral pontine infarction, resulting in the locked-in syndrome. The degree of awareness depends on the state of the rostral part of the pontine reticular formation.
Superior cerebellar artery
Ipsilateral limb ataxia sometimes with headache, vertigo and nystagmus
Rarely with ipsilateral Horner’s, contralateral loss of pain and temperature and contralateral fourth nerve palsy
Anterior inferior cerebellar artery
Vertigo, nystagmus, dysarthria, ipsilateral tinnitus, deafness, Horner’s, contralateral loss of pain and temperature, facial weakness, numbness, gaze palsy and dysmetria
Isolated vertigo (rarely)
Lateral medullary syndrome
Vertebral or posterior inferior cerebellar artery occlusion
Cerebellar infarction causing isolated vertigo may cause isolated vertigo, and at times the responsible lesion in the inferior cerebellum (PICA territory) can be large. 10.4% of 240 cases with isolated cerebellar infarction had clinical features suggesting vestibular neuritis. In 96% there was isolated spontaneous prolonged vertigo with imbalance as the sole manifestation. In one case, the presentation was the same but was followed 2 days later by further neurological deficits. The most common infarct location, in 96%, is in the medial branch of the posterior inferior cerebellar artery territory and in a single case by the anterior inferior cerebellar artery territory [34].
Lesion |
Symptoms and signs |
Vestibular nuclei |
Vertigo, oscillopsia, nystagmus, vertical diplopia
Vertical skew—ipsilateral eye (on the side of the lesions) downwards |
Inferior cerebellar peduncle |
Truncal ataxia, ipsilateral limb ataxia |
Spinothalamic tract |
Loss of pain and temperature contralateral limbs |
Spinal trigeminal nucleus and descending tract |
Loss of pain and temperature on the ipsilateral face |
Nucleus ambiguus |
Weakness of the ipsilateral palate, pharynx and larynx |
Descending sympathetic |
Ipsilateral Horner’s syndrome |
An interesting sign is horizontal deviation of the eyes behind closed lids towards the lesion from loss of tonic vestibular input from the side of the lesion.
14.7.7 Case Fatality Rates and Functional Status: Data from the Oxford Community Stroke Project
Whole territory
Cortical only
ALL | |
30 days | |||||
Dead |
2 |
39 |
4 |
7 |
10 |
Dependent |
36 |
56 |
39 |
31 |
39 |
Independent |
62 |
4 |
56 |
62 |
50 |
6 months | |||||
Dead |
7 |
56 |
10 |
14 |
18 |
Dependent |
26 |
39 |
34 |
18 |
29 |
Independent |
66 |
4 |
55 |
68 |
52 |
1 year | |||||
Dead |
11 |
60 |
16 |
19 |
23 |
Dependent |
28 |
36 |
29 |
19 |
28 |
Independent |
60 |
4 |
55 |
62 |
49 |
The key point is that the outcome from large MCA strokes is very poor. 4/10 will be dead inside a month and more than half within 6 months. All other strokes do fairly well, with low immediate death rate and two-thirds independent at 3 months.
14.7.8 Malignant MCA Infarcts
Life-threatening brain swelling occurs in up to 10% of patients with middle cerebral artery (MCA) infarct. Prognosis is poor, death rate nearly 80%. No medical treatment is effective. Deterioration from raised intracranial pressure causes increasing drowsiness with Cheyne–Stokes respiration within 24 h in up to a third, but more commonly begins between the second and fifth day after stroke.
If an MCA infarct has occurred larger than 50% of the MCA territory on CT scan, irrespective of thrombolysis and clot retrieval, and the patient is otherwise healthy and under age 60, the outlook for reduced disability and improved survival is significantly better after decompressive hemicraniectomy. The outcome is better still if this is done early before significant deterioration and in all cases must be done within 48 h of the stroke.
Pooled analysis of 93 patients from three trials with decompressive surgery undertaken within 48 h of stroke onset showed that substantially more patients in the decompressive-surgery group had an mRS ≤4 with 51% absolute risk difference, an mRS ≤3 with 23% absolute risk difference and survived with 50% absolute risk difference for numbers needed to treat two for survival with mRS ≤4, four for survival with mRS ≤3 and two for survival regardless of functional outcome.
The infarct volume criteria used in the three pooled RCTs were as follows: more than 145 cm3 on diffusion-weighted MRI in DECIMAL, brain CT ischaemic changes affecting more than two-thirds of the MCA territory including the basal ganglia in DESTINY and brain CT ischaemic changes affecting at least two-thirds of the MCA territory with space-occupying oedema in HAMLET [35].
14.7.9 How to Think About Stroke: What Caused the Stroke Investigation of the Cause of Ischaemic Stroke
The vast majority of strokes are due to complications of atheroma, atrial fibrillation, other obvious cardiac embolic sources or small-vessel disease. Twenty per cent are due to a clinically obvious cardiac embolic source, atrial fibrillation, myocardial infarction or valvular heart disease. A further 10% considered due to an occult source such as intermittent AF, patent foramen ovale with Atrial Septal Aneurysm,or to bacterial endocarditis. About 20% are due to small-vessel disease, where age, predisposition, hypertension and diabetes are the important causes. Hyperhomocysteinemia is a rare treatable cause, 40% to atheroembolism, typically from carotid or vertebral blood vessels, occasionally in showers from the proximal aorta. A small percentage are due to occlusion by local thrombosis over atheromatous plaque in the extra- or intracranial circulation and to other less common causes including arterial wall diseases dissection, FMD, moyamoya, HIV and thrombotic tendency especially cancer.
Rational secondary prevention begins with accurate diagnosis. Has there been an infarct or infarcts? Where? Is there an identifiable cause? Should other causes be sought?
In parallel ECG, for anterior circulation infarcts, carotid duplex ultrasound and 48 h of monitoring to exclude AF should be undertaken. Echocardiography is often useful but may not be readily available. Studies for thrombotic tendency are not often useful and are often restricted. Has There Been an Acute Infarct?
When intervention is a realistic option, the first step is to determine whether there has or has not been acute infarction. Often acute infarct will be obvious from the admission or a subsequent CT scan. If this completely explains the stroke syndrome, no further investigation is needed. MRI with DWI sequence is the only satisfactory way to identify all acute infarcts, and discovery of multiple lesions in different territories is invaluable information. Stroke Mechanism and Radiological Investigation
Besides, determination of the underlying mechanism of stroke is difficult in up to 40% of cases [8]. MRI with DWI and either MRA or CTA as early as practical are very helpful in identifying the location, size and therefore likely cause of single infarcts or in alerting the clinician to multiple infarcts in more than one arterial territories necessarily of cardiac or aortic origin. DWI is thought to be about 80% sensitive to posterior circulation infarction and to be more likely positive after a brief delay of 48 h [36].

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