Regulation of the Immune Response

Chapter 11 Regulation of the Immune Response


Many factors govern the outcome of any immune response. These include the antigen itself, its dose and route of administration, and the genetic background of the individual responding to antigenic challenge. A variety of control mechanisms serve to restore the immune system to a resting state when the response to a given antigen is no longer required.

The APC has an important effect on the immune response through its ability to provide co-stimulation to T cells and by the production of cytokines and chemokines that influence both the nature and make-up of the ensuing reponse. In addition, APC heterogeneity aids in the promotion of different modes of immune response.

T cells regulate the immune response. Cytokine production by T cells influences the type of immune response elicited by antigen. CD4+ T cells can differentiate into several effector phenotypes such as TH1, TH2 or TH17. These subsets play important roles in the protection of the host against a diversity of pathogen challenges. Regulatory T cells may belong to the CD4 or CD8 subpopulations. They may inhibit responses via a variety of mechanisms such as via cell-to-cell contact or by the production of the anti-inflammatory cytokines IL-10 and TGFβ.

Immunoglobulins can influence the immune response. They may act positively, through the formation of immune complexes, or negatively, by reducing antigenic challenge or by feedback inhibition of B cells.

Selective migration of lymphocyte subsets to different sites can modulate the local type of immune response because different TH subsets respond to different sets of chemokines.

The neuroendocrine system influences immune responses. Cells from both systems share similar ligands and receptors, which permit cross-interactions between them. Corticosteroids in particular downregulate TH1 responses and macrophage activation.

Genetic factors influence the immune system and include both MHC-linked and non-MHC-linked genes. They affect the level of immune response and susceptibility to infection.

Ideally, an immune response is mounted quickly to clear away a pathogenic challenge with the minimum of collateral damage and then the system is returned to a resting state once the antigen is eliminated. The immune response, like many other biological systems, is therefore subject to a variety of control mechanisms. Additional mechanisms help regulate the levels of immunopathology that are often a necessary sacrifice for pathogen elimination. An insufficient immune response can result in an individual being overwhelmed by infection. An inappropriate, or over vigorous immune response can lead to high levels of immunopathology or even autoimmunity (see Chapter 20). The balance between these two is therefore critical.

At its most basic, an effective immune response is an outcome of the interplay between antigen and a network of immunologically competent cells. The nature of the immune response, both qualitatively and quantitatively, is determined by many factors, including:

Specific antibodies may also modulate the immune response to an antigen.

Regulation by antigen

T cells and B cells are activated by antigen after effective engagement of their antigen-specific receptors together with appropriate co-stimulation. Repeated antigen exposure is required to maintain T and B cell proliferation, and during an effective immune response there is often a dramatic expansion of specifically reactive effector cells.

At the end of an immune response, reduced antigen exposure results in a reduced expression of IL-2 and its receptor, leading to apoptosis of the antigen-specific T cells. The majority of antigen-specific cells therefore die at the end of an immune response leaving a minor population of long-lived T and B cells to survive and give rise to the memory population.

Antigen route of administration can determine whether an immune response occurs

The route of administration of antigen has been shown to influence the immune response:

For example, rodents that have been fed ovalbumin do not respond effectively to a subsequent challenge with the corresponding antigen. This phenomenon may have some therapeutic value in allergy. Studies have shown that oral administration of a T cell epitope of the Der p1 allergen of house dust mite (Dermatophagoides pteronyssimus) could tolerize to the whole antigen. The potential mechanisms of such tolerance induction include anergy, immune deviation, and the generation of regulatory T cells that act through the production of cytokines such as TGFβ and IL-10.

Similar observations have been made when antigen is given as an aerosol. Studies in mice have shown that aerosol administration of an encephalitogenic peptide of myelin basic protein (MBP) inhibits the development of experimental allergic encephalomyelitis (EAE) that would normally be induced by a conventional (subcutaneous) administration of the peptide (Fig. 11.2).

A clear example of how different routes of administration affect the outcome of the immune response is provided by studies of infection with lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus (LCMV). Mice primed subcutaneously with peptide in incomplete Freund’s adjuvant develop immunity to LCMV. However, if the same peptide is repeatedly injected intraperitoneally the animal becomes tolerized and cannot clear the virus (Fig. 11.3).

Regulation by the antigen presenting cell

The nature of the APC initially presenting the antigen may determine whether immune responsiveness or tolerance ensues. Effective activation of T cells requires the expression of co-stimulatory molecules on the surface of the APC. Therefore, presentation by dendritic cells or activated macrophages that express high levels of MHC class II molecules, in addition to co-stimulatory molecules, results in highly effective T cell activation. Furthermore, the interaction of CD40L on activated T cells with CD40 on dendritic cells is important for the high-level production of IL-12 necessary for the generation of an effective TH1 response.

If antigen is presented to T cells by a ‘non-professional’ APC that is unable to provide co-stimulation, unresponsiveness, or immune deviation results. For example, when naive T cells are exposed to antigen by resting B cells they fail to respond and become tolerized. Experimental observations illustrate this point.

Neonatal animals are more susceptible to tolerance induction. Therefore mice administered MBP in incomplete Freund’s adjuvant during the neonatal period are resistant to the induction of EAE. This is due to the development of a dominant TH2 response (see Fig. 11.1). The prior TH2 response to MBP prevents the development of the TH1/TH17 pathological response, which mediates EAE. This effect is not restricted to neonatal animals. Indeed, adult Lewis rats can be tolerized to the induction of EAE by similar administration of MBP in incomplete Freund’s adjuvant.

Adjuvants may facilitate immune responses by inducing the expression of high levels of MHC and co-stimulatory molecules on APCs. Furthermore, their ability to activate Langerhans’ cells leads to the migration of these skin dendritic cells to the local draining lymph nodes where effective T cell activation can occur.

The importance of dendritic cells in initiating a cytotoxic T lymphocyte (CTL) response is illustrated by experiments showing that newborn female mice injected with male spleen cells fail to develop a CTL response to the male antigen, H-Y. However, if male dendritic cells are injected into female newborn mice, a good H-Y-specific CTL response develops.

T cell regulation of the immune response

Differentiation into CD4+ TH subsets is an important step in selecting effector functions

A single TH cell precursor is able to differentiate into a variety of phenotypes, the best characterized and understood being the TH1 and TH2 phenotypes. A recently-described subset, TH17 (producing IL-17A and IL-17F), is proposed to have important roles in mucosal immunity to certain bacteria and fungi. The differentiation fates of TH cells are crucial to the generation of effective immunity; factors that may influence the differentiation of TH cells include:

The cytokine balance controls T cell differentiation

IL-12 is a potent initial stimulus for IFNγ production by T cells and natural killer (NK) cells and therefore promotes TH1 differentiation. IFNα, a cytokine produced early during viral infection, induces IL-12 and can also switch cells from a TH2 to a TH1 profile.

By contrast, early production of IL-4 favors the generation of TH2 cells. NKT cells, specialized macrophages (called alternatively activated macrophages) and basophils have all been suggested to be early producers of IL-4.

Very recent studies have suggested the existence of a novel TH2 promoting innate cell population present in gut associated lymphoid tissues (GALT). These cells respond rapidly to the cytokines IL-25 and IL-33, which can be produced by epithelial cells, in response to antigens derived from helminths or allergens. These cells have been reported to produce large amounts of IL-5 and IL-13, with lesser amounts of IL-4.

TH17 cells in mice develop in the presence of TGFβ with IL-6 or IL-21 and share an interesting reciprocal developmental relationship with inducible Tregs, which is discussed in more detail below.

Cytokines from the various TH subsets can cross-regulate each other’s development. Thus, cross-regulation of TH subsets has been demonstrated whereby IFNγ secreted by TH1 cells can inhibit the responsiveness of TH2 cells; also IL-17A can inhibit the development of TH1 responses (Fig. 11.4) whereas IL-10 produced by TH2 cells downregulates B7 and IL-12 expression by APCs, which in turn inhibits TH1 activation.

The TH subset balance is modulated not only by the level of expression of cytokines such as IL-12 or IL-4, but also by expression of cytokine receptors. For instance, the high-affinity IL-12R is composed of two chains, β1 and β2, with both chains being constitutively expressed on TH1 cells. TH1, TH2, and TH17 cells express the β1 chain, but expression of the β2 chain is induced by IFNγ and inhibited by IL-4 (Fig. 11.5). Therefore cytokines reinforce the lineage decisions of the various TH subsets at least in part by controlling the expression of lineage specific receptors.

An immune response therefore tends to settle into a TH1, TH2 or TH17 type of response, but immune responses are not always strongly polarized in this way particularly in humans. It is conceptually useful to consider TH1 and TH2 as extremes on a scale, and TH1 and TH2 responses do play different roles both in immune defence and immunopathology. However it is important to appreciate that other TH subsets such as TH17 do exist and that the well-established TH1/TH2 paradigm is an oversimplification. It should also be noted that some recent studies have suggested that many TH subsets are in fact not terminally differentiated; and when given the right signals; some TH cells can undergo conversion to another phenotype.

TH cell subsets determine the type of immune response

It is clear that:

TH1 cytokines including IFNγ, TNFβ, and IL-2 also promote:

TH2 clones are typified by production of IL-4, IL-5, IL-9, IL-10 and IL-13 (see Fig. 11.4). These cells provide optimal help for humoral immune responses biased towards:

TH17 cell cytokines include IL-17A, IL-17F, TNFα, and IL-22. Since many stromal cells express receptors for these cytokines the effects of TH17 cells can promote inflammation. In addition:

Therefore, in essence, TH1 cells are associated with cell-mediated inflammatory reactions and TH2 cells are associated with strong antibody and allergic responses. TH17 cells appear important in defense against certain infections, particularly at mucosal surfaces.

Jun 18, 2016 | Posted by in IMMUNOLOGY | Comments Off on Regulation of the Immune Response

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